How should Mark Henry be booked when he returns?


Championship Contender
Here's a guy who is so damn good, but just can't catch a break with injuries galore. He was last on tv fighting The Shield with The Usos. He's lost some weight from the pictures I've seen and finally shaved his head and got rid of that awful comb over. He looks even more badass than before now.

So does he pick up where he left off?

I think he has to come back as monster heel, personally. He's unbelievably great to watch as a monster heel. Who does he feud with? I'd love to see him fight Cena for the WHC at the Rumble. They're trying to make the World Title relevant again? Well, they're going in the right direction by putting it on Cena. But give him the right opponents. You could have him come back as Triple H's gun for hire to take care of Big Show, but we've seen that match enough times. Wouldn't be the worst way to book him, he'd be in the biggest storyline at least.

Eventually at WrestleMania, I'd love to see him put over an up and comer like Big E Langston or Roman Reigns (who appears to be turning face in the near future).
Henry's been plagued by injuries piling up for the past 1.5 years or so. As good as Henry has been as a monster heel, I still can't help but ask why WWE didn't go this route with him a decade or more back so they could get the most out of him. Given that he's been sidelined a lot, maybe the best use for Henry right now would be as part of a tag team as his partner could help protect him.

If they insist on keeping Henry as a singles wrestler, then maybe he could be put to good use as a challenger for Randy Orton. While Orton is WWE Champion, it's ultimately been because of The Authority that he's champ rather than his own ability as Daniel Bryan has had his number in their matches. If Orton gets past Big Show, which I think will happen, then Henry could be a good challenger.

Neither of these options might be the "best" way to book Henry, but the "best" way might not be all that realistic now. He's been injured a lot for a while now and that's a factor WWE officials have to and are going to consider. The "best" way to book Henry in the minds of a good many people might well be a title run, but there are genuine doubts as to Henry's ability to sustain the work load required of the champ. If he isn't physically up to it, then he shouldn't be champ.
Here's a guy who is so damn good, but just can't catch a break with injuries galore.

He can't catch a break, and neither can the company that invests time and money in him. At this point, I wouldn't book anything around him. At his age and weight, he's reached a point of diminishing returns. It's not just that his injuries are frequent; keep in mind that he doesn't take a week or two off when he gets hurt. Instead, he can be gone close to a year. How is the company supposed to build programs around him?

This is not to say they should get rid of Mark. Let him keep his job, sure, but let him be a jolly good guy.....or let him be a ferocious bad guy.....but don't plan anything around him because you're bound to lose whatever momentum (and investment) has been built as soon as he gets hurt again.

Got to be realistic.
There's only so many times you can repackage and repush a guy before enough is enough. He's well into the twilight of his career, and he's still credible enough as a monster, so he should starting putting over young guys. It's too late for him to go into the main event again.

Yeah, his moment in the spotlight as WHC was all too brief, and it seems like he'll never be able to reach that high again. But it's a coulda, shoulda, woulda type situation. Fact is, Henry has still had a pretty decent career, has had a long tenure in the WWE even though I'm sure there have been instances where they thought about cutting him, and he's had a world title reign that, ratings wise, was a moderate success. He'll still probably be remembered more fondly than the likes of Jack Swagger or Kofi Kingston, assuming those two guys don't somehow become the next Cena out of nowhere. He belongs in the same category as Kane and Big Show as a pretty successful monster. That's not too shabby.

All in all, he's got more to be happy about than he has to regret.
The bulldozer, Orton Drops the title to the show and then here comes the bull dozer. Henry win the WWE title. I would love to finally see WWE allow a African American win the WWE title.....

......If you say but the rock, please please choke yourself to death.....Your too dumb to understand.
I wouldn't mind Mark Henry to return as the Good Guy we seen months ago, when he almosted retired. i felt that the emotion mark was showing can very well be used in a feud, where mark henry self doubt's himself and wonders if he's still the world's strongest man. The iwc could get behind him.
don't plan anything around him because you're bound to lose whatever momentum (and investment) has been built as soon as he gets hurt again.

Got to be realistic.

Exactly my thoughts. You have to be smart with a long term investment. This is why Christian isnt booked the way he once was. Constantly plauged by injuries. An injuried star wont sell tickets.

Though I'd love to Henry back and pushed as a monster heel again, I think his days are nearly done.
I have said it before and I will say it again... MARK HENRY IS THE MOST IRREPLACEABLE GUY ON THE WWE ROSTER....

U need him!!! I say he does need a face run. Just a mean guy FACE!!! No silly gimmicks... Just an AZZ KICKING MENACE who mows down competition. I also would love a tag team between him and Big E... They would the strongest tag team in history and could be the LOD of our era. Plus being in TAG MATCHES would limit the wear and tear on Mark's body
Henry should come back as the dominant bad heel that he was and still can be. Henry poor guy just cant catch a break from the injury bug. It happens when your his size and all the years of weightlifting have caused tremendous strain on his joints and ligaments.

I dont want to see him as the jolly old big guy. I hate that shit i really do and please on a side note WWE dont make him santa clause. Anyway back to the point,he doesnt need repackaging he kinda did that himself by dropping some more weight and shaving his head. I think it would be Best For Business if Henry aligned himself with the Suits! Henry when healthy is very serviceable and a upper mid carder.
First of all Henry did not have a comb over. Second of all they should just book him as the monster heel he was and always should have been. Have him destroy some guys then challenge Cena for the WHC. Make it seem like Mark Henry has a legitimate chance of winning like he beats down Cena for all the weeks leading into to PPV or whatever and he's got his number and have it come down to last minute AA. I think they could have a longer than one PPV feud also depending on Cena's feuds with Del Rio and Sandow and where they're going with that. If they really want to help the WHC they should make it a fatal four way then it's like everybody is gunning to take that title off of Cena that makes it seem important and if those guys are built up like threats then it works. I've went off on a tangent but to bring it back home, they should book him as a monster heel and have him challenge Cena for the WHC in some way, shape, or form.
It would be outstanding to see Henry become the first African American WWE Champion. Some people see that potential in Big E Langston. I personally think they owe Henry that much for all his time served before he retires. It would be a short run obviously. Maybe only a month. Whether he's face and is the one to knock off Orton if he's still champ after Mania...or if he's heel and defeats someone like Punk or Bryan for it. It's long overdue.

It's just sad we didn't really get to see how great he could be until a couple years ago during his World Title run. They waited 15 years to let him really put the big push behind him.

I doubt anyone else would've stuck around that long. One WWE Title reign for his amazing loyalty is the least Vince could do.
I know I'm in the minority here and most guys will disagree, but I'd love to see a feud between Mark Henry and Brock Lesnar. Two very big and physical dudes going toe to toe in the squared circle, I think it would be great. I've really become a fan of Henry over the last few years. He was a bad ass and was quite capable of inflicting his share of damage in the ring. There aren't a lot of guys in WWE who are physically big enough to look like a plausible opponent for Lesnar, but Henry is.

Lesnar (with or without Heyman) could be in the ring, talking about how tough he is and how there's no one around who can mount a challenge to him. Henry comes out and gets in his face and says hey, let's see how bad you really are, and slams him to the mat. I'd love it. Sure, there is the risk of injury for Henry but there are injury risks for him regardless of his opponent. And Lesnar poses a risk of injury for anyone who gets in the ring with him. It wouldn't have to be a long feud and if it were to result in Henry getting hurt yet again, there's no shame in calling it a career at the hands of the beast Lesnar.

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