How prestigious is the TNA World Heavyweight Championship?

Hulk Hogan's Brother

Stop asking me what I'm gonna do!!!
At different points during their eight year existence, TNA has earned high praise from all kinds of wrestling fans for their X-Division Championship, their Knockouts division as well as their tag team division. The X-Division belt was how TNA initially got popular. Most smark fans hold wrestlers who do high risk manouvers in high regard and the X-Division was tailormade for those wrestlers who liked taking risks. At around 2007-2008 the case was once again the same but this time it was the TNA Knockouts division that was earning brownie points from the fans. The TNA Knockouts proved that the fans would flock to women's wrestling if the promotion cared enough to use women as more than just eye candy. Similar is the case with the TNA Tag Team titles recently. In fact I've seen a thread a few days back that some fans wanted the TNA Tag title to be the main championship in TNA.

This might be acceptable to most TNA fans but what troubles me is that at no point have fans talked very highly of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

This is one of the reasons that I feel TNA has never been looked upon as a big league promotion. When TNA started out it had an agreement with the NWA which ensured that they would be allowed to use the NWA World Heavyweight Championship on their show. Earlier on, there was this impression that the belt was Jeff Jarrett's bitch. People would come into TNA and be built up huge only to job to Jarrett in the end. A good example of this would be the current TNA Champion Jeff Hardy. Now there are a lot of fans who do not like Jeff Jarrett a lot and see him as somewhat undeserving of his World Championships. So it would be fair to say that Jarrett's reigns were not hugely popular. If you look at the list of guys who held the championship before Christian Cage you'll find a lot of mediocre guys who would not haave been champions anywhere else. So why should people pay to see them? It can be said that at this point of time people only tuned in to watch the X-Division matches.

The most popular World Heavyweight Championship reigns in TNA have been, arguably those of Christian Cage and AJ Styles( the face run ). Maybe you could even throw in Kurt Angle's title reign there. Those are the only times that I could say that fans wanted to see the show specifically to see the WHC match. But still have those title reign done enough to give a whole lot of prestige to the title?

Even now people might feel that TNA is concentrating on making the TNA World title the focus of their how. However, is that the case? The main angle on the show seems to involve four non wrestlers namely Hogan, Bischoff, Flair and Dixie Carter. From what I have seen till now, the main objective of the "Immortals" seems to be maintaining control over the company rather than making sure that Jeff holds on to the belt. It might seem the same thing but it isn't. Making sure that Jeff holds on to the title is just a result of the successful plan that the "Immortals" have hatched rather than the reason why they came together. So again the focus of TNA is not on their World Heavyweight Championship.

So after reading all this I ask you TNA fans(and haters): How prestigious is the TNA World Heavyweight title? Is it comparable in prestige to the WWE Championship? If you do not think it is prestigious enough what would you do to rectify the situation?

Thoughts on this.
Considering that the current and previous holders of the title are bloated drug addicts and that the current abomination that they call the TNA World Heavyweight Championship looks like it should be the Knockout's Title, I'd say that if it had any prestige at all, that it is gone now.

How would I rectify the situation? I'm not sure there is a solution that would make it legitimate again. If I had to book it, I think I would write some storyline to strip the title from Jeff Hardly and hold a lengthy tournament over say a month of Impacts. I would have ALL the matches to be no countouts and no outside interference. I would also assign "enforcers" to the ringside area to make sure no cheating took place. This way, the actual best man would win. By the way, I'm not against heels and dirty tricks, but I would keep the tournament clean just to legitimize the title. After all is said and done, we would have a legitimate, deserving, champion. After that, I would suggest at LEAST a 4-6 month title reign with clean finishes in all title defenses during that period.
I think that the World Heavyweight Title of ANY promotion should be that companys focal point. If you look at WWE, the main story in the company at any one time nearly always revolves around the top belt. It seems to me that in TNA this isnt the case. If they want their world title to be held in high regard, they need to have it being the main point of their programming, BUT also need to have well written storylines revolving around it. Also, as Tugboat 77 hinted at, they need to start using clean finishes in their title matches alot more often.
I would have to say that the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is not prestigious at this time because of the current title holder Jeff Hardy. I like Jeff but I just don't see him as a champ that can carry the company as a main draw for TNA. The current championship design looks like smashed turds and playdough! I appreciate all that Hogan and Bishoff did for the company but since they returned to t.v it has been a bust! the TNA WHC derseves a champ like AJ Styles or maybe Kurt Angle to give TNA some credibility. For God sakes please bring back the former belt design back because the Immortal championship is a complete joke!
Since the title became the TNA WHC (May 2007) I would say it has been quite prestigious. The only people to hold that belt have been Angle, Sting, Joe, Foley, AJ, RVD and Jeff Hardy. Five guys that have held prestigious belts before and the two younger guys they have pushed the most. If you want to compare to WWE their have been guys like Khali, Swagger, Sheamus and Miz with the title over this time frame. Another thing that I think helps build prestige is that TNA is having people hold onto the title for a while when they win it. Over that time period TNA had 10 title changes, while Raw had 22 and Smackdown had 24.
ever since hogan and BITCHoff came to tna, the x-division has flunked. Robbie e is holding it, a guy who just came in 2 months ago and looks like hes going the homosexual version of randy ortons rko. srry for those harsh words but its true. tna is working to hard on robbie, and robbies not as good as he looks. the knokouts have gotten boring and week to week all we see is pointless brawls. when theres a tag team match, the announcers are talking about how immortal has taken over(off topic), and the heavy weight will never be as dominant as wwe's WHC or WWE champion ship, simply because wwe is better at what they care about, and they care about their dominant titles.
ever since hogan and BITCHoff came to tna, the x-division has flunked. Robbie e is holding it, a guy who just came in 2 months ago and looks like hes going the homosexual version of randy ortons rko. srry for those harsh words but its true. tna is working to hard on robbie, and robbies not as good as he looks. the knokouts have gotten boring and week to week all we see is pointless brawls.
Wow. Biased beyond belief. Go back to 2009 when the X Division was all about who was Suicide. And the Knockout were all about The Beautiful People's brown paper bag. Maybe these divisions aren't as good as they once were, but blaming on Bischoff and Hogan is stupid, because they've been worse too.

when theres a tag team match, the announcers are talking about how immortal has taken over(off topic), and the heavy weight will never be as dominant as wwe's WHC or WWE champion ship, simply because wwe is better at what they care about, and they care about their dominant titles.

What? I swear I don't understand a single thing written here. TNA's World Championship not as good as WWE's? I guess in looks, yeah, but in prestige, no way. You don't see guys with briefcases waltzing in and taking the TNA World's Championship, now do you? Every time this title changes hands there's an epic feeling in the air. Since it's 2007 inception there hasn't been a single title change that could be said was bland or underwhelming. From Kurt Angle winning King Of The Mountain, to Samoa Joe outlasting Kurt Angle, to the MEM helping Sting, to Mick Foley shocking everyone, to AJ Styles and the fan's celebrating, the TNA World Heavyweight Championship seems a hell of a lot more credible than any of WWE's two World titles.
First of all I have to agree 100% with Tugboat77, Look at the list of Champions. It's either Druggies as in RVD and Jeff Hardy or Former WWE stars like Kurt Angle and Mick Foley. The prestige that the TNA WHC once had is now gone. Maybe by putting the title into Matt Morgans hands might bring some of it back. Even in WWE the title changes hands so much you don't get to see much prestige in there.

Though in Short runs John Cena and the Undertaker brings Prestige to these belts not only as wrestlers but as real people. I know this is a TNA forum but you have to look at what some wrestlers do outside the ring as well as inside. In the 80's Hulk Hogan held the WWF championship with pride as Rick Flair held the NWA title with pride. Now the title is in the hands of who? Jeff Hardy? a drug addict thats going to get off of the charges against him just because he is a wrestling star? Jeff Hardy does not belong as world champion. He belongs behind bars. Jeff has become someone who needs to drift off into the night and leave wrestling.

The last time the TNA WHC had any prestige was when Sting, Kurt Angle and Mick Foley held it. Since then it it's noting more then a strap with plates to me.

The only way the TNA WHC will get back any prestige is by getting it into the hands of Matt Morgan or a TNA original. Give it to AJ Styles. Have him drop the TV championship and give him the WHC,

QUOTING The Killjoy "You don't see guys with briefcases waltzing in and taking the TNA World's Championship, now do you?" You must forget about the feast of fired match TNA has. the only differance between FoF and MitB is that two shows get MitB since the brands are split. Maybe you should research alittle before you say things.
I'd rank it below the WWE Titles but ahead of the WWE midcard titles. It's the world title of the second biggest organization. What more can you really say it is? It's a recognized world title but it's not one of the WWE Titles. I'm not a fan of how Hardy has been booked with it or how it's been used since Hogan and Bischoff showed up, but it's treated with respect for the msot part. The title was the focal point of the show more often than not which is what it's supposed to be. It's prestigious and means something to win still, but it pales in comparison to the WWE Titles.
You must forget about the feast of fired match TNA has. the only differance between FoF and MitB is that two shows get MitB since the brands are split. Maybe you should research alittle before you say things.

Yes, I'm perfectly aware of the existence of the Feast Or Fired cases. There have been 3 World title cases cashed in a total of 4 times. The only times it was used in a surprise fashion was by Hernandez at No Surrender '09 entering the 4 Way and when Sting was cutting a heel promo. The case was returned to him due to outside interference in the match. But Sting was not exhausted prior to the match.

The point is that the was and has never been hot potatoes to someones simply to make the title change hand like when Batista won it even though he was injured or when Rey Mysterio won it, just to lose to Kane. That makes the belt seem easily accessible to anyone which takes away from the fact that you have to work hard to main it to the main event.
Look at the end of the day its as prestigious as the list of names thats held it. No matter what it looks like or even who has it now, all you need to do is look at the list. Legendary names like Kurt Angle,Mick Foley,A J styles,Sting,RVD and even the 3 time wwe world champion Jeff Hardy. It doesnt matter what state the wrestlers are in now, what matters is what theyve done for the business and there big names to wrestling. All you snobs who say there nothing just because there in TNA are just that,snobs and shouldnt even watch wrestling because you guys are destroying it. THE WHOLE POINT OF IT BEING PRESTIGIOUS IS BECAUSE OF THE NAMES THAT HAVE HELD IT AND EACH TIME A LEGEND GRABS THAT BELT IT MAKES IT MORE PRESTIGIOUS NO MATTER WHAT YOU NEGATIVE SONS OF BITCHES THINK! Just look at that list end ov!
Generally speaking, I'd say the TNA World Heavyweight Championship is pretty prestigious overall. TNA has taken a lot of pride in their own championship and, for the most part, I think they've done a pretty good job at displaying that pride. If I were to compare it to the WWE or World Heavyweight Championships, I think it's lacking a lot in some areas that can really only be leveled out with the passage of time.

Since the TNA created their own World Heavyweight Championship over 3.5 years ago, they've had a grand total of 7 different men hold the championship with the title changing hands a total of 10 times. If you were to all the reigns, minus Jeff Hardy's current current run, and add them up, then the average regin would be about 128 days, which is a pretty good amount of time these days. However, a long reign doesn't necessarily mean that it's been a good reign. To me, how a champion is booked as champion is more important than how long he holds it.

There are a few drawbacks to the title, however, in that 5 of those 7 champions were multi-time World Champions either in WCW or WWE. As would be expected also, there have been a few rather lackluster runs with the title such as Sting's brief 2 day run, Mick Foley's 63 day run, and the quite lackluster runs of both RVD & Jeff Hardy. In my view Mick Foley never should've even gotten the title to begin with. I've always been a fan of Foley but the truth is that he's half crippled and much too far from his physical prime to have the title. His reign was quite dull in my view. As for RVD, one big thing that ruined his reign is the TNA Ranking System. Basically, it reduced the champion to having single match feuds with an opponent before getting another one the next month. RVD's matches as champion were, mostly, quite boring and a far cry from what many were hoping. Jeff Hardy hasn't impressed me at all thus far as TNA Champion. He's barely been seen on iMPACT!, the quality of his promos is highly questionable in my view, his one match was a forgettable 3 minutes against Raven and he's had almost no interaction with Matt Morgan to build up the feud and upcoming match with him at the ppv Sunday. With RVD's reign, the title being vacated for 2 months and Hardy's current run, I'd say that the past 8 months have easily been the lowest point in the title's history. It's peak, in my view, probably would be during AJ Styles' reign as it just seemed right. Styles has been the face of TNA since the company began and he was ready to carry the title.
Ill admit that the tna world title has more credibility then a lot of people give it,but in terms of prestige idk bout that.although it is good to have less people hold the belt sometimes it isn't great. I think if you want prestige on that belt then do it the old fashioned way put it on someone great like sting or angle or even styles and have them fight through the odds. If you have angle hold the title around a year or so and have him have many feuds but somehow come out the victor. That way your adding prestige to the title
Since the title became the TNA WHC (May 2007) I would say it has been quite prestigious. The only people to hold that belt have been Angle, Sting, Joe, Foley, AJ, RVD and Jeff Hardy. Five guys that have held prestigious belts before and the two younger guys they have pushed the most. If you want to compare to WWE their have been guys like Khali, Swagger, Sheamus and Miz with the title over this time frame. Another thing that I think helps build prestige is that TNA is having people hold onto the title for a while when they win it. Over that time period TNA had 10 title changes, while Raw had 22 and Smackdown had 24.

Although I do agree that the WWE plays hot potato with the World Belts a little too much, I have always had a hard time taking the TNA Title very seriously.

You listed the following champions:
1) Angle-The exception to the TNA Rule for the most part. Even if he is booked like crap, he still manages to be such a great performer to overcome it in the ring. The whole Samoa Joe/Angle swerve Title exchange was awful though.

2) Sting-With all due respect to him, he should not have had the belt for as often, or as long as he did. Most of his Title Reigns were just boring, and his matches were mediocre.

3) Joe- He had one Title Reign, but it was booked terribly. That, and the "Win or your Fired" stipulation he won it under made the booking more predictable. I would rather Joe do something vicious to force a match, then whoop up on Angle to win the Gold.

4) Foley-I am a huge fan of his, but he had no business holding the TNA Title. He had his time of greatness, but that was 8 years prior. Having Foley have a gimmick match here and there, great, but having Foley win the big strap while managing the company and playing a cowardly champion.......not so great.

5) AJ-His reign as TNA Champion was particularly interesting, since he did a Mid-Term heel turn swerve. His reign for the first few months was pretty solid, then got horribly boring for the last 3 or 4 months.

6) RVD-I don't have a problem with RVD winning the World Title, but it was done to spike ratings quickly, and it just did not feel right. That, and it being given to someone who had limited dates available, and having to be stripped of the belt because of that (even though they played the injury angle on televisions), just seems silly.

7) Jeff Hardy-I did not see what happened at Bound for Glory coming. They actually booked the swerve pretty well, even though I thought it was silly. I knew a Heel turn was coming, but I was expecting Angle or Anderson, not Hardy. Beyond that, Hardy has not looked very credible as champion.

That, and part of what got Hardy so over with the fans was the fact that there was a brass ring he had not reached, and when he finally reached it, it was a big deal. But now he is more established, so that affect has worn off on him, and this darker character is working, but not as great as they would have hoped for.

So overall, I don't see much prestige with the Belt. TNA books their titles terribly. For a while, the X Belt, KO Belt, and Tag Belts were constantly booked beautifully, while the main Title was booked either oddly, or just plain terribly. It actually has improved a bit, but it still has a long way to go to claim more prestige.
The TNA WHC is treated with more respect. It hasn't been around that long so you can't really compare to the 50 year WWE championship title. The heavyweight championships in WWE have lately been treated like props. Its seems that anyone can challenge or win the title on any night instead of a PPV. I would put the TNA title up against the WWE World Heavyweight title. It seems that the World Heavyweight title has become nothing more than the Smackdown B show title. Having two championship titles really devalues the championship overall. It is a bigger deal to become WWE champion than it is to be World Heavyweight champion.
I think thats its very prestigious. A title is only as good as the person holding it, and TNA for the most part has done a great job in selecting who their champions will be.

Christian- Christian may not have won the the big one in WWE, but he held the ECW title for 8 months, hes a multi-time IC Champion, and a nine time tag champion. I know he won it while it was the NWA title, but it was still recognized as TNA's big title.

Kurt Angle- Hes a 13 time World Champion. When healthy, hes the top draw within the company. Hes been in the title hunt for virtually ten years between WWE and TNA, and hes had great title reigns in both. Hes also the best pure wrestler outside of Daniel Bryan and Davey Richards(and its close) going today. And thats despite his injuries.

Rob Van Dam- Who knows what would have happened had he not been busted with pot in WWE? Hes the first person to hold both the WWE and ECW title simultaneously. He entered the company, and took the title off its top heel, AJ Styles, and has been pinned ONCE in his 8 months in TNA. Not too shabby.

AJ STyles- The 2009 wrestler of the year turned back every challenger that came his way, including a great series of matches with Kurt Angle. He handed Sting his only loss at Bound For Glory. He's also the first and only Grand Slam winner within TNA.

Sting- He's an Icon, and one of the most respected men within the business. Hes won the title numerous times, and even if his runs have been lackluster for the most part, hes done a great job in the big matches that have earned him the title.

So yes, The World Championship is prestigious, because the men who have won it have mostly had phenomenal reigns, or are icons in and of themselves. Until TNA is on a level playing field, it will never be as prestigious as WWE's WHC, but it doesnt have to. Its doing a fine job as is. While a WWE fan, I much prefer the TNA booking of having the title holder have lonegr reigns. That alone brings more prestige to the title then a change every other month.
It isn't solely about the list of names that have held it, it is more about how hard it is to win and hold. I'd say it is treated all in all very weel with long-reigns to defending champions or at least this is the case in recent memory. I'd say right now it is more prestigious because of a few reasons:

1) One belt not two - TNA has a full roster full of talent, many of whom deserve and could carry that TNA world title, but as there is only 1 belt, you can't just give someone a run with it to train them up to be a big time player like they have done with swagger, and are currently doing with miz. You have to already be good to have the belt. This sin't something that TNA is doing well intentionally, it's more a bonus they get by default of only having on title belt. You can't go off and decide the WWE champ is too strong and chase a weaker world heavyweight champ in TNA, you have to beat THE MAN, whoever that may be at the time.

2) TNA recognises reign length as being important - The shortest reign according to figures was two days with sting. However, there is but one example of a reign shorter than 2 months and that is our current champion hardy who will have the belt for a good long while now. The belt itself was formulated only as recently as 2007 and yet since then there has been a mere seven champions by name and amongst them, 10 official recognised reigns. If we look at the last three champs as an example, we have hardy who we all know will hold the belt for a while, RVD at 113 days and AJ with the longest reign weigning in at a cool 211 days or 8 or so months to us.

Having one guy hold a belt for a long time makes him seem really good and a deserving champion, it's that simple. When titles switch from PPV to PPV it does very little for the wrestler and makes your champ look like he was not so much undeserving, but not THE man. It looks like other people could have held the title and he was just baby-sitting it. A complement about TNA, there are some things they do right.

3) The money spent on it - Like it or not, the new TNA heavyweight championship belt is custom made for the champ and although yes this gives the game away as you don't spend that much money on a belt that will last you two or so months, it does show how much they are trying to enforce the belt as the crown jewel and the most important thing every guy on the roster wants to have. And having hardy hold a customised belt builds his reign around him not him around the championship, there is an important distinction to be made there. Simply put, hardy holding something designed for him, and him only, and that cost so much makes hardy look like a special guy, like the champ and therefore that is the way he is treated by fortune and immortals.

But there is something to be said for the list of guys that have held the belt, kurt angle, sting, RVD, jeff hardy, samoa joe, A.J.styles and Mick Foley.... not a small-fry amongst them. I guess if it is one thing that decidedly TNA does better than WWE, it is to recognise the importance of their center-piece, the TNA heavyweight championship. Something we know that WWE doesn't do, because they invented MITB and because they have had guys like hornswoggle hold their crusierweight championship, bret hart holding their U.S. title belt and jack swagger holding their world championship.

TNA has a good recognition of who deserves to have the belt and they put it on the guy who is the top man in their company at the time, and then everyone beleives it's the top guy. It's a simple formula but it works very well.

Personally I'd say the biggest point you could make about the prestige of the belt is the proportion of ex-"other company" talent that has held it. Mick Foley doesn't deserve to have a reign at this point in his career seen as since he joined TNA he has been quite franky lack-lustre in all areas, escpecially in the ring. Sting' reign was better however as, unlike foley, sting can still make it through the ring and do more than enough to merit a title reign. He only had on substantial reign, which was ok and he won't be getting the belt again I believe so there is no arguement for me, especially seen as sting has been a pillar in TNA ever since he joined up, a wrestling legend like sting is hardly a bad thing for the belt to have on it's resume. Kurt angle has had four reigns....but he's kurt angle he was at the end of his prime for most of that so I have no problem there ither, I mean you cannot argue based on his ring work that he isn't a logical choice? RVD looks great for his age and his reign wasn't massively long. they certainly put the belt on him too early but he is still very good in the ring so no real concerns for me. And Jeff Hardy is crap, but he draws....ok he's doing pretty ok in his role right now, but he's being helped so much by the two facts that 1) People have never realy seen hardy heel before and 2) He is a high profile guy and high profile face - heel turns are always satisfying. If he wasn't jeff hardy then it wouldn't be going quite so well. Still he does draw and is a big name so I can't argue too much.

The last two guys are joe and A.J, and they are probably the most deserving homegrown talent to posess the belts so thats good. Not to mention that A.J. had the longest reign of anyone, even over angle and that looks really really great for him, only shame being that is wasted now he is in fortune but no matter. And joe is a fan favorite, a guy coming in to his prime now, another good choice for champ.

I'd have to say that the only guy who really and truly didn't deserve to belt, wasn't a fighting champ and wasn't up to the job was mick foley......but 6 out of 7 aint bad?

Finally yes of course the TNA heavyweight belt isn't as prestigious as WWE's title belts, ITS ONLY BEEN AROUND FOR 3 YEARS. But i'll bet you anything that these first three years were more impressive than WWE's world heavyweight championship history, it's going to need time to build up a reputation that can approach that, which it hasn't had an oppertunity to do yet..
Since the title became the TNA WHC (May 2007) If you want to compare to WWE their have been guys like Khali, Swagger, Sheamus and Miz with the title over this time frame.

WWE also had Cena, Orton, Hardy, Edge, Triple H, Batista, CM Punk, Undertaker, and Jericho. With Khali's run being short, and Swagger and Sheamus just this past year (because they're trying to make stars). So the good outweighs the bad.
And Miz? At least he was made into something. He went from shit to being the top champion in that company. That would be like Eric Young winning the title. And his title reign has been ONE WEEK

WWE made Hardy, Edge, Cena, Orton, CM Punk, and Batista into credible stars with the title. (Yeah I know CM Punk isn't a top guy, but he gets a big reaction and he can be brought up into the main event. Like how Jericho can switch from upper mid card to main event)

Yeah they "made AJ Styles" but he won the NWA title in 2003 being the top guy in the company. And Joe hasn't done anything since 2008.

Another thing that I think helps build prestige is that TNA is having people hold onto the title for a while when they win it. Over that time period TNA had 10 title changes, while Raw had 22 and Smackdown had 24.

With that logic ROH's title is more prestigious.

And the WWF title in 1999 had 11 title changes (mankind's first win was taped in December). I guess that title wasn't prestigious then.

at the end of the day it's a prop.
It's so prestigious that I have to be reminded of who the champion is before I comment on this subject. It's pretty obvious and I'll admit that I'm no TNA supporter, but I think that that still says it all.
Not very prestigious at all. It takes years To build prestige, and it takes some really big names, too. Sure, Angle, Sting, Foley are all big names, but that's two guys who are way past their prime and barely relevant anymore. Like KB said, it's below the WWE belts, but above their midcard belts, and for a second tier organization that's not a bad thing. TNA has to make the belt a thing if legend in the organization, they have to give it to guys who will carry it with pride, because at the end of the day that's the only way they can build prestige. The title won't mean anything if it is consistently disrespected.
I dont know whats worse...wwe focuses so much on the World title that the IC,US, and Tag titles dont mean much. TNA doesnt focus at all on the world title so they really dont have anything. WWE is on the right track unifying all the titles, but TNA wants to keep their main focus as the struggle for the company. They should end that angle with a world title match and then focus on the world title from there. Dixie has a tournament or appoints a TNA leader while the Immortals choose a representative and they put those 2 against each other for both the title and the rights to the company. That way the match ends the struggle for the company angle with a world title match and all the momentum is carried over into the new world champion.
NOT AT ALL!! Its the world title of a horse-shit organization. TNA is such an embarrassment it would be silly to think that their world title holds any type of credibility or prestige. TNA needs to just go away. I haven't watched an episode since that horrible idea to make "they" another Hogan heel turn. Blah! TNA means nothing so their world title means nothing.
So like Macho Man Randy Savages title run, which he won the belt in the tournament at Wrestlemania 4 then held it for a year?

Yeah He held it for a year. It also led to a huge run with the Mega Powers, Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan for those who have no idea about old School Wrestling. This allowed the WWF, WWE's former name to take the Mega Powers and Split them and Have Hogan Vs Savage at WM5.

See WWE and TNA no longer have the ability to make things happen as they use too thats why Titles switch hands so much. this way it keeps the fans intrested but both WWE and TNA do not give the fans enough credit. RVD was doing fine even though he's a weed smoker and showing that even someone who uses drugs can be a champion and now Jeff Hardy with all the drugs he uses. this doesn't help bring Prestige back to the Title.

WWE used John Cena right in his title runs. To make some really good matches. Why did it work? Cause they put two people together (Cena and Orton) who work well and together gave the WWE championship Prestige. Now if they can keep it Jeff vs Matt at BfG it could give prestige to the crap title that looks like Jeff's Makeup ran and covered the belt.
NOT AT ALL!! Its the world title of a horse-shit organization. TNA is such an embarrassment it would be silly to think that their world title holds any type of credibility or prestige. TNA needs to just go away. I haven't watched an episode since that horrible idea to make "they" another Hogan heel turn. Blah! TNA means nothing so their world title means nothing.

It's people like you that can not contribute to a more even minded conversation that need to go the heck away. You go and try to tell me how TNA is any worse than WWE for some of the garbage they have pulled over the years. Like the promoter our esteemed Mr. McMahon making himself a World Champion not once but twice in the past ten years. God awful storytelling in my view. Titles are props don't get me wrong, but more than the title the divisions themselves are what define the action. Because if you look back in the old days the titles themselves didn't mean so much obviously because of the pre-deteremined nature but the wrestlers in the categories that would vie for for those titles in the storylines really did have something intriguing.

I.E. You think back in the 1980s the IC Title Division had such great competitors that could even work main events if ever necessary. Rick Rude, Ultimate Warrior, Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, Jake Roberts, and laugh all you want but even The Honky Tonk Man. For those that wanted more athletically oriented action as opposed to the powerhouse division that was the World Title picture, the IC Title was the place to go. In many ways the United States Title division had a similar role in the NWA/WCW. With the World TV title division having a pretty successful and memorable standing for years in professional wrestling. Today WWE and TNA fail to do that in my opinion, I blame both for that. However, your post is complete horseshit, just spare me. I don't think having pay per view events every month help either. Stories are just rushed too often in the business, just my opinion, but that's the feeling I get.

I can excuse TNA for not being in WWE's caliber because they are not a WWE type organization who was founded by someone who put themselves completely into the business and knew how to set precedents like Vince McMahon to his credit can do. However, TNA has still been around for eight years, which I have to say is not as bad as people like to say. After all for a company that was founded by a former WWF and WCW wrestler and then shared ownership with a privately owned corporation, they're doing a whole hell of a lot better at entering the wrestling market than Vince ever did trying his hand in pro football. Think about that for a second. Even if Dixie Carter and Jeff Jarrett have to give TNA up, they still have done so much better than Vince ever did at trying something outside their perceived grasp.

But WWE make no mistake is anywhere near their level of quality that they once were, I mean don't get me wrong they are still the gold standard of the business, but what's their excuse for not being what they once were. My feelings are that wrestling is not as good as it was during the Attitude Era, but considering their experience as a company they can afford to have a few rough years. TNA I will admit does not have this advantage, but they must be doing better business than you would dare give them credit for, unless you know what TNA's financial health is, it'd serve you best to choose your words and criticisms wisely unless you got some iron clad proof to truly back up how you feel and why you think TNA is so awful.
It's so prestigious that I have to be reminded of who the champion is before I comment on this subject. It's pretty obvious and I'll admit that I'm no TNA supporter, but I think that that still says it all.

All I have to say is I've no idea how the hell you managed to find yourself in the TNA section. Even the common TNA hater knows who the champ is, he did turn in quite a oblique fashion and has been turning heads since. You know what.. I don't comment on ROH because I don't watch it, I don't really see a reason for you to be here.

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