How Can People Complain About Christian's Booking?


Getting Noticed By Management
You know, last year, Kane won me over by holding the belt from July until December. I really don't have too much interest in an all vet feud with Taker and Kane being over 40 and all; but Kane as the Undertaker's attacker was by far and away my favorite storyline of 2010. In my opinion it blew Nexus out of the water as Kane cut the most entertaining promos of his career AND he was booked dominant prior to Edge. Yet somehow people still didn't like his reign.

Now, fast forward one year later, where Christian is holding the same belt that Kane did at this time last year. I cannot fathom why some people are saying the EXACT same thing about Christian. He is playing the role of a chicken shit heel but he is getting the job done.

He wins the belt in heel fashion, he gets a clean pinfall over Ezekiel Jackson, a clean pinfall over John Morrison and goes over Orton clean in a tag match. Though not 100% clean, he still makes it believable. Plus, he is doing what he is ALWAYS doing: he's putting on really good matches. I enjoyed the Sheamus match tonight before the count out.

Just because he runs away from Orton doesn't equal bad booking. I mean I thought Miz had a good title reign for a chicken shit heel but Christian surpasses this. Miz got a clean pinfall on a 61 year old announcer. Title defense or not, let's look whom Christian has pinned cleanly.

A then IC champ who had believable size.

A credible upper midcarder/low main eventer.

The number two guy in the company.

Some of you may agree, or disagree, for that matter, but where is this bad booking for Christian that people are talking about? I can't see it.
For the most part, I see little wrong with how Christian has been booked. I've said in a lot of posts that there are a lot of fans that have very specific ideas what a heel should be. In most of those cases, they feel the heel should be this human juggernaut that plows through anyone in his way even if it doesn't make a shred of sense. Christian isn't some 6'8" 300 pound bruiser so why should he portray himself like he is? I've heard the same complaint made about The Miz, Chris Jericho and lots of others.

Aside from the usual pissing and moaning about how he's not the sort of heel "they" feel he should be, it's also just part of the usual IWC tradition of nitpicking and criticizing anyone that makes it up into the main event picture. They did it with Miz, they're already doing it with Daniel Bryan even though he's just got the MITB briefcase at this point, they're doing it with Christian and they're also now doing it to CM Punk even. Remember, there are a lot of armchair bookers among net fans.

While I hated Christian whining like a bitch to Triple H on SD! last night, I've had no problem overall with how he's been booked. It's believable and it works.
I don't see anyone bitching or moaning about how he's being booked, I think hes been booked brilliantly.

Christian has been booked to play the generic heel role, hes a coward who'll do anything to get what he wants. He blames the fans for not getting what he wants, he'll place blame on the authorities at be or the officials in an attempt to get what he wants, and what he wants and now has is the World Heavyweight Championship. His character then flips, as now Christian has the belt and will use the same tactics to hold onto it. For example, threatening to sue Triple H.

The matches Christian has been handed have been tilting on both sides of the pendulum. He walked out on Sheamus, yet he cleanly defeated Sin Cara to end his undefeated streak a few weeks back. He won the World Heavyweight Championship by disqualification and now he's in a position where he has to do what many see as his kryptonite. He must beat Randy Orton where it matters.

I agree with J-Hammer. It's the usual moaning you get, everybody has seen over-analyzing, threads are made daily on forums I post in-which they break how someone is booked to the smallest detail they can, and it makes me think they're idiots.

Christian is being booked and used well and I hope it continues.
I love me a monster heel, but that doesn't mean they are the only kind you should have. This is the only heel character that makes sense for Christian, and he's playing it well. So, good booking. Also important is what the OP pointed out, he has had some victories over good opponents and it is not too hard for us to imagine him going over Orton.

He got Orton DQed and tried to weasel out of the NHB match, but now Orton has it the way he wants. Isn't that really perfect for Christian? He can now do anything he wants to in order to win and claim it was legal and then point right back at Orton and say, "You decided what you wanted and I beat you with it!" Good booking so far. Better booking if he wins. Pop open a big can of Let's See Orton Go Absolutely Apeshit and this feud could have legs for at least another PPV cycle.
Christian is not being poorly booked, that's BS! Is it credible a skinny guy like Christian being dominant? Not even Edge did it...This booking fits Christian! Besides, he has gotten clean pinfalls over opponents mentioned here, including stopping Sin Cara's winning streak!

No dominant heel has won the heavyweight title and keeps winning cleanly, i've only seen that with Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar...'nuff said!
The only people bitching are the massive Christian fans.

For some strange reason, they have this complex (they being IWC fans who for no real reason have enormous fanhood for a guy, heel or face) where if their favorite wrestler doesn't win cleanly, they feel no one will see how great they feel he is.

Truth is, if Christian starts winning clean then he's not as over as a heel. Saying ******* things but winning clean doesn't making you a good heel. It might make you the "cool anti-hero" that everyone and their fucking mother thinks everyone should be. It doesn't tell a very interesting story though.

I think Christian's booking is brilliant.

He starts out a babyface, great story, wins the title in honor of his broken friend. Then as soon as he achieves his dream, it's gone. He tries to get it back countless times but can't. Eventually he loses it and turns heel. Now he's running for his life, using his smarts and heel tactics to retain. He's wiley in the ring and will do anything to win like any good chickenshit heel. Against Sheamus, instead of taking more of a beating he simply walks away. Fuck it, why take more of a beating when you have a brutal match coming up? Such an awesome heel thing to do. Not giving the crowd the satisfaction of see you get your ass beat. Raven says it's one of the most important things to "walk away with your heat". Don't even stay out there long, don't let the crowd boo you after you walk out, just go. Don't let them vent. Make them want to come back. Then backstage he looks upset, scared shitless. Until he comes up with a plan to keep the title.

It's awesome booking and Christian and Orton are both doing an awesome job in their roles.
I'm a huge Captain Charisma fan and I absolutely love his booking lately and it has made Smackdown interesting and has been a good alternative to Raw with the CM Punk stuff. Christian has been booked pretty strong he got back to back clean wins over Big Zeke and JoMo so he looks credible and yeah last week he was smart to walk out as he had a much bigger concern in just a few days. This whole angle with him and his obsession has been great and I am just preying they make him retain at SS as it will keep Smackdown interesting for a while.
Um, so if everyone is agreeing with the fact that Christian has been booked well, who the hell is disagreeing?

I haven't seen anyone complaining and I would find it even more odd if hardcore Christian fans do so because, in any case, people became fans of Christian during his upper midcard run of 2004-05 as Captain Charisma. His character was the same thing during this period. He was a whiny, cowardly and an arrogant heel or chickenshit heel as most people like to call it.

Christian's character has evolved fantastically from an honorable babyface to a chickenshit heel and people would love to see Orton kick his ass out the park. A tainted win for Christian would not be too bad either. It really depends on where WWE wants to go with this. But what I would really like to know is WHO has been saying that Christian needs to be booked as an antihero. I guess it is very easy to ridicule the IWC at times even when proof is not available.
No One i know has said that Christian is being booked wrong?His playing the coward heel role which the miz also played.But i think Christian has gone past the Miz's Level and is heading towards bigger & better things.He Has Made SD Intresting and is the reason why i tune it every week (aswell as Orton) and his doing great!His Gone from a top face to someone who is fed up with people preffering Orton over him and is cheating to win its great.He has great charisma!

Christian is being booked perfectly and many great heels have played the same roll and have got over big time.I look foward to whats next for Captain Charisma!
I agree with most people here about the way Christian was booked, but PRIOR to tonight.

As one of the strongest supporters of Captain Charisma, I was disappointed when Christian had to drop the title after keeping it five days the first time and with his second WHC reign ending just after a month, I am hurting once again.

However, aside from those two bookings that I believe could have been much better, I think Christian has been booked fine and more importantly, as always, he has made the BEST of it.

Christian has been known to pull of extremely entertaining matches throughout his career but this year, following the much-needed heel turn, he truly brought back the days that first elevated him to stardom a few years ago.

With increased time on the mic, he showed his amazing promo skills by winning over the fans with almost no character build-up, all while he was competing with the excessively pushed John Cena. WWE never acknowledged his abilities so he went to prove himself as a top draw in TNA and returned to WWE with a point to prove.

That's exactly why I have loved his involvement in the title picture this year. He has got the chance to deliver extremely entertaining promos (his charisma clearly overshadows Orton), puts in excellent matches every single night, and yet manages to get the job done as a heel (with the exception of last night at Summerslam, where his greatness forced the crowd to root for him).

Overall, I am just glad to see Christian develop into one of the biggest stars in the WWE this year but I hope that the company keeps investing in his development rather than overlooking his massive potential just so that they can continue to push less talented guys like Randy Orton.
The only reason people complain about Christian's booking is because of ow long it took him to finally win it. Edge was booked pretty much the same way as far how the length of his reigns. Seriously, pretty much of all Edges reign s were joke, that's why he was fed so many. But Edge had a few advantages to make him IMO fit in the main event scene more.

For one Edge just had a better look. He had a bit more size, and if you looked at his actual ring attire it changed and evocled with his demeanor( if that makes any sense) just made him look a bit more credible. Christian on the other hand looks like a old, scrawny homeless man with generic tights that never change. Not to mention Edge had the benefit of getting the first push between the two and getting established in the main event with the top guys right at their peak.

That aside he's booked just like Edge, just like Jericho just like countless other a textbook chicken **** heel. But since it's Christian everyone has to get all butthurt.
Christian's booking hasnt been as horrible as some say, but this back and fourth with the title is severely killing his credibility. Tonight would've been an excellent night, following Edge's "you're a coward" speech for Christian to pull through and somehow get a clean victory over Orton. It wont make Orton look bad since its not a traditional match and Orton always looks better chasing the title than he does holding it. The rest of it I dont have a problem with. Christian plays the whiny little brat character real swell and his personality is what has really kept this rivalry afloat.
I think the most fitting booking fit this sort of heel is for him to hold the title for many months by doing what he can to badly ever defend it, and when he does, find a way to steal the win.

Think Hollywood Hogan. When he finally lost it, it was a massive moment.
Christian's booking hasnt been as horrible as some say, but this back and fourth with the title is severely killing his credibility. Tonight would've been an excellent night, following Edge's "you're a coward" speech for Christian to pull through and somehow get a clean victory over Orton. It wont make Orton look bad since its not a traditional match and Orton always looks better chasing the title than he does holding it. The rest of it I dont have a problem with. Christian plays the whiny little brat character real swell and his personality is what has really kept this rivalry afloat.
Why? So he gets called out for being a coward, then mans up and beats the psycho-badass in a no holds barred match clean? How the fuck is that a heelish thing? May as well have had Orton win by holding the trunks. Or have Batman slaughter children to draw the Joker out.

Having a chickenshit heel EVER win cleanly over your top babyface is a stupid idea.

I really don't get why so many of you think it'd be a good idea for Christian to win clean. It'd actually hurt his overness because he's a chickenshit heel. Winning clean is a babyface thing. He hasn't lost any credibility, the fans don't keep win/loss taps, they just know who they like and hate and how much. Christian put up a hell of a fight and withstood a ton of punishment. The only credibility a chickenshit heel needs is that they can put up a fight long enough to use their brain to find a way to win. In a no holds barred match, a match that favors a crazy fuck like orton, after his plan backfired, Christian should not have won. Sure as hell shouldn't have won clean.

Is it self-vindication? Do you want to feel rewarded for being a Christian fan? (this is for all the people who wanted him to win clean). Seriously guys. He wouldn't be as over if they did that and his character wouldn't be as interesting and if he had won, what would he have to talk about next week on Smackdown? What growth would there be for his chracter? Unless you want him to evolve into everone's favorite type of character, the "cool anti-hero who says ******* things but still wins cleanly" which is boring, stupid, and doesn't fit christian.

The bottom line is this guys. Orton is more over than christian. You always want your most over guy in the title feud. It's time for someone else to be in the title feud because this has been going on forever and you just had an awesome blowoff match. Thus, Orton needs the belt. If Christian had gotten more over than Orton (and don't say 'well if he had more clean wins' because that's the stupidest way I've ever heard of getting a heel over) then he would still have the belt.

Fact is, who cares if Christian has the belt or not? He's still very over. His character is going to do more interesting things on Smackdown next week without the belt and we should get a fresh feud with someone else. Or maybe Christian's character will evolve even more in the title feud. Who knows. However you look at it, Christian having failed because his friend betrayed him (in his mind) and his lawyers failing him too, means a more interesting Smackdown.

Let's say he does win. He can't win clean, which mean the feud goes on. If he does win clean, he's not as over as a heel. those are both bad ideas.

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