The Madrid Slam
Occasional Pre-Show
Less than 2 weeks ago WWE signed Dos Caras Jr. He was last with CMLL of Mexican fame and had recently turned heel for the first time in his 9 year career. He stated he would not head to FCW, and is eligible to go directly to the main roster. I haven't seen a vignette for him yet, so it's possible that he won't join, already being hyped. I, and I'm sure most others see him joining in somehow on the Mysterio-Jericho angle. I could see him going either way, but obviously being on Mysterio's side is the more practical approach.
The facts for Dos Caras jr.
Real name is unknown, he's never been unmasked.
He has worked in MMA and has a record of 7-4. Last match was Dec. 2008.
I see him joining in on The Bash. Possibly attempting to help Rey Rey out, but getting him DQ'd. Or somehow, someway on Jericho's side.
The facts for Dos Caras jr.
Real name is unknown, he's never been unmasked.
He has worked in MMA and has a record of 7-4. Last match was Dec. 2008.
I see him joining in on The Bash. Possibly attempting to help Rey Rey out, but getting him DQ'd. Or somehow, someway on Jericho's side.