How much longer will TNA remain in business for?

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TNA is due to have their biggest ppv Bound For Glory next month and with Sting leaving and Scott Steiner possibly due to leave TNA it's fair to say that these established names are drawing the ratings for TNA and once they leave the ratings will go down.

Releases from the company are coming often like Mantell, Love, BG James, Cornette etc and the young guys are getting held down like MCMG, Lethal, etc in favor of the ex wwe guys.

TNAs ppv buyrates are bad and their are rumours that they will cut down on this. Angle is arguably the only top guy in the Mafia who can still go and he's over 40.

Jarrett is suspended and the company is gaining their ratings most with the knockouts which not every male viewer likes.

wcw was in business for 13 years and TNA has now been in business for 7
years so how much longer do you think TNA will be around?
I don't see TNA calling it quits anytime soon. Just because Sting and Steiner might be leaving soon doesn't mean anything. Sting and Steiner hardly do anything for the ratings. Although Sting might be one of the guys that got new fans to start tuning into TNA, chances are those fans aren't going to stop watching. Most TNA fans are loyal to TNA.

If anything, the younger guys are being showcased more than ever right now.

Yeah, We haven't seen much of the MCMG and Lethal Consequences lately, but AJ Styles is champion, Matt Morgan is feuding with Angle, from the way it's looking we are going to see an Abyss vs Foley feud.

I can easily see TNA lasting another 7 years and even lasting beyond that.
I think your jumping to conclusions buddy...I see your points, and yeah TNA doesn't have the best ppv buy rates but damn their only 7 years old! Im saying, give them time. Im not sure if they will last longer then WCW but I sure hope so because I wanna see someone knock WWE on their ass! It's rather bleak though with Russo/Ferrara at the booking helm, but who knows MAYBE things have changed and they will continue to for the good as TNA has been doing the past few months. My main concern is the lack of interest in Wrestling in general. If it's not WWE most of the casual fans dont give a crap, that died with the attitude era. Wrestling doesn't seem to have as many hardcore/die hard fans as it did back in the day, and TNA might suffer just from having lack of star power. But to build a company they NEED to build that home grown talent "AJ/Daniels/Joe" and have them in the place that "Angle/Sting" and ect are. I really dont see Angle or Sting being in TNA a year from now so maybe there's concern from that aspect, but they sure have enough great Talent to fill that possible void but only if they wanna use their heads and do the right thing. It's bogus The MCMG havent been Tag Chanps yet, I dont give a crap about a past refusing to do a blade job I heard about, that's just ludicrous lol. Alex Shelley is the most wasted talent in Wrestling over the last 5 years IMO he has it all. We'll see I guess.
The biggest problem that TNA and WWE have r story lines. They r stickin with the same ppl to write them and the problem with that is the ideas r stale. They dont use enough of some of the story lines and to much of others. I think they should start hiring life long fans of WRESTLING NOT money, business, a true fan would have so many ideas of what they would want to see and that probably goes for other fans as well. Also they would do it cheaper which will fill up money for better shows. Switch out the writters ever couple of yrs or have a team and switch out the head writters every yr or so.
The only real problem I have with TNA right now is there PPV matches always end the same, there is always some type of interference and it ruins very very good matches IMO. That said I love MCMG and I would love to see them featured a lot more often, I also love the fact they gave AJ the belt, I like that they're pushing Morgan, but they're also giving more camera time to guys like Angle, Nash, Steiner, Booker and Sting and they're all on the way out, they're all getting up there in age and won't be around much longer.
wow....I completely disagree with everything you said...

Sting and Steiner leaving is only going to help them...
who turns into TNA to see them two? no one...

TNA if anything is growing, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon except up. Will they grow to WWE status...who knows but thats a lot to expect in 7 years. It took WWF/WWE time to get big too...
alex shelley is far from underrated,hes athletic and funny,but he doesnt sell,there is no emotion in his matches,they dont know how to tell a story in the ring,they just do moves,they can get anyone to do that,maybe while theyre in japan,they could learn something,like telling a story in the ring,instead of just doing unrealistic moves
First and foremost I'm a dedicated WWE fan for several years now and there's a lot of people that say well TNA sucks and WWE sucks and TNA's wrestling is better and WWE's is better blah blah blah blah blah. I don't even remember how many times I've heard the battle cries from this board and youtube but the same fans that diss either one or both companies still watch them. Total two-face. Both companies have their uniqueness and their downsides. Yes, TNA is about the wrestling where as WWE does a little of both but more towards the entertainment aspect but lets face it...for the WWE it works and apparently is what draws the crowds. To say that all of their wrestling sucks is a little overboard. There are a lot of things I disagree with, Mark Henry etc etc need I say more. I'll be the first to say that the wrestling in TNA is great but then again their story lines suck. If it was all about the wrestling as many TNA fans put it then I'd be watching ROH. I want TNA to succeed and they do need to push their young stars but the real problem is instead of using the former WWE guys to help push guys like Joe and Styles and Lethal, they pushed them down. They need to use guys like Angle and Booker T and Foley and have them put over the younger wrestlers so that the "WWE" fan that very rarely watch TNA can say, "DAMN! Who's that guy fighting Angle? AJ Styles? He's pretty good!" And they would keep introducing these guys to the fans that don't follow. MEM had guys like Booker T, Nash, Steiner and Angle. The Joe thing didn't last too long. They should have used guys like that to help push the younger guys similar to how But they failed at it. Joe, AJ, Lethal, MCMG (the gimmicks suck by the way) are the future of the company. Utilize the former WWE guys while they are still around so that when they finally leave, retire, or jump ship again, they younger guys will be better known and ready to lead the company. But lets face it.....Russo blows and the creative team blows. I get some hollywood people in there, replace Mike Tenay (Thank God Don West is no longer announcer. Replace him with JB for all I care). Here's a toast that TNA continues to grow so that wrestling will continue to exist.
alex shelley is far from underrated,hes athletic and funny,but he doesnt sell,there is no emotion in his matches,they dont know how to tell a story in the ring,they just do moves,they can get anyone to do that,maybe while theyre in japan,they could learn something,like telling a story in the ring,instead of just doing unrealistic moves

:lmao: That's nonsense dude. Shelley is every bit as good as AJ Styles, there I said it. How is there no emotion in his matches please define? And well when your booked like garbage for so long maybe you just Shelton Benjamin and Carlito a little and tend to care less. And what's this about unrealistic moves? Their a classic tag team and do alot of double team moves like the stereo kicks. What, Do you want them to be bland and have a 3 move set offense?
TNA's long term viability has a lot to do with Panda Energy. As long as its a profitable segment of Panda, Robert Carter will continue to indulge his daughter Dixie and let her run her company. If it stops making a profit for Panda, or stays stagnant or Panda decides to go in another direction then we could well see the end of TNA.

It is a bit scary because without the financial backing of a company like Panda I don't think TNA could stand on its own. Whose to say that a year from now Panda might decide to drop TNA or sell it off? Luckily that doesn't seem to be in the cards at this time.

TNA could still be going strong 5 - 7 years from now they could be memory 3 years from now its anybody's guess. The best thing to do is enjoy it while its here now.
Everyone seems so terrified that the newly reunited Russo/Ferrara booking team will "destroy" TNA, like they "destroyed" WCW. There are a few, although not many, that share my opinion that WCW was doomed before they even got there. I think Russo & Ferrara did what they could with the sinking ship at WCW, which wasn't very much. Sure, they pulled a lot of crap-angles too, but what were they supposed to do? They couldn't elevate new talent in a month or two, the fans wouldn't buy it. Enough on that, it's a bit too far off-topic.

My point here is that they actually have time to make something of TNA, something they didn't have in WCW. Did you guys watch impact last night? In my opinion, it was one of the best wrestling programs I've seen on television in a long time. I didn't really get bored through any of the segments, it was an all-around great show...I do have to admit that I didn't give a shit about Lashley/Holiday though.

They're starting to create more feuds with *gasp* younger stars, and feuds that actually seem to sort of least from the wrestling character's standpoints. Feuds that could actually elevate some of these younger guys...or at least get the audience to care about them a little more. If last night's program is anything to go by, then it seems they're on the right track...and by "they", I mean Russo & Ferrara.

Remember when WCW used to straight-up kick WWE's ass in the ratings every week? Remember how WCW wanted to be the "family-oriented" wrestling program? Remember the reason why they were kicking so much ass, was because WWE(F) didn't have as much "star-power" as WCW did? Who saved WWE from going down the toilet then? guessed it. Remember that? No one seems to ever bring that up, Russo/Ferrara might as well have never worked for WWE in most people's minds. Just ruined WCW, that was the only thing those guys ever did in their entire careers.

Think about the parallels here. WWE is now the one who wants to be family-oriented, and have dirty midgets on our TVs every Monday night. They definitely have more star-power than TNA does, and they don't even feel like TNA could EVER compete with them. Remember, Bischoff thought the same thing. WCW had the same guys in the main event every Monday, just like WWE does now. History could repeat itself, but maybe not in the way everyone - scratch that - most people think it will.

I know in the past we've seen MONTHS of horrible TNA television, followed by one "good" episode (or possibly two), but I don't see this pattern continuing. At the very least, I bet TNA programming will continue to be not only "watchable", but highly enjoyable leading up to BFG. Hopefully they'll stay on that track after the PPV as well.

I still think that TNA has no where to go but up, and they're not going away anytime soon. Hopefully they'll be able to become the young upstart company that could actually give WWE a run for their money. If they can't give them a run for their money, they're certainly not going out of business any time in the immediate future.
This Thread is completely stupid and I would be glad to tell you why first off TNA insn't WCW , Yes TNA has used established stars to make a name for themselves like WCW did in the mid 90's ( Hall , Nash , Hogan ect) but TNA has somethign that WCW didn't have what's that you might ask it's simple a young group of guys and girls ready to take over the company and the business ( AJ Styles , Samoa Joe , Daniels , Red Suicide , Pope , Traci Brooks , Christy hemme , Alissa Flash , Serita , Talor Wilde , TBP ect) yes TNA has gotten alot of guys and girls from WWE via released but what all IWC doesn't want to admit is that WWE has taken / resigned from TNA as well , Just to name a few Paul London , Brian Kendrick , Low -Ki , KAZ , Christian , "Wildcat" Chris Harris in closeing I want to say that TNA WILL BE IN BUSINESS FOR YEASR IF NOT DECADES TO COME andf all you TNA Haters better known as WWE Marks will just have to deal with it So just sit back and watch John Cenanuff , Routine Kinda Old (RKO) and Triple Hollywood trade the WWE Title back and forth like it's a funny e-mail joke (because that's what the WWE Championship is a funny joke no wait it's not a funny joke at all) TNA Has THE BEST WOMAN'S DIVISION , THE BEST TAG TEAM DIVISION , THE BEST MID CARD TITLES and THE BEST HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION IN PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING TODAY PERIOD !!!!
I think Sting and Steiner leaving would be good for business. They are both high priced talent and I don't think Steiner draws ANYONE to watch TNA and Sting probably commands a huge salary which I don't think generates a lot of interest. Sting was great in the 90's but we are approaching 2010. I really hope Vince Russo's vision truly is to establish new stars and NOT rush things. Matt Morgan will be great, AJ Styles is building his own legacy and hopefully others will get a chance to take the ball and run with it. I truly believe the key to TNA getting bigger and more profitable is establishing their own stars and find a diamond in the rough who will generate interest in the brand and isn't at risk of leaving for WWE.
This Thread is completely stupid and I would be glad to tell you why first off TNA insn't WCW , Yes TNA has used established stars to make a name for themselves like WCW did in the mid 90's ( Hall , Nash , Hogan ect) but TNA has somethign that WCW didn't have what's that you might ask it's simple a young group of guys and girls ready to take over the company and the business ( AJ Styles , Samoa Joe , Daniels , Red Suicide , Pope , Traci Brooks , Christy hemme , Alissa Flash , Serita , Talor Wilde , TBP ect) yes TNA has gotten alot of guys and girls from WWE via released but what all IWC doesn't want to admit is that WWE has taken / resigned from TNA as well , Just to name a few Paul London , Brian Kendrick , Low -Ki , KAZ , Christian , "Wildcat" Chris Harris in closeing I want to say that TNA WILL BE IN BUSINESS FOR YEASR IF NOT DECADES TO COME andf all you TNA Haters better known as WWE Marks will just have to deal with it So just sit back and watch John Cenanuff , Routine Kinda Old (RKO) and Triple Hollywood trade the WWE Title back and forth like it's a funny e-mail joke (because that's what the WWE Championship is a funny joke no wait it's not a funny joke at all) TNA Has THE BEST WOMAN'S DIVISION , THE BEST TAG TEAM DIVISION , THE BEST MID CARD TITLES and THE BEST HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION IN PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING TODAY PERIOD !!!!
Thank You.

TNA has a big and bright future. They have a large pool of talent and they have already established the best Woman's Division in Wrestling, The Best Tag Team of this Decade and Two Of The Greatest Wrestlers today.

I'm tired of people labeling it with the same fate as WCW. Two completely different companies and run by different people.

Right now, TNA has AJ Styles, Hernandez, Matt Morgan, The Pope, Robert Roode, James Storm, Jay Lethal, Suicide...(Yes I said it) and Eric Young. All future World Champions that can go great things for the main event Division.

The Knockouts are stacked. They have a ton of talent and future legends (no pun intended).

Right now, TNA isn't going anywhere and probably will remain in the business for decades with names like that.

The real reason why Pro-Wrestling sucks nowadays is because of paranoid fans that don't know when to leave the past in the past. Big deal of they brought in people from WCW. This is a different timezone, things are done differently today than back then.
This Thread is completely stupid and I would be glad to tell you why first off TNA insn't WCW , Yes TNA has used established stars to make a name for themselves like WCW did in the mid 90's ( Hall , Nash , Hogan ect) but TNA has somethign that WCW didn't have what's that you might ask it's simple a young group of guys and girls ready to take over the company and the business ( AJ Styles , Samoa Joe , Daniels , Red Suicide , Pope , Traci Brooks , Christy hemme , Alissa Flash , Serita , Talor Wilde , TBP ect) yes TNA has gotten alot of guys and girls from WWE via released but what all IWC doesn't want to admit is that WWE has taken / resigned from TNA as well , Just to name a few Paul London , Brian Kendrick , Low -Ki , KAZ , Christian , "Wildcat" Chris Harris in closeing I want to say that TNA WILL BE IN BUSINESS FOR YEASR IF NOT DECADES TO COME andf all you TNA Haters better known as WWE Marks will just have to deal with it So just sit back and watch John Cenanuff , Routine Kinda Old (RKO) and Triple Hollywood trade the WWE Title back and forth like it's a funny e-mail joke (because that's what the WWE Championship is a funny joke no wait it's not a funny joke at all) TNA Has THE BEST WOMAN'S DIVISION , THE BEST TAG TEAM DIVISION , THE BEST MID CARD TITLES and THE BEST HEAVYWEIGHT DIVISION IN PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING TODAY PERIOD !!!!

Its an issue worth talking about because it appears that at any point TNA COULD go out of business. I would love to see the days of the monday night wars return to wrestling but its just not happening. TNA isn't the competition for WWE that WCW and i know its only been 7 years but this is 2009 and they have been on Spike for about 4 years now, a deal they got shortly after USA Network accepted the WWE once again with open arms.
TNA is way too low budget, cheesy, the backstage announcers have too many personal conversations or friendships with the talent (like jeremy with karen and kurt angle, and that blonde chick and abyss). you don't see todd grisham or josh matthews get all personal with Cena or Orton they are strictly business. Also some guys don't know how to sell and sometimes their high impact moves don't even appear believeable. For exanple, MCMG at one time i thot to myself these guys are one of the best tags in wrestling today and much more cohesive than London and Kendrick. I still say they have the best double team ability in the business, but they can't sell and some of those kicks couldn't hurt a fly because they barely make contact, it should look believable. Some of the gimmicks are awful, I do love what they've done with EY tho, somebody was thinking, but in general their writing sux but promos are starting to sound better. (And WCW had that young talent too. lets not forget Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Eddie, juvi, all the other japanese and luchador wrestlers, Alex Wright, Daphney, 3 count, Noble. So that isn't some added advantage for TNA and it won't carry them unless the young talent gets the proper push.)

However, when it comes to longevity i don't see it. My guess is they are not turning a profit and Dixie Carter is just digging into that purse of hers. She says she won't sell but you can't do that forever. I'm not being a hater just trying to call it like i see it. I don't wanna see TNA crumble but if they keep having crappy ideas then i could care less (we don't need anymore of that WWE is doing that enough as it is).
TNA will be around for awhile. They have a solid tv contract with Spike, a station that's available on most basic cable packages, unlike ROH and their HDnet deal. Their ratings have also been steady on Thursday nights. They won't approach WWE ratings anytime soon, but as whole ratings for wrestling are down. These things tend to go in cycles. Ratings were down in the 80's, then shot up in th 90's and now back down again. Will it ever shoot back up to like it was in the 90's, who knows.

As for the content, Chavo-Hornswaggle isn't cheesy? I think TNA has been getting better since the trainwreck that was Victory Road. They have built up younger guys like Matt Morgan and Hernandez. The Knockouts have been solid and they have a nice mid-card fued with The Pope and Suicide. They need to do more with x-division talent like Lethal Consequence and Sabin/Shelly, but it's hard when you have so much talent and only 2 hours a week.
First, it's bullshit statement that R&F "destroyed WCW". Why won't you mention how much Russo helped drive the WWF rating from 1.9 to 6.9 - SAVING WWE from going out of business - as per David Sahadi.

Second, TNA has already signed a 3 year deal with Spike TV and is being profitable. They are establishing new stars as they speak and have a secure 2 hour timeslot every week on primetime. Their ratings have reached 1.2-1.3 on a regular basis.

Russo and Ferrara are tremendous as a team together and are more creative than what WWE has put out over the past 10 fucking years. So I see long term growth for TNA with these two writing. I hate reading bullshit statements especially coming from people who were in kindgergarten when these guys were writing the greatest television in wrestling history.
A modern wrestling promotion needs two things to stay in business--a tv network and a source of cash for when things aren't going well. Spike just re-signed them for three years, and Panda energy shows no signs of dumping TNA.

I don't think that TNA doesn't even have to make money for Panda. If they break even, or lose a few million a year, Panda executives can look at that as an investment that they may recoup down the line, or at least as a sunk cost (better to lose $3-5M this year than to give up on a $50M investment in TNA--all numbers made up). Better to stick with it and hope for better days.

Only if TNA starts to just lose tons of money would Panda pull the plug.
you know what,i'm sick and tired of people bashing TNA.TNA is not going anywhere and they never will,just because there not high and mighty with ratings like WWE,doesn't mean there doomed to fail.You idiots should be thankiful you even have an alternative to WWE which blows right now

TNA just signed a 3-year deal with spike TV,they've released all the dead weight in the company(useless writers,wrestlers not doing shit),there pushing young guys(morgan,aj styles,herendez) and there going to add more TNA programming soon

Sting and Steiner don't help the ratings at all,in fact,I think they hurt the ratings because no one wants to see old men wrestler,they want to see young guys,Seeing sting and steiner go is a blessing

TNA impact has been amazing ever since JJ got the boot so i'm glad he's gone,i don't care if he ever comes back,all he does is take up TV time for himself

Dixies family is LOADED WITH money,her daddy is NEVER going to let his daughter lose her company so TNA is set for many MANY years

TNA has grown so much over these 7 years,TNA is way more entertaining then the crap WWE puts in front of us,i'd rather see aj styles then hornswaggle vs. chavo,give me a break

TNAs knockout and tag divisions are stacked,way better then WWE's

TNA is pushing young guys,something WWE doesn't have a clue about,all they have is cena vs. orton vs. triple h #12033883,i'm sick of it

TNA is going to around for a VERY VERY long time so you TNA haters have to deal with it,TNA is not WCW,there not going to fail like WCW,you stubborn fans need to let go of the past,this isn't the 90's,times have changed

sorry for losng my anger but I'm sick of this same old crap
WWE today equals the last ten years of WCW while TNA of today represents the Attitude Era of WWF. TNA has the ability to make an attack on WWE whenever the hell they want to and would win. WWE is too weak right now to be able to withstand a ratings war with anybody. What WWE needs to do is develop talent and push some of the younger stars. Hell, have another king of the ring or something but get some younger guys up there that can put on a show and can get over with the crowd really well.
I think TNA will be around for a while. If anything I believe they can grow to be the next WWE or end up just a notch below it. This company is still young and still growing. I love that they are beginning to push the likes of Morgan and Hernandez and World Elite and Styles. In my eyes they are booking the way WWE should book their shows. They are starting to build the future and set the stones for the next greats in the ring. Same goes for the Knockout division. In my opinion they showcase Knockouts a lot because they have talented women and they are showing the WWE how it should be done. If WWE booked the way TNA does right now they would be golden. I see TNA being around for a while because if WWE continues to procede with PG then fans will tune in to TNA to see the alternative which in my opninon happens to be a better booked wrestling promotion right now.
With all due respect to manyof the posters here, I do no see TNA ever being a threat to WWE. I am not a hugh fan of either company, but I have been watching wrestling long enough to see trends. While the WWE is in the same place it was prior to the Attitude Era, TNA seems to be in the same place WCW was when they started to roll down hill toward their sale. They even have the same guys booking now. That is not to say they are in iminent danger of closing, but how long can they go on getting raitings under 1.0 and non existant buy rates on their PPV's before they totally run out of money. Not that I want to see that. I think the more competition is out there the better the product is everywhere, but I am just not sure how many more years they can throw money at the TNA prodcut before it runs out.
TNA is due to have their biggest ppv Bound For Glory next month and with Sting leaving and Scott Steiner possibly due to leave TNA it's fair to say that these established names are drawing the ratings for TNA
Do you actually think that Sting and Scott Steiner are rating draws for TNA? I like Sting and I don’t mind Scotty but it’s asinine that you actually think they draw ratings. Sting, the man that’s supposed to be a draw for TNA, has had some of the lowest and at times the lowest quarterly hour ratings. Now explain to me if someone gets low ratings while everyone else is getting high or decent quarterly ratings, how are they a draw?
and once they leave the ratings will go down.
I really do doubt that once they leave the company the ratings will go down. If anything is going to force the ratings to go down it’s the fact that they are facing really strong competition on other networks. Steiner and Sting leaving probably wouldn’t affect the ratings by much.
Releases from the company are coming often like Mantell, Love, BG James, Cornette etc and the young guys are getting held down like MCMG, Lethal, etc in favor of the ex wwe guys.
Notice how most of those releases were people who weren’t on screen characters and one of them they had to fire. Anyways, there have been several reports already that Vince Russo’s mission is to push more of the younger talent so I guess we have to wait and see how things turn out before people start jumping back on the “Former WWE guys are getting pushed over the younger talent” bandwagon. I don’t like Russo but I do think it would be great if he does push younger talent and starts building them up so they can step in once the older guys retire or leave TNA.
TNAs ppv buyrates are bad and their are rumours that they will cut down on this. Angle is arguably the only top guy in the Mafia who can still go and he's over 40.
I do think that TNA pay per views don’t get too many buys but then again, when have they? I don’t remember what the highest reported pay per view buys for TNA was, but it really wasn’t that good if you compare to a company like WWE. So just because they aren’t getting really good buys it doesn’t mean they are going out of business because they haven’t gotten good buys before but are still alive.
years so how much longer do you think TNA will be around?
How much longer do I think TNA will be around? Well it’s impossible for me to tell you because I am no expert when it comes to things like analyzing a business and predicting how much longer they’ll be around depending on if they had a loss or are profiting.

But my best guess is that they’ll be around for (hopefully) a long time. I really do like TNA and I think that some people try to discredit what they have been able to do in 7 years. I think that they can become bigger if they continue what they are and in the process improve in some areas that they need improvements in such as in marketing and advertising. Like I said, I can’t predict how much longer they’ll be around but I do hope that they stay for a very long time.
Surely TNA has to use the time they have left wit Angle and the likes to push their home-grown talent more
TNA will remain in buisness as long as the world is turning! TNA is the future! Vinnie Mac and the Mcmahon familia probably pop popcorn every thursday and sit and watch a real wrestling company in action. TNA is a growing process rather u've watch since the weekly ppv's in the asylum to fsn or to the 1 hour spiketv deal to their current 2 hour spikeTv timeslot. The 1st episode on spike tv slammin saturday night scored a 0.5 cable rating, here we are today getting anywhere from a 1.0 to a high 1.3, lord knows theirs ALOT of wwe marks out their, as far as wwe goes its getting to be the same thing each week, letting 'celebs' whoop on their superstars if folks are into that thats cool with me, u say wwe is a tradition, i say afraid of change. TAZ recently left wwe for TNA being an announcer my guess would be he got tired of the same o'l stuff week after week, TNA is a fresh mix between stars of today such as AJ Styles, Abyss, Alex Shelly, Daniels, Amazing red, Samoa joe, Beer $, eric young, kiyoshi, hernandez, Bobby Lashley,cody deaner, Brutas Magnus, Matt Morgan,Suicide, consequences creed and more, Mixed in with some stars of yesteryear, such as 'The Icon' Sting, Booker T, Kurt Angle, Kevin Nash, Mick Foley and more! Also with easily the best women in the world today some knockouts included Sarita, Tara, ODB, Taylor Wilde, Velvet Sky, Christy Hemme, Sojo Bolt, Madison Rayne and many more! Also they have a womens tag title, how Awsome and Creative is that, yes i know its been done in early years. As far as people go saying TNA 'copys' wwe man thats just stupid! stupid stupid stupid! heres a few ocassions where wwe has copied TNA. TNA had a match of champions at one of their ppvs ( Victory Road) i believe the next night on raw wwe had a 'champions only' match. Kinda funny how christians name in TNA included 'The Instant Classic' Christian Cage, when he arrived on ecw, matt striker screamed this moment has become 'instantly classic' their now calling shelton benjamine 'the blueprint' hahaha i dont think so we all know it was Matt Morgans nickname 1st. Hmmmm Also funny how TNA has an all steelcage ppv, now wwe is having an all hell in a cell ppv. So im gonna leave it at this yes it'll be around a long time as some 1 said be 4 knock wwe on their butt, im asking people to just watch impact once instead of assuming it sucks ( wwe marks). Also theirs a big possibility of a 2nd show coming, theirs a huge dream brawl comin up between Abyss and Mick Foley! Word Elite looks to start a fued with MEM, possible sting retirement. Well im out hope u guys read this and tune in to Total Nonstop Action this thur. and so on.
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