How Fortunate Have We Been?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Glancing over the results of the tournament so far, one thing that jumps out at me is the recent vintage of the majority of winners selected. Of the thirty-two wrestlers still in play, only eight wrestled pre-Attitude Era and three of those eight earned second round wins over other old-school grapplers. Curious about this communities take on this: have we been fortunate in having witnessed the careers of the majority of wrestlings greatest ever or is it a sign of lack of interest and/or lack of knowledge of wrestlers most of us personally didn't witness?

btw, I kind of hurried this post while multi-tasking so my numbers could be slightly off but not enough that I figure it nullifies the question.
There are many quality historians on this site. I think an age difference among some of the voters makes a difference. I've noticed a rise in votes for quite a few of the Japanese wrestlers this year. These things generally boil down to a popularity contest.
There are many quality historians on this site. I think an age difference among some of the voters makes a difference. I've noticed a rise in votes for quite a few of the Japanese wrestlers this year. These things generally boil down to a popularity contest.

Yeah, I feel like a lot of people that vote don't actually look at the comments. Of course, I'm just assuming, but it seems likely that some voters just see the names and vote for who they like best without taking anything else into consideration.

But that's kind of the nature of the beast. For the most part, I think the names that should win usually do. There are some outliers but that unpredictability is what makes the tournament fun to me.
I am definitely one of the people who vote for who I like better. But I love reading the comments and learning more about the wrestlers I may not be familiar with. I've been a member of this forum for a few years and the tournaments are always entertaining and very informative.
I try to disregard my preferences and vote for who I think was best, not just who I liked best. I will sometimes vote with my heart but try and only do it when the results are lopsided and it won't make a difference in the final vote.
To me, the tournament is probably my favorite thing on this site. I enjoy learning about the wrestlers I may not know much about. I do believe this particular site is more focused on current product and less partial to older wrestlers than most, though, and would be curious to see how this would play out in other forums.
I think those who call themselves hardcore wrestling fans(members of these here forums) have an obligation to learn about those who came first before you comment and vote on a match with old school wrestlers in it. If you started watching in '05 for example, and a match comes up with Reigns vs Dusty Rhodes and people are voting for Reigns because they aren't really familiar with Rhodes' accomplishments, then thats a problem. Don't comment and vote on a match if you don't know about both wrestlers.

I started watching wrestling in 1994. The Royal Rumble that year was the very first wrestling event that I watched from start to finish and the only reason I continued watching wrestling after that event was because of the Undertaker. I still remember the feeling of awe I had watching him walk to the ring behind Paul Bearer while he was pushing the double wide double deep casket to the ring. Ever since then, I've tried to learn as much as I could about wrestling before that event. I've got my AWA, NWA, Dusty Rhodes, Ricky Steamboat, WrestleMania, Ric Flair, Four Horsemen, and etc DVD sets. I watch the Legends of Wrestling episodes on the Network where JR and various others talk about certain topics. I listen to podcasts where the wrestlers tell stories of things that happened on the road. (BTW, if you're ever bored and need something to entertain you; listen to Nash tell stories about the KLIQ and others on any YouTube podcast or interview. I can listen to those all day long) I consider myself a student of the business and to answer your question, we're very fortunate to live in a time where literally anything we want to watch or learn about a certain wrestler or event we can fairly easily.
Started watching in 85 when I was seven years old. NWA, AWA, WCW, the E. All of it. Most of the time my vote goes to the legends over the current stars. I do believe a lot of voters are uneducated.
I don't know about others but I try to read every post of this Tournament especially. I have little knowledge about old-school wrestlers and the tourney has always educated me and made me less illiterate about wrestling. After all, Life is all about learning and this tourney does complete this purpose everytime.

Yes, We or rather I'm actually fortunate.

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