How do you determine what wrestler entertains you?

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I wasn't sure where to put this, so I put it here.

I’m trying to post this, so that I don’t offend anyone, because that is not my intention. I am just curious as to what you look for in a wrestler in order for them to entertain you?

I have noticed that there are some fans out there that concentrate to much on behind the curtains and from there dictate rather or not that fan likes certain wrestlers or not.

Do you think fans now and days concentrate to much on that stuff?

There are times, where I have been in discussions and someone will go, “Well I don’t like this wrestler because of what he or she did backstage”.

I’m basically asking, what do you think people should look for in a wrestler?
I look for them to put on an entertaining match. I didn't even notice Cena's alleged lack of moves until I joined this forum. I didn't know about any of this IWC stuff, and I still haven't really adjusted to it.

If a wrestler can give a good promo. Either if they say something funny (DX style) or if I can relate to something they say or agree with them on a constant level (AJ Styles or Cena style promos.)

I really know nothing of backstage politics so can't comment on that.

I'd rather they not change face/heel alignment very often, the only problem I have with Jericho other then his current promo work that gets repetitive when he constantly mentions big words and the fans being hypocrites and stuff. The longer they're a face or heel, the longer I can enjoy that wrestler. Some/most people probably think someone gets "stale" if they've been on one side for too long but constant changes don't sit well with me.
good confident mic skills. Arn Anderson will forever be one of my favorites because of this right here.

I used to require they at least have an intimidating physique but as you get older, the sculpted look becomes less and less important, especially if they sound like an idiot or never read a book on acting and portraying emotion. i.e. Batista.

So mic skills is the biggie, also I really like guys who have more than one finisher.
I am just curious as to what you look for in a wrestler in order for them to entertain you?

I look at a few different things when determining if he/she is entertaining or not.

In-ring ability
We watch WWE and TNA for wrestling. Obviously they need to be good in the ring. I also look for whether or not I think they have a good set of moves, and if their Finishers are cool or not.

Mic ability
This is almost as important, if not MORE important, than in-ring ability. If I am not familiar with a character then I need a reason why I should be rooting for them or not. Good promos help out in that area faster than good in-ring ability because then I can decide to root for that wrestler if I like them, or boo them if I don't. Also.... can they play a good face? heel? or even both?

Their gimmick or "character"
This has dropped in importance for me lately because there are not as many "true" gimmicks, rather than personalities. Whether I like their onscreen "character" or not also helps me determine if I find them entertaining or not. Why watch someone who has absolutely no gimmick/character?

Their entrance
Everyone needs a good entrance. A great entrance can be used as an intimidation factor. A good song, cool movements, and lighting effects can all be used to make a really great entrance.

Appearance - (Divas only)
This one only counts in the case of female wrestlers. Call this controversial all you want, but a diva is more interesting (most of the time anyway) if she's attractive.

Those are the basic things I look for. If they fit most of the above then I usually find them entertaining because that is what I'm looking for when determining if a wrestler entertains me or not.
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