How many of you perfer Jeff Hardy on Raw?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know all you guys want the reunion to go down but I honestly want to see Jeff Hardy in singles action on Raw. I think Raw could be a stage where he can show us some crazy shit and have some great feuds/matches with Orton/Edge/Carlito and etc...I think if he is put on Smackdown, we wont see what we want out of him and their roster is just plain horrible...what do you guys honestly want to see?
her him on SD! Smack down right now really needs help roster wise and he would be perfect addition to the roster especially since he will be teaming back with Matt...Raw has enough good superstars as it is...
I would prefer them as a tag team. Both have had their chance to prove themselves as singles wrestlers, and they've been good, but IMO they were best as a tag team. They stood out because of their innovative style when working more than ever, I think they can help bring back tag team wrestling in the WWE.
I could see them in a great fued with Kendrick and London on Smackdown
He could do well on Raw but i think it would be better on Smackdown
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You Put Hardy On Raw..Stack it up even more...If you dont put Real Talent on Smackdown its never gonna get better as a show...Its been 3 Years, they departed as singles superstars, its time to put the Hardyz Back together


I just heard that Jeff will be put on SD to compete in singles matches for a while before the Hardyz reunion as too Matt will also compete in singles also on SD before anything else happens.There also might be a very small slight chance that Jeff Might and I again say Might which is the big word,lol:p He might go on Raw but for now they're gonna stick him with SD b4 the big Hardy Reunion all comes together!!! ^_^
that would be so lame, kinda how when Edge came back and ahim and christian were onthe same show and they had no interaction

thats wack

I guess they just want 2 get Jeff prepared 2 do singles matches to get him started b4 sticking him with Matt.
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WWE does that there idiots, Jeff was in tnA doin wayyyy more risky shit than wwe has done since he left, if he isnt in better wrestlin shape than half the SD Locker room.he up to par

Well who knows Jeff said he is more than Ready to jump off more higher ladders and Thicker Tables LOL:p so who knowswat the very mysterious Enigma will bring 2 SD ^_~
I want Jeff Hardy to be on SmackDown with his brother, Matt Hardy and I want him to be with Ashley. They might all team up like they did with The Hardy Boyz and Lita!
I want him to not be in the wwe at all, And after he does return its going to be funny to see u all bitching about him again like last time he got booted out the door for being SHIT
In his prime, w/ the hardyz and during the period where tag team wrestling had a meaning to WWE programs, Jeff was one of the best high flyer around. Tell me this, drugs or no drugs, who else would swanton off a fucking cage! Team him w/ Matt and get them both on RAW!
I totally agree it would rock if Jeff and Matt were on Raw but now they're gonna b I guess competing for awhile on SD and I guess the creative writers along with Vince and Steph are stil figuring out where to put the guys for now until they can think of a good storyline for the Hardyz Reunion! Man when Matt and Jeff get back together,They are so going to Rock and I know the ratings are gonna go back up to the roof with those two!!!!! ^_^

Matt Hardy Version 1 and the Mysterious Enigma Jeff Hardy Team Extreme!
Ahem, Jeff hardy belongs nowhere in the wwe because he aint gonna do shit for the ratings lol NOONE even missed him, so what the hell are u going on about
Jeff Hardy The Enigma And Matt Hardy Version 1 Will Rule On Wwe Sd And I Can't Wait For The Comeback Of A Hardyz Reunion! Yey!!!!!!! ^_^
I prefer him on SmackDown! right now because, they could use the talent, plus I would like to see a Hardy Boyz reunion.
Dont worry XtremeLiquid,Jeff will b put on SD when he comes back and soon he and Matt will b back 2gether! ^_^

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