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How tired are you of the CM Punk chants from the PG Kids?


Dark Match Jobber
They ruined wrestling. These PG kids chanting for Punk even when he left them. It's extremly funny one side of it, they are not the intelligent kind.

Still these morons chants for him and in matches were there are other wrestlers.

I agreed with people that said that the crowd nowadays wants to be the stars.

How sick and tired are you of the PG Kids chanting?
Not sure what you mean by "PG Kids" but Wrestling fans in general I'd have to say yes I am sick and tired of hearing them. They are stupid considering that they are chanting for a guy who walked out on them because of his own selfish views on his position in the company. I would not say they ruined wrestling per-say but it's defo annoying for sure.

To me what's more annoying than the CM Punk chants are The Yes chants, now they ARE annoying and IMO ruining the parts of the show. I mean for christ sake, atleast cheer for the guys who are there week in and week out performing for them. CM Punk reached his ceiling and will never go any higher, even if does return he'll never main event a WrestleMania.
People want punk

its the bottom line, you pay to go to the show and you get to cheer or boo for who ever you want and if you want punk you can chant for him and if not then suck it up princess, we all have to put up with guys we dont like.

Mostly I think its a little disrespectful to the other wrestlers , they're trying to push forward a story or gimmick and its hard to compete with a guy who was as popular as punk was .

but on the other hand wrestling wouldn't be anything with out the crowd so you gotta give some leeway
Not particularly sick and tired, but I think it all depends on the context. Chanting his name during a decent match between two workers like Christian and Sheamus gets under my skin a little bit; I think it borders of disrespectful and strikes me as a crowd trying to be bigger the the match, which detracts from the show rather than adding to it. That doesn't just go for CM Punk chants, it goes for all of the random, 'quirky' ones. I think that the best crowds pick and choose their moments.
If all those stupid "What?!" chants didn't ruin wrestling, then "CM Punk" chants didn't either, and won't.

We don't know Punk's side of the story yet. (Heck, we barely know anything for certain beyond "he's gone"). For all we know, the fans may have been the thing that held him in the game for as long as he did stay, and it's purely backstage politics that's why he departed, though my money is on the E's silence toward its talent on how the WWE Network will replace PPV revenues.

As for the fans, while I sometimes find their their impatience annoying and wish they'd let a match build up before chanting (as well as crapping on some decent matches), they did pay their money and they do have the right to speak their minds.
If all those stupid "What?!" chants didn't ruin wrestling, then "CM Punk" chants didn't either, and won't.

Exactly. Chanting "What?" while a wrestler is trying to cut a promo for more than 10 years is fine, but chanting "CM Punk" is suddenly disrespectful?
Fans used to chant "Austin" all the time in the attitude era, but all that is fine?

It's like several people have said. Once the fans have paid for a seat, they can chant whatever they want.
If the people who chant were 100% sure he wasn't coming back, I doubt they'd bother to make their feelings known during shows. Ironically, WWE is a victim of their own cleverness from the Punk era; in 2011, the company wanted us to never be quite sure whether Punk's rantings represented his rebellion against the establishment.....or simply a program in which he used his superb speaking ability to make us think he was rebelling. That's been his stock-in-trade ever since.

Now that he's gone, we don't know if his departure is for real or not. So, the people in the arena chant, seemingly hoping that if they keep it up, CM Punk will pop his head out the curtain and resume what he had been doing. The folks at Raw in Chicago a couple weeks ago sure thought that, didn't they? I did, too.

It's funny, really.....the company totally succeeded in keeping us guessing during the Punk era.....and now they're having a hard time turning off the effect.

Got to give credit to WWE for their handling of the Chicago mess. Management knew damn well how the crowd would be reacting.....so, instead of trying to avoid any mention of Punk and looking to gloss over his non-appearance on the show..... they met the challenge head on, playing Punk's theme song and bringing out Paul Heyman to openly discuss Punk, giving the crowd the impression Punk might be standing backstage, waiting to come out and give 'em what they wanted. I can't fault WWE and say they lied to us; after all, they told us (through Heyman) that Punk wasn't there. If the crowd chose to keep chanting during the 3 hours, that's on them.

So yes, I'm tired of the chants (they even show up on closed-captioned TV) but if Phil Brooks is really gone, I think that after WM30, even those die-hard Punk fans will have gotten the message.

Meanwhile.....chant away, if that's your pleasure.
I think the better question here is how tired are we of people talking about CM Punk? You hate on the people that pay their money to have a good time at a WWE show when they chant what they want. If you're talking about actual kids when you say "PG Kids", shame on you. Kids don't know the difference between a work and reality. They can do what they want. But yet here you are... talking about CM Punk. Until there's some concrete evidence that he's coming back (which to me, is going to be him physically in a WWE ring), I would personally love if nobody talked about him period. It's done to death.

If I hear one more time about "we don't know if this is a work or not" or something along those lines, I'm going to lose my mind. He's gone. Deal with it. Let. It. Go.
They ruined wrestling. These PG kids chanting for Punk even when he left them. It's extremly funny one side of it, they are not the intelligent kind.

They ruined wrestling by being extremely funny?

Still these morons chants for him and in matches were there are other wrestlers.

He was over before he left, the memory lingers on.

I agreed with people that said that the crowd nowadays wants to be the stars.

The crowd is trying to draw attention to themselves, and not to CM Punk? I haven't heard a "WE ARE AWESOME!! CLAP CLAP CLAP-CLAP-CLAP!!" chant yet.

How sick and tired are you of the PG Kids chanting?

I guess I don't know enough PG Kids to give that question an honest answer. It sounds like you're saying that only the adults in the audience should be permitted to chant for CM Punk because PG Kids make you narcoleptic.
This thread is one / two weeks late.

I think people should focus on WrestleMania 30.

D-Bry will finally get the WWE title.

The Shield are turning face.

Brock-Taker will be good I guess.

Warrior is finally going into the HOF.

Let's please forget about punk. He's easily replaceable.
I'm tired of people talking about CM Punk, period.. What's the big deal? He walked out, now people can't shut up about him. There's breaking news alerts just because he's going to be on "Talking Dead", He leaves the wrestling business to try and get away from shit like this, and people are still yapping about him... I don't understand why people think CM Punk is going to return, he gave no indication he's returning. For God sake, WWE almost erased his name from the history books, i thought they were going to go that far. People still think he's coming back. Punk has said numerous times he wasn't re-signing when his contract expired in July. Since he walked out a few months before his contract expired, why would Punk even think about coming back? Punk walking out clearly shows he's fed up with the business. So people, just move on from CM Punk. There's no use in crying over spilled milk.
Indeed chant away. I always thought this was legit. Punk is an odd-bird to say the least,a bit surly and well hardheaded. Punk is one of those few that marches to his own drummer and doesn't bow down to the masses. Much respect for him to do that..

WWE handled the chicago venue the best they could.. Very well done,and this die-hard punk fan here knows 98%that punk is not coming back.. He has said often,when he is done he is done.. And will disappear into the mountains somewhere... Chant away fans Mr Phil Brooks is not coming back and after WM30 sadly,those other punk fans will realize that fact
If anybody here worked a job where they were not satisfied with their treatment and didn't like what they did anymore, PLUS the fact that they have the financial stability and backup to quit, they would. You expect to view CM Punk as some form of traitor and his fans to be stupid and annoying. Let me shed some news on you:

"CM Punk" chants were live and ongoing on his first ever match in ECW back in 2006. I don't think the crowd was full of "PG kids" back then.

CM Punk chants, like any other chants, are fun to do and the more the merrier. Fans paid their ticket to do what they want. If its your opinion that they're being annoying, I would ask you to go talk the crowd in Chicago and tell them that they're lame and annoying. Yeah, I thought so.

You seem like you hate CM Punk. So in case you don't know, a lot of his fans who chant his name are fans of his work in the Independent promotions, ROH, OVW, and ECW. He already established himself as main-event superstar before entering in the WWE. He got actual respect and huge attention AFTER his pipebomb in 2011 (which he was doing back in the indie scene and other promotions anyways)

People like him because he is gold on the mic, one of the hottest stars in the WWE since a couple of years, and that he is different. A hybrid of a talker and performer that cannot be argued because he put on amazing matches.

What he wanted was to main-event Wrestlemania. He doesn't care if he is a heel or face, its just what he wanted. To be placed on a ranking where you would think that you'll be vaulted to the top, then have your title dropped to a part timer and have the longest reign in the past 25 years to be cut short to a man in a match we had already seen last year .... was stupid. Yeah, he should have been in the main-event in Wrestlemania. He wasn't then and wouldn't have been this year. So he is pissed off, and damn right too.

Ask yourself if you would rather have seen CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan in the main-event at Wrestlemania 30 or Orton Vs Batista (with Bryan now added into the mix)? CM Punk chants are being made because people want to see him back and not be fed this overload of crap that already happened before Batista split 4 years ago. The chants have never been annoying to me and that is agreeable with everybody who chants it as well.

You're entitled to your opinion, but this sounds like another hate thread that is digging out old wounds.
Not sure who these "PG Kids" are you're talking about since adult males are the ones who chant Punk the most. However, the CM Punk chants have very, very much died down over the course of the past week. There was only one chant on Raw this past Monday, which lasted maybe 10 or 12 seconds, and I don't believe there were any on SmackDown!. Since Raw in Chicago a few weeks back, if the various reports are true, a lot of fans seem to have either lost or were losing patience with Punk. According to social media reports, the majority of Tweets that went on during Raw in Chicago mentioning CM Punk were negative towards him. Frankly, I thought Chicago would eat WWE alive but they very much enjoyed most of the show, and it was a strong show after all.

As I've always said, IF[/B CM Punk was unhappy in WWE, then maybe leaving was the right thing for him. That's not to say that I agree with the way he did it. People paid to see him that night and the fact that he just walked out half an hour before the show was a dick thing to do, in my opinion. And yeah, in my opinion, I think it was unprofessional. I've been a big fan of Punk since he arrived in WWE and still am, but I definitely don't agree with the bullshit double standard some fans have. Some are of the opinion that, "Well yeah, it was unprofessional but since he did it to WWE, then it's okay."

If WrestleMania comes and goes with nary a sign of CM Punk in sight, which I think is how it'll be, then I expect the CM Punk chants to disappear altogether soon after.
I like the fact that fans are letting wwe know when they are not happy with things they need some encouragment at times but if the reports are to be believed then punk has stormed out on wwe when they are trying to set up there biggest wrestling ppv ever not to mention he hasnt even had the decency to offer his fans any sort of reason why so the words dick head suit him quite well imo.i thought he was fun to watch but nothing too special and i predict he will go crawling back to wwe for a job when his money and celebrity status starts to dissapear.its pretty pointless chanting for a brat like that.
I am way more sick and tired of people posting how sick and tired they are about CM Punk chants, Daniel Bryan's "undeserved" push, and the fans daring to cheer for who they want to cheer for. It's not the PGA Tour. Get over yourselves.
Exactly. Chanting "What?" while a wrestler is trying to cut a promo for more than 10 years is fine, but chanting "CM Punk" is suddenly disrespectful?
Fans used to chant "Austin" all the time in the attitude era, but all that is fine?

It's like several people have said. Once the fans have paid for a seat, they can chant whatever they want.

I was at a wrestling show last night in London. The crowd started chanting All Night Long, by Lionel Richie. Sonjay Dutt and El Ligero started dancing for the crowd instead. I don't see an issue with stuff like that. We even got the whole way to the main event (Colt Cabana vs Marty Scurll) before people started a Yes chant.

Unless it's D-Bryan or someone relate to his angle in the ring, Yes chants just are irritating.

During that main event there were CM Punk chants also, but I think that's acceptable because Cabana hit a GTS and is Punk's best friend.
The CM Punk chants are going to be around for awhile, possibly years. As others said its like the "What?" chants or the "Yes!" chants. People chant CM Punk now because it's what you do. Do I care for it, no, but I am getting used to it. The only time I really think it's ironic or not smart is when they chant for Punk during a Daniel Bryan segment.

I dislike for the chants go beyond the chant itself, down to not understanding the fans and my loss of respect for CM Punk.
"PG kids?" that's such a dumb label. Fans are fans. I am sick of the chants though. He left, went on vacation, is hurt, aka he's not there. chanting his name during a mid card or divas match ain't doing anything but showing the WWE you aren't interested in things that need support and it hurts the people that are getting on TV in his stead. Until his music hits and he walks out on that stage, quit the damn chants He's not there. Tweet him if you wanna show him your support.
CM Punk is someone the people still want to see perform. I'm a Punk fan and it sucks that he left the way he did. Whether its a work or not its still interesting to see what happens leading into WM30. After all, if him leaving is the "only" reason DB is in the spot where he is, then he got the change he wanted. (even though DB was gonna be there eventually
Indeed chant away. I always thought this was legit. Punk is an odd-bird to say the least,a bit surly and well hardheaded. Punk is one of those few that marches to his own drummer and doesn't bow down to the masses. Much respect for him to do that..

WWE handled the chicago venue the best they could.. Very well done,and this die-hard punk fan here knows 98%that punk is not coming back.. He has said often,when he is done he is done.. And will disappear into the mountains somewhere... Chant away fans Mr Phil Brooks is not coming back and after WM30 sadly,those other punk fans will realize that fact

This sums it up for me, I also think the unprofessional argument is unfair until we hear some actual details, professionalism is a two-way street and who is to say WWE didn't act unprofessionally towards him? People also seem to neglect the fact he waited all day to speak to Vince as he wanted to tell him directly, hardly his fault that he had to wait and there was no point in going out and working an angle if you plan to leave the very next day.

I'd love for him to return but I think he's done and I respect the fact he had the strength of his convictions to leave that Mania payday on the table, most people would ****e themselves out for it and then walk out.

As for the chanting, I can see why fans might chant his name at Triple H and Steph as that is where the beef seems to be, but other than that it's just a waste of time and if you're bored with a match then go get a drink or take a leak rather than crapping on some poor guys that aren't over.

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