How many of you watch ROH?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Or should I say, do any of you NOT watch ROH?

Why is it that this forum seems to be more Pro-ROH then Pro-TNA, the same way a TNA Shitpact Zone crowd sounds more Anti-WWE then Pro-TNA.

There is so many thoughts I'd like to address in this thread, but then my post will just turn to shit lol.

I think one of the bad things about being a "dedicated" member of IWC and reading up on all the latest news, is that it completely changes your view of wrestling. You place too much appreciation in certain wrestlers where it gets to the point where the question is asked "Does this guy deserve a world title reign? Yes or may be. "Would he make a good world champion (and be a good draw?) No."

Whoever is spreading propaganda for the TNA originals/little man/ or guys who were in WWE but no one remembers (Morgan/The Pope), they're doing a helluva job.

I joined Wrestlezone I think in January of this year? And I'd only gotten involved in reading the dirt sheets and what not may be a year ago, but I'd been watching wrestling for decades. Before I knew all about the internet gossip on TNA, I was just a casual fan that was watching TNA MAINLY because of Sting.

I think a lot of people don't realize how little the majority fans care about the wrestling aspect of it and what they know and don't know. I saw someone in another thread make the argument that fans keep track of wrestlers wins and losses(referencing Dreamer always losing,) this person was giving the fans way to much credit.

I was watching TNA since 05-06' on and off and I remember a year ago I'd been watching every episode for like 4 months straight and I couldn't even name the wrestlers who weren't WCW/WWE. I mean as good as they are, it took me a while to put a name with a face in regards to Beer Money.

I do remember Alex Shelley b/c he made his mark back with Nash and PP.

And not too long ago, Aj Styles was a lackey for Angle and Christian, right? And was teaming with Tomko? Who remembers AJ had too dress in a Turkey suit?

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is, people are glorifying guys like Styles saying "the house that Styles built" when it was guys like Sting/Angle who were bringing in the majority of viewers.

And if Christian Cage was still there, where would Styles be and would it be 'the house that Cage built"? And how pathetic is it that Cage was a world champion lol. Talk about mediocrity.

Anyway, do all of you watch ROH? And do you think that your standards in wrestling are slipping? (i.e. As long as they can wrestle your happy?)
I dunno if it's the ROH or some other internet wrestling influence, but TNA fans seem to have really low standards.

You really don't mind if the roster is 37 guys who are 5'7 160 and one guy is 6'5 380? As long as they can wrestle and "the young guys" are pushed?
I can't watch ROH due to I don't get HDnet to watch it and I am usually too busy to watch it on youtube. So sadly no, and to the Aj build tna. He did. He's the face of the company. He was a lackey for Angle and Cage for a while. Look back to the early days of TNA. He did everything that was asked of him and more. He's the workhorse of the company. There's no denying it. The crowd in the impact may be anti-wwe but they are sure as hell pro-styles.
I dont watch ROH only because like a previous poster said, I don't have HDnet. Plus I hate watching vid's on youtube because of shitty video quality my pc has. I will say though that I would love to watch ROH. Everything I've read & heard about it is that it's exactly the kind of wrestling I like & wanna see that neither WWE nor TNA give me & that's old school traditional wrestling that focuses more on the actual wrestling & not the hollywood aspect.
I live in the UK so I can't watch HD Net but I do get lots of their shows on DVD and I feel it's the best company in the world right now and has been for the last 4 years.
I watch ROH every chance I get. I really don't understand how people can say TNA is that great when every time I watch ROH their product is soooo much better especially when you consider they are not on a national tv station like Spike. I will tell anybody that will listen to watch ROH. Kevin Steen, the Briscoes, Austin Aeries; the list goes on and on. I only hope one day Vince will give these guys a shot at the "E" and if Jim Ross has a say they probably will. If ROH was on a channel everyone got like Spike it would blow the TNA ratings out of the water.
Listen Up Idiots:

ROH is cool. TNA is cool. NWA is cool. But WWE is the best. To answer your question how many people watch ROH wrestling? I'd bet money that 80 people on a weekly basis is a good estimate. I hear they used to get 4 buys for their PPV's.
I watch ROH, but I get the sense I'm in the minority, as HDNet doesn't really have a wide subscription base. Hell, I don't think most of the columnists on this site watch ROH; I know I've heard the CSR guys talking about how they are pretty much clueless about guys like Tyler Black because they don't get HDNet.

I'm kind of confused as to what you're asking here. So, are you suggesting that the popularity of ROH has somehow caused the IWC to view TNA with rose-colored glasses, allowing them to slide with idiotic booking and an unconvincing product from the traditional standard of what makes "good wrestling"? I personally think TNA gets way too much slack on this forum, but I really doubt it's because of the influence of ROH or indie wrestling in general, just because that kind of product is watched by a fairly small portion of even the kind of "hardcore" audience that populates this site.

I think people tend to stump for TNA because it's the alternative product, and people would like them to succeed as a viable competitor to the WWE. I think it's fairly widely accepted that competition drives innovation and quality in just about any area of economic activity, and pro wrestling is no different. While TNA does frustrate the hell out of me with their routinely nonsensical storylines and backstage politics brought on screen, they continue to be a major conduit for the kind of performance that thrives in the indie leagues, and which I think is as important to American culture as the storytelling aspects that WWE has by-and-large perfected.
I watch ROH every chance I get. I really don't understand how people can say TNA is that great when every time I watch ROH their product is soooo much better especially when you consider they are not on a national tv station like Spike. I will tell anybody that will listen to watch ROH. Kevin Steen, the Briscoes, Austin Aeries; the list goes on and on. I only hope one day Vince will give these guys a shot at the "E" and if Jim Ross has a say they probably will. If ROH was on a channel everyone got like Spike it would blow the TNA ratings out of the water.

To say it would blow TNA out of the water is saying they would get WWE like really believe that simply because RoH gets a mainstream TV deal that fans would flock to whatever channel it's on? TNA learned the hard way that it isn't just about good matches and being on TV. These days there is too much company loyal in an industry where such loyalty is quite asinine. Because there was a time when WWE was the only show on TV and we were all asking for more, we get it, and people choose to play this loyalty game. Wrestling is wrestling, some of it is different than others, but we should appreciate the variety that there is. Fans of other sports don't have our luxury. I love basketball, but hate some of the NBA's rules. Unfortunately there is no realistic alternative to the NBA, so I have to enjoy what I can from it.

It also doesn't make a lot of sense to state the reasons why RoH is the best in the world yet you want to see their talent leave for WWE. RoH shouldn't want to remain nothing more than an indie company, they should be striving for greater heights (which it doesn't appear they are exactly with the lack of marketing of their product). And as an RoH fan you shouldn't want the very talent that makes them "the best" to leave for a company that may not used them to their potential.

As for the OP, I'm not sure what you are implying, that TNA roster isn't credible because the guys aren't 6'-'6'6"? What should be the standard for good wrestling?
I watch ROH every chance I get. I really don't understand how people can say TNA is that great when every time I watch ROH their product is soooo much better especially when you consider they are not on a national tv station like Spike. I will tell anybody that will listen to watch ROH. Kevin Steen, the Briscoes, Austin Aeries; the list goes on and on. I only hope one day Vince will give these guys a shot at the "E" and if Jim Ross has a say they probably will. If ROH was on a channel everyone got like Spike it would blow the TNA ratings out of the water.

I'm with you on this. Some of the best matches that I've seen in recent years have come out of ROH. I can easily name a few right here:
Eddie Kingston vs Chris Hero (Fight without Honor match)
The Briscoes vs the Kings of Wrestling
Davey Richards vs Eddie Edwards
Tyler Black vs Davey Richards

And that's just a few of em. Also keep in mind how many of TNA's guys came out of Ring of Honor. The Motor City Machine Guns, AJ Styles, Low Ki/Senshi/Kaval, Samoa Joe (Still holds the record as longest world champ). For a company that is not as widespread TV wise, ROH has been making all the right choices that neither TNA or WWE seem to be. ROH has a rich tag division and it's almost a certainty that a tag match they produce will be a good one. You already have great teams in there like the Kings Of Wrestilng, the Briscoes, Dark City Fight Club and the American Wolves. Now you're adding Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin to the mix, which just makes it even better. The best part of their product is that they still have the ability to shock and awe and just leave the viewers stoked about what they just saw and wondering how these guys do some of these moves. It's not perfect by any means as like any form of wrestling it's got it's flaws but to me, its overshadowed by it's best attributes.The only complaint I have is that I need more than just an hour of ROH. They need to add an extra hour. But again, I'm saying that right now this is best quality pro wrestling out there because WWE just doesn't seem to give a crap anymore and are trying to tell the fans what they want instead of giving them what they want. And TNA is more focused on trying to beat the WWE that they've let their own product gradually slip. One thing that ROH has been doing right for me lately is that they leave me wanting more
Let me say first I have been watching WWE since I was like 7 or 8 (All I remember from there was The Rock and Stone Cold. I loved the rock n sock connection). TNA from 2004 when they moved from the Nashville Asylum to Orlando and started using the 6 sided ring. And ROH for since they debuted on HDnet.

The best product right now is ROH by far.

Anyway, do all of you watch ROH? And do you think that your standards in wrestling are slipping? (i.e. As long as they can wrestle your happy?)
I dunno if it's the ROH or some other internet wrestling influence, but TNA fans seem to have really low standards.

Next, I have to say that TNA is my favorite not because we "have lower standards" but because I know what TNA is able to accomplish from its earlier days. (2002-2006 early 2007). If you just gave me a whole PPV where they showed old TNA matches from that era I'd buy it if it cost 100 dollars.

If you think I have low standards then here are a few matches you haven't seen. The last one is not that great but I still like it. (I should put Somoa Joe vs. A.J. Styles at Sacrafice 2005).


You really don't mind if the roster is 37 guys who are 5'7 160 and one guy is 6'5 380? As long as they can wrestle and "the young guys" are pushed?

Hell yea I wouldn't mind. The wrestlers that are 5'7 160 are a lot more entertaining and can actually do more than 5 different moves without having to stop for 20 min break. Also, when you have a bunch of smaller guys you can do more stuff with them in the ring and out of the ring. Such as Ultimate X. If I had a roster full of smaller superstars I can put on one hell of a Ultimate X match. If I had a roster full of large superstars there is no way in hell I could.
Yeah, this thread was for the TNA forum, but I got an infraction and they said it was meant for another section.

What I'm getting at in my post is that all the fans in the TNA forum are ROH marks and only care about ROH/TNA originals. Basically they mark out for the nobodies and over exaggerate how good like Styles (he's good but put him in WWE and what is he?) Joe, Daniels, Eric Young. The post really hadn't much to do w/ ROH other then the fans posting in TNA's forum are all ROH marks and think wrestling skills are the be-all/end-all in professional wrestling when untalented wrestlers like Hogan/Cena and whoever else have dominated the industry for decades.

So yeah, this post was meant for TNA forum b/c it's them I have a beef with. TNA fans (especially in that forum) are not WWE fans. WWE fans have their own issues (like bringing up Chris Benoit all the time.) If Benoit had been in TNA and did what he did, he'd been forgotten like everyone else who has been fired/released in TNA.

TNA (forum) only cares about the guys who are in the company at that moment in time. And if they wrestled for ROH, that helps.

Anyway, sorry to bother you. I'll let you all get back to talking about Benoit, is JoMo the next HBK and what was the best 6 months period in WWE history.

Because I'm the Mizzzzzzzzz!

AND I .... Neeeeeeeed 2 Pizzzzzzzzz!
Do I watch ROH? God no, I think I'd rather watch grass grow or paint dry. I don't get HDNet either but even if I did, I likely wouldn't watch it unless I was lying on the couch and couldn't reach the remote control. I have attempted to watch it on occasion on YouTube, but the production value is so low, the talent is so sparse, the storylines are so non-existent, and it is just so boring that I haven't been won over at all.

When WWE is available 3 nights a week and even TNA is out there as a plausible (albeit distant) second choice, why would I watch ROH? If anyone any good emerges from there, WWE or TNA will snap them up anyway.

It would be like watching high school baseball, when I could be watching AA or AAA ball (TNA) or the Major Leagues (WWE). To each their own, far be it from me to criticize anyone else's choices or preferences, but it definitely is not for me.
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I watch ROH if I remember it's on. It comes on before RAW, but sometimes it is pretty forgettable. I'd like to watch more of it, but I probably won't tune in seriously until they go two hours. (And get a bigger budget. Wrestling is all well and good, but it doesn't have much showmanship) One hour is a very limited time to try and get different storylines in. TNA was completely unwatchable when they were trying to do a million storylines in a one hour show on Spike.

Another strike ROH has against it is that a lot of the guys, even tho I'm fans of some of their work, do not have enough mic skills or personality to come across as legit stars in the making. Not a fan, but Rhett Titus comes across as a complete tool that I can't take seriously. Just terrible. For me, he's the bathroom break instead of the scant ROH female talent.

Personally, I prefer both ROH and TNA's beginnings than their current status'. WWE is on cruise control and they have no fear of either promotion catching up with them anytime soon unless something drastic happens in the industry.

I'd like to think I don't have brand loyalty, but wrestler loyalty. I'll give any pro-wrestling (Or MMA) promotion a go. :shrug:
Listen Up Idiots!

I give TNA $500 of my money per year.

I give ROH $0

I would give ROH $500 per year for their PPVs too but I don't get HDNet and I don't spend my time watching YouTube videos. Although I do sometimes check out a match or two.

Moral of this post is ROH needs to do whatever it takes to get a better TV deal or who gives a sh*t who gives a f*ck about the company and their ppvs.


The answer to this topics question is NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE WATCH ROH.

Spend time on the wrestling and storylines yes but spend MORE time working on a new deal to get more viewers. I think posting the show each week LIVE on the internet as it runs on HDNet would be a good start. I would watch it then if it was all together in a streaming show online.
I see where the OP is coming from. It isn't my perspective and how I feel because I'm a fan of ROH and other indy's but I understand what he's saying. Casual fans don't give a shit about wrestling, they don't care about AJ Styles or Samoa Joe. They care about Jeff Hardy, Mr. Anderson, Angle, Sting, and Hogan.

After reading his second post however I'm not sure what he's trying to say. It just seems like you want to talk shit about pretty much everyone in the TNA section and most in the WWE section.
I watch weekley through youtube. ROHBrazil uploads teh weekley HDNET shows with the go ahead from HDNET and ROH so there are no fears of it being pulled. I have enjoyed ROH since the beggining and it seems to have gotten better and better. I still hope to see many of the curret ROH guys in WWE & TNA someday so I can watch them via TV insted of through my computer. Guys like Aries, Hero, Claudio and a few others seem to be ready for the big time and I'm always hoping Punk tries to pull some strings to get those three mentioned and Colt in the WWE.

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