How do YOU start your mornings?


Master of the Aussie kiss
I wake up every morning to Triple H's entrance song. It gets me pumped up for the day after all your life is just one big game. and when you wake up its time to play.
Yeah Minus turning my alarm off the first thing i do is get into the shower. i dont talk until i am out of that shower.
On weekdays I wake up, get dressed, brush my teeth, have breakfast and go to school.

On weekends, I'm never awake to see the mornings.
I do the Shawn Michaels flip up out of bed, then I brush my teeth ect. before appearing at the top of my stairs facing the other way with both arms extended, at this point I usually fall
Weekdays: Wake up at 5:30, turn on computer, walk out of my room, make toast and coffee, walk back to room, consume said toast and coffee, listen to Chris Jerichos WCW theme song, you know the pearl jam rip off version and then just whatever songs come on randomly next, shower, brush teeth, spike my hair, leave at 7:20 to go to the bus stop.

Weekends: No such thing as mornings.
Alarm goes off at 5:35 AM, but since I set it 13 minutes ahead intentionally, I actually get up at 5:22.

Microwave a small mug of water for two minutes so it's really hot, take it into the bathroom. Take a leak, mouthwash with (gasp!) Listerine, place hot water in shower.

Weigh myself. I am trying to add 15 lbs of muscle right now, gotta keep track. Already up 2 lbs.

Warm shower. Place shaving razor in hot water (THAT'S what it's for!) and wash face w/ face wash. Shave using VERY hot razor, works like a charm.

Finish 10-15 minute shower, throw contact lenses in, go to the living room. Turn on SportsCenter, pet cats.

Turn on coffee maker to warm up, start breakfast - Whey Protein Shake w/ frozen berries, 2 egg and 5 egg white ommlette, 2 slices whole wheat toast (one with fruit preserves, one with a tablespoon of flax seed oil and cinnamon) and sit down to eat and watch what happened in sports yesterday.

At 6:35, use the lavatory, brush teeth again, throw goop in hair. Wake up fiancee to get ready for work. Put on shirt and tie, suit, etc. By 7:05, off to work.
Hey IC25, I'm thinking about getting contact lenses soon. Would you recommend them?
Yeah but I've heard they fuck up your eyes more. My eyes are already fucked but I hope they don't get worse.

Hasn't effected me, and if they were that bad for your eyes, people wouldn't still wear them. Have you looking into laser surgery?
Hasn't effected me, and if they were that bad for your eyes, people wouldn't still wear them. Have you looking into laser surgery?

Yeah I'm not prepared to have laser surgery.

I only wear my glasses when I'm watching t.v or looking at something far away. Plus I'm going for my drivers licence next month so I think I'm going to have to wear contacts all the time.

Are they hard to put in?
6:20AM - Family Guy Theme From My Alarm.
Turned Off
6:30AM - Dad bangs on door and fails to work my digital lock
6:35AM - Get up switch on PC and head to the shower
6:52AM - Switch on the Radio - Radio 1

*dried, shirted, lose a trainer, find a trainer*

7:15AM - Go downstairs for toast
7:30AM - Head out the door
7:31AM - Come back in as forgot Lunch
7:31AM - Head Out the door
7:32AM - Need my Car keys
7:32AM - Head out the Door

Off to Work!

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