Homicide's Frustrations


Homicide recently gave an interview on the radio talk show Busted Open in which he speaks about his thoughts about TNA right now. Here's a little exerpt.

Busted Open satellite radio show with Homicide
Hosts: Dave LaGreca & Doug Mortman
Airs Mondays and Wednesdays on Sirius 126 and XM 243 from 2-4 EST
Visit Facebook.com/bustedopen for more information.

-Homicide on his confidence in TNA management: "I have no faith in nobody. It's like somebody telling me every six or eight months they are going to give me a call and nothing happens... I want my money every Monday and we'll see what happens."

-Homicide on who makes the decisions in TNA: "Dixie is the boss. She'll say to bring in this guy or that guy, but I don't know who is the real boss. I don't know if it is Russo, if it is Hogan, or the jabroni security guards... I don't know who is my real boss."

-Homicide on backstage politics: "There is a lot of political B.S. going on. I don't know what's going on. All I know is I am going to go out there, get paid, and take care of my family."

-Homicide on Hulk Hogan's impact on the locker room: "Hogan does come out and talk to the guys. He spoke to me about where I came from, why my name is Homicide and why I have this character, and he loved it... I'm like 'okay, you like it, but do something about it.'"

It sounds as if Homicide just isn't all that happy with TNA at this point. Reportedly, he's asked to be released from his deal on more than one occassion, but TNA has refused. Within this week, it's been hinted that TNA could reform LAX with Homicide and Hernandez but who knows if this is just a potential carrot dangling to keep Homicide around longer or if it's actually gonna happen.

Do you think Homicide should stay in TNA or seek out greener pastures elsewhere?
well homicides only other real option is ROH. i really dont see what Vince would want to do with him. i would love to see a Rey and Homicide feud but Vince probably wouldn't like the idea and homicide would just end up jobbing on superstars. so i tihnk his best bet would be to stay with TNA for now. at least in TNA he gets to be in a triple threat for the x title if the champ cant make it.
well it does sound like he is frustrated i could see him going to the WWE because VINNIE MAC has been lookin for a new mexican star but i dont i cant speak for him i ussaully dont watch TNA but when i do HOMICIDE always entertains me
Well, it's been no secret that Homicide has had these feelings about TNA. You can't blame nobody but TNA for dropping the ball on Homicide, breaking up L.A.X. (even though he didn't want that to happen), gave him a shitty reign as the X-Division Champion, not always on TV, and many other reasons. Homicide has been a hard worker for them for years now and it's come to the point where TNA just doesn't appreciate many of the homegrown guys right now, especially the X-Division in particular. And he's not the only one...The Motor City Machineguns, Daniels, Amazing Red, Eric Young, etc. are or have been unappreciated for a long time. All I can say is that I think it would be better for Homicide to return to ROH and forget TNA. Like he says, politics is rearing it's ugly head over there and I'm not surprised :shrug:
Given the bookings he's getting I wouldn't be shocked if Homicide could make more money if TNA cut him. And WWE success is a possibility though I wouldn't bet on it, I wouldn't bet on any talented performer succeeding in WWE it's built for mediocrity to rise like Casper the Ginger Ghost that got the spinner belt. He'd need a new finisher and a new name, but figure those out he's PG-able.
I'd like to see LAX return to the tag fold, but if it doesn't happen I'm still going to wath TNA. Homicide is a good wrestler but he can't talk for shit, his only option really is ROH or the other independents. I know they'd probably kill to have him back at ROH but really if the reformed LAX gets a push then I don't see why he'd be complaining.
-Homicide on backstage politics: "There is a lot of political B.S. going on. I don't know what's going on. All I know is I am going to go out there, get paid, and take care of my family."

Confusing. There is politicking. But he doesn't know whats going on. Well which is it? Cant be both I'm afraid. Counting on the internet to make their own minds up?

Pandering to the internet much?
well it does sound like he is frustrated i could see him going to the WWE because VINNIE MAC has been lookin for a new mexican star but i dont i cant speak for him i ussaully dont watch TNA but when i do HOMICIDE always entertains me

He's not mexican he's Puerto Rican. If he's unhappy and think he can do better then he should move on.
Last I checked nobody has forced him to renew his contract with TNA on more then one occasion. He's just a whiny bitch who can't earn his spot the regular way, so he's trying to create it the cheap way, by making himself a more notable figure through complaining.

If he wanted to leave, he would have left. He just likes to hear himself complain.
Honestly its a 50/50 deal here. Problem with homicide is hes hard to book in a company who are getting many of the known bigger(in popuality and size) stars. He just has a big indy build to him. I love his work but he just is built both character and appearance wise as a indy guy. Theres not alot that makes him different then a good amount of the guys on the indy circut. The character of the small latino gangster hes played for his whole career is just not something that is easily gotten over with the big leagues. Hes ring work is awesome but he seems like one of those wrestlers who is just only fit for the indy wrestling scene
I agree with his only other move would be ROH. He would get shit on in the E, so why go there. Him and Davari in ROH making their Tag Division pound for pound best in Pro Wrestling now. But, on the other hand, a LAX reunion would be hot.
an LAX reunion would be awesome. but what about LAX on WWE?

Hernandez definitely has the look that WWE likes and the WWE has been home to some of the smaller Hispanic guys a big break for their time, a la Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chavo has had some moments, and even Savio Vega was on a roll for a while.

just saying, and i'm sure this is the wrong place to say it, but if all the WWE titles were unified and the WWE just focused and a few titles; one world title, one mid-card title, one cruiserweight title, the tag titles and maybe even the hardcore title, LAX could have a great chance at success in the WWE.

they could go for the tag titles collectively, and maybe one day Hernandez could go for the hardcore title while Homicide went for the cruiserweight title.

just saying, WWE needs a good tag team on their show right now and LAX was awesome and very easily could be so again.
An LAX reunion as has reportedly been is in the works would probably give him cause to stay for a few months, but if TNA drops the ball with that run, or in some what again ends up with Homicide cast aside and off television for weeks on end only to job to a guy like Rob Terry when he is used is certainly not going to do much in terms of instilling any sense of confidence in him as a talent –*I'd imagine at that point he'd leave to return to ROH, or simply work on a pay-per-appearance contract so as not to waste so much of his time and not be constrained to working for TNA only during the time they aren't using him.
my bad thanks for correcting me on it

No problem. I'm not picking nits but its important in the context of fandom in mexico. In mexico you're not more likely to be over just because you're a fellow hispanic. Being a fellow mexican working in the WWE tho is a huge help. The best metaphor would be cousins VS brothers.
The regular way in TNA being "be a star from the 90's in another company."

Kinda tricky for Homicide to pull that one off.

Like AJ Styles? Matt Morgan? Beer Money? Abyss? The Pope? Rob Terry? Kazarian? Doug Williams?

All those guys are getting big pushes right now in TNA and are over with the crowds to a degree, and were most definitely not "stars in the '90s." Hell, even the guys like Hardy, Anderson, Angle, etc. made theri biggest impacts in the E in the 2000's. So yeah, your argument holds no water.
Like AJ Styles? Matt Morgan? Beer Money? Abyss? The Pope? Rob Terry? Kazarian? Doug Williams?

To be fair; Styles, Beer Money and Abyss have been pretty big stars in TNA for several years now. Styles has been the face of TNA almost from the very beginning, Beer Money have been multi-time tag champs and Abyss has been consistently pushed over the last few years, including a run with the NWA World Championship. Doug Williams has been MIA for a few weeks, Rob Terry is carrying a championship that nobody cares about and is swatting jobbers like flies in his matches and Kazarian might be X Division Champion but he's hardly hot with the crowds. No, they definitely weren't stars in the 90s, but TNA has imported a fair number of wrestlers over the past several years that were and have made them more noticable than most other TNA talent.

All those guys are getting big pushes right now in TNA and are over with the crowds to a degree, and were most definitely not "stars in the '90s." Hell, even the guys like Hardy, Anderson, Angle, etc. made theri biggest impacts in the E in the 2000's. So yeah, your argument holds no water.

Maybe he should have added "stars in the 2000s" as well, but the poster's overall point is that TNA has spent the past several years, for the most part, buying stars rather than building them. As to your previous comment about nobody forcing Homicide to renew his deal, in all fairness, he was being used subtantially more when he did that. As far as Homicide not getting over, you're right, he hasn't really been able to but that's not entirely his fault. TNA has kept him off television for much of this year, I can probably count the number of times I've seen him on iMPACT! in 2010 using one hand and have fingers left over, and it's hard to get over and have fans give a basic crap when you get little to no exposure. Homicide's two most memorable moments in TNA in 2010 was his participation in that embarassing cage match on January 4th and being squashed by Rob Terry a while back.

The way I look at it, if TNA doesn't plan on using the guy, then let him go so he can go elsewhere and potentially make more money for himself. Even if the WWE isn't interested, I'm sure Homicide would have little problem getting work in ROH, CMLL, AAA, WWC, etc.
To be fair; Styles, Beer Money and Abyss have been pretty big stars in TNA for several years now. Styles has been the face of TNA almost from the very beginning, Beer Money have been multi-time tag champs and Abyss has been consistently pushed over the last few years, including a run with the NWA World Championship. Doug Williams has been MIA for a few weeks, Rob Terry is carrying a championship that nobody cares about and is swatting jobbers like flies in his matches and Kazarian might be X Division Champion but he's hardly hot with the crowds. No, they definitely weren't stars in the 90s, but TNA has imported a fair number of wrestlers over the past several years that were and have made them more noticable than most other TNA talent.

Maybe he should have added "stars in the 2000s" as well, but the poster's overall point is that TNA has spent the past several years, for the most part, buying stars rather than building them.

At first I was confused how your first paragraph did not make the bolded part obviously wrong. I guess you are saying that TNA has been buying stars over the past couple years instead of building them and the people you name were already there. That simply is not true. Beer Money was not even an existent tag until two years ago. Hence, what they are today is entirely a creation of the last two years. Look at the tag division going back to May 2008 when LAX were the champs. Since then 8 title changes over about 24 months. Only two times and a total of 5 months did some "established" wrestlers hold those belts (Team 3D for a couple months who they did not "buy" since they had been with the company 3 1/2 years prior and the only one that really fits the criteria booker t/ scott steiner for 3 months). Similar thing when you look at the other belts. Aside from Foley or Booker T no one won the belts that had not been there a while until RVD just did. In fact someone like Matt Morgan had never won a title until this recent tag title run. TNA also spent some of this time building up AJ further and Joe(before the misguided months). I just see almost no evidence that TNA spent the past couple years buying guys more than trying to build new stars. Interesting tidbit pretty much everybody in wwe getting pushed was a star in the 90s or 2000s as well.

On Homicide. He is a decent role player than can work an interesting match but he is never going to be a star. I have a suspicion that when Hernandez comes back he will not be alone and we might see the LAX with Konnan which should be fun for TNA fans. Albeit annoying to have another reason for ignorant people to decry more WCW 2.0 nonsense.
It looks like Homicide's best days in TNA are in the past. I'm not sure what an LAX reunion would do for either Homicide or Hernandez. Both guys have the potential to be singles guys. Homicide has had great success as a single's wrestler everywhere else he's been, in fact, he's a former ROH champion.

Homicide is obviously unhappy and rather outspoken about it, which I'm sure will not go over well with the powers that be in TNA. I would love to see Homicide back in an ROH ring. He's had the most success in that company and I'm sure Carey Silkin would welcome him back with open arms.
Did Homicide ever really have good days in TNA? He had a very brief feud with AJ and Daniels as LAX but that was about it. Unfortunately for Homicide no one checked out his ROH stuff. Had they done that they could have seen that they had a fantastic heel on their hands.
Confusing. There is politicking. But he doesn't know whats going on. Well which is it? Cant be both I'm afraid. Counting on the internet to make their own minds up?

Pandering to the internet much?

... Can't it simply be that there is so much politicking and in fighting that he doesn't know what is going on in terms of who's realy running the show?
homicide is a talented star and clearly has charisma, but, i think he has a problem expressing it, he could be a latin eddie gureero, just a thug version, he is very talented a tna is wasting him, with daniels,tara, and creed, gone, with possibly homicide, it looks like, there doing a wwe policy of if you don't look like a star(even though you are a good wrestler, as are the wrestlers i listed), then you are expendable, how sad, this is what wrestling is about nowadays.
You know if Homicide was cleaned up a little bit, given a more refined look, and if he was booked properly, he would be the perfect fit in the WWE.

The Anti-Rey Mysterio. The Puerto Rican gangster from Brooklyn, New York, who is all about making money and wreaking havoc. There is definitely enough for him to do in the middle to lower slots in the card in the WWE, and he is relatively young enough to have a decent and impactful run there. With Chavo fading, and Rey Mysterio leaving soon, he can fill that slot admirably in a heel role.

On topic, I feel that he should be frustrated with TNA and their management. They are all over the place and have no direction. Their awful weekly program is clear cut evidence that they have no idea what they're doing. If Homicide can leave he should. Whether its ROH, WWE, or any other domestic or international independent promotions, TNA is not a good place for him, or anyone right now for that matter.
You know if Homicide was cleaned up a little bit, given a more refined look, and if he was booked properly, he would be the perfect fit in the WWE.

The Anti-Rey Mysterio. The Puerto Rican gangster from Brooklyn, New York, who is all about making money and wreaking havoc. There is definitely enough for him to do in the middle to lower slots in the card in the WWE, and he is relatively young enough to have a decent and impactful run there. With Chavo fading, and Rey Mysterio leaving soon, he can fill that slot admirably in a heel role.

On topic, I feel that he should be frustrated with TNA and their management. They are all over the place and have no direction. Their awful weekly program is clear cut evidence that they have no idea what they're doing. If Homicide can leave he should. Whether its ROH, WWE, or any other domestic or international independent promotions, TNA is not a good place for him, or anyone right now for that matter.

Why would they do that when they could accomplish the very same thing with a better mic-worker and a better overall wrestler with a better overall look in Kaval aka Senshi aka Low-Ki?

I have never been a Homicide fan. IMO he's the epitome of that ROH-style indie superstar who just doesn't have the it factor to make it anywhere outside of a place where spot wrestling isn't the focus of the show – namely TNA or the WWE, who both focus much more on the entertainment and story-telling aspects of the show than the ring spots to sell the product. He has an awful personality and from the sound of his promos, a poor education, too, seeing as he can barely finish basic sentences. He doesn't have an athletic body at all, and IMO he and Hernandez were carried in LAX by Konnan who was the glue that held it all together. When Konnan left, LAX went downhill fast, because neither man could cut a promo worth more than pigs spit, and Martinez was a piss poor replacement.

ROH IMO is Homicide's home, and he needs to return there. He's not doing himself or TNA any favors by jobbing on Xplosion every week, and outside of Orlando, I find it hard to believe he's capable of truly getting the fans to care about him. Vocally, he's just too weak and incapable of getting himself over specifically because of that fact.

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