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How is WWE going to screw this up?

I see what you mean. Got all defensive for some reason. I don't think Heyman is some God like everyone else seems to, but he knows how to sell some Lesnar.
I love Paul, I loved SummerSlam, and after Bork took Cena to the woodshed, I'm willing to reinvest in WWE for a little bit. I refuse, however, to act like the company has all of a sudden turned a new leaf. They do a bunch of stupid shit that I can't gloss over anymore. I want to be 100% on board with WWE, but they won't let me. Like I said, just wanted folks to post some funny worst case scenarios to balance out all the awesome scenarios we churn out.



Axel was doomed no matter what. Pairing him with Heyman was never going to work. And I definitely don't blame him for Cesaro. He's not the one booking this nonsense.

Pretty much this. WWE was not going to put any real weight behind Axel. No matter who your dad & grandfather are, it does not make up for your lack of charisma or talent. Joe will never be as good as his father & Heyman can only do so much with someone like that. Considering how great Paul has been with other clients, the meh reaction to Axel falls on his lack of abilities- not on Heyman himself.

Now Cesaro was working out great & his relationship with Heyman was even sowing seeds of a future storyline. Brock\Heyman's relationship takes precedent over others & since the split Cesaro has been booked poorly. That again is not the fault of Heyman, rather the issue is how fickle\directionless the creative staff tends to be.

Maybe saying they would have to work hard was a poor choice of words because they have shown how easy it is to drop the ball on a good thing. My point was that Heyman does a fantastic job when he is involved & it takes the WWE making ignorant choices to fuck up a great situation.
Realistically, they will mess this up. Lesnar will probably carry the title for a few months and then lose it right back to Cena. The fact that Lesnar beat Taker at Mania, and then completely dominated Cena, makes it kind of hard to have someone convincingly beat him for the belt. Apparently he had only been fighting at 50% previously, and now that he has transformed to his final form(DBZ lol) he seems virtually unbeatable.

However, I do think there is someone I think he should feud with. Bray Wyatt. I think Wyatt cuts better promos than Heyman. Heyman's promos are long and drawn out, it would be neat to see them get interrupted by Bray. Then, you got Harper and Rowan. Two huge monsters. In the past, when the Wyatt family would attack someone, people like the Usos would come to the rescue. No one on the roster will try to rescue Lesnar. So Lesnar will have to deal with two behemoths and a demented individual who enjoys the pain Lesnar dishes out. I think they can carry that for several months.
Vince is already going to fuck it up with Brock vs Rock, unless Brock's dropping it before then or going to decimate the Rock at WM and go all the way to WM32 again but that'd still be fucking it up in my eyes. The only way wwe doesnt fuck this up is by having a shield member or maybe Daniel Bryan beat Lesnar.
Brock should be foil for the next guy here. Brock Vs Rock is a great match but it would serve great future purpose to usher in the new big name like a Reigns going over Brock at Mania.
Yeah, Brock vs Rock does not light my fire. Nor does Brock vs Batista.

If they dont go with Reigns, Cesaro or Bryan- I woiuldnt mind Wyatt. I even could get behind Barrett.
Yeah, Brock vs Rock does not light my fire. Nor does Brock vs Batista.

If they dont go with Reigns, Cesaro or Bryan- I woiuldnt mind Wyatt. I even could get behind Barrett.

I could definitely get behind Barrett - but this would probably mean repackage to really push the "legitimate bare-knuckle fighter" angle, and thus the killing of Bad News.

I love Bad News Barrett. I don't want him to devolve back into Dude From Preston Barrett.
Nah, the Bad News gimmick works just fine. We all know Barrett is tough. Besides, what would be more fulfilling than Heyman to be cutting a promo & out comes BNB with the interruption?

"I'm afraid I've got some Bad News..."

The place would explode. Wade is a guy that Vince\HHH like & obviously want to push, so that would be a good way to do it.
Yeah Nightmare I like what you're saying but I meant that my fear would be that WWE would go "this gimmick is too comedy for main event" (Daniel Bryan's first WHC run is counter to my point I know, but I think different rules apply for big men).
Yeah, I get the 'not serious enough' argument when it comes to gimmicks in the main event. Although, it would be one hell of a better alternative to the Bella\McMahon shenanigans currently occupying main event time, or a John Cena title push #6,428.

I still stand by the opinion that if a white rapper gimmick can turn into Hulkamania 2.0, then anything is possible. Seriously, 10 years ago I would have laughed at you for saying Cena would be a 15 time champ by now.
I believe that the problem with pushing Barrett is that he has been in the mid card too long. When he led the Nexus, he could have had a great, and I mean really great, title run. But then he lost over and over to Cena and then had the whole Corre nightmare before eventually getting lost in the mid card. He hasn't been a real credible threat to anyone on the main event level since the Nexus. I get that he is pretty popular and people are enjoying his gimmick, but against lesnar it wouldn't even look serious. Especially when you consider that he has a brawler ring style. Lesnar outclasses anyone in that category. Anything Barrett has to throw, Lesnar has a bigger and better version of. I don't think that most people would buy the feud, especially with Brock coming off clean wins agains Mania Taker and Cena for the Championship.

I also believe that a big reason they went with Brock is because they are trying to bring more legitimacy to the title. They gave it to Orton, the number 2 guy for much of the past 8 years or so, Cena, and Bryan only after he had surpassed the other 2 as far as being over. Now they gave it two Brock who is one of their top draws and doesn't fight for free. I think they are really trying to give more prestige to it and will continue to give it to either older veterans or top guys. I agree that this would be a major rub for someone, but I don't believe that they will give it to someone until they already reach that main even status.

The same can be said for Cesaro, for the most part. He is a physical brawler and is far outclassed in that category. He has been feuding on the mid card and hasn't exactly been dominating there.

As far as Reigns, I feel that he is losing steam. He is good, and he is over, but I think he was more over towards the begining of the year. When making my predictions for Summerslam, his match was hard to predict because I didn't really feel it mattered that much. Whether Orton or Reigns won, I feel it wouldn't have helped or hurt either. Orton hasn't really been very interesting in singles competition since Mania, in my opinion of course. I think a big part of the reason that this match/feud isn't really that important, is because it's not that personal. It is more or less just the leftover from the Shield vs Evolution feud and the focus lately has been the fact that Reigns attacked Orton before he was going to be announced number 1 contender. Rollins vs Ambrose is more personal and has been more interesting. I also like the fact that, with Rollins vs Ambrose the matches are often with other people instead of Reigns always facing Orton or Kane. Then Roman is kind of awkward on the mic at times. I will say his ring style is more dynamic and can put on decent matches with Lesnar, I just don't see him as being hot enough or good enough to take it off Lesnar.

Wyatt on the other hand, is very over, he hasn't lost as much steam as Reigns, if you ask me. He beat Bryan clean this year, as well as Jericho. I think he should have won clean to Cena at Mania to really help his push, but that ship has sailed. Wyatt has excllent mic skills and can carry the feud with Heyman. Then his in-ring style meshs well with Lesnars. Lesnar is a beast who loves to dish it out and Wyatt is a sick freak who likes to take it. I believe this is what made Taker vs Mankind so interesting in the past. On top of this Wyatt has 2 big guys to back him up.

One other name, that came to me in a dream, is RVD. I had a dream about RVD hitting a 5 star for the pin, after Heyman betrayed Lesnar(which is how I think he falls) and there were ECW chants. The problems with this one are the fact that RVD is past his prime, the double cross would be predictable, and I don't see RVD really having any must-see title feuds.
Just what we need, more ECW chants.....

RVD wont hold gold again in WWE, certainly not the main belt. It sucks to say being an RVD fan, but I just dont see it happening. I would get a kick out of seeing a Van Terminator to Lesnar with Heyman holding the chair, but that scenario is far from anything creative has planned.

Still say the Cesaro thing would work. He has been built up as a guy with incredible strength & he has the mat skill to go with it. Take in account the built-in Heyman storyline & we could have something. Him hitting that dead lift suplex on Lesnar would be a great moment.
One other name, that came to me in a dream, is RVD. I had a dream about RVD hitting a 5 star for the pin, after Heyman betrayed Lesnar(which is how I think he falls) and there were ECW chants. The problems with this one are the fact that RVD is past his prime, the double cross would be predictable, and I don't see RVD really having any must-see title feuds.

:banghead:I didn't say it would be a good idea. I had a dream about it and it seemed logical. I'm not advocating the idea, because I haven't been a fan of anything RVD has done since his return and wasn't really interested in him in TNA either. I'm just pointing out, that this would be a logical way to do it because of the history he has with Heyman from ECW and the fact that Heyman will most likely betray Lesnar for him to drop the belt. Again, it would be boring, but it makes more sense and is a realistic way for Brock to lose.

Another idea, after seeing the promo for the video they put together talking about the break down of the Shield or whatever, I noticed a part where Ambrose said something like, "let's see who makes it to the top first." If they can mesh a feud between Reigns/Lesnar and Ambrose/Rollins and make a fatal 4 way for the title, that can be interesting. Ambrose could be going after Rollins as usual, but eventually they will start to realize that Brock is taking them apart and have a momentary reunion in the ring to fight him. There would be no DQ as well. I say Brock wins, just barely, and then as he stands up, gets wacked by Rollins' briefcase and he cashes in right after Brock gets the pinfall. I don't think that method of cash-in has been used before.
The WWE would screw it up by having a WWE-style wrestling match.

I'm sorry, what was the question?
The WWE will screw it up with it's minimalistic approach. The same amount of stuff that would happen in 3 months now, would take place within just one month a while back. High profile feuds are carried by just giving the bare minimum to keep the fact that the two guys feuding known. Instead of back and forth throughout each of the shows they would carry the feud with monologues, some titantron promos, a contract signing, and a segment showing Brock Lesnar smiling as he retreats.

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