Homosexuals in Team Sports

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Recently a couple basketball figures came out in the public to reveal they were gay. The two who came out were Rick Welts who is a Phoenix Suns executive and Will Sheridan who is a former college basketball player at Villanova. The discussion of "would a gay player be accepted in the locker room of a sports team" has been brought up in the past with other former players that came out after their careers were over and many thought that it would be a problem. Recently Charles Barkley came out and gave his opinion on the subject. In a radio interview he stated "It bothers me when I hear these reporters and jocks get on TV and say: 'Oh, no guy can come out in a team sport. These guys would go crazy.' First of all, quit telling me what I think. I'd rather have a gay guy who can play than a straight guy who can't play." He also said that he was certain he had played with gay players before. He even went as far as saying "First of all, every player has played with gay guys." He added that any player who says he hasn't is "a stone-freakin' idiot."

Now I can see where both sides are coming from. In this day and age people are much more accepting of different beliefs and sexual orientations and like Barkley said, I think a lot of players would not have a problem at all. However, I guarantee not every single athlete would be accepting. Whether it's religious beliefs, upbringing, or just homophobia, some may have a problem. If a player were to come out to his teammates, even if there's just one or two guys who disagree it could be detrimental to the team and all parties involved. You never want any type of division amongst your locker room.

So I ask you, would homosexual athletes be accepted? Should they come out during their playing careers? The floor is yours.
I think it's a mixed bag. In a perfect world, everyone would be okay with it and everything would go on, business as usual. Unfortunately, there will be a large portion of players who have that old school mentality... Fuck that, I'm gonna call a spade a spade. There will be players who are straight up fucking ignorant (regardless of the way the were brought up) who won't be as accepting.

As for whether or not they should come out during their career, I say go for it. Sure, it varies from person to person and how much they're willing to deal with the ridicule they would get from some of the players. But if someone were to be comfortable enough with their sexuality to do so, it would be awesome to see someone come out. Especially if they were a big time star. Nobody should have to hide their sexuality, regardless of their profession.

Also, while they should not feel the need to hide their sexual preference, they shouldn't feel obligated to to disclose the information either. If they feel that isn't anyone's business, they should be able to keep it to themselves.

I think we're at a point in society where we just have to be smart enough to accept varying lifestyles. In most places of business, ridiculing someone because of their sexual preference would not be accepted and those responsible would be disciplined. I don't see any reason why being on a sports team should be any different.
Would homosexual athletes be accepted?

Yes, it's in the realm of possibility, although the athlete to make it acceptable would have to have all of following things going for him:

1) He'd have to already be significant in his profession: a third-string quarterback or a member of an NBA practice squad coming out will do nothing for homosexual acceptance in sports. Everyone likes a productive player. As long as you win and/or put up big numbers, the only people that will care about your sexual preferences are opponents or fans of opposing teams/competitors.

2) He'd have to be conservative: I mean this in a social rather than in a political sense. A polite, reserved, and well-spoken person can further any type of cause significantly.

3) He'd have to be antithetical to and totally against the image of homosexuals that most Americans hold: in my opinion, the media is almost totally at fault for how most Americans perceive gays and lesbians. A lot of gays and lesbians are just like straight people in that they're modest, family-oriented, and show restraint. Not all gays and lesbians make efforts to show up to Gay Pride in chaps, boas, and wings and with hopes of dry humping and kissing everyone of the same sex. A homosexual athlete photographed playing with his adopted Asian babies on the nicely manicured lawn of his McMansion would speak volumes to people who hold media-reinforced stereotypical views on gays and lesbians.

Find an athlete like the one I just mentioned and you have total acceptance of homosexuality in professional sports.

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