How did you feel when you first found out wrestling was stage/scripted!, and after.


Dark Match Winner
As a fan of wrestling for nearly 20 years, i have to tell the day i found out about wrestling was indeed scripted, was the most difficult wrestling related thing i have experienced in my life, here's how it happened.

Although i was a fan of wrestling since 1992, i never knew wrestling was scripted, that was until.................

2006 july TNA victory road ppv, i remember it clearly, it was the main event of the night, a four way match, were the winner would be the no.1 contender for the TNA/nwa heavyweight title, held then by jeff jarett. It pitted, scott steiner vs sting samoa joe vs christian cage, needless to say i was very excited, right at the start of the match everyone was just brawling out side the ring, i was really pumped, so pumped, completely excited, and happened!, scott steiner was trying to smash christian's head into the steps, and before steiner could grab christian's head and do it, christian literally smashed his own head into the steps.

I remember i was just stunned looking at what i had just saw, i had only just started looking on the websites about the wrestling business and how it worked. I still refused to believe what i was reading and just thought i was somebody hating on wrestling, however i was always a bit suspicous about it anyway, but never sure.

The strange thing about it though, was i was stunned, but completely calm, i mean just cool as can be, and i can remember saying to myself, ''oh so that is why certain wrestlers did routine spots in matches, i laughed, but was deep down, pissed.

Which led me to make my biggest decision wrestling wise.

To continue watching now knowing it is fake

or give up on it, and not watch it again.

So i decided to watch raw which was on the next day, i must admit, i went through all the matches, checking to see the required spots what wrestlers did, and try to suspend my dispelief, i failed. however,(despte my new found knowledge), i really enjoyed the raw i watched(it was where dx had just recently returned), and i decided,'' you know what,i have been watching for 15 years, i have seen it's ups and downs, so why should i give up, it is just like reality shows and movies(which i like and was fully aware were staged), suspend your dispelief for a few hours and enjoy the show, which i have done since.

I can now say i have grown to appreciate wrestling and everything everybody in the wrestling company does to try to entertain you, and in a strange way, feel a bit more wiser.

well after i have bored you with this rambling, i want to know your opinions on your initial reactions on the subject, and how you felt when watched again next time(now knowing how it works), OPINIONS/THOUGHTS!
Mom made sure we knew immediately. I was 9 when my family first got cable back in '84, and one of the first things she did was explain it to us. But, rather be disillusioned, we made a game of it...figure out the storylines before they happen, etc. She made us think, as kids, about the theoretical results, the effects of wins and losses, etc. (dad never cared about wrestling. It was mom that watched/supervised us). Basically, we never knew wrestling wasn't fake, were taught to analyze it early on, look for blown moves, etc.
We were told pretty early on so I've always looked at wrestling as scripted. Hell even when I was 8 and maybe younger I realized the "If a guy gets the upper hand before a PPV, he'll probably lose" pattern.
ive been watching wrestling since i was around 7 or 8 and even then i knew in the back of my mind it wasnt real i tried real hard to not believe that but i always knew that grown men couldnt fight that way and get up and walk away from a match as easily as they do. i did like DAVI323 did and tried to figure out the stories ahead of time just like you would watching a movie or other tv show.
I think I knew since I started watching that it was fake, but at the same time I convinced myself that it was real, that all the wrestlers really did hate each other, that Triple H really was a cheating bastard holding onto that title for so long.

There are two moments that I remember, when I was 11 or 12, the whole Shane vs Kane feud was going on, I remember watching the episode where Kane fell into a flaming dumpster and that ended the show. I really thought it was real and told all my friends that Kane died on tv, looking back it was very fake, Shane even said something like "Burn In Hell Kane" afterwards, it was very silly. But back then, I remember even talking to my Mum about it.

One other moment I remember was watching the Wrestlemania X8 dvd when I was a year or so older, but still believing they really hated each other. A friends mum was around for coffee, and Hulk Hogan was on tv talking about The Rock, she simply said "you know this is fake right?" I always remember that moment for some reason, it kind of ruined the rest of the show.

Because I kind of knew it was fake and just pretended it wasnt, as I got older and acknowledged the business for what it was, I really wasnt shocked or upset, I was more fascinated with how it all worked. In a short course studying stage fighting, I remember the man in charge pointed to professional wrestling as a fantastic example of glorified stage fighting, and I started watching again with this new view.
I remember distinctly. I watched wrestling when I was around the age of 7 and didn't really understand it (but I remember being a huge fan of Too Cool). But I guess I thought it was real, I didn't really think about. But one day, I was playing with a friend when this dialogue ensued:

Friend: Who do you think would win in a fight, you or Stone Cold Steve Austin?
Me: Stone Cold Steve Austin
Friend: Well, actually, you could beat him.
Me: Why?
Friend: Because they don't really fight. They're really just dancers.

My mind was fucking blown. I actually thought that I could beat the Rock or Kurt Angle. In retrospect, they could probably take me. I didn't really think about after I was told and even though I knew it was fake, The Undertaker still terrified me.
I was probably about 6 or 7 and my friend brought over Wrestlemania 12 that he had recorded on VHS a couple of nights before. We were watching it, and I was loving. The whole Goldust and Roddy Piper street fight was the funniest thing ever to me at the time. Anyways, something happened, I think it was the Marc Mero and Hunter Hearst Hemsley backstage thing, where I was freaking out thinking that HHH just killed Mero. Then my friend says something like "Don't worry, it's not real." I didn't really care and still, obviously, like wrestling.

My friends and I used the "it's not real" excuse to wrestle on our trampolines back in the day. I was the Cruiserweight Champion! I'm awesome, I know.

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