Dr. Lightman v.s Dr. Gregory House

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I always thought it would be interesting to see Dr. Lightman from the show lie to me to cross paths with Dr. Gregory House from...House

Dr. Lightman/Tim Roth is the human lie detector. He's an expert on human body language and micro-expressions. You can't get anything past him.
Unlike the show the mentalist there are actual reasons and science behind the show which in my opinion make's the show the A show in comparison

Dr. Gregory house of Princeton Plains borrow Teaching Hospital is an expert in Diagnostics. He is fascinated with what seems to be the unsolvable and he is a master lier and manipulator. Up until last year a Vicodin addict
He has an offensive wit and to some...He's considered a genius in what he does

I always thought of what would happen if these two characters ever came across each other. Although different professions and Lightman isn't an addict there personalities are so simuler some times it seems as if they were brothers from another mother lol

Has anyone els ever thought of this who watched the show? I know some people must have cause I see youtube footage all the time of clips put together of what it would be like if these two met
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