How does Punk Taker WM 29 Rank in comparison to the HHH HBK WM Matches?

How good was the Punk Taker Match?

  • Better than HBK and HHH Matches

  • HHH and HBK Matches were Better

  • The match was just as good

  • Better than the HHH matches

  • Better than the HBK matches?

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Getting Noticed By Management
Im just rewatching Taker and Punk from this years wrestlemania, and since by now most if not everyone has already seen this match... so my question is simple....

When you rank it or compare this match against the HBK matches from 25 and 26, and the HHH matches from 27 and 28, arguably the Streak´s best matches, how does it rank? is it above those matches, is it just as good? are those 4 matches better? maybe you like punk taker over the hhh matches or you like them better than the hbk matches....

So how would you rank those matches among the 21 wm matches especifically the last 4 matchesbefore it?

The matches against Triple H and Shawn Michaels were all better. It's no contest. Wrestlemania 25 through 28 saw The Undertaker facing Shawn Michaels and Triple H in matches that will be setting standards for years to come. While the match with CM Punk this year delivered a solid match, it had a nearly impossible act to follow. Trips and HBK are legends AND the angles for those matches had such fantastic build. Punk's was good and probably in Taker's top 10, but I cannot place it on the same level as any of the 4 matches that came before it.

The HBK matches in particular will probably never be topped. Trips at Wrestlemania 27 saved the show on an otherwise awful card that fell into the bottom tier of Wrestlemania events and even if the rest of the show hadn't been so weak it was a great match that no wrestling fan should miss, for anyone who for whatever reason has not seen it yet. Wrestlemania 28 saw another awesome match against Trips and Michaels' involvement helped make the build for the match all the better. The epic moment at the end with the three of them at the ramp was very powerful, it will be remembered forever. How can ANYONE follow that? CM Punk did the best he could and I give him all the credit in the world for that. Some might disagree with me, the CM Punk match was excellent so don't get me wrong there, it just isn't as good when you compare it to 4 matches that will continually be talked about for many years down the line.
Out of the five, I'd rank it fourth. It was better than the first (actually second) Triple H-Taker match, but the Hell in a Cell and two HBK matches were better. I'd rank them in this order:

1. 25 vs. HBK
2. 26 vs. HBK
3. 28 vs. Triple H
4. 29 vs. Punk
5. 27 vs. Triple H

And that's not a knock at all on Punk or the match. But it is arguable that the two matches with Michaels were the two greatest matches in the history of wrestling and the Hell in a Cell was just fantastic. All five matches delivered, that's for sure.
1. HBK @ WM25
2. HBK @ WM26
3. Triple H @ WM 27
4. Punk @ WM 29
5. HHH @ WM 28

The HIAC match had the best storytelling of all 5 matches. It wasn't a great wrestling match though.
I have yet to see the Punk vs. Taker match. I also hated the Taker vs. HHH Hell in a Cell match. I thought they made a lot of bad choices in that match. Taker's matches with HBK were both phenomenal, especially the first one because it stands on its own and is completely self contained(no callbacks). Even though I do not like the Hell in a Cell match, it was a big affair with a lot going on, and was a hard act to follow in that regard. And the Undertaker isn't in the shape he was in for Wrestlemanas 25 and 26. Based on what I've read, Punk and Taker did what they needed to do, which was to have a more straightforward match and bring expectations down while still delivering a good show. I think it was smart to not worry about trying to top previous years and just let their match speak for itself. I look forward to catching it and seeing how they worked together.
There is no doubting Punk/Taker was a great match and the stand-out of WM29 but to say it is on par with the other four is madness. HBK/Taker 1 was just incredible and at various points I thought the streak would actually end - therefore it served its purpose. Their second match was equally as good, if not better.

His two matches with HHH were also of a high standard. The HIAC was my personal favourite of the 5 as it just had everything. HBK as ref worked very well and it was amazing seeing these two legends barely being able to stand after.

So, 1) HIAC
2) HBK v Taker WM25
3) HBK v Taker WM26
4) HHH v Taker WM27
and finally Punk v Taker. This doesn't mean it wasn't a great match, because it was, but not as good and engaging as the others.
It was really hard for ANYONE to follow those classics, Punk had many pressure because well let's face it (at least for me) we are talking about 4 years in a row that were match of the night. HBK/Taker I and II for me were 5 star matches, as well as Taker/HHH III.

Punk/Taker was a really good match but even if Punk is the best in the world (see what I did there?), he isn't a veteran like Michaels or Triple H that were having basically one of their last matches.

Punk vs Taker in my book were 4 stars, but (with the exception of Tkaer/HHH II, it was amazing don't get me wrong) HBK/Taker I and II and Taker/HHH III are probabloy in the top 10 of WM greatest matches.
This just isn't a fair comparison. The matches with HHH and HBK were classics. THe HBK match from Mania 25 is probably the best wrestling match of all time. It's funny this thread came up because as I was driving to work just now I was thinking how the Punk match just didn't have that extra something that the matches before had. I think that something was the fact that I knew there was no way Punk was going to win. THere was always doubt in the HHH HBK matches. Punk?Taker was great don't get me wrong but my ranking would go like this.
HBK/Taker Mania 25
HBK/Taker Mania 26
HHH/Taker Mania 28 HIAC
HHH/Taker Mania 27 underrated imo
How I'd rank it
1. Taker Vs. Michaels WrestleMania 25: *****
2. Taker Vs. Michaels WrestleMania 26: *****
3. Taker Vs. Hiatch WrestleMania 28: *****
4. Taker Vs. Hiatch WrestleMania 27: ****1/2
5. Taker Vs. Punk WrestleMania 29: ****1/4

The Punk/Taker Match was good but the other matches Taker had with Michaels and Hiatch were better. Like Punk said he wasn't trying to outdo those matches. Nonetheless the match still STOLE the show at WM 29 this year.
I'd put it as better than any of his three matches with Triple H, which I feel were all overrated, but not as good as his matches with HBK or Edge. I'd put it at fourth on his all-time WM match list.
I'd put it just barely in last place next to Triple H vs Taker III. IMO that was the worst of the 3 matches Triple H and Taker had just cause it was so predictable and H didn't go for broke like he did in the previous 2.

Thats not to say Punk had a bad match cause he didn't, but it's not even in the same league as anything HBK does or a much younger Triple H when he was facing a Taker in his prime. and the story was rushed IMO, wheras the other 5 matches all had great buildups.

My order similar to others

1) HBK vs Taker 2 - Best spectacle overall (on par with the first but surpassed it with the better entrances, and they went at it harder)
2) HBK vs Taker 1 - Great story, great match
3) HHH vs Taker 2 - Great story, great match
4) HHH vs Taker 1 - Good story, pretty good match
5) HHH vs Taker 3 - Great story not a great match (excellent ending tho)
6) Punk vs Taker 1
My list

1. HBK Vs. Undertaker I-If there's such thing as a perfect match this was it.
2. HBK Vs. Undertaker II-The emotion of this match was intense.
3. HHH Vs. Undertaker III-I don't give a fuck what Bret Hart says. 8/10
4. TIE: HHH Vs. Undertaker I & CM Punk Vs. Undertaker-Both great, highly entertaining matches.
5. HHH Vs. Undertaker II-Solid match, just not as good as the others.
Punk and 'Taker was a great match with great drama. It's not up there with the HBK matches, those two matches were among the best in wrestling history. I put Punk/'Taker over the Triple H matches. I thought the first match of HHH/'Taker is good, but it's not as good what everybody think's it is. The second one in the Hell in A Cell was a great match with awesome drama, also, the ending was great with 'Taker, HBK, HHH huging at the ramp.
If I was going to rank em....

1) VS Triple H at WM27 (I honestly thought the streak was over when HHH Tombstoned Taker)
2) VS Triple H WM28 (Best storytelling match in many years)
3) VS HBK WM25 (Great back & forth)
4) VS HBK WM27 (good, but we all knew HBK was leaving)
5) VS Punk (good not great)

And to be honest, I'd have put his match with Batista higher than the match with Punk as well.
You can make an argument for Punk VS Taker being better than Triple H VS Taker from Mania 27, but this year's match can't measure up to Taker VS Triple H in the Cell, or the Mania matches with Shawn, especially the match from Wrestlemania 25.

The action, suspense, and thrills of the near falls from the Mania 25 match kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. At Wrestlemania 26 it was probably a foregone conclusion Taker would win after they announced the "win or retire" stipulation, but it was still a hell of a match regardless.

I know a lot of people weren't too crazy about the match from Mania 27, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it. We've never seen Taker look so weak and vulnerable at Mania, and having the medical staff carry him away on the cart was the icing on the cake. Taker had to come back and prove he can still be the man at Wrestlemania without any doubts the following year. The Cell match was full of emotion, drama, and brutality. Others would call it an over the top, ridiculous, and glorified spot fest, but at Wrestlemania 28, two surefire Hall Of Famers fueled by pride beat the living shit out of each other, and they arguably had the best match on the same card as Rock VS Cena. That's an admirable accomplishment any way you look at it.

The match with Punk this year was very good, and again, you can make the argument for Punk VS Taker being the best match on the card (with Lesnar VS Triple H II for competition). Punk was such a disrespectful and cold-hearted jackass, and you wanted to see Taker get revenge for mocking Paul Bearer's death. Not as much drama, and excitement as the Cell matches or matches with Shawn (mainly because you knew there was no way in hell Punk would win), but it was still a damn good match with some impressive counters (i.e.Taker bouncing off the ropes after the GTS, and coming right back for a Tombstone).

The match with Punk was damn good, but from in-ring perspective, I would still put the matches with Shawn and the Cell over this year's match. BUT when it comes to the story and the build, I'd have to go with this year's feud with Punk for the top spot. It was shocking, because you didn't actually think "they would go there," but Punk did. Punk played the detestable weasel role to perfection, the feud had a strong sense of realism for obvious reasons, and you could say Punk VS Taker had the best build and storyline for Wrestlemania 29.

So if I had to rank the matches, this is the order I would choose:

1. Taker VS Shawn Wrestlemania 25
2. Taker VS Triple H Wrestlemania 28
3.Taker VS Shawn Wrestlemania 26
4. Taker VS Punk Wrestlemania 29
5. Taker VS Triple H Wrestlemania 27
The Undertaker vs HBK wm matches were better, but I think Punk vs Undertaker was better than the Taker vs HHH matches. Punk isn't as good as HBK, but imo he is better than HHH. I agree with Bret Hart that Hunter was vastly overrated as a worker. He was good, but not great at least not in the league of a Flair, Hart, or HBK. Undertaker should have fought someone else at wm 28. Beating Triple H for a third time was redundant.
I think it was the weakest of Taker's matches in the past five years. Both HBK and Triple H matches were better. Actually I'd put the match with Batista a head of the Punk/Taker match as well. I guess it would be right above Taker/Orton.
Eh, wow. I completely forgot about American Bad Ass Taker Vs Triple H from Wrestlemania 17. A great, great brawl, and you couldn't easily predict a clear cut winner during the final stages of the match. Triple H throwing a fit in the middle of the ring after the sledgehammer shot is just priceless, and Taker hitting the Last Ride for the win was a perfect shocking ending. Another impressive feat, because this match was on the same card as an unforgettable and epic Austin/Rock Wrestlemania main event.

So to revise everything:

1. Taker VS Shawn Wrestlemania 25
2. Taker VS Triple H Wrestlemania 28
3.Taker VS Shawn Wrestlemania 26
4. Taker VS Triple H Wrestlemania 17
5. Punk VS Taker Wrestlemania 29
6. Triple H VS Taker Wrestlemania 27
It pales in comparison from a storytelling aspect. The HBK/HHH/Undertaker saga was a carefully crafted, very well done story arch that spanned the better part of five years. The two Undertaker/HBK matches proved that without a doubt, they are probably the two best, most dependable superstars in WWE history. The retirement match sent HBK home on a stage and emotional note that I don't think any retirement match has ever equaled.

The Undertaker/Triple H matches were fantastic brawls. It built on the HBK/Undertaker storyline, and truly helped cement the Undertaker's streak and importance by defeating both two years in a row. The final minutes of Triple H vs. Undertaker with HBK as a the referee were some of the most compelling and dramatic moments in Wrestlemania history. You'll never again see three individuals standing on the top of the Wrestlemania ramp, holding each other up, each with such importance to business, and to Wrestlemania as a whole.

The match with Punk was still great. It once again proved that when healthy, and/or on the Wrestlemania stage, nobody can deliver quite like the Undertaker. The reason it doesn't quite compare is the storyline that lead to it. Had Bill Moody not passed away, I'm not sure what story WWE would have really had. With all of the shots at Paul Bearer, all the times Punk got to the upper hand on Undertaker, there was never a doubt who would win. I think it was easily the best match of this past Wrestlemania, and it was one of the better wrestled matches by Taker, but overall, it will never carry the power, emotion or importance of the HBK/HHH matches that came before it.

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