How can we take the Sweet Chin Music seriously, if it's consistantly being de-graded?

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Pope of Dope
In the last couple of months the Sweet Chin Music, IMO, has been extremely over looked. I just finished watching Smackdown, and when DH Smith got hit with the Sweet Chin Music, he looked like he got bitch slapped. He wasn't selling it at all. He was stunned a little at best.

And last week I think it was, Chris Jericho got nailed by a picture perfect Sweet Chin Music and again two seconds later he got back up and acted like nothing happen.

Why is WWE doing this? Especially around Wrestlemania season? HBK consistantly steals the show with the Sweet Chin Music, at 'Mania. And by 'Mania time will the move still be feared?

Anyone agree?:confused:
Sweet Chin music has been looking shit for a long time. Was once one of my favourite finishers but it doesn't seem to do any to the wrestlers any more. Ever since DX go back together HBK always hits SCM and the guy dosen't fall down, just turns around and triple H hits a PEDIGREE. That's the move that gives dx the win the pedigree. And who gets the cover..........????Triple H.Shawn kick hardly is mention.

Thats just me!:worship::banghead:
Wow. I didn't realise that, to be honest.

He doesn't really have another finisher though, which is a bad thing. I always found that wrestlers with more than one finisher were better off, cos they could have The Finisher, and The Main Finisher (EG: Taker, Chokeslam, Last Ride and Tombstone (main) or Orton, Punt and RKO (main) he's used the RKO alot less since he's gotten that second finisher, i believe HBK should get another finisher, something that would suite his character.

If they continue to just screw up the SCM it won't be a feared move, it'll be a running move (like a Big Boot or a Powerful clothesline or a enzeguiri).

If lower midclass are getting up, then how powerful is the move? Realistically, Cena does his Firemans Carry Slam and people are down for a 3 count.

HBK does a Sweet Chin Music (a move that looks like it can KO) and they're up.
Think about this... what if is their "finishing move"? so to say. Every tag team has their own move. The Dudleys have the 3-D, the hart dynasty has that move where Davey boy hold them up, tyson comes from the top rope and hits them, my guess is that is their finisher. HBK hits them with the SCM, the Game hits them with the Pedigree, then the three count. My guess, once HBK is on his own again, people will start falling over...again
Along with the Sweet Chin Music observation, it also seems like Shawn hasn't been working on TV lately. He comes out at the end, does some interference, and hits SCM. They do the thing where the gut flutters into the pedigree on purpose, because DX is a team and they want it to look like a team work finisher. I'd like to see Shawn start using the Saito slingshot suplex he used to do back in 1993 as a set-up move. In theory SCM is a knockout punch so when the person taking it doesn't fall right down it might seem selling it short, but if its just Shawn running in and doing the kick on someone fresh, it might just stun somebody once and a while. I'm sure by the Royal Rumble, Shawn will be kicking people's heads off and he will be looking strong as ever(there was a spoiler that in the events leading up to WM the matches advertised are HBK v HHH for the title, but the champ isn't listed).
Shawn Michaels may not have a second 'true' finisher, but he's submitted guys using the Figure Four. Honestly, though, he's actually won some of his best matches with a roll-up. Sweet Chin Music is sort of like two finishers in one. Sometimes it is just a half-signiture move like Batista's spine buster or Undertaker's Chokeslam. Other times it is the real deal and puts the match away. Granted, it doesn't seem these days to be a FINAL finishing move. It is almost guaranteed the opponent is going to kick out of it on the first pin attempt following it. Then it is just a matter of how many more can the guy take before he is pinned. As far as the DX SCM-to-Pedigree, it is just a faction finisher, and I don't really see it as too big of deal.
Well its true. Sweet Chin Music looks like shit when they just turn around for a Pedigree, I mean i know wrestling is meant to be fake but come on. Usually he hits that super kick and the match is over and now it justs stuns them. But Shawn does have options for an alternative finisher. He could use that diving moonsault or diving body splash that he used in the first ladder match as his finisher. Maybe he could go back to that inverted figure 4, but since no-one taps out as much as they used to that probably wouldnt be a good idea. I'm sure that once DX splits up Sweet Chin Music will knock people out once again.
SCM right now is apart of a tag team finisher of DX. It scripted for the guy to be dazed after getting hit and turn around and get pedigree. Its one of those finishers that can really daze you or knock you out, so I do take it seriously. Its really not a big deal to complain about. Look at another finisher thats been scripted for a guy to be dazed. I'm talking about the stunner. In some matches ppl would fall out. In other scenarios ppl stand right back up. Its just scripted thats all.

But on the other hand. I hope it doesn't get water down like Ric Flairs figure 4 or the rock's rock bottom & the ppls elbow.
Think about this... what if is their "finishing move"? so to say. Every tag team has their own move. The Dudleys have the 3-D, the hart dynasty has that move where Davey boy hold them up, tyson comes from the top rope and hits them, my guess is that is their finisher. HBK hits them with the SCM, the Game hits them with the Pedigree, then the three count. My guess, once HBK is on his own again, people will start falling over...again

I'm in agreement with this poster. I understand the concern of the thread starter, but I think there's a little over-thinking going on here. I doubt a majority of wrestling fans are going to think about this when Shawn is back on his own because it's different with DX. This is the way they end their matches and I think it works well for them as a team. It shows how dominant they are; no one is going to kick out of a SCM followed by a pedigree, and I'd have a problem if they did.

Sure, Triple H arguably could be the one to do this, however, that'd be wrong for 2 reasons. The first, more practical reason, is that when you've pedigreed someone they're on the floor, for a long time - you'd just be waiting aroung for Shawn to give the kick. Secondly, Triple H is booked as more dominant than Shawn in the singles competition. After this run, Triple H will probably go on to win another championship, Shawn won't. So, if fans did think of this when watching them compete separately, it'd do more damage to Triple H.
I thought that the SCM Shawn did at the end of the match on Smackdown was really poorly done.

DH was just running into the corner, and Shawn just put his foot up.

As for opponent's reaction to it, it just depends.
you guys do realize that if shawn's using the kick as his finisher, he does the whole "tuning up the band" bit first? a kick to the face is going to daze/stun you no matter what, but when HBK is lookin to put you away he adds a little sumthin extra by comin outta teh corner.
And yet the 5,000th example of the internet wrestling nerds taking something way too seriously when obviously the wrestlers themselves do not. This is the topic that makes wrestling fans come off as weirdos, primarily because it's not real.

So, people have been short-selling the superkick. Does it matter? No. Does it hurt HBK's credibility in the ring when it really counts? No. Will it have a negative impact on his legacy? No. Is there any real point to this thread? No.

The guy is 44 years old, has won every major title and is in the top 3 greatest wrestlers of all time (despite what you think, he is). If he doesn't care, then why should we?

On the topic of such things... this one is for the Trekkies out there: Do you think that Captain Kirk's having wrestled the rubber-suit monster in the old TV series has a negative impact on Kirk's legacy? I mean, clearly the monster was fake and the suit was pathetic. Does this hurt Kirk's credibility as a legitimate threat? I mean, when I watch Star Trek I want to know that the captain deserves his spot. With such silly fights like this, maybe Kirk should be spending his days getting beat up by a younger crew member. Maybe he should job to Scotty or Spock so that they can get the pushes they deserve. I don't know, maybe it's just me. OR...Maybe I have too much time on my hands and I'm completely overthinking something stupid.
I think Sweet Chin Music is being overlooked, but barely. Shawn's in DX right now, so his moves and Triple H's aren't being taken too seriously. DH Smith is still very green and hopefully he'll figure it all out and sell better next time. Once DX splits up again, you'll see Shawn become more explosive.
Sweet Chin Music can not be taken seriouly because of the way they display it, tell, how stupid do they think we are, you have Shawn stomping his foot many times before he even hits it, your telling me they do not hear him doing that, they really need to sell this move better, its a good move when hit out of no where but to stomp your foot many times to me just does not sell it and the people on the other end of the move need to learn how to sell it better also.

its like Randy Orton, he hits you with his move with out any notice but then they started having him banging his fist on the ground, totally takes away from the whole surprise of it.

Stone cold stunner is hit out of nowhere, or he adds his 2 fingure salute.

I know they do this to work the fans up, but in turn weakens the move, when they hit them out of no where it shocks the fans, instead of them advertising it, like we know what they are doing.

thats just my thoughts about it.
you guys do realize that if shawn's using the kick as his finisher, he does the whole "tuning up the band" bit first? a kick to the face is going to daze/stun you no matter what, but when HBK is lookin to put you away he adds a little sumthin extra by comin outta teh corner.

^true that... alot of the more recent scms come out of nowhere and jim ross would probably just shout "SWEET CHIN MUSIC, out of NOWHERE!!!" which would do for a quick cover and kick out at 2...

...the real shit comes out right at the end of an epic match, after the chops, the high elbow, the figure four, the sharpshooter, maybe a table, more chops and the other guys finisher, before shawn michaels gets to the corner, tunes up the band and hops across to the centre of the ring before all but decapitating the poor soul whose down for the 3 count and the showstopper celebrating.

sweet chin music seems to be safe... for the time being anyways!
I think Hornswoggle attempting 'Sweet Chin Music (it was more like Sweet Shin Music)' on Jericho last Monday night degrades the superkick even more than the two examples given. The whole Hornswoggle storyline is destroying the legacy of DX.
Addressing solely those two incidents, I don't think they necessarily damage the impact of Michaels' superkick. He'll continue to rack up wins with it as his finisher. Maybe it's a matter of those wrestlers not selling the kick enough.
This is what you expect when HBK is a part of DX. Once he's by himself again they will start selling SCM better. I don't see it as degrading at all. what do you expect them to do just lie down for thethree count everytime Shawn hits the SCM? That would be a pretty boring match. With so much finishers in the world of pro wrestling not all of them can be sold as the ultimate move. When it counts HBK will still get the pinfal with the patented SCM.
Well the point of it being hit on Smackdown, if someone as big as DH Smith were to be knocked out from a kick that isn't hit square from the corner it would make him look bad, so getting kicked and feeling loopy into a pedigree is obviously a smart choice for that particular finish.

Now in terms to you people who think the move is being degraded think about this and I have said this in other threads, wrestling has evolved I remember when wrestlers had lost to something as simple as a shoulder breaker or a running tackle, but 90% of the wrestlers now have to have some fancy or high octane move to have people believe it except for old schoolers like HBK.

HBK like Hogan are probably the only exception to the rule of a simple move can put a guy out, but you have to remember too as a fan, a wrestler, an announcer if you take when he hits the move and he spins the guy around he didn't put power behind it or he didn't hit him flush like he normally would its a matter of how you play it off, like the RKO or trouble in paradise or tower of london or any other move if you don't hit flush with the guy he probably will get up. So before we think man HBKs move sucks disect it think about it, go back to mania when he had done the move several times.

In the end you may think one thing, but honestly if you look at it from one perspective your lookin at it all wrong.
I'm in agreement with this poster. I understand the concern of the thread starter, but I think there's a little over-thinking going on here. I doubt a majority of wrestling fans are going to think about this when Shawn is back on his own because it's different with DX. This is the way they end their matches and I think it works well for them as a team. It shows how dominant they are; no one is going to kick out of a SCM followed by a pedigree, and I'd have a problem if they did.

Sure, Triple H arguably could be the one to do this, however, that'd be wrong for 2 reasons. The first, more practical reason, is that when you've pedigreed someone they're on the floor, for a long time - you'd just be waiting aroung for Shawn to give the kick. Secondly, Triple H is booked as more dominant than Shawn in the singles competition. After this run, Triple H will probably go on to win another championship, Shawn won't. So, if fans did think of this when watching them compete separately, it'd do more damage to Triple H.

I've gotta agree with Becca here, its only while DX is together. Shawn hits SCM and the guy runs into a pedigree, it makes more sense than a pedigree into SCM. As soon as Shawn is by himself it will start knocking people the fuck out again. Guaranteed.
I think Sweet Chin Music is still dangerous as ever. If Shawn was in a singles match and he hit Sweet Chin Music 9 times outta 10 the match is over. The only reason why its just stunning people is to turn the opponent around for the pedigree (like many others have stated).

"they really need to sell this move better, its a good move when hit out of no where but to stomp your foot many times to me just does not sell it"

WRONG! First of all I think your confused with the wrestling term "sell". Secondly, even if he does tune up the band, it's not a guanrantee that he will hit it, there has been plenty of times where people reversed it after Shawn tunes up the band. And third, there is NO WAY Shawn is going to stop tuning up the band, it is one the most exciting moments in wrestling when Shawn Micheals starts stomping that foot.
Hell yeah Sweet Chin Music is still effective...look how HBK knocked the fuck out of HHH with it at Survivor Series. And, I will agree with the majority here that as long as DX is together, the combo will continue to work the same way: Sweet Chin Music...Pedigree.

SCM, in my opinion, will never lose its aura as a awesome finisher. Mainly because Shawn can hit you out of nowhere with it. Ask Shelton Benjamin during the Gold Rush tournament. Or ask Kurt Angle about Wrestlemania 21.
The SCM will always be over, at this point Shawn Michaels can kick people into a Pedigree as much as he wants, for one thing I don't see him winning to many single matches going into the future anyway, and if he does people will still take the SCM seriously in a match. Its still Shawn Michaels doing it and its still SCM, not just an ordinary Superkick ya know.
Extremely good point. I also think that it is just a faction finisher. But playing devils advocate, why is it that Shawn's SCM just stuns opponents but The Show right hand can lay people out with one punch. I know they are trying to play the size card that The Shows fist is like 3' wide, but comparing the two SCM is realistically a much more devastating move. And it looks much better when performed also. IMO
I agree that is what is happening. It doesn't look as strong as it once did, but I think some of you are right in saying it is due to tagging up with hunter. But I see this as a problem in the business all around. Too many near-falls now-a-days, with guys kicking out of each others finishers just about every week now. Too many near falls takes away the wow factor when someone kicks out of a finisher. Finishers need to be consistantly more damaging. Everything has to be a big spot today, and that becomes boring.
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