How Is Darren Drozdov These Days?


Dark Match Winner
I feel like WWE is almost "Benoit"-ing Darren Drozdov. He wan't mentioned in the WWE History DVD that recently came out. It's been said that he has regained use of a lot of his upper body and arms. Is he still employed by WWE? Has his condition improved? Does anyone think that WWE might have given him a huge settlement after the accident? Why does WWE never mention him?
My guess is that he wasn't on the WWE History DVD because he was only ever a minor player. His accident was a tragedy that ended the man's career, and he may have gone on to better things if it hadn't been cut short, but he was only ever a low-card guy who was in the WWF for a short time.

WWE aren't Benoit-ing him. They don't mention him because there is no real reason to due to what they saddled him with. He was given a vomiting gimmick, participated in the Brawl for All then feuded with the oddities before working with Albert and Vic Grimes, none of which is going to make it into a best of compilation. They kept him hired for years on the website and on Byte This. Not sure if he's still there now but he was there for a good while.
My guess is that he wasn't on the WWE History DVD because he was only ever a minor player. His accident was a tragedy that ended the man's career, and he may have gone on to better things if it hadn't been cut short, but he was only ever a low-card guy who was in the WWF for a short time.

WWE aren't Benoit-ing him. They don't mention him because there is no real reason to due to what they saddled him with. He was given a vomiting gimmick, participated in the Brawl for All then feuded with the oddities before working with Albert and Vic Grimes, none of which is going to make it into a best of compilation. They kept him hired for years on the website and on Byte This. Not sure if he's still there now but he was there for a good while.

Also along with that. Don't forget that Horrible recreation of LOD where he was the 3rd member and they decided to play out Hawk's dirty laundry on live television. #sad.

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