How Long Until Raw Goes Back To Two Hours?


Probably the most common complaint I've heard regarding Raw these days is that it's simply too long. Personally, for the most part, I think that WWE has used the extra time well, especially this past Monday. With only two days before Halloween, I think we were all expecting some sort of goofy comedy segment or match featuring wrestlers or Divas dressed up in Halloween costumes. Thankfully, we didn't get that on Raw. No comedy skits, no comedy matches and everything that was on screen seemed to have a purpose.

At the same time, however, it can be tiring watching a 3 hour show every single week no matter what the show is. That's all the more true if you're someone that's just not digging too much about the product right now. I think that viewers of Raw as a whole would probably agree. Last Monday's Raw was way up in viewers and tv ratings but, again, the third hour dropped considerably in viewership. This past Monday was the 11th consecutive week where the third hour of the show drew less than the second hour. As a result, the overall ratings of the show are dragged down. Raw's been struggling as of late in the ratings but last night, they would've broken back into the 3s, rather than a 2.94, had it not been for the third hour. Aside from this, I'd be surprised if executives from the USA Network haven't expressed concerns over the numbers.

I just don't think WWE can keep the three hour Raws going for much longer. In the long run, it's just not paying off and seems to be ultimately hurting the show's numbers. Fans are usually tuning out in the third hour due to viewer fatigue and that's probably not going to end anytime soon. So when do you think the three hour format will go back to two hours? Personally, I think it'll probably happen at the beginning of 2013. The beginning of the year, symbolically, has always been seen as a means of just starting out fresh so I believe that the first Raw of 2013 will be a 2 hour show. If not, then I think it'll be soon after as they might try to do something special for the first Raw of the new year, so they might keep that particular show at three hours.
It's definitely hard to get through 3 hours without falling asleep (I've done that a few times, only to wake up at 11:30 and have to read the results to find out what happened for the last 45 minutes), but point blank, the 3 hour Raws are needed right now.....there's just NO way they can go to 2 hours and still build up the tag division and give them ample time per week, focus on the mid card like they should instead of ignoring it like they have in the past, give the lower card a chance to get themselves seen and acknowledged (3MB, etc), and give the main eventers enough time to try to make themselves into big time draws. If we go back to 2 hours, at least 2 of those things need to be cut from the focus of their attention.
Does Raw have to go back to 2 hours? I think they should focus on the 1st 2
hours holding the main event as hour 2 becomes hour 3, then utilize hour 3 as a
"recap" hour. You can still build in hour 3 but build the minor storylines
focusing on the undercard there.

When WWE first started the 3hr Raw experiment, hour 1 was the weak link ratings
wise, now it is hour 3. Don't abandon the concept, evolve the product. If at
10:10 we went to commercial after a bombshell/twist/dramatic evolution to the
story and we came back at 10:12 to a reporter trying to chase down the superstar
involved or seeing the aftermath from the affected I think it would be
interesting tv. Then you go to the divas match, or comedy match, maybe have a
per-produced segment?

Just my $.02
I think the three hours will extend until maybe after WrestleMania XXIX, for a simple reason, I believe that the card they will put up will need a lot of time to be properly booked. If by any reason CM Punk gets into the Rock vs Cena mix, you'll still have the HHH vs. Lesnar match and Undertaker vs. ????... Those are three big main events, and it will always be mixed with the world heavyweight championship picture and those need a lot of Raw time. I for once don't like the three hour thing, they don't really use it, I mean they do with recaps and recaps and things we don't even care or need.

It was a bad move, the industry is at a very low state, people just think that watch wrestling is for losers and what not, which is stupid of course, but it is the american mentality. WWE needs to evolve, I am not saying go back to TV-14 of some sort, as I feel they don't need that, but I'm saying that they need more hype, they could use other shows to build the market, to rebuild wrestling as a cool thing. The Raw 1000 was a success so people still care about, or want to care... Use that... Have specials, invite celebrities that can make an impact and I'm not saying Charlie Sheen, but people like Neil Patrick Harris, Hugh Laurie, people that we know. I know that it would cost a lot of money, but it's called an investment, it will eventually pay-off. And when I say actors, I can also say people connected with sport. I would love to have a cross promotion with one or two UFC fighters like Chael Sonnen. Who wouldn't want a confrontation between CM Punk and Jon Jones? It would be cool, it would be different and it would call UFC fans as well.

I think creativity is also lacking in the WWE, a lot of repackages from the past, a lot of doubts with the current roster and pushes that stop from out of nowhere. They can work the kids the same way they work the adult fan. WWE is a soap opera, or at least I always believed that, so for that they need to have good stories. CM Punk is a guy that can be worked a lot, that has a good life story to be used on a program with someone instead of that thing that lasted more than it should about respect. Sheamus was a great fighter as a champion, but he wasn't a good entertainer, he failed in that aspect so I believe that his reign was somehow weak as he didn't really won any new fans, and why? Because creativity didn't make him interesting, he is a guy that wants to fight and smile at every segment and that's just stupid, because he is a person, he needs to be pissed more often with the heel.

Also using Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler and The Miz as punchbag to other guys isn't what I call a good move. Those are three guys that are the future, all in their 31-32 years with at least more six years in their bag each and they are losing constantly on my television. I don't have any problem with them losing once or twice, but almost at every match? They are uppercards, they are the guys that WWE once thought they could be great and dropped the ball out of nowhere. Why don't spice them a bit in that three hours? Make them cut promos, they are all great in that category, give them freedom and believe in them. The only good thing that Raw created in the past months was Ryback, he is now a successful character, over with the fans and credible.

The internet wrestling community wants wrestling, they only want to see awesome matches and we almost don't care for the stories, but in the end what we say is crap, we care more about the stories than anything else. If Khali was on a good program as a heel, working with a babyface and making his life a living hell, I would want to see it. The three hours just lack creativity and I'm not saying I can do better, or the fans can do better, that's nonsense but I'm saying that Vince McMahon and his staff can do a lot a better. That's it, I hope you enjoyed my post and sorry if it's too long.
I tend to record Raw on Sky plus which is a huge time saver for me. I have timed how long it takes to watch Raw throughout in the past two weeks, (very sad I know). After fast forwarding all the commercials, you're only getting 2hours and 13minutes of wrestling programming anyway. I know watching a live Raw is so much better but it saves me having to put up with a 3minute advert every 12-15 minutes.
On you're point I seem to be one of the only few that is really enjoying the 'extra hour' every week. The matches don't seem to be as rushed anymore and it's giving the less established wrestlers more exposure and time on TV too. You will have to forgive me because I don't really know how the whole ratings thing works in America (someone please feel free to explain), just I know people are complaining about loosing viewers in the last hour. My prediction is to see Raw go back to a two hour format just after mania 29. I believe they could use the extra hour very well around Mania time which will make good television and hopefully the builds for feuds will be better too.
I think now VKM can understand what EB went through when Nitro went to three hours. The concept has to be like a PPV with less backstage segments. For some to understand RAW going back to two hours possibly will never happen. The reason is the decision is out of VKM's hands but its totally up to NBCUniversal. In fact a few weeks ago in a conference call VKM mentioned the extension of RAW was NBC's idea and if they ever go back to two hours its a decision by the network and not WWE!
Last Monday's Raw was way up in viewers and tv ratings but, again, the third hour dropped considerably in viewership.

The proof is in the pudding, no? When you read the statement above, it suggests that the simplest explanation is the best. It's just too long a show. I don't understand where they got the idea to go to 3 hours in the first place, although it seems plain that Vince McMahon is a firm believer in putting out more and more product when he feels he's onto something.

But what did he expect with this move? Did he think ratings would actually increase by extending the program? Did he? Or does he think fans simply aren't yet used to the show being 3 hours and will eventually adapt and watch the whole thing?

Even with the marked decrease in ratings during that third hour, could it be the rating is still well above what USA network would get without the extra hour of WWE? If so, we'll probably see them continue with the longer program.

Conversely, if they wind up going back to 2 hours, WWE will be admitting the venture was a failure, no? That can't be good.

I don't get it, I really don't. I don't recall anyone clamoring for a longer Raw show in the first place, do you? Why fix something if it isn't broke?
I personally don't care how long it is because I just DVR it anyway and FF through whatever I don't want to watch.

But people are complaining about the length, thinking going back to 2 hours will solve everything. Raw was sucking well before it went to 3 hours.

Doesn't matter the length, doesn't matter the quality of wrestling, doesn't matter how many attitude era stars you bring back, and it's doesn't matter that it's PG.

If WWE can't do a better job of ENTERTAINING its audience with quality storylines (that's plural, not the just the main event), then it will continue to fail. It has lost its way so hard it's difficult to even pinpoint when it started to go downhill. The put such little effort into creative now and coast on social media. Nobody cares about the matchups and the PPVs are worse than Raw. Seriously, they are.
I think they have done well with it but, like is said in the opening post, it's just too long for a weekly show.

Ending the brand extension fully and using the extra time wiser on Smackdown would be a better idea. That's four hours of programming, which is enough to have a decent mid card backing the main eventers.

To answer the question I would assume they'll give it at least 12 months before deciding
The proof is in the pudding, no? When you read the statement above, it suggests that the simplest explanation is the best. It's just too long a show. I don't understand where they got the idea to go to 3 hours in the first place, although it seems plain that Vince McMahon is a firm believer in putting out more and more product when he feels he's onto something.

But what did he expect with this move? Did he think ratings would actually increase by extending the program? Did he? Or does he think fans simply aren't yet used to the show being 3 hours and will eventually adapt and watch the whole thing?

Even with the marked decrease in ratings during that third hour, could it be the rating is still well above what USA network would get without the extra hour of WWE? If so, we'll probably see them continue with the longer program.

Conversely, if they wind up going back to 2 hours, WWE will be admitting the venture was a failure, no? That can't be good.

I don't get it, I really don't. I don't recall anyone clamoring for a longer Raw show in the first place, do you? Why fix something if it isn't broke?

Raw was and is broke, it just wasn't the time element that was going to fix it. Also, if really pressed WWE will have no choice but to admit failure, much like Vince did with the XFL. He just had no choice.

I have to admit, I was kinda hoping the ratings would still be bad after the atrocious PPV they just barfed out. If they see a ratings spike, there's not going to be much incentive for them to change their ways and we'll continue to get this same garbage.
I think they have done well with it but, like is said in the opening post, it's just too long for a weekly show.

Ending the brand extension fully and using the extra time wiser on Smackdown would be a better idea. That's four hours of programming, which is enough to have a decent mid card backing the main eventers.

To answer the question I would assume they'll give it at least 12 months before deciding

Does anyone actually watch Smackdown?! The problem is with the 3 hour format that the storylines are just too bland. The Cena/AJ has the potential to be really good but WWE will probably screw it up.

The shock of the referee costing Ryback the title could also be good if they follow it up correctly, they need to have Maddox cut a quality promo next week for it to develop though or else fans will get past caring.

With Mania nearly 6 months away they will need the 3 hour format to biuld for it and also build for the Rumble.
i think the switch to 3 hours is the best move of the WWE in a long time. This has given plenty of talent time to actually show their craft and give good ample time to other feuds and time for us to enjoy the show. I think the way to keep people IN for all 3 hours is, have something big happening at the ending of every hour and promote it at the top of the show.

Like for example,

Start with the Champ CM Punk, cutting a promo or something good to start the show

Then around 9 have a serious and entertaining segment/match for like, Dolph Ziggler, Miz, Kofi, Team hell no maybe..something to keep us going into the next hour

then at 10 bring back up the Champ CM Punk in a backstage segment hyping the main event then have a solid main event match and not run-ins, DQs, and annoying crap like that. But a solid match with a solid winner then have something exciting to end the show.
Raw was and is broke, it just wasn't the time element that was going to fix it. Also, if really pressed WWE will have no choice but to admit failure, much like Vince did with the XFL. He just had no choice.

I have to admit, I was kinda hoping the ratings would still be bad after the atrocious PPV they just barfed out. If they see a ratings spike, there's not going to be much incentive for them to change their ways and we'll continue to get this same garbage.

Did you ever stop to think that USA is behind the third hour? Even though that third hour rating might be low for RAW but it's still high for the USA network. The third hour is here to stay for a while unless USA can find something that pulls the ratings that the thrid hour gets.

Even if the third hour goes away there is no failure. The WWE is still making a lot of money and just because you don't like the product doesn't mean that it's failing. If WWE is failing what does that say for TNA?
Does anyone actually watch Smackdown?! The problem is with the 3 hour format that the storylines are just too bland.

That's the point though. Officially end the brand extension and start building Smackdown as a place where you might get to see Cena every so often, because, and let's face it, if Cena isn't on the show the majority of the WWE Universe tends not to care.
It draws on too long. I find myself looking at the clock every so often. It has gotten better and I think they'll perfect it eventually but right now it still drags. I don't think it will go back to two hours. It drags now but once they perfect the format it'll flow perfectly. Give it more time and see what happens.
I rarely get to watch Raw live any longer. Between life and the extra hour it is DVR all the way. If I'm lucky I will catch up to the last half an hour of Raw and watch that live but that usually means I FF'd through some stuff. Besides things in my actual life, How I Met Your Mother and MNF (if it's a good game) are taking precedent over Raw as something I watch first. It's not WWE's fault, they've done more good stuff in these three hour shows than they were previously doing during the two hour shows. Additional Superstars, longer matches, more story are all things I generally like. The story aspect is very hit and miss but when it hits it leaves me more pleased than and engaged than a good match.

That being said I have no idea when or if Raw will go back to two hours. If USA is pulling in more revenue and WWE is as well without added expense I don't see why you stop. The first hour puts Raw in the family hour and exposes them to the kids they are trying to bring in and the third hour is where you traditionally hold your main event. Is WWE going to have main events around 9:45pm? Will that fly when they do West Coast shows?

Ratings may be down but that had to be expected. Overall Raw is being seen for more hours even if it is by possibly less people. The production team is already there as well as the wrestlers. Sure it costs a bit more to produce but the extra exposure hasn't hurt the bottom line (as far as I can tell), so I see no reason for a change. They don't have a Nitro to compete with anymore for identical advertisers.
I started a thread a few weeks ago of how Wrestling Fans watch Raw. It got some good response. I guess i was trying to find out how people (whatever thier age) are watching the flagship show, and perhaps in a none wrestling fashion, see how other Wrestling Fans live thier lives. I'm a 34 year old middle aged man from England with 2 kids. My son is 6 years old and loves Brock Lesnar and Ryback.

I as myself appreciate the Show for what they offer but a 6 year old boy gets bored fast. I can sit and watch a Wrestling show for 3 hours, but a kid will get aggitated even after 20 minutes.

3 Hours is to long in my opinion as the younger generation of fans, won't stay focused for that long.

To Summarise - An Adult will stick it , a Kid will not.

By the way i love reading Jack Hammer and Mustang Sally's posts. One reason why i keep coming back to Wrestlezone.
I've really appreciated how the 3 hour show has helped them show off more of their roster, but I've completely stopped watching smackdown, and anything else now, as the 3 hours of RAW are it

I've also been DVRing past a lot of matches and scenes, granted I've been disinterested in wrestling since Brock and Rock came into the picture, which has really hurt my enjoyment, but I've still only been watching enough to keep up with storylines/memes of wrestling.

I would go as far to say, I'm not even enjoying the product at all because of the 3 hours, during the Monday Night Wars, WCW being on an hour earlier was a big thing, as that first hour was all I saw from WCW, and I also had an overall idea on if channel swapping was worth it, but in today's world, 2 hours a show is enough, that 3rd hour, I would honestly skip completely, if it didn't contain the introduction promo, as those aren't miss-able.

my hope, would be they go back to 2 hours after Wrestlemania, the Royal Rumble to Wrestlemania time, I can definitely see them fitting 3 hours of quality into a card, but the current model of ~30 minutes of show, an hour of commercials, and an hour and half of crap is not helping the shows enjoyment level. I haven't been keeping up on the ratings though, is it pulling #s, and have draws been good enough since they swapped? (HIAC was actually well worth the money, but that's the only one I've really enjoyed for a while)

From the dedicated viewer perspective, the 3 hour show is painful, and the fact they need to mix important storyline (intro promo) across all 3 hours means it's unavoidable, USA and sponsers wouldn't like the idea of a Pre-RAW show, even though I think Superstars style shows before RAW would do OK on ratings, keep the dedicated fans appeased, and give new talent a place to showcase, I could think of a lot of ways the 3rd hour could be used positively, but it would probably impact ratings, which isn't the right decision from a business perspective, which is what's most important.
I'm hoping they go back to 2 hours soon..They keep repeating matches from Raw and Smackdown. They dont have enough content for an extra hour of Raw. Also, the crowd feels burnt out by the time the main event comes.. When Ryback hit Shell Shocked on Cody it was dead silent, all you heard were a couple of Goldberg chants.

They might drop viewership during the 10pm because some of the kids might not be allowed to stay up, especially during the school year. Maybe, they might better off 8pm-10pm instead of 9pm-11pm or 8-11pm.
I hope that Raw never returns to the two hour format. They have an opportunity to showcase talent from every single division right now. There is absolutely no reason why every match announced for a PPV has not received significant build from promos on Raw. The midcard belts, tag team belts, and divas belt all need importance restored. Instead of doing a ton of recaps on things we saw earlier in the evening, why not do matches to showcase talent from the other divisions? It's not that difficult.

With that being said, it depends on how many viewers they lose due to the third hour. If they lose far too many then it could go back to the two hour format at some point. I'd like to hope that they retain the three hour format so that more attention can be given to the divisions other than the main event, that way we have less matches on PPV that come off as filler that no one cares about. It's almost as if WWE does not want to take the opportunity to change that. Adding the third hour has been somewhat pointless so far. I enjoy having a third hour to watch, but it doesn't feel like anything has changed for the better since the third hour was added.
I'm hoping they go back to 2 hours soon..They keep repeating matches from Raw and Smackdown. They dont have enough content for an extra hour of Raw. Also, the crowd feels burnt out by the time the main event comes.. When Ryback hit Shell Shocked on Cody it was dead silent, all you heard were a couple of Goldberg chants.

They might drop viewership during the 10pm because some of the kids might not be allowed to stay up, especially during the school year. Maybe, they might better off 8pm-10pm instead of 9pm-11pm or 8-11pm.

I wouldn't be surprised if it eventually did go 8pm-10pm, just one more addition to the PG Era!

I predict RAW going back to 2 hours the week after WM 29.
ASAP I hope. At this point its hard to reason why we should pay for 3 hour PPV's when we get that for free the very next night. That never did WCW any favors and I doubt it does WWE any. Not only does it affect Raw by making it long and drawn out, but it makes Smackdown pointless. There's more than enough time on Raw to push any angle going on. Why have Smackdown then? Its becoming counter-productive and more likely exhausting for creative to fill 3 hours one night alone. Not to mention that suprisingly enough, they still over-run past the 3 hours.
I never understood the need for the time change in the first place. It was kind of an out of the blue thing, and I wonder if any of us fans even wanted it. I was not a fan of the 3 hour Nitro nor am I a fan of the 3 hour Raw. It is just to long of a show. I do have to admit that they have done a pretty good job of it considering, but it is still to long with me. I have a feeling that even though the third hour drops in ratings that it is still better than anything else us would put in that slot so I fear it won't go away soon.
As soon as the ratings dip so low it'd be more profitable for the USA Network to show reruns of Murder She Wrote during the third hour. WWE pays the bills for USA Network and they know it. They were the ones who wanted RAW to go to three hours.

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