House MD


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I simply refuse to believe that I am the only person on this board that wants to talk about House...

Either way, this thread is happening right now, even if it is me talking to myself every week.

This week's episode was another brilliant helping of my favourite medical drama comedy. The character of House is becoming more and more likeable after a long time of being the most hated man in television. Over the last few years, we have seen him turn from an ass into someone that we actually like to cheer for and that is the great strength of his character. In the most recent season, I have been on tenterhooks to see what happens in his relationship with Cuddy. It may be wrong of me to be such a cynic but I do not see them going the distance, much to my disdain.

The problem with House and Cuddy is that they are in the workplace far too often to make their relationship work. However, the greatest strength of this relationship is that they are always challenging each other. This makes for some very interesting scenes between the two. That being said, it will likely destroy what they have. The fact that they are always arguing does not make things easy on anyone and I suspect it will be the reason that they eventually split... And they will split.

In he most recent episode, I thought it was awesome to see House pick Cuddy over his patients. As grand a gesture as this seems to be, I get the very prevalent expectation that Cuddy was not happy with the way things went. I know that she still wants to be in the relationship because she wouldn't allow House to end it when he was drunk. If she didn't care about it, she would have been able to end it there and then. I am intrigued to see where they go from here and will be watching with intent in the future.

So, any other House fans in the building?
I used to watch it but I kinda slowly drifted out and dont even know whats happening now.

I watched a recent episode though.Is Chase back on Houses's Team?And whose the Chick?

Foreman and Taub I know.
I used to watch it but I kinda slowly drifted out and dont even know whats happening now.

I watched a recent episode though.Is Chase back on Houses's Team?And whose the Chick?

Foreman and Taub I know.

Well, I shall give you a quick run-over of the main points that have happened. House was admitted to rehab because his addiction had started giving him delusions and after coming out of the facility, he has become a much more “manageable” person. Also, he has found himself to be capable of loving someone else, now that the pain seems to have gone for the most part. As part of his delusion, he dreamed that he and Cuddy had slept together and after being released, his developing feelings for his boss came to the forefront of his character. They are now in a relationship after Cuddy called off her engagement to Lucas (a PI hired by House) to see if she and House could work out. So far, so good on that account.

Chase is back on the team. I actually don't recall why he is back but I think it has to do with Cameron leaving him for killing a dictator that was being treated by House. Foreman sat on the paperwork and Chase got off with it, making it look as though he had died through no fault of the team or Chase. He told Cameron and she left him. Since then, he has become a bigger part of the team and I am glad about that. The girl is called Masters and is a med-student, I believe. Cuddy make House hire her so that she would be the female member of staff on his team. However, 13 is set to return some time in this season and it will be fun to see if Masters' sticks around when she does... Hopefully not because she is annoyingly innocent.

Other than that, you haven't missed much. You should get back into it, it has never been so good as it is now.
Wait, you actually like new House? I don't think he's changed that much (albeit, now he's more remorseful of his assholeness) but things like him seemingly trying to get Masters to kill himself with no real rhyme or reason behind it drives me nuts.

And no, don't tell me its because he's trying to corrupt her moral compass. The episode where he set her up and threatened to ruin her career (I think it was Cuddy's mother episode) was him being just a complete monster to her. House has been a lot of things, but it's the first time I can literally remember seeing him be a monster and not quantify it out for anything other then personal greed.

I just dunno what they're doing with him to be honest.
No offense to the fans but I truly can't stand this show. As a nursing student my girl made me watch this all the time until I started using the working late alibi and spending House nights at a bar. I realize its TV and it doesn't have to be realistic but a dramatic show set in a medical enviornment should be somewhat real. If that show was even slightly realistic House would get the shit kicked out of him on a daily basis, lose his medical license and be sued to the poorhouse.
I was a big fan of the first three seasons of House, but after they split the original team, the show went downhill. They've had so many problems keeping characters on the show. If you miss an episode, suddenly there's a new character on the team that you haven't seen before. I think the shifting of characters, as well as making House less of an asshole, has really taken it's toll on the show.

That being said, the first three seasons were awesome! The chemistry between the original team was great, the cases were unique and original at the time, the acting was superb, and everything the gelled well together. The situations with House and Wilson, the sexual tension between House, Cuddy, and Cameron, and then between Cameron and Chase.

I just think the show suffered from too many character shifts, and the writers running out of good ideas. Also, like a lot of shows in the past, the teased sexual tension and feelings between House and Cuddy turning into an actual relationship has also taken away from the show. As much as people wanted to see it, making it actually happen has taken steam from the storyline. I'm still interesting in watching the whole show out of loyalty, but I believe that the quality has dropped tremendously after season three.
The only character they've lost is Cuddy, Foreman and Chase are back. While the Former sucks monkey balls, Chase is actually an interesting character to a degree.

Honestly, I haven't had an issue with anything with House and think every season gets better and better. The only thing I miss is Cameron as I had hoped that'd he House' Juliet, but they took her in a different direction and it'd never work.

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