Hogan's comments


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Hulk Hogan admits not being a good wrestler

The Canadian Press interviewed Brooke Hogan and Hulk Hogan regarding Brooke Hogan’s latest album. In the interview Hulk Hogan compared his career to Brooke Hogan’s, commenting, "I've been classified as the greatest wrestler of all-time, but the truth is, there were thousands of wrestlers that were better than me. I'm not a good wrestler. But I had a look, and I talked a certain way, and timing-wise, I was very lucky."
Hogan wrestled very good in Japan. He wasn't Backland but he did great. In the US, he used a limited style because that's what fans wanted. But, yes, there are a lot of wrestlers better than him. Same goes for most every other WWE legend. You need more than technical skill to get anywhere in the business.
I was just about to make this thread but you beat me to it. In Ron Simmons Voice "DAMN".. Well I will tell you this I have grown to respect Hogan for admitting this and yes in Japan he was actually as good as HHH at best, the guy coulda do an enzuguri, drop kick, chain wrestle etc..
As far as I'm concerned, what you do in front of our TV screens is what matters to me. We all know that Cena - before being corrupted by limitations - could actually put on a decent match if a great wrestler was put in front of him. Before he came to the WWE, Cena actually had move-set. But guess what? OVW is not on TV...WWE is. If you have the ability to put on a good match but limitations are put on you, I will boo you and fans of actual wrestling will to.

Onto Hogan...Japan will boo you out of the building if you can't wrestle. There is no question that Hogan was a competent wrestler in Japan (for American standards). But guess what? As a wrestler, he's sucked for the past twenty years. Not like a few decent years in Japan cancel out two decades of a move set that makes Cena enjoyable.

Beyond sucking as a wrestler, Hogan's ego is way too big for his own good. He's not talented where it matters (in the ring) and it is his fault that many deserving wrestlers have been held back. I will boo Hogan forever...unless he suddenly has at least a dozen moves.

As an entertainer though, Hogan is fantastic. I really don't like him but his mic work was entertaining. Much like everyone else in the ring, I feel the electricity when he enters. I do respect Hogan as a performer, but he epitomizes sports entertainment. I was always into the "wrestling" aspect.

I don't care for the fact that Benoit, Shelton Benjamin, and Charlie Haas can't really put on a great promo. It's a shame that promos are relied on as much as they are. In Japan, wrestlers are judged by their ability to put on a good match as opposed to a good promo. I mean, most Japanese interviews are shoot interviews where we see the real character of a wrestler as opposed to some gimmick.

Was Hogan's gimmick good? No. Honestly, it was great. Even at his prime, could he put on a five star wrestling match? I honestly don't think so. I like wrestling...I don't like sports entertainment. That's why I embrace puroresu and ROH.
As far as I'm concerned, what you do in front of our TV screens is what matters to me. We all know that Cena - before being corrupted by limitations - could actually put on a decent match if a great wrestler was put in front of him. Before he came to the WWE, Cena actually had move-set. But guess what? OVW is not on TV...WWE is. If you have the ability to put on a good match but limitations are put on you, I will boo you and fans of actual wrestling will to.

Onto Hogan...Japan will boo you out of the building if you can't wrestle. There is no question that Hogan was a competent wrestler in Japan (for American standards). But guess what? As a wrestler, he's sucked for the past twenty years. Not like a few decent years in Japan cancel out two decades of a move set that makes Cena enjoyable.

Beyond sucking as a wrestler, Hogan's ego is way too big for his own good. He's not talented where it matters (in the ring) and it is his fault that many deserving wrestlers have been held back. I will boo Hogan forever...unless he suddenly has at least a dozen moves.

IT DOESNT MATTER IF HE SUCKS AT WRESTLING...WRESTLING ALONE DOES NOT GET YOU TO THE TOP OF THE BUSINESS....hogan already admitted to not being great at wrestling...but as you can c because of his popularlity current day todai, more than wrestling got hogan by to the top...he was able to show other skills that wrestling was developing around his time..the fans liked to see a wrestler who can not only wrestle fine but show charisma in the ring...have good promos....and have the look to be someone at the top...it doesnt only matter if u are talented in the ring...if it mattered to b talented in the ring you wouldnt have had the ultimate warrior at the top....his ego has a reason to b big and thats because he made such a big impact in the wrestling history...he was one of the people that further developed...a character like his was never presented as his time..just like superstars such as stone cold, hhh, the rock will be future legends of this time....so yea ok he wasnt so good in the ring but WHO CARES cuz it makes more than wrestling to be a great superstar in this business..so whats ur point that he sucks at wrestling..he sucks but he's still at the top so?
Hogan was known as Ichiban in Japan. He could go hold-for-hold on the mat with Antonio Inoki. His matches in Japan are terrific. Also his matches here did not suck at all. Well, most of them. His feuds with Savage, Harley Race (where he went very hardcore) and the many, many others all were terrific bouts. It's not all about having a tremendous moveset. Anyone who thinks it is doesn't know anything about what wrestling is all about.
Hogan was known as Ichiban in Japan. He could go hold-for-hold on the mat with Antonio Inoki. His matches in Japan are terrific. Also his matches here did not suck at all. Well, most of them. His feuds with Savage, Harley Race (where he went very hardcore) and the many, many others all were terrific bouts. It's not all about having a tremendous moveset. Anyone who thinks it is doesn't know anything about what wrestling is all about.

To me wrestling is an art. Skip the promos, skip the ring banter, skip the dramatic entrances. I honestly do not care for gimmicks. In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. Did I say that big move set = great wrestler? No. In fact, guys can put on a great match that have little athleticism and a small move set. Just as long as you perform that art of wrestling well, then I'm on your side. Hogan mastered sports entertainment, but he did no master wrestling.
i respect the fact that he admitted that hes not a good wrestler and that there are plenty better than him. i dont like how he has to win every match hes in now, but i respect him and he is definatley the biggest star ever and has done more for the wrestling buisness than greats like bret hart ever did
Agreed wrestling doesnt get you anywhere in the business if you dont have any charisma. so ill you fools that bash on guys for not being good mat wrestlers and all you kurt angle worshipers, Hogan said it best he was lucky and wrestling skills wasnt the #1 reason why he became so popular its the way he talked on the mic and got fans to start going nuts.

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