How should Undertaker retire?

I think to send Taker off WWE needs to have undertaker have a last match at Wrestlemania. They need to have him face Bray Wyatt. But this time have undertakers career on the line. It could be career vs staying. I mean the Wyatt family will have to leave if Bray loses. They could set it up by having Bray saying he's the darkest person in WWE today. Then Undertaker's music hits and Bray is freaking out. Then have Taker say that if he wants to be the darkest and creepiest person in the WWE he will have to put the dead man down forever. Then Taker says he will put his career online the line if the wyatts put their existence in the WWE. Bray says he will bring his buzzards and Taker said he will bring his fellow dead men with him.

Then have Taker win at WM and come out the next night on raw. Have his say that he is going to go away for sometime. But that this isn't the last time you will see him in WWE. Then the Wyatt familys music hits. The lights go out. Then they come back on and the wyatts have surrounded the deadman. They then attack. Not very much or hard though cause at the end of the attack Bray does sister Abigail on him. They stand over the fallen dead man. They leave the ring. When they get to the top of the ramp undertaker sits up. Gets on his feet and picks his mic back up and says, " if you don't want the follow the rules of our match that you losed. Then i have some people who will want a peice of you." Then Kanes music hits and he walks out. bray putts Rowan and Harper in front of him and Bray says," Kane is your only person who wants to fight us. Haha thats funny Taker." Then The light go out agian and then the Acesions music hits and the lights come back on. And its Kane and The Acesion now standing on the stage. They all look at each other and take off and start to brawl with the Wyatt family. After Kane and the acesion beat them down and Bray gets away. They look up at Taker and they give him a thumbs up and all bow to saying you had an amazing career. Then they walk to the back. Everyone is now looking at Taker and he gots down on one knee and does his thing. Then the lights turn off. When they come back on Takers coat and hat were in the middle of the ring.

This does
1. Gives Taker one last match and leaves people with a good memory of him and a win
2. It gives Bray more of a Heel look
3. It gives the whole Wyatt family something new to do
4. It gives Kane something to do other then be corprate Kane and not win very much
5. It brings The Acension up
6. It gives Vince And Triple H to have The Acension be heel or baby face. Cause you could end this story woth the Acension turning on Kane after they lose (if thats what they decide to have them do) or they could just go there seprate ways and tag for big reasons. Or they could even feud with the authority
Alright so I'm gonna totally mark out here....

A month or 2 ahead of WrestleMania Taker makes his usual, awesome, scary return to WWE. But instead of jumping straight on his future WM opponent, he turns his attention to 'corporate' Kane. He shames Kane for making such allies and convinces him to join with the Undertaker. The brothers of destruction rampage on the WWE. Taking out anyone and everyone they want to. Just like they did back in the day. Have Kane win the royal rumble. Then kane give his title match to Taker so he can take revenge on Lesnar. Have Undertaker announce it will be his last match ever.

Taker gets a rematch with Lesnar for the Title at WM. After a good match, Taker wins the title and has his revenge for the 1 loss at WM.

The next night on Raw they should honor the Undertaker, do the best show to honor a wrestler that's eve been done. At the end, have all the wrestlers and legends, and whoever else come out for a ceremony. At the end of the ceremony the bell tolls, and the lights go out.

When they come back on, the Undertaker has vanished as usual, but for good this time. Only the WWE strap lays where he once stood.

The Undertaker has been the only one that has remained loyal to WWE through it all. He was there to fight Hogan, Austin, And the Rock while each was at the top of their game. Hogan made wrestling popular, Austin made it a billion dollar industry, and the Rock help change it from wrestling to sports entertainment. WCW nearly crushed WWE and took all the talent they grew. Even HBK wanted to go to WCW.

But through all of that the Undertaker was the only true staple of WWE. Takers stayed the course and he is probably the best wrestler, never to go beyond wrestling. He stayed there being a top talent while others jumped ship to Hollywood, WCW, and reality TV. And for this he should receive a greater honoring than the rest.
The Undertaker kept wrestling from being something else.
I don't think Taker needs to go out with a win, much less a title win. After Shawn Michaels lost at WM26, he came out the next night on Raw and announced that he was done and only HHH came out to bid farewell, nobody else. I don't see why the Undertaker couldn't go out the same way. He would have to break character in order to have a 'Thank you Taker' segment on Raw so it probably wouldn't work anyway. I think he should have gone back to being Biker Taker before WM.
I really hope taker vs lesnar wasnt the last time we will see taker wrestle.i get the whole going out on your back thing but when it happened to hbk and flair they put up great fights and it was a very classy end but taker got a concussion early on and hardly seemed to know where the hell he was for most of the match plus he got absolutely battered and took forever getting to his feet afterwards only to have some idiot in the front row loudly yell you suck at him i think thats a pretty crappy way for the deadman to go out.

If i could choose how he retires it would definatly be the sting match.even at their ages it still has the potential to be great imo not to mention the promos and mind games leading up to second choice would be some sort of scenario involving kane as long as its not corporate kane as it would just make sense considering their long history and give closure to that story.
They should start asking the question if the Undertaker is retired. After a number of weeks the Undertaker appears and states that he refuses to go out a loser so he is coming back for one more match... and he loses! So the next year they do it again, and he loses again! A new streak has begun. A LOSING streak. Undertaker vows not to retire until he wins. After about five years he finally gets his win and gets to retire with dignity.
Boy with the blue ball, I think you are missing a big part of the discussion . Undertaker is getting quite old and he's very battered. Not battered like a fried chicken, battered like Ray Rice & Mayweather's wives. There is no reason to put the man into a ... what match was that? Tables Ladders Chair Fire and Casket match?

Snap back to reality WOAH there goes gravity... Let's bring it down to earth and the realm of possibility, please.

On the off chance that you're still roaming (trolling) the forums with a new name (as I've noticed yours has been banned), here's my response to you.

"Boy with blue ball"? Here's a tip: A joke isn't funny when the person telling it is unaware that the subject of his joke was already subtley telling the same joke. Now, back to the subject at hand.

If a wrestler has had a long, storied, career and wants to retire, he'd more than likely want to end it with a bang. Given Undertaker's health as of late, I believe that it would only make sense to have other guys do most of the heavy-lifting in the ring, while Taker still participates in the match but to a less strenuous degree.

You hear a hypothetical casket match and idiotically assume that in my scenario, Taker is the one who will receive the brunt of damage when it could very well be Kane and (very likely), Bray Wyatt. That means that you missed the point. The match being so over-the-top is to fulfill the need of having Taker's final match be a fitting one to his career. You know, the whole "going out with a bang" thing. Also, the point in having Kane involved in the storyline is because they are kayfabe brothers in the WWE. If anyone wants to send him off into a hellish sunset, it's his twisted brother, Kane. Wyatt's involvement would be due to wanting to proclaim himself the new majestically masterful "dead man" in the WWE. (Hell, the Wyatt character even claims to have no soul).

The thread is about how we would book it (fantasy booking)'s not about what we think will happen. Enjoy Bannedville...and please take your Eminem quotes with you.

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