How long have you watched wrestling?


I started watching in 98-99. Within the last few years I've studied a lot about pre-1990 wrestling. My mother got me interested because she said they got paid a lot of money to roll around in a rind and act like there hitting each other, haha. But after watching it when I was littler,I grew up watching it. My mom still says it's pathedic but I tell her to compare it to her Soap Operas, she gets it a little more now. I wish I was born in the late 60's, so I could grow up with the wrestling the the 70's as that is my favorite decade. So thats my story, what's yours?
Well technically, I first watched wrestling when I was about four. So that makes about 14 years ago (today is my 18th birthday! :) ) My mom never really liked that my dad was into wrestling but it fascinated me even as a child. We lived in a one bedroom apartment at the time and we had a tv in there. I would pretend to be asleep while my dad was watching WWF. The show sucked me in.

But after my folks divorced soon after, I didn't watch wrestling again until late 2005 when I was 13. It was the night after Survivor Series and Cena was well into his first reign as WWE champion. Because wrestling had toned down since my childhood, my mom wasn't as strict about me watching wrestling. While I can enjoy the product today, I only regret never really getting into the Monday Night Wars or the immediate post Attitude era.
Since back when Dory was a big deal in the NWA. Jr. that is, as the world champion.
When I was 3....just when the monday night wars were about to begin in 95...I watched Nitro though..didn't know about WWF that much!!!

I took a hiatus from wrestling from 2005-2007...i thought it was boring..only watched the ppv's not the weekly shows!
I first started watching when I was 4 but I didnt start watching it weekly since Wrestlemania 24 since then I hav studied everything Wwe
Барбоса;2280522 said:
Started watching wrestling when I was about 8, borrowing WWF videos from my next door neighbour.

First PPV I watched live was Wrestlemania IX

Same here, borrowed tapes from my neighbour she was a 71 year old lady no joke, she still watches wrestling to this day as a 90 year old. And i was also at SummerSlam 92 bitches.
I've been watching the WWE since around 98 and had a huge disinterest in the other companies ever since, the brand preference definitely affected me during the Invasion angle since the only eps of WCW I saw were shit and I had no idea wtf ECW was. I was a true child of the Attitude Era and got into it because my older brother was a huge fan of the Rock and Stone Cold, more so the Rock. I still remember hearing about Owen Hart returning to his Blue Blazer gimmick from my brother when he was reading one of the magazine issues and I could never forget hearing about his untimely death. Since I've been here I've seen most of the huge debuts of the time, both of Jerichos, Cena, Big Show, The Hardy's, Edge and Christian breaking away from the brood, Super Satanic Taker, Big Evil, the late 90's DX heel turn with the McMahon/Helmsley Era, and many others.
A good 10 years or so. Unlike everyone else I can't remember the first event or match I saw, I just remember watching it every damn week and being royally pissed if I missed a show.
Wrestlemania 3 i started watching wrestling, my dad ordered the ppv and ordered me to sit and watch, been hooked ever since
I started when I was like 8 and I watched for like 3 years (1999-2002). Then I stopped watching for like 7 years and started watching again last summer.
I started watching in 1998. I've always said that I started watching right after WM 14 and I caught a few weeks of Raw then but when I really started watching every week was the summer of 1998 right around King of the Ring/Fully Loaded, so about 12 years now. I was really into in from 1998-late 2002ish and after the brand split I only watched Raw because I didn't get SmackDown on DirecTV. I kind of lost a little interest after The Rock left and Austin wasn't wrestling anymore but I've been an Orton fan since his Evolutioin days and he was one of the guys that has kept my interest since then. I would say I really got back into it (watching every week/going to events/buying DVD's and other things, reading stories on the net) around mid 2006.
I started watching back around...early 2007. My cousins watched it, and I'd go over there house and they'd have it on, I wanted to get into it, and acted as if I liked it..but I never really got the urge to turn it on ever Monday night. I remember towards Backlash 2007, I saw the episode with the kid from Make a wish foundation, and the night the Fatal Fourway match was scheduled, and I also remember the night Kennedy and Carlito went "MRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR KEE-Carlito. Kennedy. Carlito..KENNEDY!..Carlito." Mighta been the same night..or around it. Anyways what really got me into it though, was one night I decided to order one of the pay per views, Unforgiven to be exact, my cousin came over to watch it. It was the whole storyline with Orton and Cena, and Cena's dad, and Undertaker came back that night too, but I didn't really give a shit. Well after that ppv, I started watching it every night, and I ordered every pay per view since then, (Except Summerslam 2008, I couldn't order that because I was on vacation..but my cousin called me and told me everything that happened). The funny thing is, my cousin barely watches it anymore, and I probably new way more about WWE then he did by early 2008.

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