How different would have things played out had Austin not broke his neck

The Fabulous Rougeau's

Championship Contender
Having recently watched the following two Raw's after SummerSlam 97 got me thinking how much of what I saw, and what I know is to come would have been different had Austin not suffered his neck injury at SummerSlam. Now while there are probably quite a few things that would have went down differently, the one I want to focus on is the formation of DX. Even though Austin was a face by this time, he still had the same edge and characteristics that made him a heel just months earlier. The only difference being that he was now being cheered. Once Austin went down to the neck injury I think the WWF saw an opening in that type of bad guy character that people will cheer and decided to have Shawn Michaels fill that role. He came out on the Raw after SummerSlam and delivered a powerful promo basically telling the fans this is who I am, love me or hate me. This was followed up the next week with the formation of DX during his match against Mankind when Tripe H, Chyna and Rude all came down to ringside to help him win. In addition the character change, he was also filling the role Austin had in feuding with The Hart Foundation.

I wouldn't go as far to say that had Austin not injured his neck DX would have never formed, but I do think that it wouldn't have happened when it did. Had Austin not got injured I think he would have held the IC title and continued his feud with the Hart Foundation which would have culminated in Austin beating Hart for the WWF title at Survivor Series 97. No screw job as Bret wouldn't have an issue dropping the title to Austin. DX would then form after Survivor Series and instead of feuding with Austin from the night after Rumble to Mania, they would feud from the night after Survivor Series till Mania leading up to Austin v Shawn at Mania 14. Differences being Austin would come in the champ, or possibly lose it quickly to Austin for Austin to win it back at Mania. I like the first scenario better as that would eliminate the Casket Match at the Rumble which means Shawn never injures his back and we get a post Mania 14 Michaels wrestling in the WWF.
I think it woukd have gone pretty much as it dud tbh, I don't think Austin was getting the title prior to Mania 14. Only difference I'd see is if Bret Hart had never left than Austin would gave beat him at Mania 14 instead of Shawn Michael's.

Austin would have simply wrestled more, I don't think he was ready for the title at SS 97.
I think Austin said it best in one of his previous podcast episodes where he said he would've gone longer in the ring and probably left Somewhere in 08-10
It would have gone down exactly the same, Austin was (temporarily) dropping to the upper mid-card, feuding with Owen Hart and the British Bulldog over the IC and tag titles (don't forget Austin was a tag champ at this point alongside Dude Love).

Also don't forget that the Shawn Michaels heel turn was planned since he came back from injury, starting with his accidental chair shot costing Undertaker the title at Summerslam. In an era full of factions, it's pretty safe to assume that DX would still have formed the same way it did, over the same time scale.

Without injuries, fatalities and contract issues, I would envision the Survivor Series main event still occurring, with a screwy finish keeping the belt on Hart; Michaels may or may not win the title at Royal Rumble but I'd say not, as I think they probably wanted Austin to beat Hart to win the title at Wrestlemania to finally end their long feud.

In the interim, Austin would have had matches against Owen Hart & the Bulldog at Ground Zero and Bad Blood, and eventually had his ppv match with Brian Pillman, probably at either the December ppv or Royal Rumble before then winning the Rumble. At Survivor Series, Austin, Dude Love, the Patriot and probably Goldust would have faced Owen, Bulldog, Pillman and Neidhart in an elimination match.

DX would have still appeared in the same fashion IMO
Nothing would have changed. Austin wasn't bigger than Hart or HBK at that point and I doubt that he would have had any impact on the title scene until Mania 14. Screw Job would have still happened and DX was gonna happen at the time it did regardless of Austin. The better question is what would have happened if HBK never got hurt? That would completely change everything.
Austin was on Raw the night after the Owen tombstone, walking and talking. It's extremely difficult to know how severe the injury was, and if Austin was still working it in real-life interviews. From what I understand his knees were the real problem.

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