How do you want to die?


Lovable degenerate.
I want to die while having sex, But I want something quick, And painless. Maybe fucking someone's wife, Then they shoot me in the back of the head. I wouldn't want an heartattack, Or suffocating though, Can you imagine the panic you who feel for those last couple of seconds?

How about yourselves?
Well I do not think I would want to know that I was dying so rule out terminal illnesses. I think that if I go, I want it to be as quick as possible. But I don't want to go out in a car crash or something. I have however decided that I want to go out in a blaze of glory. Listening to some hardcore music, with a shot gun in my hand in an epic gun battle. Perhaps this is what the weekend will bring.
Like most people I'd like to die in my sleep, of old age. I can't imagine there will be many responses in this thread of people wanting to die from sodomy trauma or a flesh-eating virus. There are so many awful ways to die now that I think about.

I don't want to know that I'm about to die though. I'd like to just drift off to sleep and that's it, I never wake up, and never know any better.
Awww, Now I disappointed X, I thought you would have wanted to be high as a motherfucker, Then just wander in front of a train or something.

Now I think about, I'd quite like to go in a creative way, Like from a Jason, Or Freddy style death. You know make the paper, And have a bunch of health, And safety turds go mad over it.
Like most people I'd like to die in my sleep, of old age. I can't imagine there will be many responses in this thread of people wanting to die from sodomy trauma or a flesh-eating virus. There are so many awful ways to die now that I think about.

I don't know about you, but sodomy trauma and flesh-eating viruses sound like fun. :lmao:

In all seriousness, I'd wanna go peacefully after I have managed to make at least one person's life better in some way. I don't care if Death is coming for me when I'm 35, just make sure it's after I've saved someone's life in the hospital. I just want this life of mine to have gone towards something worth while. And if helping someone else's life isn't worth while, then I don't know what is.

And if I can't go peacefully, then let me go down fighting. If I can't die from heart failure when I'm asleep, then let me go fighting to protect my family. I'd be a hero, and I'd have died to help those I love survive another day. I mean, heroes are really just people who will readily sacrifice all they love for someone else to live.
You know- the only probably with the oft favourited preference to die of old age in your sleep, is that isn't probably as comfortable as people suggest. If you have died of old age, your body has basically given out which means other parts have given out before hand. Personally I would hate to lose my independance in any way- to watch my body (ugh, old bodies. I might be near blind by this point so I wouldn't see it) slowly decline and my intellect (whatever I have of it anyway) fade away too.

The others here I found quite funny- very male ;) Self sacrifce, or heroism- mostly very openly and known by all so that you go down in a blaze of glory. Because whats worse than death? To be forgotten.... :(

So rather than fade out, withering slowly and depressingly, I would like to be struck down at the peak of my powers, hopefully after achieving my magnum opus. And I would definatly demand that all my ex boyfriends would have to read long extracts about how wonderfull I was. Not sure if I would be able to hear any of them, but I am fairly sure some of them would hate to have to do them :)
I would want to be mistaken for a celebrity or a president, and be finishing lunch with a supermodel and leave the hotel which we dined at. I would tip double and call a valet to bring around the Lamborghini I had hired for that specific day whilst making out with the sexy woman at my side. All the whiles the sniper on the opposite roof would be steadying his shot. The sound of the bullet impacting my skull would be aurally scarring to the woman who would be showered in my insides. Her screams would only add to the mayhem which would be surrounding the hotel. The car bomb planted underneath my Lamborghini would explode in the underground car park, erupting in a fireball, starting a chain reaction of fire plumes that would envelop every luxury car parked in the dungeon of fire.

Although visibly shaken, filthy and no doubt having to spend the rest of her meagre days in the comforts of a dingy psychiatrists chair, the supermodel would give a short interview to a local media station saying she had no idea what had happened, although I was often mistaken for said celebrity/president. What would unravel would be a plot to derail the government with said assassination had failed, all because Mantaur Rodeo Clown had been assassinated instead, thus saving his country, as being "The Man that Never Was".

Or in my sleep.
I want to die quietly in my sleep after a long life.

But if I couldn't, I'd want to go into space, spend three days in space, go back down, get on a plane, jump out without a parachute, and do a belly-flop right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.
Like most people I'd like to die in my sleep, of old age. I can't imagine there will be many responses in this thread of people wanting to die from sodomy trauma or a flesh-eating virus. There are so many awful ways to die now that I think about.

I don't want to know that I'm about to die though. I'd like to just drift off to sleep and that's it, I never wake up, and never know any better.

x2 don't need to know don't want to know, if i die with a disease i would die in pain, if i died from old age again in pain,if i died doing anything other then just sleep it would be in pain so i would just rather leave it to fate to seal the deal.

To me its just letting nature to take its course and it should be fine IMO
Whatever end the universe brings to me, I'm fine with. In all seriousness, I would like to kind of go down in a blaze of glory. I'd much rather die on my feet than pass away on a bed. Especially if I'm doing something meaningful (writing in Africa on journalistic affairs like I want to do). That or death by raptors. Either one is satisfactory.
If there's one thing I want from life, it's to live until I'm 85 with a sound mind and a body capable of carrying out its routine functions. Once I hit 85, I wouldn't care how I died, as long as it was quick and relatively painless. I don't think I'd want to die from sex though: this would more than likely involve me having a heart attack, and I sure as hell don't want one of those.
My biggest fear is losing my independence and losing my bodily functions, that's the worst thing that I can imagine. Seriously, I'd die at 60 if it meant that I didn't have to go though that at 80. Not that I'd be aware, obviously, but I hate the thought.

As for the actual death, I'd quite like to take a load of people with me, although it is a bit selfish to, you know, murder people. In all honesty, cancer doesn't frighten me as much as it does you lot clearly, so I'll take one for the team and be the cancer statistic, I think. As long as I die with dignity, I'm happy.
I would also like the whole Hero's death thing but more real and more likely i would like to grow up get married have kids and watch them grow up. After they are grown and i have lived a good long life then i wouldn't care how i went.
Oh yeah I'd have to go with the Blaze of Glory trick, like I dunno, some sexy (but evil) alien needs to mate so she can give birth to the anti-christ or whatever, the only drawback is she kills me afterwards, I think I could go along with that.

Or the traditional herioc way, you know, saving little hobbits from Uruk-Hai or something along those lines.
I'd like to live a long, healthy life before I pass on. When I die, I'd like it to be painless. Maybe in my sleep or something... the same way my grandpa passed away. Suffocation is the worst way to die. If my death happens to be painful, I'd rather not choke to death.
Well, if there is one - and only one - way you can "choose" to die (if we rule out any forms of suicide, of course), but one that is determined by chance and happenstance, I really have only one vote to cast:

I'd opt for the CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland to malfunction, in the process creating a black hole that would consume the entire planet (and then some). I mean, anyone can die in a freak accident or be struck with a disease - but damn, how's dying in the f***** end of the world for you? EPIC WIN... FAIL... SOMETHING?! ;)

On a more serious note (as end of the world seems a little drastic, if it's only one person's death we're initially talking about), I think I would like to opt for the more heroic way, too. Saving a number of people at the expense of my life, if there is no other chance... I think I could live... erm... die with that.
Well, if there is one - and only one - way you can "choose" to die (if we rule out any forms of suicide, of course), but one that is determined by chance and happenstance, I really have only one vote to cast:

I'd opt for the CERN particle accelerator in Switzerland to malfunction, in the process creating a black hole that would consume the entire planet (and then some). I mean, anyone can die in a freak accident or be struck with a disease - but damn, how's dying in the f***** end of the world for you? EPIC WIN... FAIL... SOMETHING?! ;)

On a more serious note (as end of the world seems a little drastic, if it's only one person's death we're initially talking about), I think I would like to opt for the more heroic way, too. Saving a number of people at the expense of my life, if there is no other chance... I think I could live... erm... die with that.

My exact thoughts. The best way to give your life is to save other's. If I went it would be making sure those kids got out of a fire and their dog. I wouldn't care about my life at that point because I couldnt live with myself knowing I could've saved someone's children and helped keep a family together. I just believe waiting for yourself to die when you could help others is an easy way out that too many people opt to live for.
I always wanted to die whilst doing something Heroic. Like saving someone from a car but actually getting hit yourself or moving someone out of the way of a bullet but getting shot. That would be pretty cool, if not that then a pretty painless way.

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