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How far would you be willing to go?


King Of The Ring
It's something I've heard so many times in my life, and I've said it before as well. I look at my wife sleeping on the couch, and my newborn daughter sleeping in her crib, and there's no doubt in my mind. If it came down to it, and it was their life or mine, I would give my life for my wife and daughter. I'm not a proponent of violence, nor do I believe it's a great problem solver. But if put in a situation where my wife or daughter's life was threatened, I wouldn't think twice. And perish the thought, if someone were to rape my wife, I'd hunt them down and hurt them. How badly? Unless in the moment, I couldn't say for sure, but I wouldn't go easy on someone who had hurt my wife in such a way.

How far would you go to protect/defend the honor of those you love the most? Could you kill for them?

There's another side to this as well. Sometimes those we love make terrible mistakes. Mistakes, that if uncovered, could ruin their life. If my wife came to me tomorrow and told me she had killed someone, accidentally or on purpose, what would I do? Would I help her cover it up, which is against my values, or would I encourage her to come clean? Could I do so if that meant losing her for 25 to life? Could I live with knowing our daughter would grow up essentially without a mother? Or, as was discussed in JMT's thread, could I find it in myself to take the fall for her, and spend my life in prison?

I began thinking about this as I was watching a 1980's movie with Harrison Ford, Presumed Innocent. Ford plays a prosecutor on trial for the murder of his lover, whom he cheated on his wife with. In the end, Ford is found not guilty, but discovers that his wife had committed the murder. He decides to cover up the evidence, deciding their son shouldn't live without a mother, especially considering it was a situation he was the catalyst for.

I'm not sure what I would do if I was faced with a similar situation. It would be hard for me to live with someone, knowing they had killed another human being, but would it be worse to live without the person I love so much? It's both a moral and emotional decision ending with a heavy heart either way. As much as I try to do the right thing, I can't imagine life without my wife, and I'd probably cover for her in most circumstances.

Could you cover up wrongdoing by the person you love the most? How far would you be willing to go to protect them in these circumstances? Where would you draw the line?

Any other thoughts or discussion regarding this topic are welcome.
I think it depends on what they did or what is currently happening to them. If they are being framed in a massive goverment conspiracy I don't think I'd be much of help but if somebody is after them(I'll say Mob boss or Police)I'd cover for them as long as I'd possibly could. But If they killed someone in pure cold blood for no reason it would be a different story. I wouldn't exactly rad them out straight to the Police but I would refuse to let them hide out where I live or give them anything to help escape. I'd pretty much just completely stay out of it.
I would defend my family until my death no matter what the situation at hand may be. I was never a trouble maker when I was younger but I lived in a city where trouble can just be around the corner of any giving street. Especially when you live right behind the heights and you aren't liked there to much just because of skin color. So, there would be a few times when trouble would come to me and the threat was I'm coming to your house to kick your ass. I would simply say that is and will be the biggest mistake you can and will ever make. I don't like trouble, but when you come to my house where my mother and sister are I'll go ape shit at someone. My anger rises since the threat of my family being in danger makes my cares of life go out the window. I'll take everything with me as now it is your life vs mine and my family. I am not afraid to die for my family and if people wanted to come to my house for a fight I will take everything and the kitchen sink to hit you with. I don't let anyone mess with the people I care about. I am very protective of my loved ones and I will sacrifice my life for there’s any giving second of the day. I don't have children nor a girlfriend so my family is all I have. Best believe if I did have my own wife and child I'd fight for there life’s in a heartbeat.

I don't like confrontation if it is involving just me, I usually just walk away whether I am called a pussy or not. I see no use in dying just for myself as I think it is selfish. But, the second you threatened my home, family or my close friends then the demon inside me comes alive; the blood turns to gasoline, the spark turns to fire and now the rage has begun. I don't like to be this way ever which is why I don't fight just for my life.

Now, if my family had committed a murder or a very serious crime and told me I would not be able to live with that on my conscience. I would have to tell them to tell the police or that I would turn them in. Not one person is free of the crimes they committed whether it is a family member or not. If you commit the crime face up to the consequences that you've decided to make and deal with what they are. I hope that may never be the case with my family as I would never want it to happen.
How far would you go to protect/defend the honor of those you love the most? Could you kill for them?
I would kill for my Fiance or future children without a second of hesitation, like LSN said I know it is not the go to answer but my life is my family and my Fiance and if anyone even attempted to cause her harm I wouldn't think twice before breaking his fucking neck. You can mess with me and I'll get pissed but you mess with the future mother of my children and I'll rip out your fucking heart and smile while I do it, it's a man's duty to protect his wife and I take that very seriously.

Could you cover up wrongdoing by the person you love the most? How far would you be willing to go to protect them in these circumstances? Where would you draw the line?
I think I could and probably would, she would obviously never get into that situation and if she did for any reason she would want to come forward as she is very honest, but I wouldn't want her to and would take the fall if it came down to that or her going to prison. I think I would draw the line if she killed someone for no reason, if it was self defense or fear for her life, my life or our kid's then I would back her 100 percent. In reality it's probably the wrong thing to do but she's my world and I could see myself doing it any other way.
I wouldn't even hesitate to protect my girlfriend or the ones I love. It's instinctive. I'm a pretty chill dude but I also don't like to be backed into a corner. If someone were violently threatening or harassing my girlfriend/loved one, I wouldn't care who it is, they would certainly get what's coming to them. I'd willingly kill to keep them by my side. Unless of course, killing was avoidable. Sometimes, a nice punch to the throat solves everything.

My girlfriend is as sweet as can be. Although it's highly doubtful she'd do anything violent like killing someone, I would gladly cover it up. Where would I draw the line? I would not. I would do pretty much anything to keep her from spending one day in jail. Many may disagree, but true love conquers all. I'm loyal. I’m faithful. I am dedicated to my girlfriend. I don't care if it was justified or not, I couldn't do it. I'd help dispose of the body and never speak of it again.
Eh if some rapist was going for my wife or whatever, or someone armed was being threatening in our vicinity then should I have the tools available (read; something sharp) then I'll be going for their eyes first. I use sharp objects every day, I am comfortable holding them and I havent been cursed with guilt, it wouldnt be much of a problem and it wouldnt be a panic attack either. If I didnt have the tools available then I guess I'd just have to find out how capable my bare hands really are.

I should point out that I wouldnt be sinking to that kind of disgusting level over someone or a group of people mugging me for £20 and my shitty phone.

As far as your second question goes I dunno, I think people should pay the price for their crimes but I can be hypocritical, if it was a self defense thing I dont think I'd bother I'd just try and convince the person to plead their case. Outright murder? Especially of the pre-meditated kind is a bit harder to justify though right? Unless the murdered person was a threat to their safety, leaving killing them as the only realistic option vindictive as it may be. Well, theres a conundrum. It makes the crime understandable if not justifiable.

Good to know most of us will never face anything like this.
How far would you go to protect/defend the honor of those you love the most? Could you kill for them?

As far as necessary and probably beyond it. It's a well known joke around the people who know me how protective I am about the people I care about. I'm an extremely calm, logical thought-out person in regular life but threaten me or my family and you'll see a fucking scary side to me, so much so it's actually scary to me because I become unhinged and unrecognisable.
My girlfriend had her house broken into before I knew her and has something of a phobia about it. I have told her that if it ever happens again they'll be leaving in a bodybag and I'm deadly serious, they'll end up face down in a ditch somewhere. I got into trouble with the police many years ago because someone was harassing my sister and I informed them that if they continued I would take them out into the woods, tie them to a tree and set fire to them. I'm quite capable of switching off my feelings and if I feel justified (ie I warned you and you didn't listen) I set the standard for not to be fucked with.
I've always had an inevitable sense that one of these days I'm going to kill someone because I know I've got such a temper when I feel justified in letting it loose. It nearly happened a few years ago, a guy beat up a friend (she's kind of like a big sister) so I broke his legs with a bat. In the very few seconds before I hit him my thoughts were "You could hit him in the head, he'd be less likely to get up". Make of that what you will. :shrug:

Could you cover up wrongdoing by the person you love the most? How far would you be willing to go to protect them in these circumstances? Where would you draw the line?

It's a matter of principle. Was it intentional? If so were they justified? I've really got no time for the law and I will protect someone if I think they deserve protecting.
No, I couldn't kill for anybody in this world. I know many people say they'd kill for somebody and they wouldn't hesitate, but that's just ignorant. Thing is, there are very few people on this forum that actually know how difficult it is to kill somebody and until your faced with that situation, you cannot say you'd be able to do it. I understand just how difficult it is to pull a trigger and end somebodies life even though i've never been faced with that situation. I know myself and know i'd never be able to willingly kill somebody. Now if it came down to protecting my family, that's another story.

Now, if my spouse or close family member killed somebody, I don't know what I would do. I simply cannot imagine being faced with this situation. If I don't turn them in and they get caught, we both go to jail yet, if I turn them in, I feel incredibly guilty and upset that I pretty much ended their life. It's a situation I wouldn't wish on anybody.
I've made it clear to afriend of mine that if he is risking jail time I'd take the fall for him. I wouldn't normally, but he and his wife have an adorable daughter who I'd do anything for her to have a perfect life, she's a wicked cutie.

When she's older, screw him haha but as the cutiepie she is now she still needs her mom and dad, and even though they both have pissed me off lately I'd take the fa or a bullet for either of them.

The way I see it, I may suck but I can still make a positive difference in someones life.

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