honestly, People pay money for this?

Mighty NorCal

they have MMA on at work, tapout tv or some shit on "VS" channel.

these dudes have just been basically laying on each other for the last half hour. I can only imagine the booing and grabage throwing that would be happening were this wrestling.

people PAY MONEY to see what im seeing. baffles me.
Depends. In Japan they aren't allowed to lay on top of each other for too long without any action. They stand them up and continue the fight. In America they are allowed to lay on each other like that, but once you start watching the bigger leagues its more interesting. Most of the time when they are laying on each other they are either gonna get subed, or pounded.
Sometimes it's exciting, sometimes it's boring as hell.

Either way, I don't pay for it. Streams FTW.
I mentioned the thought out loud that "see, were this wrestling they would wouldve gotten booed out of the building a LONG time ago" and this dude turns around and says

"Becuase this is REAL"...like I am an idiot.

Ok. So apparently people REAL laying on top of each other doing nothing for 30 minutes is far mor entertaining than pro wrestling.

Well in most fight, when people are laying on top of each other they get booed pretty loud.

You get your bad fights, and your good fights. I would take a good MMA fight over a wrestling match any day.
Well i don't watch tapout TV, but from what i know they help out up and coming fighters on the show. So you aren't exactly watching pros go at it.
:rolleyes: Meh, Wrestling is majorly fake. Triple H knows this, those quad injuries were only staged so he could fuck Steph and gain 4 more World titles upon returning from his conquests in the bedroom.

Edge didn't really fuck Lita with Matt not knowing due to them being on the road, and him being laid up at home from injury. Matt paid Edge to fuck Lita, so his career could finally take off 5 feet above ground. But they couldn't say that ON camera, so an injury and backstabbing had to be played off.

And fuck all.. Owen Hart is alive.. wait, no.. he fell from a staged prop.. nevermind, unfortunately he's still dead.
Wrestling IS real. Real AWESOME! Seriously, V/S fails with their TAPOUT shows. At least they stand you up now in the UFC. Anyone going to watch Hatton v/s Pacquiao?
I saw Brock Lesnar punch some guy really hard in the face. Went down like a sack of shit. Wasn't very entertaining from that point on.
I've seen a few MMA fights and they all seem to follow a certain pattern.

First they circle around each other for a few minutes. Occasionaly a punch or kick will be thrown, but it'll be utterly pointless since they're still about 5 feet away from each other.

Then, if one of them is brave enough, they'll "lock up" for a few more minutes which looks alot like very violent hugging. They will try a few jabs into each other's kidneys and stomachs but the punches look less painful then stubbing your toe. Although that's not saying much, stubbing your toe actually hurts like hell most of them time.

And then one will take down the other, or one will trip over the other, or one will feel like having a little lie down due to the obvious physical strain he's been under from the violent hugging. Either way they both end up on the ground. But they usually tend to keep up the hugging or possibly, if they're feeling adventurous, one guy will go for a headlock.


This cannot be the fastest growing combat sport on the planet. it's mind boggling.

Sure you can claim MMA is real and is therefore better. But that's a stupid arguement. I'd much rather watch South Park than say, Paris fucking Hilton in The Simple Life.
I use to think a lot of MMA fights were boring too, but that was only because I had no idea what I was watching. And that's the case with a lot of you guys, as well.

There's no way in hell those two fighters are just laying on top of each other. If they were, the ref would stand them up. That's not only in Japan where the refs stand the fighters up, but in all of MMA. The guy on top has to be either repeatedly punching, or working his ass off to improve his position. There's no way he was just laying on top of his opponent.

Once you figure out the purpose of what the fighters are trying to accomplish, you come to appreciate what they're doing, even if it comes off as "boring" to a person who has zero clue what it takes to improve position or defend someone trying to improve their position. It's very, very, very hard and tiring.

And there are plenty of amazing fights in MMA.




I could go on and on.

As far as which is better between MMA and pro wrestling... they're both awesome. I've become more of a fan of MMA today, but no sport, movie, whatever could ever match the love I had and still have for pro wrestling in the nineties and late eighties. The difference today is that I don't have that die-hard love for wrestlers like I did back then. I'm a really big fan of CM Punk and John Cena, but if either lose their next match, I really don't give a fuck, whereas back in the day... I cared DEEPLY about whether or not Sting won or lost, or if Raven won or lost. Today, I just don't have that passion for it. But for MMA? Man... watching one of my favorite fighters fight is such an adrenaline rush. I so badly want them to put on a good showing and kick some ass, rather then see them get their ass kicked. It sucks watching someone you admire get their ass beat down, but there's nothing more awesome in sports or entertainment then seeing someone you admire kick some ass and earn the respect of the entire crowd. And what makes MMA different from other sports like Football and Basketball... your heart is pounding the entire 15 or 25 minutes of a fight where you're rooting for someone. In other sports, really the only time you get that adrenaline rush is during crunch time, but for MMA, you have it for the entire fight. A fight can end at any minute. But of course in sports, you keep going until the end of regulation, and in wrestling, you know a big match isn't going to end quickly and if it does like Cena vs. JBL at 'Mania 21 for example, you end up feeling jipped.

MMA, to me, is by far the best sport in the World and my biggest 'getaway' from real life. You guys really just don't know what you're missing out on when you just blow the sport off like you do. Trust me... I understand how MMA fans are the most annoying people on Earth with their elitist attitude (seriously go post on an MMA forum and see how stupid and close-minded their fans are; you'll be shocked that wrestling fans really aren't the most idiotic, cynical people walking on this planet), but you can't let their arrogance keep you from enjoying the sport. The key to becoming a fan is just finding a fighter you like. That's how I became a fan (Tito Ortiz) and that's how everyone does I'm sure. It's harder to watch the sport when you don't give a damn about either fighter (same goes if you don't care about either wrestler when you watch wrestling), but once you become a fan of one or two fighters, you watch them and root for them, and learn more and more, and the more you watch, you become fans of more and more fighters.
There's no way in hell those two fighters are just laying on top of each other. If they were, the ref would stand them up. That's not only in Japan where the refs stand the fighters up, but in all of MMA. The guy on top has to be either repeatedly punching, or working his ass off to improve his position. There's no way he was just laying on top of his opponent.

In most American promotions they are allowed to lay on each other. Most notably the UFC. They may actually be trying to work for a position, but most casual fans don't see it like that. In Japan they aren't as lenient when it comes to the ground. Sometimes i think its unfair the stand up calls they make, but most casual fans would enjoy that.
and I KNEW some MMA dude would jump in with the "ZOMG you just dont know what your watching, they might be just laying there, but they are working really hard for postions".......I hear it all the time.

Well, painting a fucking house is hard work as well. Requires skill and effort. I certainley wouldnt pay 40$ to watch someone do it.
Well, painting a fucking house is hard work as well. Requires skill and effort. I certainley wouldnt pay 40$ to watch someone do it.

Wouldn't pay to see it even though there would be much more action in the painting of a house than in an MMA fight. The house painter would actually spend some time on his feet!!

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