How should goldberg's streak have ended?


Dark Match Jobber
this has been a debatable point for many n m sory if a thread about it is alredy posted,bt how shud it hv ended? The man certainly dint deserv a a complet beatdown by all of nwo guys to him wd hv been intrstng.
Was kevin d right man or dey cd hv hd sting bookr ddp or a young guy to end da streak?
Wt do u think ?
This has been a debatable point for many and I'm sorry if a thread about it already exists. How should it have ended? Goldberg certainly didn't deserve a taser, a complete beat down by all of the NWO guys would have been interesting. Was Kevin Nash the right man, or could they have had Sting, Booker, DDP, or a young guy to end his streak?

Just, encase anyone was wondering.

I think Kevin Nash given size and time period prestige was a decent fit. Ending his streak to a younger guy would have only put down Goldberg. Making him "lose" without losing properly was a good way to go out. Don't taint your stars, but make other stars bigger ones in the process.
exactly, having a 3 on 1 attack and needing a taser certainly kept FGoldbergs aura and ended the streak believab;y. The mess WCW was, it was the best they possibly could have hoped to do. Why people would even bother with this 13 years later astounds me, so many marks live in the past
I have two lines of thought on this situation.

First, the taser/Nash incident, wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be. It's like when they have a guy like Miz lose (when he was champ), but to not make him look weak or bad, it's due to a countout or disqualification. In this case, while Goldberg technically lost, fans of his could always says, "Well, it took a freakin' cattle prod to take him down." Think kryptonite and Superman.

If they didn't want to go the ambiguous route where everyone had a fallback, I think he needed to lose cleanly. If I had been booking it, I'd have had Goldberg turn heel at some point during the streak. Maybe he'd have gotten into a feud with a top face and after the match, continue to beat them down. He could then go on TV the next night and brag about how easy it was and that there was absolutely no one that could stop him and he could do whatever he wanted. It could go on like that for a few months until a new, young face stepped up. This person would eventually be the one to beat the streak. They would need to be someone WCW saw as their future and someone they wanted to build around. Imagine the immense crowd reaction to a young "good guy" defeating an unbeatable heel in Goldberg. This kid would be the biggest star and merchandise sales would be crazy.

But no, WCW didn't see things that way. They couldn't see too far into the future. Everyone had an agenda and nothing was done for the 'good of the business'.
Having Sting beat Goldberg for the title would have been, in my opinion, the best way to end Goldberg's streak. Sting was very hot before Goldberg started rolling on his streak and I think at the time the best way to do it would have been to have Goldberg lose to Sting CLEANLY with not even a smithering of interference or potential. But thats just my take.
Nash was a good person to end it, the way he ended it underhandedly did 2 things, It made Kev and Hall hated to all hell, nobody likes seeing a legendary streak ended on a screwjob, and the other thing it did was clean up the ME, Goldberg was stale by the end, hind-sight nostalgia aside, Goldberg was getting "fake" cheers through loudspeakers (Even he himself admitted he didn't know this was going on) The average fans were sick of his streak, so ending it at the point it was ended was logical booking at the time (and for the Nth time, Nash was not booking when he went over Goldberg)

Goldberg also, could not of lost clean, letting a dominant monster lose clean hurts their momentum to the point it can end their career.
Well as far as I remember seeing it the fans in the arena were f'n ecstatic when Nash beat goldberg at the outsiders reunited. They were most probably sick of the streak and also the wolfpac were the biggest thing in WCW at the time... Now the finger poke of doom is the bigger 'what if' question as it completely ruined everything that came before it. That to me was the biggest nwo jump the shark moment.
The problem wasn't ending the streak, the problem was The Streak. Instead of building the guy up to the point of invincible they should've brought him in like any other worker because nobody wins every match, not even the political likes of Hogan, Nash, and too many others to mention. In short, his invincibility was the weakness of the gimmick. Any reasonable person knows wrestling is a work anyway, they should've given him a gimmick similar to Magnum TA in the 80's with the leather vest and motorcycles. Kinda the redneck version of Flair.
I have two lines of thought on this situation.

First, the taser/Nash incident, wasn't as bad as some people make it out to be. It's like when they have a guy like Miz lose (when he was champ), but to not make him look weak or bad, it's due to a countout or disqualification. In this case, while Goldberg technically lost, fans of his could always says, "Well, it took a freakin' cattle prod to take him down." Think kryptonite and Superman.

If they didn't want to go the ambiguous route where everyone had a fallback, I think he needed to lose cleanly. If I had been booking it, I'd have had Goldberg turn heel at some point during the streak. Maybe he'd have gotten into a feud with a top face and after the match, continue to beat them down. He could then go on TV the next night and brag about how easy it was and that there was absolutely no one that could stop him and he could do whatever he wanted. It could go on like that for a few months until a new, young face stepped up. This person would eventually be the one to beat the streak. They would need to be someone WCW saw as their future and someone they wanted to build around. Imagine the immense crowd reaction to a young "good guy" defeating an unbeatable heel in Goldberg. This kid would be the biggest star and merchandise sales would be crazy.

But no, WCW didn't see things that way. They couldn't see too far into the future. Everyone had an agenda and nothing was done for the 'good of the business'.

First, it sounds like you're missing the point. It's not bad because they made him get completely screwed over to lose the title and the streak. It's the actual cattle prod specifically. Using a cattle prod in a wrestling match, under any circumstances, is moronic. There's a reason it was never used before or since. It's not a wrestling weapon. Hit him in the head with a sledgehammer, or hit him in the head with a chair a dozen times, and nobody thinks twice about it. It completely ruins the illusion. At least you can pretend a chair shot is real, and it looks like he kinda hurts even if it's not full know the cattle prod is doing absolutely nothing to the guy. It's just like when Vince's limo exploded. There's a line between wrestling fake and insulting fake that wrestling companies should never cross, and WCW crossed that line with the cattle prod. That's why it was such an idiotic booking decision. And this is just personal preference, but IMO your biggest show of the year (like WrestleMania, or in this case Starrcade) should always have a cleaning ending to the main event, preferably with the face winning. That's supposed to be the pinnacle of your year, you shouldn't be using it to set up future matches.

As for your second point, that's exactly how it should have happened. Turning them heel is a great way to deal with a stale face, and it would've set them up perfectly to have a top face beat him cleanly for the title - if not a young guy like you described, then Sting would've been perfect. It's a tried and true storyline in wrestling, and it could've played out beautifully in that situation.

Nash was a good person to end it, the way he ended it underhandedly did 2 things, It made Kev and Hall hated to all hell, nobody likes seeing a legendary streak ended on a screwjob, and the other thing it did was clean up the ME, Goldberg was stale by the end, hind-sight nostalgia aside, Goldberg was getting "fake" cheers through loudspeakers (Even he himself admitted he didn't know this was going on) The average fans were sick of his streak, so ending it at the point it was ended was logical booking at the time (and for the Nth time, Nash was not booking when he went over Goldberg)

Goldberg also, could not of lost clean, letting a dominant monster lose clean hurts their momentum to the point it can end their career.

The first paragraph here kind of contradicts itsself. In theory, the first part is true...but the second part is the reason why it's not. It didn't make Kev and Nall hated, in fact it made them loved, because Goldberg was so stale and fans were sick of his streak. And the thing about Nash not booking doesn't really matter, since he still had as much pull as anybody. That'd be like saying Triple H wasn't booking when he was in Evolution. It's just nitpicking really.

And if you're replying to the earlier post about how Goldberg should've lost clean, a dominant monster HEEL absolutely MUST lose clean - and in the post, it mentioned that he should've been turned heel before he lost. It can end careers, but it all depends on how you book them after the loss. One loss will never end anything.

Well as far as I remember seeing it the fans in the arena were f'n ecstatic when Nash beat goldberg at the outsiders reunited. They were most probably sick of the streak and also the wolfpac were the biggest thing in WCW at the time... Now the finger poke of doom is the bigger 'what if' question as it completely ruined everything that came before it. That to me was the biggest nwo jump the shark moment.

You're right about the crowd reaction - they loved seeing Nash beat Goldberg. Just imagine how they would've reacted if it was a face beating him cleanly. The Finger Poke of Doom was clearly worse(I mean, that's the single worst decision of any kind in the history of scripted entertainment - pro wrestling or otherwise), but they really go hand in hand since they happend 8 days apart and were part of the same storyline arc. And don't forget, at the beginning of the FPOD episode of Nitro, they gave away the result of Raw where Mankind won the title. It was those three incidents that ultimately lead to WCW going bankrupt.
The problem wasn't how Goldberg's streak ended, it was how the writers had no idea what to do next. Nash winning the title was well done in my opinion, but its what happened next that bothered me.

Nash v. Hogan should've been built up and sold as the blockbuster match at the next PPV, with Goldberg v. Hall as the co-main event. Had WCW promoted it for the January PPV, more viewers would have watched it instead of the 1999 Royal Rumble (Rock v. Mankind in the infamous I Quit match, McMahon winning the Rumble).

What I would have done is had Goldberg v. Hall, with Goldberg winning, doing two finishers on Hall. Then in the main event, have Nash and Hogan wrestle a proper match, with Nash having a tainted win over Hogan. At the end, Goldberg could come down and kick both of their asses, leading in to the next PPV - a Triple Threat match between Goldberg, Hogan and Nash.

This is what happened the next night on Nitro after Goldberg's streak ended (I swear I'm not making this up):

Goldberg gets arrested for stalking Miss Elizabeth (why?)
Hogan comes back from a two month "retirement" (huh?)
Finger Poke of Doom
it shouldve been b ret hart beating goldberg clean in the shapshooter with goldberg passing out instead of tapping a la stone cold @ wm 13, then have a rematch where nWo gets involved so have goldberg feud with them, setting up bret hart vs hogan for the belt, have nash screw hogan over uniting with hart form ing a new nWo with hart hall nash stiener luger and henning vs sting goldberg and the 4 horsemen
this has been a debatable point for many n m sory if a thread about it is alredy posted,bt how shud it hv ended? The man certainly dint deserv a a complet beatdown by all of nwo guys to him wd hv been intrstng.
Was kevin d right man or dey cd hv hd sting bookr ddp or a young guy to end da streak?
Wt do u think ?

Please use spellcheck next time before posting.

Now then, onto the topic at hand. Goldberg's streak was seen by many as a once in a lifetime happening. It could potentially have led to a second once in a lifetime event. While Goldberg was getting built up with his streak, they could have been building up someone else to finally defeat him. This person needed to be someone who could have used the rub of ending such a huge streak. I'll tell you right now, WCW screwed up BIG TIME with how they ended Goldberg's streak. He should have kept it until someone else was ready to take it from him. It would have been the perfect way to get a midcarder to move from nowhere to suddenly the new face of the company. They honestly chose the worst possible way to end it because they lost a golden opportunity at getting another main eventer.
The booking leading up to Starrcade 98, no matter what mistakes they made with Goldberg as champion (why wasn't he main eventing every PPV, why was Hogan in matches with Jay Leno or War Games bouts getting top billing over the World Champion??) was really good. Nash had separated himself from the complete mess they made the NWO, with two units, a wold pac consisting mostly of non NWO guys and Black & White that was supposed to be mega heels lead by Hogan who was rarely around at this point, with Scott Steiner and bunch of C-listers like Horace, Disco Inferno, etc.

Nash also leaned heavily on his own undefeated streak, as WWE champion, regning for about a year. This was genius, reminding fans the as impressive as what Goldberg is doing really is, other guys have done it, including Nash, with a lot more pressure. You reallly believed that if there was one guy who could end this thing in thge middle of the ring it would be Nash, but you weren't convinced he would.

The match itself was fairly well done, over 20 minutes, lots of big man stiff power stuff that fit their characters well. Now I don't have a problem with the screw job finish, the ultimate goal was to re unite the NWO, make them killer heels again, and get Hogan back on TV and in the fold (at this time Hogan wasn't wrestling, he was runing for president if you remember). Nash having a heel turn makes perfect sense since he had spent much of his career in both WWE & WCW as a heel. It also allowed them to maintain the aura of Goldberg's un-beatability, plus in theory it sets you up with one huge pay day in the re match as Goldberg looks to avenge the screw job and get his title back.

Basically, although I think Goldberg should have been a bigger part of the product as World Champ from Aug-Nov, I liked how the Nash match was booked, loved Nash's promos, the heel turn made business sense, the screw job made business sense. I'm OK with all of it.

As Ive posted before it was AFTER the streak, AFTER Starrcade 98 that I think WCW really dropped the ball, pushing Goldberg into the midcard, never utilizing the drawing power of a re match with Hollywood Hogan, wasting his Nash re match on the mid card of lower tier PPV, breaking up the newly reformed, leaner, meaner, true heel group NWO just as they were gaining steam as WCW's best bad guys, wasting Flair's popularity with a senseless heel turn, having nothing for Sting and Brett Hart to do when they returned from injury (remember WCW was doing pretty well at this time even Hogan quit wrestling for almost three months, Flair was off TV in a conract dispute for 6 mths, STing, Luger, & Hart were all injured and MIA for Starrcade).

But the match itself, the heel turn, the screw job finish, Im good with all that
Please use spellcheck next time before posting.

Now then, onto the topic at hand. Goldberg's streak was seen by many as a once in a lifetime happening. It could potentially have led to a second once in a lifetime event. While Goldberg was getting built up with his streak, they could have been building up someone else to finally defeat him. This person needed to be someone who could have used the rub of ending such a huge streak. I'll tell you right now, WCW screwed up BIG TIME with how they ended Goldberg's streak. He should have kept it until someone else was ready to take it from him. It would have been the perfect way to get a midcarder to move from nowhere to suddenly the new face of the company. They honestly chose the worst possible way to end it because they lost a golden opportunity at getting another main eventer.

One big win does not make you main eventer, it takes a great deal of luck along with solid promotional backing and the ability to get crowds behind you to make you a main eventer. Even if the promotion is not behind you right away mainy guys have risen up from the midcard based on their talents and ability to work crowds, just ask Steve Austin.

One win over a well established main eventer ?? Ask Billy Kidman how beating Hulk Hogan made him a star ?
Flair fan 2003 i think he was refering to an upper midcarder on the cusp as being a candidate. Kidman was not the best example of that..

I dont think its exagerating to say a clean defeat would had destroyed his career because the way they built him dictated that he could not be stopped. Now when you stop the unstoppable what do they have to work with? That was the downside to every dominent one trick pony in wrestling. I didnt know back then and i dont know even today how it would end. I dont think Nash needed the win to elevate himself, he was already the longest WWF champ of that decade. Sting didnt need a win over Goldberg, he needed a clean victory over Hollywood Hogan.. Hart didnt need anymore either. He was well established and perhaps in the twilight of his career. It would definitely need to be someone who didnt already lose to Goldie. Id live to had seen a Raven victory perhaps since he was so culturally intune with the '90s..
Having Sting beat Goldberg for the title would have been, in my opinion, the best way to end Goldberg's streak. Sting was very hot before Goldberg started rolling on his streak and I think at the time the best way to do it would have been to have Goldberg lose to Sting CLEANLY with not even a smithering of interference or potential. But thats just my take.

Completely agree with this... They build Sting for over a year just for him to go back to 1995 Sting in a matter over 4 months.
He should over reigned terror over the nwo then have one of them win ww3 and meet at starrcade with sting beating Goldberg in a classic face vs face match ( ie wrestlemania 6)
One big win does not make you main eventer, it takes a great deal of luck along with solid promotional backing and the ability to get crowds behind you to make you a main eventer. Even if the promotion is not behind you right away mainy guys have risen up from the midcard based on their talents and ability to work crowds, just ask Steve Austin.

That's not what I meant. They should have been slowly building someone up who would get feud to Goldberg after getting some impressive wins of their own, only to shock the crowd by BEATING Goldberg when he had been destroying each and every challenger during the time that this guy was being built up to challenge him himself. One win over one guy? Not a chance, no. An undefeated streak being ended by a guy who got properly built up with the push of a lifetime to be the chosen one to end it? You better believe it. WCW blew it big time though and having Nash end the streak was the biggest mistake they ever made. Well, that or having guys like Russo/Arquette win the belt.
First, it sounds like you're missing the point. It's not bad because they made him get completely screwed over to lose the title and the streak. It's the actual cattle prod specifically. Using a cattle prod in a wrestling match, under any circumstances, is moronic. There's a reason it was never used before or since. It's not a wrestling weapon. Hit him in the head with a sledgehammer, or hit him in the head with a chair a dozen times, and nobody thinks twice about it. It completely ruins the illusion. At least you can pretend a chair shot is real, and it looks like he kinda hurts even if it's not full know the cattle prod is doing absolutely nothing to the guy. It's just like when Vince's limo exploded. There's a line between wrestling fake and insulting fake that wrestling companies should never cross, and WCW crossed that line with the cattle prod. That's why it was such an idiotic booking decision. And this is just personal preference, but IMO your biggest show of the year (like WrestleMania, or in this case Starrcade) should always have a cleaning ending to the main event, preferably with the face winning. That's supposed to be the pinnacle of your year, you shouldn't be using it to set up future matches.

As for your second point, that's exactly how it should have happened. Turning them heel is a great way to deal with a stale face, and it would've set them up perfectly to have a top face beat him cleanly for the title - if not a young guy like you described, then Sting would've been perfect. It's a tried and true storyline in wrestling, and it could've played out beautifully in that situation.

The first paragraph here kind of contradicts itsself. In theory, the first part is true...but the second part is the reason why it's not. It didn't make Kev and Nall hated, in fact it made them loved, because Goldberg was so stale and fans were sick of his streak. And the thing about Nash not booking doesn't really matter, since he still had as much pull as anybody. That'd be like saying Triple H wasn't booking when he was in Evolution. It's just nitpicking really.

And if you're replying to the earlier post about how Goldberg should've lost clean, a dominant monster HEEL absolutely MUST lose clean - and in the post, it mentioned that he should've been turned heel before he lost. It can end careers, but it all depends on how you book them after the loss. One loss will never end anything.

You're right about the crowd reaction - they loved seeing Nash beat Goldberg. Just imagine how they would've reacted if it was a face beating him cleanly. The Finger Poke of Doom was clearly worse(I mean, that's the single worst decision of any kind in the history of scripted entertainment - pro wrestling or otherwise), but they really go hand in hand since they happend 8 days apart and were part of the same storyline arc. And don't forget, at the beginning of the FPOD episode of Nitro, they gave away the result of Raw where Mankind won the title. It was those three incidents that ultimately lead to WCW going bankrupt.

There's a lot wrong with this mess of a thread, but the topic is a good one.

The cattle prod wasn't bad at all, for a while we saw all sorts of taser kinds of attacks. Never done before or since? Goldbergs next PPV was a ladder match with Scott Hall with a cattle prod hanging above the ring.

It wasn't a moronic idea at all. Did you watch it? It sounded pretty damned good, and was sold sufficiently well, especially in comparison to HHH's sledge.

I really didn't have much of a problem with Goldberg's streak ending the way it did. Hell I still remember where I was when Goldberg's streak ended. That's a good thing. It means that was a memorable event in pro-wrestling for me.

Goldberg turning heel would have been pretty tough to pull off. At best he was a neutral party (sorry, I hate the word tweener). He was a monster power wrestler, and not some social whiner reject like most of the WWF at that same point in time. You could have him clam up, stop talking, even less than he was already, and start cheating, but ultimately the fans loved Goldberg and that would keep him from ever really getting over as a heel.

The only reason Nash got cheered for beating Goldberg was because Nash was on a big hotstreak of his own and was gaining big momentum. At that point in time this was booked sounding like the match of the century, and these two were by far my favorite two guys in pro-wrestling. That's how it was for most WCW fans too. It had nothing to do with Goldberg's streak being stale, or that people didn't like Goldberg. Goldberg was as big a star as Steve Austin at this point in time.

How SHOULD Goldberg's streak have ended? It was good the way it was, the problem came from the dumbass swerve of the fingerpoke of doom. Nash should have become a WCW guy, because that's where people thought he was going, and had him team up with Scott Hall as a WCW guy to take down nWo once and for all.

I think a losing streak for Goldberg would have been the next best thing for him to go on. Have him lose to Nash in his rematch for the title perhaps because of an other run-in by Hall, have him lose to Hall, have him feud with Hall for a while with Hall coming out on top, then put him up against Bret Hart and have Bret Hart take him down another notch.

Losing streaks are tough to endure, but if Bill Goldberg was booked for longer matches where he could have shown he was a competent power wrestler, and shown that he was human, and getting frustrated, then have someone like Big Pappa Pump start mocking him for his losing streak, and how he was never really that good, not a power house like the genetic freak, and have Goldberg finally go over against Steiner, it could have been a much needed credibility booster for Goldberg.

People could then start getting back on the Goldberg bandwagon and see him get hot again and challenge whoever, perhaps DDP for the world title with DDP as the title holder, and Goldberg booked as a guy with something to prove, that he's not a flash in the pan wrestler but actually the real deal. His next reign as WCW champion would have been the one that people would look at as proving his legitimacy.

The thing about Goldberg is that he WAS green, but he was ALSO exceedingly talented in terms of getting over with fans. If things had gone down differently in terms of booking, no one would be arguing that Goldberg was a s**ty wrestler and nothing more than a flash in the pan product of the system.

But maybe that's just my opinion.
The Nitro where the 4 Horsemen reunited and Kidman had that incredible match with Juventud Guerrera... the main event to that show was Goldberg vs. Sting for the World Title, and as a HUMONGOUS Sting fan I've always thought that that night Sting should have been the one to finally end Goldberg's streak. That Nitro is already the greatest Nitro in history (even though Sting didn't win... it was still a very good match, and one of Goldberg's best in his career), but if Sting had actually won the title that night for Goldberg... that episode of Nitro would then have to go down as the greatest televised pro wrestling show in history. The fans in attendance wanted Sting to win it, too. Sting was the one person WCW had that the fans actually cheered over Goldberg.

When Sting converted to the Crow character, even though he remained as one of the top faces, WCW never gave him a fair, long run with the title. That was the night to make up for the embarrassment WCW put Sting's character through with the whole Starrcade '97 debacle. That match against Goldberg was the time to hand Sting the ball for one last big run with the title, and WCW didn't pull the trigger on it.
I completely understand the booking logic of the original. The tazer plus a Kevin Nash powerbomb is believable and doesn't make Goldberg look bad. too bad the dumbfuck had to break his wrist and screw himself out of another title chase. Honestly, had Goldberg not broken his wrist (by not using a tool to break a windown) we wouldn't be talking about this because it wouldn't be seen as much of the downfall of Goldberg.

the fingerpoke of doom isn't as bad either, it's just made worse because, again, Goldberg broke his hand. It was a swerve, sort of a goofy, half assed swerve, but we've seen worse.

If I personally were booking Goldberg's streak to end, it would have been DDP at Halloween havoc. He was on the cusp of being a huge star and the diamond cutter was seen as the end for anyone. Goldberg could have rebounded or they could have joined forces to fight a common enemy and then Goldberg eventually winning it back or whatever. It would have elevated DDP and losing in a great match (his match with DDP was by far his best up until then) wouldn't have hurt his mystique.

A lot of shit about Goldberg's booking was weird. It's really his own ridiculous presense and believability as an ass kicker that got him over. The booking was simple and halfway fucked up.

Another thought I have is that you want to milk it. So maybe you have a trilogy. So either you need another mega over babyface (Sting) or a mega over heel (Hogan). Sting beats Goldberg clean in a somewhat fluky manor like Goldberg slips and gets caught. Then Goldberg beats Sting in the second match, then they have a final match in a cage. Or you have Goldberg beat Hogan for the title (rewriting that too) at a PPV, Hogan gets a rematch and cheats his ass off to win it back, then Goldberg vs Hogan in a cage for the finale.

Even after all of those, I think Goldberg putting DDP over would have been awesome for DDP. It's crazy how underrated he is, mostly because the WWE doesn't like to acknowedge that he was fuckin awesome.
There's a simple answer to this question: DDP should have beat Goldberg at Halloween Havoc 98 (Specifically with the Diamond Cutter). The two factions of the nWo could then come back together to prevent Goldberg from winning the title in his rematch at World War 3 (bc they'd obviously think it was easier to beat DDP than Goldberg). Sting would of course leave the nWo and side with WCW, which would give WCW a truly strong front against the reformed nWo. At Starrcade give us Steiner, Hall, Nash, & Hogan v. Goldberg, Sting, Hart, and DDP. Team WCW wins, the nWo is permanently dissolved. At the next PPV, Sting beats DDP for the World title; Goldberg (frustrated that he could not avenge his title loss to DDP with a title win from DDP) turns heel and attacks Sting. Goldberg becomes the top heel throughout 99; along with Savage, DDP, Steiner, and Jarrett. Sting, DDP, Booker, Nash, and Beniot.
There's a simple answer to this question: DDP should have beat Goldberg at Halloween Havoc 98 (Specifically with the Diamond Cutter). The two factions of the nWo could then come back together to prevent Goldberg from winning the title in his rematch at World War 3 (bc they'd obviously think it was easier to beat DDP than Goldberg). Sting would of course leave the nWo and side with WCW, which would give WCW a truly strong front against the reformed nWo. At Starrcade give us Steiner, Hall, Nash, & Hogan v. Goldberg, Sting, Hart, and DDP. Team WCW wins, the nWo is permanently dissolved. At the next PPV, Sting beats DDP for the World title; Goldberg (frustrated that he could not avenge his title loss to DDP with a title win from DDP) turns heel and attacks Sting. Goldberg becomes the top heel throughout 99; along with Savage, DDP, Steiner, and Jarrett. Sting, DDP, Booker, Nash, and Beniot.
You have any idea how hard it would be to turn Goldberg heel? It's not as simple as booking him to cheat or whatever. He has to do his part. Goldberg was pretty much just really fuckin good at one thing. Being an intense badass, which (especially at the time), made you a mega babyface.

I do like DDP beating Goldberg.
I may be in the minority but I don't mind the way Goldberg's streak ended. It was the biggest show of the year and it took a 7 foot, 300 pounder with the help of outside interference and a weapon. It didn't make Goldberg look weak at all and it finally ended something which had to end sooner or later. The only thing that I have a problem with is the way that everything was booked after he lost. Goldberg was booked like shit, the title was booked like shit and the one good thing WCW still had going was ruined. Even the Finger Poke of Doom could have worked if they did it right. The NWO gets back together and Hogan is champion then you have Goldberg take out each member one by one. Basically Goldberg vs the world. He takes out a few of the lesser names, then Hall, then Nash, and finally Hogan to retain his title.

If they did go in a different direction then it should have been Sting to beat him. Sting was the only guy who could match Goldberg in popularity and it wouldn't have made Goldberg look weak to lose to him. Have Sting win the initial match and then a little later down the road Goldberg gets the title back in a rematch.

WCW needed to treat Goldberg like Austin. Have the odds always be stacked hugely against him and then allow him to eventually overcome those odds. WCW had a chance for something special and they fucked it up.
With something as big and important to WCW as Goldberg's streak, its always going to be tough to find a way to end it without pissing some people off.

Nash winning and The Outsiders reuniting was fine, but the way it was done was stupid. If Nash was going to cheat to win it should have been done in a more realistic way, not with a tazer or a cattle prod or whatever the way it was. It was ridiculous.

In my eyes, whoever beat Goldberg, and gave Da Man his first loss was going to get/or should have got a major push. Ending the streak was a big deal, especially as Goldberg was so damm popular as a face. Someone beating him would get some serious heat. For that reason I would like to have seen a young, up-and-coming super heel end the streak, and use the win over the previously unstoppable Goldberg as the way of getting them over into the main event, and make the fans buy into them as a superstar.

The ending of the streak could have really benefitted someone, it didnt need to be Nash who was already a megastar. Pity the, that WCW HAD NO up-and-coming young stars who could have really benefitted from the win.

Was Mike Awesome there at the time? If he was then it could have been him.
Someone who could've benefit from it should've ended the streak but 1st The NWO would've had to be disbanded if not at the hands of Sting { as It should've been to begin with } then Goldberg. I would've run with the streak until I felt it would time to push a mid - card to the main event level and of course it would have to be on a huge PPV but lets not forget WCW was spoiled for Mid Card Talent in the mid to late 90's Chris Jericho or Chris Beniot could've fit the bill fine.

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