How should goldberg's streak have ended?

WCW created one star... they should have used that star to create another one. I would have jobbed him to Jericho who was super over at the time. Play it off as a fluke win and have Goldberg come after Jericho for revenge. It probably would have been great for both guys because it would have gotten the win streak BS off Goldberg's back and let him focus on just being an extremely over baby face who's actually got something to be mad about. Goldberg really had no motivation. He just randomly plowed through people. And by the time the streak was over it felt like his character had been damaged. If they would have done it earlier in a more meaningful way it would have shown a human side to the character that he sorely lacked. Plus they would have got to keep Jericho. Not that Bischoff gave a damn about that.
Honestly, i think they shouldve pushed Benoit or someone new to beat goldberg. I know Benoit now is forever gonna be remebered for the murders, but lets all be honest, he couldve had a match with a broomstick and it wouldve been a 5-star match. Have Beniot win WW3, cash it in at starcade, and let him carry Goldberg to an instant classic. Then, have the Horsemen turn on Benoit and have him fued with Flair.
scott stiener shouldve been the one to end the streak, they should have built him up as a monster heel parallel to goldbergs rise as a monster face, have him be the one to have put macho on the shelf and sting, have stiener win ww3 and beat goldberg at starrcade, have them be even matched and have scott beat him via lead pip or something, then u could have stiener be the one to dismantle the nWo via nash hogan etc want the belt and have scott destroy them, have nash hall be a face group wolfpac with bagwell and konnan and have stiener hold the belt til road wild where goldberg would win it back, then start integrating guys like benoit and hart and jericho into world title reigns at that point
WCW created one star... they should have used that star to create another one. I would have jobbed him to Jericho who was super over at the time. Play it off as a fluke win and have Goldberg come after Jericho for revenge. It probably would have been great for both guys because it would have gotten the win streak BS off Goldberg's back and let him focus on just being an extremely over baby face who's actually got something to be mad about. Goldberg really had no motivation. He just randomly plowed through people. And by the time the streak was over it felt like his character had been damaged. If they would have done it earlier in a more meaningful way it would have shown a human side to the character that he sorely lacked. Plus they would have got to keep Jericho. Not that Bischoff gave a damn about that.

Who!? The Lionheart was NOT super over at the time. The WWF got Jericho over. Jericho was a squandered talent, sure, I'll give you that, but he was not over, nor was Benoit, or Eddie. Those guys and even Perry Saturn were genius grabs by the WWF, because from what I saw when I was watching WCW back then, those guys were bland, boring nobodies, with what seemed like just a little potential, and the WWF brought them to life and made (3/4) them legends.

Personally I'm still sold on the idea that Goldberg should have lost just the way he did, and then gone on a losing streak and then worked his way back up a second time from mid-card, this time having much longer matches and highlighting his wrestling ability rather than his beastliness.

Oh, and WCW allowing Goldberg to break the window with his bare hand was just plain stupid. It was a stupid idea of Goldberg's, but it was vastly more stupid of management to allow it.
Have DDP vs. Goldberg take place at Starrcade instead of Halloween Havoc cause obviously ending the streak was a big moment and they were the most over guys in the company at the time, it was like Rock vs. Austin, so it's fitting to have that on their biggest PPV. And have the NWO Hollywood or Wolfpac help DDP beat Goldberg with the same tazer ending followed up by a Diamond Cutter thus turning him heel and revealing him as the newest member of the NWO. I would keep the tazer ending because as one person said, beating Goldberg clean could've ruined him a bit, so it made sense to use a tazer on him and with DDP, it would've made him into a mega-star. I know WCW were pushing him and he was involved in main events around the time but he wasn't truly a mega-star and this would've made him one. And you would get two unexpected shockers in the streak ending & one of the most popular wrestlers in WCW turning his back on the fans, what an ending that would be for Starrcade.
DDP Mark here.

I love that people think Nash going over Goldberg was this huge disaster and recommend things like using a younger guy to establish him as a mega star...

and then suggest DDP. Who was not only not as popular as Nash at the time, but was older. That's right, DDP is older than Kevin Nash.

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