How Bret Hart should have been booked in WCW


Getting Noticed By Management
November 10, 1997
The night after Montreal. Put Bret in the ring with a live mic and let him rip into Vince McMahon and Shawn Michaels. Bring up everything that happened, especially punching Vince's lights out.
Security comes to the ring to escort Bret out but he refuses to leave.
Eric Bischoff comes out with a big smile on his face and tells security to back off. He's loving every minute of everything Bret's saying.
Bischoff eventually welcomes Bret to the nWo. Bret shakes his hand, then decks him. The nWo hit the ring and Bret jumps the guardrail and escapes through the crowd.

STARRCADE: Dec 28, 1997
Bret's first big feud is logically against the nWo. He's just come from a company run by a corrupt owner and a couple of degenerates with too much backstage political power, so when he sees Bischoff, Hogan, Hall, and Nash all he can see is Vince, Shawn and Helmsley. It's too early for Bret to face Hogan for the title, besides Hogan is facing Sting on this night in one of the best built feuds in wrestling history, but Hall and Nash make perfect sense. Hall and Nash were Shawns real life best friends, so it only makes sense for Bret to specifically target them as they could make the feud that much more personal by bringing their friendship with Shawn into things. Neither Hall nor Nash were even used at Starrcade 97 which is itself a mystery so they were both available to face Bret.

So at Starrcade its Bret Hart vs Kevin Nash. Bret's first match is against Shawn Michaels real life best friend Kevin Nash. I believe this is the most logical way to start Bret's run in WCW. Bret wins via DQ when Hall interferes just as Nash is about to tap to the sharpshooter. Bret wins his first big match in WCW but Hall and Nash get the last laugh double teaming Bret and leaving him laying in the ring with nWo spraypainted on his back.

nWo SOULED OUT: January 24, 1998
After defeating Nash, Bret moves on to the other outsider and former Kliq member: Scott Hall.

Bret Hart def Scott Hall
After the match Nash arrives and the Outsiders doubleteam Bret. But this time Bret has come prepared. Bulldog and Anvil jump the guardrail to make the save in their WCW debut.

In reality Scott Hall fought Larry Zybysko at this event. I'm not kidding. So it wasn't just Bret who's talent was wasted in WCW. Why was Hall wasting his time in a feud with Larry fricking Zybysko of all people? Seriously.

SUPERBRAWL: February 22, 1998
Hollywood Hogan vs Bret Hart
After Hogan drops the belt to Sting at Starcade he gets his rematch at nWo Souled out but loses, this means Sting can face some fresh faces for the title and Hogan can move on to feuding with Bret. After beating both of Hogan's flunkies at the previous two ppv's, Bret wants to get his hands on the man who's avoided him for years: Hulk Hogan.

For the first few weeks of the build to this event Hogan doesn't accept Bret's challenge as he wants Sting one more time for the title. Hogan feels Bret is beneath him and he has nothing to gain by facing him. But when it's announced that if Hogan were to win the match he'd get another shot at Sting, then Hogan agrees to the match.

At the ppv, I have Hogan getting the win here when Bischoff comes down and, ala Vince McMahon at Survivor Series, rings the bell when Hogan puts Bret in the sharpshooter. Referee Nick Patrick calls for the bell and the match ends in a Survivor Series screwjob much to the delight of Hogan and Bischoff. After the match, the entire nWo beat down Bret. Anvil and Bulldog show up but they are greatly outnumbered. All the Harts are spraypainted in nWo letters to close out the show.

In reality Hogan fought Sting at this event for the 3rd straight ppv, which I feel is pushing it. Hogan should have got no more than 2 rematches.

UNCENSORED: March 15 1998
Bret Hart def Curt Hennig
This is what actually happened at this event and I wouldn't change it. It furthers Bret's war against the nWo and these two were always capable of putting on a great match. Bret gets the win and starts his climb back up the ladder in hopes of getting a fair shot against Hogan in a rematch.

Speaking of Hogan, he gets his one final match against Sting in a cage match to settle their feud. Sting wins thus bringing their rivalry to a close.

SPRING STAMPEDE: April 19, 1998
Live! From Calgary Alberta Canada: Home of Stampede Wrestling
1998's Spring Stampede would have been the perfect time for WCW to make a big impression on Canadian wrestling fans. At this point WCW was still number one in the United States, but it was never able to surpass the WWF in popularity in Canada. That was one of the reasons why WCW wanted Bret as they wanted to make headway in the Canadian market. So why on earth not schedule a ppv or NItro in Canada every once in a while?? Bret's career began in Stampede Wrestling in Calgary, so why not hold the 1998 edition of Spring Stampede in the former home of Stampede Wrestling and Bret's hometown of Calgary.

Bret knows Hogan has an army watching his back which is why he's going to need more than just his two family members Jim and Davey Boy watching his back. So two former Stampede Wrestling Alumni decide to align themselves with Bret in his war against the nWo: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho. Together the 5 man tandom is known as The Hart Dungeon. WWF would undoubtedly have a copyright on Hart Foundation, but The Hart Dungeon was never a creation of Vince McMahon but rather the training grounds for all 5 members of the group.

During a Nitro beatdown of Bret during the build to Stampede, Benoit and Jericho hit the ring and come to Bret's aid officially joining the group. Jericho is very similar to Owen in style, while Benoit has Pillman's intensity making them the perfect replacements for the two Hart Foundation members that didn't make the transition to WCW with Bret. This also would have catapulted Jericho and Benoit into a main event program and injected some youth and freshness into Brets stable.

At Spring Stampede it's The Hart Dungeon vs The Nwo
Bret, Benoit, Jericho, Bulldog, Anvil def Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage, Hennig.

Not sure who gets the pinfall over who, I would go for Bret pinning Hogan but I'm sure Hogan would never go for it. Either way the Harts pin someone to get the win and maybe, just maybe, this marks the beginning of WCW surpassing WWF in popularity in Canada and taking a stranglehold on the north american television market.

Slamboree: May 17, 1998
World Title Submission Match: Bret Hart vs Sting
After winning the war against the nWo, Bret sets his sights on the World title and Sting in a battle of the sharpshooter vs the scorpion deathlock. At this point Sting has a had nice long run with the belt from Starcade in December to Slamboree in May, and along the way defended the title succesfully against Hogan 3x, The Giant, and maybe Savage. But now it's time for him to drop the belt to Bret.

Bret gets the win here in what could have and should have been a classic match between two of the all time great babyfaces.

After beating Sting for the title fair and square, Bret and company kickoff Nitro the next night but are interrupted by none other than Ric Flair. Flair congratulates Bret on not only beating Sting, taking on the nWo, winning the world title, but also doing something he didnt think was possible which is winning over the American fans who seem to have forgotten some of the things Bret said in public about them and this great country of ours. Flair calls Bret a fraud and Benoit a traitor for leaving the Horseman for the poor imitation that is the Dungeon.

Flair is joined in the ring by Arn Anderson and Dean Malenko his fellow Horsemen, as well as the newest Horsemen: Lex Luger. With Benoit gone, and Mongo McMichael a joke that never should have happened, the horsemen need a fourth guy and Luger makes a lot more sense in this WCW traditional stable then he ever did in the nWo. Plus he knows Bret and Bulldog well from his time in WWF.

After beating the nWo the Harts have now entered a feud with the Four Horseman. During the build to the ppv different members of the group face off against one another But Sting is still owed a rematch and has his own history with Ric Flair.

So at The Great American Bash it's Bret vs Flair vs Sting in a triple threat submission match for the World Title. Bret comes out on top making Flair tap to the sharpshooter after blocking and reversing a figure four attempt by Ric.
Post match: Hogan, Hall and Nash beat down all 3 guys. The nWo had been off tv licking their wounds for a while but were now back for revenge. So after two months of WCW stars battling each other, they will have to put aside those differences and once again focus on their common enemy in the nWo.

BASH AT THE BEACH: July 12, 1998
WORLD TITLE: Bret Hitman Hart vs Hollywood Hogan
Hogan holds a controversial victory over Bret from back at Superbrawl meaning he is owed a title shot against the new champion. This was the event in which 2 years to the day the nWo was formed and Hogan plans on history repeating itself by reclaiming the title and his spot at the top of the mountain.

In reality Hogan lost the title on Nitro to Goldberg during this period which was a huge ratings success at the time but another example of WCW's short term booking philosophy. Goldberg would burn out quickly and a huge potential ppv buyrate was squandered. So I would have saved that moment for later on in the year which we we will get to later. For now it's Bret vs Hogan. This time, no Bischoff shenanigans, just a straight up Bret victory.

ROAD WILD: August 8, 1998
World Title: Bret Hart def Randy Savage
We never got to see a well built up program between the Hitman and The Macho Man. After Hogan fails to get the job done, Macho steps up to the plate to do what Hogan couldn't do and thats get the best of the supposed best their is. This would not be the main event of the show, but it would make for a good title match in the middle of the card perhaps as part of a double main event billing. Bret gets the win.

FALL BRAWL: WAR GAMES: September 13, 1998
The NWO vs The Hart Dungeon vs The Four Horseman
nWo: Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage
Hart Dungeon: Bret, Benoit, Jericho, Bulldog
4 Horseman: Flair, Anderson, Malenko, Luger

In reality, they did have three teams competing in the War Games that year but 2 of them were nWo groups: nwo Hollywood and nwo Wolfpack. I never liked them splitting the nWo into two factions as it only dilluted the group. If the nWo was losing steam, then simply take them off TV for a while as I would have done sometime after Spring Stampede but then bring them back for Bash At The Beach. Here I still have three factions in the war games but instead of 2 nWo's and a generic team WCW, we have three legit stables: the original nWo, The Harts and The Horseman.

NWO get the win as they are the dominant stable of this time.

HALLOWEEN HAVOC: October 25, 1998
In realty this was the event that saw the horrific Hogan vs Warrior II, a match that only took place because Hulk was still insecure over being pinned cleanly by Warrior EIGHT fricking years ago. This feud was embarrasingly bad and Warrior would have been better off having never appeared in WCW. Therefore in my timeline this simply doesn't happen.

After Hogan's team won the War Games that puts him back into #1 contendership for the title. Since we had three stables facing off at War Games I think it only makes sense to have the three stable leaders face off at the next event.

So we have a triple threat for the World Title between Hulk Hogan, Bret Hart and Ric Flair which results in a controversial finish. Ric Flair has Hogan in the figure four when Bret pins flair. The ref counts 3 at the exact same time Hogan taps out. So who is the champion? We end the show with Bret and Flair arguing over who won while Bischoff grabs the belt and runs off with Hogan.

WORLD WAR 3: November 22, 1998
The title is declared vacant on Nitro but will be awarded to the winner of a 6 man match at World War 3. The participants are Bret Hart, Ric Flair, Hollywood Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Sting. 3 nwo members. 3 wcw members. And 3 rings. Remember this is the often maligned 3 ring pay per view featuring the 60 man battle royal. I would never hold the title up for grabs in a 60 man battle royal as there arent that many men who deserve a shot. We dont want La Parka walking out champion. BUT I like the idea of incorporating the 3 rings for this 6 man match.

Here's how it works: There are 3 matches going on at once in 3 different rings. In one ring its Bret Hart vs Kevin Nash. In another ring its Hogan vs Flair. And in the final ring it's Sting vs Scott Hall. Three different matches going on simulataneously with the title being awarded to the first man who gains a fall. The only rule is that you can't enter any of the other rings. Meaning Bret can't jump to ring two to interrupt a pin attempt by Hogan, etc. You have to beat your opponent before anyone in either of the other rings does the same. This is a concept that's never been done so I like it.

The finish: Bret has Nash in the sharshooter in one ring. Sting has Hall in the scorpion deathlock in the other ring. Neither will tap out. Meanwhile in ring 3 an exhausted Hogan drapes his arm over a down and out Flair and gets the pin to win the gold. Bret and Sting both come so close but Hogan walks out champion...barely.

At this same event GOLDBERG wins the 60 man battle royal to earn a shot at the champion.

STARRCADE: December 27, 1998
Live From Atlanta Georgia in the sold out Georgia Dome
World Title: Hollywood Hogan vs Goldberg
Everything that happened on that famous Nitro in July of 98 could have and SHOULD have been saved for Starrcade. The ppv buyrate would have been sky high and probably set an all time attendance record for any WCW show and maybe even any WWF show at the time.

As for Bret, it's time for some descension in the dungeon. After failing to win the title, the hart dungeon disbands. At this point I would have already phased Bulldog and Anvil out sometime after Fall Brawl. Just have Bret, Benoit and Jericho. But now after Bret's loss, Jericho gets in his face and mocks him, perhaps even says that WCW would have been better off if it had been Shawn Michaels who came over to WCW instead of Bret. That he only used Bret as a stepping stone to get to the top because he wasn't being given the opportunity and spotlight that he deserved. But now that Bret is a failure, Jericho has no use for him. Jericho kicks Bret between the legs and poses with one foot on Brets chest and his arms raised and a big grin on his face. The evil Jericho is back.

During the buildup to their feud Jericho continues mocking Bret by dressing like him, adopting his mannerisms, wearing his trademark pink shades and using the sharshooter from time to time.

Starrcade: Chris Jericho def Bret Hart: liontamer vs sharpshooter
Bret puts Jericho over. It doesn't have to be a submission match but it's too tempting to resist. I would have Jericho knock Bret out with the ring bell or a steel chair while the ref is looking the other way, then apply the liontamer to an unconscious Bret. The ref calls for the bell. Bret never taps, he just passes out. Bret is written off tv to sell an injury for the next month or so.

As we enter 1999, Benoit takes exception to Jericho's disrespecting Bret and they enter a feud of their own in early 1999. When Bret returns he faces Jericho in a rematch and then enters a program with Benoit. He and Benoit meet in a face vs face best of 7 series with Benoit coming out on top 4 wins to 3. In other words, during the first half of 99 Bret spends most of his time helping the next generation of canadian wrestlers get over. Even though he comes out on the losing end of both feuds, he never looks weak and is still a viable world title contender. Although I might keep him away from Goldberg. Just to be on the safe side.
I like EVERYTHING about this. I usually do not read too much fantasy booking, but I am quite hooked with this idea. I agree the NWO should have never been split up. It diluted the product incredibly. I was a HUGE WCW fan, and couldn't believe at the time I was going to get to see Hogan vs. Goldberg for FREE on Monday Nitro. At the time, me and my friends all pitched in and bought every PPV anyways, so it didn't cost them a buy on our end, but I'm sure a LOT of other people didn't buy one because of that.

Thanks for this post. I hadn't thought about a "Hart Dungeon". I'm sure there will be others that pick apart what you have to say, but I enjoyed it. Especially the three matches going on at once. I haven't seen that either. Great idea.
Really good read. Anything would have been better then how Bret was booked in WCW. The OP laid out an awesome year and half of booking Bret. Imagine that happening then Bret returning to WWF in 2000/2001 (no feud with Goldberg, no injury). Immediate feud with Triple H over the world title, matches with Kurt Angle, and the culmination of the feud of the century with Shawn in 2002.
Bret couldn't really align himself with Bulldog or Anvil because they would get sued. That's why WCW never really did anything with those three together.

I would change something else about what you put. You wanted Hogan to say Hart is beneath him. That is something you should never say about an opponent. If you beat someone beneath you, why should I care? If you lose to someone beneath you, then you look stupid.

I'm also very against copying the screwjob. It never works. It just pisses everyone off in a bad way. It's lazy and cheap booking.

Nash not being at Starrcade 97 is not a mystery. He was supposed to lose to Big Show but he didn't want to so he claimed he was having a heart attack (yes, he really claimed this) and didn't come. Hall was instead destroyed by Show to makeup for Nash no-showing. Nash got to beat Show at the next PPV with no repercussions. As Michael Cole would say, "vintage WCW."
I really like the OP's ideas as to how book Bret's arrival and first year in WCW. Obviously there are a few things that wouldn't work/wouldn't happen but in an ideal world I think his ideas are fantastic.

It still staggers me how WCW wasted the signing of Bret Hart, he was arguably the hottest character in the business after Montreal, and they just didn't capitalise on him, leading to Bret becoming extremely dissillusioned in WCW (and the tragic death of Owen made it even worse).

WCW should have immediately put alot of their focus into Hart, he was still at the top of his game in early 1998 but their booking never seemed to make sense, he was face then heel nWo then WCW then nWo was all a mess. A healthy and motivated Bret in WCW would have been great to see.

In a perfect world, Bret would have been booked properly in WCW and would still be enjoying wrestling by the time WWE bought out WCW. If he'd been healthy at that time (and not suffering the concussion from Goldberg), I'd have LOVED Ric Flair to bring Hart back to the WWE when was "running" Smackdown to feud against Vince McMahon's Raw. Returning to the WWE at that time and sorting out his issues with Vince could have given us classic matches against the likes of Kurt Angle, Triple H, Chris Jericho etc.
Bret couldn't come out on Nitro the next night because Bret was still under WWF contract for a month after Survivor Series. I know that doesn't fit with Vince's propaganda that Bret was going to show up on Nitro with the WWF title but that's the facts. He could have sued for a broken contract after Montreal but he would have been tied up in court for months with that so no Nitro until one month after Survivor Series is still the case.

There's no mystery to why Nash wasn't used at Starrcade 1997 either. Nash no showed because he didn't want to put the Giant over so you gotta think Nash might no show a potential loss to Bret as well. I do agree that Bret v Nash at Starrcade 1997 was probably the ideal match for Bret though and maybe if you give Nash a sweetener he agrees to take a loss.
The real-life backstage environment in WCW at the time was unfortunately not conducive to Bret catching fire. He left one shitty situation in the WWE, to go to another in WCW. One half of the Cliq were steering things their way with Vince McMahon, while the other half, along with Hogan, were steering things their way with Bischoff. Bret really had no stroke at the time when it came to booking angles, so he really was screwed in either situation. I did love the read, though, and it really leaves one wondering "what if?".
I would change something else about what you put. You wanted Hogan to say Hart is beneath him. That is something you should never say about an opponent. If you beat someone beneath you, why should I care? If you lose to someone beneath you, then you look stupid.

Dude, just calm down. This is pro wrestling, and you're taking it way too seriously.
Bret couldn't come out on Nitro the next night because Bret was still under WWF contract for a month after Survivor Series. I know that doesn't fit with Vince's propaganda that Bret was going to show up on Nitro with the WWF title but that's the facts. He could have sued for a broken contract after Montreal but he would have been tied up in court for months with that so no Nitro until one month after Survivor Series is still the case.

There's no mystery to why Nash wasn't used at Starrcade 1997 either. Nash no showed because he didn't want to put the Giant over so you gotta think Nash might no show a potential loss to Bret as well. I do agree that Bret v Nash at Starrcade 1997 was probably the ideal match for Bret though and maybe if you give Nash a sweetener he agrees to take a loss.

Can't you just enjoy a good fantasy booking without turning into another Bret Hart Montreal sob story?

Even if Bret couldnt debut for another month, it still could have worked. Have Bischoff come out the night after survivor series and annouce Bret is with WCW and will debut in a month with a live mic. Hype it up each week and you have a can't miss segment and guaranteed ratings win that night.

Say what you will about Nash, one thing he isn't, is dumb. I guarantee he would have been there for the Bret match. He always had good matches with Bret and he's smart enough to know he would benefit from that match win,lose,or draw.
Dude, just calm down. This is pro wrestling, and you're taking it way too seriously.

Um...okay. I have no idea why you think I took this so seriously. I didn't plus that idea wasn't even mine. Jericho said he once got yelled at for saying someone was beneath him. Just because I post something negative doesn't mean I actually care. I just didn't agree with the OP but I'm not crying about it. I'm sure the OP isn't crying about it either.
Bret couldn't really align himself with Bulldog or Anvil because they would get sued. That's why WCW never really did anything with those three together.

I'm also very against copying the screwjob. It never works. It just pisses everyone off in a bad way. It's lazy and cheap booking.

I don't think they would get sued. Hogan and Macho Man aligned themselves together when they jumped to WCW as did many other stables/tag teams such as LOD, Meng & Barbarian, etc.

I was also against copying the screwjob at first but I went with it because I believe it would work. It would gain more sympathy for Bret and make Hogan and Bischoff look like total ********s. And the only reason copying the screwjob doesn't work anymore is because it's been done to death. But in February 1998 it had never been done. And it was done later that year at Survivor Series 98 when Rock won the tournament for the title and was revealed as the corporate champion. I believe that worked out pretty well.
I don't think they would get sued. Hogan and Macho Man aligned themselves together when they jumped to WCW as did many other stables/tag teams such as LOD, Meng & Barbarian, etc.

I was also against copying the screwjob at first but I went with it because I believe it would work. It would gain more sympathy for Bret and make Hogan and Bischoff look like total ********s. And the only reason copying the screwjob doesn't work anymore is because it's been done to death. But in February 1998 it had never been done. And it was done later that year at Survivor Series 98 when Rock won the tournament for the title and was revealed as the corporate champion. I believe that worked out pretty well.

Turns out I remembered the not being able to reform them thing wrong. They could but could not make any reference to them being the Hart Foundation. However they were able to sue for Hall saying you know who I am but don't know why I'm here (Hall said that line got them sued). So perhaps they just didn't want to take that chance. Or it could be it's WCW and they weren't the brightest people in the world.

I could see the screwjob getting good heat and it's true it wasn't done to death at the time but it still feels cheap to me. To be fair, it could be that it's cheap doing it with someone else than Bret. So I'm not completely against it but it feels unnecessary to me.
I would have liked to have seen Bret come into WCW and form his own stable to rid WCW of the NWO.

I think it was a bit before Lance Storm's time but Benoit & Jericho were there, putting those two over in the process would have given WCW a shot in the arm.
First off, Bret couldn't wrestle for WCW until the new year; part of the contract.

Having said that I would have had him ref the World Title match, helping Sting keep the nWo out of the match and calling the submission cleanly and without incident.

This puts him firmly on WCWs side right away and subtly SUBTLY I would have him acknowledge the screw job by saying he took the ref job to make sure Sting didn't get screwed. Also I love the idea of tying Hall and Nash into his hit list due to their friendship with HBK.

January I would keep the same, his match with Flair was great and a perfect way to intro his prowess to the WCW audience; proving he can hang with Flair and that he's legit. Out of that would come that mutual respect that would carry their story forward.

Super brawl he sets his sights on the nWo, feuding with Nash and Hall until April, winning against Hall at SuperBrawl and losing to Nash at Uncensored concluding with an elimination tag between Hall Nash Konnan and Syxx (idiot move firing him) and Hart Bulldog Flair and Benoit where Harts team wins.

Afterwards he sets his sights on Hogan and enters the World title scene, knowing that Hogan would only face Bret if he had the belt so after a qualifying match with Luger at Slamboree and winning clean he goes on to face Sting at GAB and wins the belt. The nWo is preoccupied with fighting the Wolfpack so this frees up the World title scene for guys in WCW like Luger, DDP, Sting, Flair and some new blood challengers like Raven, Steiner, Jericho, Malenko, Guerrero, Benoit and Booker T who give Bret some great matches in his Nitro title defences.

Defends the title at Bash at the Beach in a four way between himself, Sting, Luger and Flair. He successfully defends against Hogan at Road Wild due to interference from Nash and Hall.

Has a great defines against DDP at War Games and against the Giant at Halloween Havoc, and Scott Steiner at World War 3, the latter two trying to get the title back for Hollywood.

Meanwhile Goldberg, the US champ wins the WW3 battle royal and gets the opportunity to face Hart for the belt at Starrcade 1998, Goldberg wins the belt 100% clean.

This leaves Hart free to drag out his feud with Hollywood Hogan for the first quarter of 1999 culminating around Superbrawl then goes on to feud with guys like Jericho and Benoit, elevating them in the process.

I think having the pure wrestling "fighting champ" vibe to Bret would have done wonders to help WCW move on from the sensational nWo saga without feeling like the main event was missing something while still having the nWo story moved out of the World title scene and in the limelight.
WCW was wasting a lot of talent including Bret and Goldberg plus Davey Boy and Neidhart were there as well but not used much. Maybe Hall and Nash had some resentment against Bret from the WWF I don't know but there was poor booking all around unless you were part of the NWO.
A big part was that Bret lived by all the codes of wrestling and after the Screwjob he lost a lot of his love for the sport and then Owen passing killed the passion that remained. His concussions finally made him walk away.
First off, Bret couldn't wrestle for WCW until the new year; part of the contract.

Having said that I would have had him ref the World Title match, helping Sting keep the nWo out of the match and calling the submission cleanly and without incident.

This puts him firmly on WCWs side right away and subtly SUBTLY I would have him acknowledge the screw job by saying he took the ref job to make sure Sting didn't get screwed. Also I love the idea of tying Hall and Nash into his hit list due to their friendship with HBK.

January I would keep the same, his match with Flair was great and a perfect way to intro his prowess to the WCW audience; proving he can hang with Flair and that he's legit. Out of that would come that mutual respect that would carry their story forward.


WCW was handed a perfect opportunity to shove it to WWE....have Brett come in with all the fans upset at his departure and how he was treated by WWE, a great sympathetic hero, which would allow Brett to play the "good guy wrestling " character he preferred, and he should have been booked as a clean cut Mr Wrestling Guy who backed tradition (much like he was MOST of his WWE singles run until the end), the perfect opponent for the NWO. He should have feuded through out the year with various NWO guys until he Starrcade 98 where he should have faced Hogan.

Having Hart come in and wrestle Flair right away, while it did good numbers, also got him booed and jeered by the majority of the audience, even though WCW was almost playing him like a wimp and Flair was going all out to be a heel. Hart was still - even with all the sympathy and good will from the "Screwjob", a "WWE Guy" and this was WCW was Flair was "Mr WCW"....after watching Hogan struggle to win over the audience and get booed by large factions of fans against Flair pre NWO it shouldn't have surprised anyone that Hart drew a mixed reaction at best against him. If Hart is going to be your guy you don't book him right away in a feud fans wont back him in, bad move.

At Starracde 97 Sting should have prevailed clean, been champ, no title hold ups, and maintained the title at Super Brawl in the re match with Hogan. Sting could have held the belt till the summer, probably Bash At The Beach where an interim champion not affiliated with the NWO (not Hogan, Not Nash) gets the belt in clean fight, maybe Flair, Luger, DDP, or Savage if WCW continued with the Savage departure from the NWO (of course part of that storyline was canned because Savage was injured, he might have not have been around at Bash At The Beach as he missed most of the second half of 98/early 99). Anyone of them, particulary Flair (although he was in the middle of a lawsuit and not on TV at the time, something else WCW & Bischoff never should have let happen, he could have been used much better) or DDP would have been very popular choices with fans for a short run here.

Forget the whole NWO Black & White vs Red & Black feud....ridiculous, hard to follow, nonsensical, like Flair's lawsuit this was another black eye moment for WCW that really killed their momentum in 98....Luger, Sting, & Hart do not join the NWO, there is no split faction squad, no expansion that includes Virgil, the barely able to walk Barry WHyndam, the completely non used Scott Norton, Stevie Ray, or the "intern" Disco Inferno (that was more 1999 actually with Disco).

The Interim Champ gets a month or so before losing it back to Hogan (with a lot of NWO interference) at Halloween Havoc.

This sets up a three way feud between Hogan....the rising superstar that everyone fears who has been steadily building his undefeated streak and is now beating NWO members (Goldberg) and Hart ( the heir apparent to Hogan's WWE legacy who never got to wrestle him), leading to a Triple Threat Match at Starrcade 98.

In that scenario Hogan is protected somewhat because the superior Hart and younger Goldberg can do more of the "heavy lifting" in the match work wise, add the stipulation that the NWO is banned from ringside (but Hogan can have a manager with him, maybe Nash or Bischoff) and you've got Hart vs Hogan, the dream match from the 90s that never happened, the year long build to Hart's rise through the WCW ranks and feud vs the NWO, Goldberg's momentum and undefeated streak on the line in a high profile World Title Match (where technically he can lose the match, and his Streak, without being the one who is pinned/DQ'd,/Counted Out and the spectre of the industry's biggest name, now it's biggest heel, fighting to protect his kingdom against not one but two monumental challengers.

Goldberg wins by pinning Hogan....much to the crowd's delight, but because Hart was not involved in the finish he can lay claim that Goldberg never beat him one on one which continues the 3 way feud into the early months of 1999 - Goldberg beats Hogan one on one at Super Brawl to retain the title, then successfully defends against Hart and carries the belt into the summer. Hogan's Super Brawl can be the pre cursor of conflict within the NWO between Hogan and Nash and lead to Hogan eventually leaving the group, disappearing for awhile, and returning in the Red & Yellow as Nash sets his sights in Goldberg in the summer of 99 and wins the title, leading to a lengthy feud.

After Hogan's return he & Hart could face off in a fan fave vs fan fave match to settle their issues once and for all with a title shot vs Nash on the line, Hogan wins and beats Hart and gets his match for the belt against Nash (who would have ducked him ever since his return) likely in time for Halloween Havoc 99.

With no established challengers in line after Havoc have a mini tournament between top stars to decide who gets the title shot vs Nash at Starrcade, a lot of ways to go here, including Hart, many different options.
Brets biggest value would have been with a Hart Foundation stable. It was huge in WWF, still fresh, and it could have elevated Jericho and Benoit.

I think one of WCWs biggest downfalls (if not Biggesf downfall) was the NWO didn't have any viable challengers after Goldberg. A 3 way feud with a non watered down nWO, Hart Foundation, and Goldberg (no stable) could have really helped competing against Austin/DX/Rock. You could also have the Horsemen cycling in and out of feuds against those factions.
IF WCW was smart they would have continued the hottest angle in pro wrestling....and it wasn't the nWo. They should have put the strap on Hart and continued the Anti-American gimmick. Maybe throw in Benoit and some other Canadians to give WCW a fresh storyline...although familiar with wrestling fans.

Instead they use him as a god damn bench warmer...fuckin idiots..
Not when talking about how you'd book Bret after Montreal I can't

There has been countless threads about who's fault Montreal was. This thread is about booking Bret in WCW, what does bringing up Vince's roll in Montreal have to do with Bret in WCW.

Bret himself, has gotten over Montreal. Maybe you can as well.

Brets WCW debut should have been way more impactful because of Montreal and that's really all that needs to be said about Montreal in this thread.
There has been countless threads about who's fault Montreal was. This thread is about booking Bret in WCW, what does bringing up Vince's roll in Montreal have to do with Bret in WCW.

Bret himself, has gotten over Montreal. Maybe you can as well.

Brets WCW debut should have been way more impactful because of Montreal and that's really all that needs to be said about Montreal in this thread.

My comment was direct response to the OP's booking suggestion that Bret show up on Nitro the night after Survivor Series. Sorry if you still get upset that not everyone likes Shawn Michaels but I'm just stating a few facts about why any fantasy booking scenario cannot include that event.
My comment was direct response to the OP's booking suggestion that Bret show up on Nitro the night after Survivor Series. Sorry if you still get upset that not everyone likes Shawn Michaels but I'm just stating a few facts about why any fantasy booking scenario cannot include that event.

What does Shawn Michaels have to do with anything in this thread? Or is it his/Vince's fault Bret wasn't used right in WCW too?

There are numerous threads of Montreal including a sticky. I don't see why you need to set blame to Vince in this thread. Saying Bret couldnt appear on Nitro because he was under contract is fine, but why keep going about Montreal when it's been debated here for years?
Because we're talking about Bret leaving the WWF and how you'd book him post Montreal. How can Montreal not be mentioned in that instance? You can't book Bret in WCW without addressing it.

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