How The GOP Stopped START


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For those of you that aren't familiar, the START Treaty is a treaty signed by the president of Russia and Obama, agreeing to allow inspectors from the other country to inspect the dismantling of nuclear weapons to prevent a nuclear black market from beginning. These treaties have been in place for years and are considered more or less universally considered a good idea. In short, do you want any random rich country (read as Iran) to be able to buy a freshly made Russian nuke? I think that sums it up.

So the Presidents signed up the treaty and we need 2/3 of Congress to sign off on it. Every big time national security guy/girl has said it's a great idea. Treaties just like these have been in place for nearly 25 years. Like I said, it's almost universally considered a good idea. The House passed it easily. Previous versions of these treaties (3 of them I believe) have had a total of 6 votes of no from the Senate combined.

And now this one was filibustered. Since it was an Obama idea, the Senate GOP voted not to pass it. So now it's coming up again to get to it before the lame duck Congress ends. And the GOP is bitching again. Here are some of the excuses (paraphrased since I'm too lazy to look up the quotes):

"This isn't the will of the people after the elections this November."

Yes because the votes for the GOP, as in the party all about national defense, means we want less knowledge about nuclear weapons.

"We're tired from doing so much the past few weeks!"

Those 12 hour days of talking all day about laws must be EXHAUSTING, especially after just saying "I object" for the whole year.

"Working this hard is being disrespectful to one of the holiest of Christian holidays! (Said on December 15th, in response to Reid saying that we may need to work through Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to get to all the stuff that was filibustered)."

Yet you'll have soldiers, fireman and policemen work on those days no?

"The Democratic leader (Harry Reid) has shoved all these things through without letting there be proper debate!"

As in we need to read these 1200+ page bills aloud in the Senate (true story that happened last week).

Should be noted that at least two of these were said after DADT was repealed, which was a big thing the GOP was against. It's possible that this treaty will not get passed in this Congress and it's even less likely it would in the next one.

God bless the GOP, especially when we might get a nuke shot at us. But hey, at least you didn't have to work a few more days before Christmas right?
But KB, it's CHRISTMAS! Most of GOP were talking about their family members instead of using the time allotted for debate about the treaty. Haven't they had 20 months to debate this thing? I'm afraid to even think about the lack of attention the 9/11 First Responders bill will get this week, if any.
Republicans = Hippocrates.

C’mon, the logic is simple. If this treaty has been declared good before by BOTH former democratic and republican presidents for many years passed, why the fuck can’t they just put these stupid political games down for once and do what is ACTUALLY good for our country.

What’s that? You’re nothing more than pieces of shits who are too stupid to do anything right? And you'd rather spend you're time at home like a lazy fuck? I see. Gotcha.

This is sad.
I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. I have genuine fear that the GOP is going to let this silly grudge ruin our country. I'm especially concerned about the Bush Tax Cuts being extended, but this is almost equally troubling. North Korea is already threatening to drop a nuclear bomb, if Iran gets their hands on that technology we could have some extremely tense situations going on. Then again, they'll probably find a way to blame that on Obama too.
What comes off as saddest to me is that it seems like they might want the economy and everything else to fall apart in the next two years so taht they can win the 2012 race. As much of an exaggeration as that is, is it really that unlikely?
I think that's what they want (to win in 2012); they're so caught up on wanting to win that they are probably willing to lead us through another depression just so they have it sold.

And to think, weren't Republicans once the party of Lincoln and the anti-slavery progressives? Damn, have they come far.
Worst of all, their leader cries on the Senate floor about tax bills and not about dead soldiers or unemployed Americans.

The mass hypocracy has broken a new record.

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