How should The Undertaker return?


Pre-Show Stalwart

We have heard that now The Undertaker is expected to return around Summerslam time. My question is: "How will he return?"

I also want to go on record and say; with the time that Undertaker has had off so far, taking time to rehab old injuries (hips most specifically). The Undertaker will return at the best he has ever been I truely believe.

In his return I don't think he NEEDS another run with the title to keep him as the Godfather of Smackdown. I would like to see him with another reign, Nonetheless I think that when he does return this run will be known as "The Undertaker's Golden Run."

As for how he will return, I'm not too sure, but I'll give it a go..

Edge vs. Jeff Hardy at Extreme Rules in a Ladder Match. Jeff Hardy looks posed to win, but both men hit a clothesline at the same time. Jeff is the first up they are both exhausted at this point Jeff is about to hit a Twist of Fate when CM Punk's music hits but he doesn't actually appear (causing a distraction.) Allowing Edge to low blow Hardy. Then Edge climbs the ladder and stops half way, then comes back down and taunts a Spear to finish off Jeff for sure. Hardy dodges and hits the Twist of Fate, then low and behold Matt Hardy runs down the ramp not hiding the fact that he is there to screw Jeff (no DQ) then there wil be Jeffs final spot in WWE, he dives off the ladder doing a senton to the outside taking out Matt, allowing Edge the stage to climb the ladder. JR will be saying "NO! NO! NOT THIS WAY!!!!" Then Edge wins. Jeff's done with WWE. Then CM Punk's music hits again and he runs down with the Money in the Bank breifcase still beaten and bruised after being beaten by Umaga. He cashes in and wins (now Umaga is gone). Punk closes the night.

Edge gets a return match at "The Bash" after Extreme Rules he loses. Then after the match the lights go out; "BONG!" AHHHHHHH! The place erupts. Taker appears in the ring and does his throat cut taunt and then "BONG!" cue lights. Taker's gone. CM is left to worry in the ring. Awesome programme of respect between Punk and 'Taker maybe tagging against Edge and Jericho one week. Jeff Hardy has been wished well by this point. Edge constantly tries to get involved in the picture, but both Punk and Taker always manage to take him out of the equation. Edge and Undertaker have a number one contenders match, Edge loses because Jericho screws him somehow. (This builds towards Edge's face turn too, because he starts to taste his own medicine, Punk cashing in MITB on him for the second time, Jericho costing him the match). Then we have the match made, The Undertaker vs. CM Punk for the World Championship at Night of Champions. Edge says he was screwed out of the shot and Undertaker has his match at Night of Champions with CM Punk. Taker dominates mostly, then Shawn Michaels runs down and costs Taker the match he Superkicks him and it is similar to the way he Superkicked Hogan. Edge gaurentees Undertaker won't leave as Champion. HBK superkicks Taker when the ref is out. Punk says he won't accept a victory this way, then lifts 'Taker to his feet as a show of respect, Michaels Superkicks him again as Taker starts to fight back against Punk after nearly leaving. Punk shouts at Shawn; "What are you doing?!" The ref sees this time and DQ's Punk and the winner by DQ is Taker but he doesn't win the title.

Thats my idea, it sets up HBK/Taker II and it also leaves the door open for a lot of other matches, Punk/Edge, or Punk (Face) vs. Edge (tweener) vs. Jericho (heel) for the World Title at Summerslam.

Undertaker has two opponents with three major slots, which makes things difficult. Jericho and Umaga - Summerslam, Survivor Series, and WrestleMania.

If you go under the assumption that Undertaker might retire at WrestleMania 26, he should face Kane in my opinion. This would mean the best options are Taker/Jericho for Summerslam and Taker/Umaga for Survivor Series. Why? Because the Undertaker and Umaga are two guys that don't fit well in the multi-man matches at 'Series and the ppv always needs some sort of singles "brawl" contest outside of the two or three championships. Jericho and Undertaker is a big match, which fits the big summer ppv.

So how would I have him return and start his Jericho program? Frankly, I don't know. Writer's block. However, I sure as hell don't want to see another "Jericho calls someone out, calls them a hypocritical parasite, and continues to do so for 15 weeks" type feud.
I'd love to see Undertaker vs Triple H Hell In A Cell at some point. Not sure why he would but I'd love to see Triple H turn heel by attacking the Undertaker on his return. I don't mind Triple H face or heel but he's been a face for a little too long now and there's no chance of successfully turning Undertaker heel because his appearances are so sporadic. Have Undertaker return out of nowhere in the middle of an Edge match on Smackdown, cost him the match, the two wrestle at the next PPV, Taker with the advantage and then Triple H comes from nowhere and sledgehammers the fuck out of Taker just as he's about to win. Again, can't really work out why Triple H would do this, but it would be cool to see it culminate in a Hell In A Cell match.
I believe they are going to have Jericho start a program with Undertaker culminating in a match at Summerslam but how is the question. I'm tired of Jericho talking about the fans calling them all different kinds of parasites and whatnot. I guess after Extreme Rules (assuming he beats Mysterio) Jericho can say that he is unstoppable and that nobody on Smackdown can beat him or something of the sort and then Undertaker can came out.
I gonna have to agree with NoFate.

But this is how would plan out his return.

The Bash's main event is an Triple Threat Match for the WHC.

Edge vs Jeff vs Y2J

During a spot in the match Y2J has Hardy in the Walls and looks like he has the match wrapped up but then he hears the DONG!... but nothing happens,
Jericho gets frightened and lets go Edge comes in spears Y2J and gets the win. On the next SD! Jericho says that the match was B.S and how Taker screwed him. DONG! Taker is in the ring and looks at Jerciho then vanishes and there feud cont. to setup a match at SummerSlam.
I guess you guys don't realize that Jericho is in for a long term feud with rey rey. And also, it doesn't appear Jeff Hardy is going anywhere. What if Taker were to turn heel and start a program with Jeff? Say he costs him a title match and whatnot. There usually isn't any rhyme or reason to Takers feuds so it wouldn't be hard to pull off.
Hmmm... Well I've been thinking of a way for Edge vs Jeff to end with a Punk victory at Extreme Rules. Since I'm bored I'll add a Undertaker return in (even though he isn't returning till around Summerslam)

So at extreme rules, early in the evening Punk will beat Umaga in the strap match. The main event will be Jeff vs Edge. The match will last ages and with about 10 minutes to go, both edge and Jeff are climbing the ladder. They both are at the top punching each other. Suddenly Punk appears and push both of them off the ladder. He yells at the ref saying he is now in the match. After a few seconds of confusion the ref announces the match is now a triple threat match. Punk then GTS's Edge and throws Jeff out of the ring. He climbs the ladder and we have a new champion. (Now to add in the Undertaker) Punk is celebrating when suddenly the lights go out. A gong plays, a already hot crowd gets even hotter. The lights return and Undertaker is in the ring. He grabs Punk by the throat and Chokeslams him.

The show ends with Taker holding the World title in the air with new Champion Punk Laid out, and Edge and Jeff sitting on the outside confused and angered.

or a Summerslam return

Ignore the Taker returning at ER and leave it to the GAB, everything besides the taker return would happen though. At the GAb in a triple threat involving Edge vs Jeff vs (c) CM Punk no DQ. Near the end Jeff hits the TOF on Edge and swantons him, 1 2 and Punk breaks it up, he is about to hit the GTS on Jeff when the lights go out. You hear the Gong. Lights return, Edge is half up in the corner, Punk drops hardy. Punk and Taker stair off. They approach each other when suddenly Taker turns his attention to Jeff, he punches him. He starts beating on Jeff in the corner. In the mean time Edge goes for a spear while Punk is distracted and misses. Taker focuses his attention on Punk and Edge, He throws both of them outside the ring. He re-focuses on Jeff. He chokeslams and Tombstones Jeff. The lights go out and he is gone. On the outside Edge spears Punk as he gets to his feat. Edge hits the spear on Punk outside of the ring, goes in the ring and pins Jeff. 1 2 3, new champion Edge

Then at Summerslam
Jeff Hardy vs Undertaker
Edge (c) vs CM Punk
According to the Sun newspaper, a possible feud WWE is considering for 'Taker upon his return is one with Dolph Ziggler!! I could actually think of worse feuds to be honest, Ziggler has impressed me lately but not so sure if he is ready for 'Taker just yet...
I read about the Ziggler feud too, and i can kinda see it happening.

After Ziggler jobs to Khali for another week or too maybe by some fluke he gets a win... The following week he comes to the ring and claims he beat Khali so theres no-one else in the locker room who can beat him (cocky arrogant heel style)... Lights go out, BONG, Lights come up, Undertaker standing behind Ziggler, Ziggler turns and is dropped by a big right hand... This is followed by a feud culminating in maybe a buried alive match or a casket match at a PPV (not sure which one). It wouldnt be a great feud but if the writers do push this feud this is how i see it happening.

Personally id like to see Undertaker having one last program with Kane before he retires, culminating in a Buried alive match at Wrestlemania 26 (i know iv already mentioned a BA match for Ziggler feud but come on its the undertakers speciality match).
Personally, I would LOVE to see an Undertaker / Jeff Hardy feud.

I know these guys have wrestled several times in their careers, but there has never been a legitimate feud between two of my favorite wrestlers (it's selfish, but it's my post so I can be that way :))

This is actually one of my favorite matches of all time... PART 1 PART 2

As for the setup, I think Jeff will win the belt at Extreme Rules on Sunday and will hold it for a few months. He's the most over guy on the Smackdown roster right now, so it would only make sense for him to headline Summerslam and what better way to bring back Taker than at the second biggest PPV in WWE's arsenal.

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