How Long Until Hogan Is Back In The WWE?


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Alright, we now have the Hulkamania tour scheduled, with Eric Bischoff helping out as Hogan's right hand man. After the probable insane crowd reactions he will receive, how can Vince resist bringing him back one more time? I will be the first to admit that Hogan was never the most talented in-ring wrestler, but damn his charisma and character alone brings back great memories to me. I will say he is back, at least for a short term program, within two months after the tour is over, unless Vince decides to just buy him out and bring him back to cancel the tour ( Vince cant make any money off of the Hulkamania tour, poor Billionaire Vince)

So what do you think, will Hogan be back in WWE, and if so, when?
hopefully never? what! you going to stop watching if he does show up? seriously get real if hulk wanted to buy a ticket and sit in the front of a wwe show he can...... why the internet smarks or morons as i like to call them allway's bitch about hogan going or wanting to return to the wwe is beyond me, HELL MCJACKASS WOULDN'T BE A BILLIONAIRE HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR HOGAN, YEAH I KNOW I'M GOING TO GET CRITICIZE FOR SAYING THAT......but you all know i'm telling the truth don't you! hogan will only go back if it's for the right reasons, and i'm not talking about austin verses hogan....... old stone already made his feelings clear on that, but if you ask me he's just a pile of chicken shit!!! anyhoo enough about him getting back to what you were saying just because their putting out another dvd about hogan doesn't mean he's returning.
I was a huge Hogan fan back in the day as I'm sure most were. Hell the idea of Macho Man and Sid being back in the ring SOUNDS good but come on, it's not the 90's anymore. The dude is too old and quite frankly too greedy. He wants way too much money for what he brings to the ring.
Austin is too injured to wrestle again without risking being confined to a wheelchair. Why do so many s/marks not get that?

If Hogan was sensible he would do the same and stay retired, Austin is doing the dignified thing for his career and legacy and the right thing for his health.

While Hogan is a broken down mess with fake hips wanting yet another big check and another day in the spotlight.
Hogan needs to stay away from the ring. Period. He is old now and even if he wanted to come back what benefit would that bring the WWE? Yes he could sell a lot of tickets but at what cost? Hogan wants a lot of money and how much time would he take away from the younger guyy who need it? I remember how Vince is pissed that they can't develop new stars. Well bringing an expensive, selfish old man will not help. We will always love Hogan but he needs to stay away
Honestly I don't care about Hogan I never liked him I always thought "Macho Man" Randy Savage was a better technical wrestler between ultimate warrior and hogan
I liked him in WCW when he turned heel for nWo! It worked very well for him
I see him in TNA very soon since rumors have been reporting on other websites Hogan will fight Flair and eventually bring him into TNA since he secretly signed with TNA is noone's guess but seeing both of them in TNA would be great! Add Eric Bischoff and get rid of Vince Russo and you got a formula there!
But if he does return to WWE I d rather see him win the title of CENA and have him as a champ than CENA!
McMahon doesnt need Hogan. He has a VERY profitable company with established stars and probably no egos telling McMahon how it goes. If Hogan were to return he'd probably want creative control and not work house shows. Plus he has negative publicity over his head with his son having the car accident that put his friend in a vegatative state.
Hogan has tried to do something like the Hulkamania tour before but the whole thing bombed. A few years back, Hogan and Jerry Lawler were going to headline a card in Memphis but Lawler had to pull out of it because of some hitch involving his contract. WWE has a contract with NBC/Universal and, at the time, Hogan had the reality show on VH1 and NBC/Universal didn't want Lawler on a show run by a competitor. Of course, Vince gets the blame even though he ultimately didn't have anything to do with it.

Anyhow, Hogan went through with the gig anyhow and Paul Wight, AKA The Big Show, stepped in to take Lawler's place and the gig didn't do so well. I think somewhere around 3,000 people showed up for it, which is actually pretty decent overall, but it definitely wasn't what Hogan was going for.

Hogan could use his name in wrestling in a non-wrestling role and still draw a lot of money, but he doesn't want to do that. The problem with that is everyone is fully aware of his physical decline and not nearly as many have an interest in seeing him wrestle anymore. Why? Because Hogan is physically at a level where he can't really give anything resembling a physically competitive match. Now, I'm sure there'll be a pretty good crowd that shows up to the tour's first card, out of nostalgia if nothing else. However, I'd say the crowds'll go away pretty quickly once it gets out just how limited Hogan is now.

As far as a wrestling role goes, I have no interest in seeing Hogan whether it be in the WWE or anywhere else. Hogan wants the moon and stars when he competes and what he brings isn't worth that anymore. The WWE doesn't need to bring him back so he can "pass the torch" to someone else, they certainly don't need him back just so young guys can job to him just so he can still feel like a big man and the young guys don't need to job to him because all it does is make them look bad.
I say if Hulk Hogan comes back he goes into a program with... Wait for it... Wait for it...

Jack Swagger

Thats right, I say this is how Jack Swagger can get his push, Hulk comes back for a 2-3 month run were at first he beats Swagger but at the next the PPV he looses dirty to him, then at the following PPV its Hogan vs Swagger with the stipulation of if Hulk looses then he leaves WWE, and if Swaggerlooses then he has to be Hulks bitch forever. And at that PPV Swagger wins. Thus ending the Swagger vs Hogan feud and putting Swagger waaaaay over.
regardless of what you hogan haters think about him coming back to THE ''E'' or doing this promotional thing '' down under'' you all have no say in the matter, are you not aware that he's just gave away millions of dollars to that money hungry bitch of an ex wife of his and he has no choice but to get back in the ring, why is it that ric flair who is 3 fucking years older than him get's a free pass to wrestle as long as he wants to but not hulk.
it's just jealousy on the part of certain wrestlers, not to mention certain wrestling websites, and it's users who like to talk shit about a man without whom websites like wrestlezone, 411mania, and others wouldn't exist had he not step foot in a wrestling ring. YEAH WELL IF NOT HOGAN, THEN IT WOULD HAVE BEEN SOMEONE ELSE!! i know something along the lines like that probably would come out of one of your stupid little mouths, to which i would have replyed...... JUST LIKE THERE COULD HAVE BEEN SOMEONE ELSE THAT COULD HAVE PLAYED AUSTIN'S ROLE, THE ROCK'S ROLE'S ROLE OR TRIPLE NOSE'S ROLE TOO BUT THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN so enough with he has to much of an ego shit, or it's all about him. he's not going to want to job to anyone, because it's use-less.
As far as a long term run goes, I doubt ever. As far as a short term thing, I wouldn't be surprised if he's back within a year. He's still the biggest name of all time and likely forever will be. He's going to sell tickets and be a draw at least to some extent, so if things start to go down as far as ratings go, I can't imagine Vince wouldn't make the phone call. If Hogan's financial issues are as bad as they seem to be according to the main site, a big one night payoff would be hard to pass up. I'd say maybe in a few months or so, but nothing long term.
why is it that ric flair who is 3 fucking years older than him get's a free pass to wrestle as long as he wants to but not hulk.

Honestly because Flair can still move around the ring, even take decent bumps still to sell matches! I think it was like 2 years ago he was in a ladder match on Raw vs Edge. Probably would've been more like 10 years ago for Hogan.

Dont get me wrong I love Hogan to death and wish him back in some form maybe even a few matches but like all the smart people we realized hes done for main eventing, his matches just dont sell anymore, its the same thing get beat up for a few mins, hulk up, then win. Given his Health issues he just cant preform anymore, now that im older I also accept the fact he never was that good in ring. i think what he should so since he needs the money is take a big cut from his asking price and get more of a cut from merchandise and other things cause no matter what love him or not he still sells merchandise and tickets. If he does come back I would like to see him go heel, we seen the face for a while, then right before hes done for good have him go back to face to go out for good!
The only remaining old geezers match I would love to see would be STING vs HOGAN vs TAKER. That would be a great legends match, it is a dual buried alive match and TAKER buries the careers of both HOGAN and STING.

Gotta understand that other OLD ASS dudes are still wrestling lots of house shows all over the world for considerably less money than what a guy like HOGAN can get. I am talking about Abdullah The Butcher, that dude is like 68 YEARS OLD NOW! For real, dude is 68, born in like 1941 and dude is STILL a fat ass at like 430 pounds and he still laces up his boots and grabs his fork to gouge people.

Honky Tonk Man is 56 now and still wrestling. Some dudes will just keep going forever; some women too, just look at Mae Young taking that SICK powerbomb from Bubba Ray Dudley off the stage set and through a table at 77 years of age. Now THAT'S FUCKING HARDCORE!!!
Good point. I forgot Flair was older. Never a Flair fan myself but at the end it was "damn, put a shirt on. No one wants to see that."
regardless of what you hogan haters think about him coming back to THE ''E'' or doing this promotional thing '' down under'' you all have no say in the matter, are you not aware that he's just gave away millions of dollars to that money hungry bitch of an ex wife of his and he has no choice but to get back in the ring, why is it that ric flair who is 3 fucking years older than him get's a free pass to wrestle as long as he wants to but not hulk.

Def true..Hulkamania will live forever, which means Hulk can come back at any age and everyone will still love it no matter what? Hulkamania will never die!
Hogan should have been brought back for Breaking Point had CM Punk dominate him ( with Hogan expecting to mount the traditional comeback and then the screw job should have been done on him, with Vince coming out to laugh at him on the stage. A genuine ( aka Bret Hart ) screw job too and just close the PPV with Hogan looking totally clueless and in tears and the commentary team slating Hogan as a loser and old man ( its not the 80's anymore !!!! ) who should have retired years ago. With Vince as the mastermind/puppet master. Depending on the crowd reaction over the coming weeks Vince would become a hero ( in my opinion ) or the ultimate heel to the Hulkamaniac marks out there. I would have LMAO at that. So in closing hopefully NEVER !!!!
Wrestling fans always pop for nostalgia, and Hogan's the ultimate nostalgia. He's the biggest draw in history. And before anyone starts in with "Austin moved more merchandise, blah blah blah", I know, I've heard it. It's just a bogus argument.

Hogan should have been brought back for Breaking Point had CM Punk dominate him ( with Hogan expecting to mount the traditional comeback and then the screw job should have been done on him, with Vince coming out to laugh at him on the stage. A genuine ( aka Bret Hart ) screw job too and just close the PPV with Hogan looking totally clueless and in tears and the commentary team slating Hogan as a loser and old man ( its not the 80's anymore !!!! ) who should have retired years ago. With Vince as the mastermind/puppet master. Depending on the crowd reaction over the coming weeks Vince would become a hero ( in my opinion ) or the ultimate heel to the Hulkamaniac marks out there. I would have LMAO at that. So in closing hopefully NEVER !!!!

Wow, dude. Get a life. Way too much emotional investment in something you have no stake in.
No more Hogan, Enough already. Didn't anyone get the message when he went up against HBK and he embarrassed the crap out of hogan by Overselling his moves? Thats the message right there. The WWE kept beating the dead horse that is Hogan and really should have ended with the Mr. America angle. Seriously its great that he was a great wrestler of his time, but now, he is just way too different to the current WWE.
Hogan needs to stay where he is, retired. I know that he has a tour coming up, but that doesn't mean that he will go back to the WWE. So please stop asking this. This is just like saying "when will The Rock come back to the WWE?" The answer is still the same NEVER!!!.
Hogan is a GOD in wrestling as a whole he made me watch in the 80s,he built WWE him and Vince(his $)Hogan should be treated like Jordan,Montana,The Babe are to their sports!If Jordan was gonna comeback some NBA team would do it!I mean Hogan should pass the torch properly,fuck Austin(the roid and woman abuser,im mad at him)let Cena get it i mean he doing Hogan already,plus He doing The Rock,and SCSA all in one anyway!Let Cena vs Hogan at WM but Cena gotta be heel cause i can see anotha Rock vs Hogan thing happenin or let Cena turn heel afterwards bragging bout how he is the new man from beating the man.If that dont happen hire Hogan as the perminate(spelling?)GM for Raw instead of the Guest Host concept.Hogan should be in WWE now until he dies like Mr. Classy Freddy Blassie was!
Hogan will likely be back in WWE. If the Australia deal goes well, and McMahon sees the potential earnings, I'm sure he can get Hogan back. Hogan would be an awesome RAW GM, imo. I just don't think he can "go" in the ring any more.
An amount of people don't like The Beatles. However the vast majority of Music fans adore them, or at least will acknowledge that they are the most important, influential band there has ever been, and that there most likely will ever be.

Do you think Paul McCartney should stop recording and performing because he is 67?

In Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair, we have the two most important names in wrestling.

As a Ric Flair obsessive, and a Hulkamaniac, I will be the first to admit that their prime has passed.

However, if both are still physically up to it, and can still go what's wrong with them doing what they love?

As for Hogan back in the WWE, it would be great to see, and I'm sure a short run would be wonderful.

However, the WWE and Hulk Hogan don't really need each other. Aside from a 'dream match' with Cena (which I wouldn't want to see) what could he do?

If anywhere, as I have said on this forum I think Hogan should go to TNA.

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