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Hogan knows...nothing


Getting Noticed By Management
Man I am really starting to hate Hogan Knows Best,,I mean I hardly watch it but when I do it always seems to piss me off.

Did anyone hear when Hogan made the crack about the Undertaker "spike pildriving me on the concrete in 74' " what the hell was that crap?!

The Undertaker didn't debut until like 20 years after that plus you cant spike piledrive someone on your own it kind of takes two people. Hogan has been known to just make stuff up especially when he is on that dumbass Bubba The Love Sponge show. Like when he said Angle would commit suicide if Vince didn't grant his release...come on Kurt Angle would never do that!

Hogan is a doushe bag and I wish he would just stay the hell away from the business no one cares about him anymore his star power is quickly weakening so he and his buddy FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAVOR FLAAAAAV need to both go to hell!

PS I miss Public Enemy yeaaaaah boyeeee
well, yea, im sick and tired of hogan. his move sucked: people, its a god damn leg drop. big deal. and ive never watched the show, but of what u just said, that sounds like complete bull$hit
He just constantly puts himself over as a wrestling god when infact Hogan never even had a decent moveset outside of a few slams and punches.

Other than that Hogan spent the majority of his matches getting owned by the competition only to just all the sudden hulk up and win the match.

Granted a leg drop may have meant something back then but no one buys it now.

But anyways he just always comes up with stuff for the cameras that make no sense and have almost always never even happened like The Undertaker thing I said before. Hogan doesn't even know what he has done over the course of his career I mean I bet he doesn't even know who his first WWF title was won from he'd probably say: "I beat Yokozuna clean for my first WWF title in 1932 brother! We tore the roof off that place brah!"
Yea, that's all true. It still doesn't stop the morons at PPVs cheering for him after he's carried by a much better athlete, then has a seizure and does his "real American" routine for the 3 millionth time. He even outpopped HHH at SummerSlam, that's a disgrace!
I know what youre talking about. Hogan has lived his life of profesional wrestling and he's already in the god damn hall of fame. He just needs to stop. Give it up. No one else in the hall of fame is still wrestling/ (Excluding the five men in the match this sunday)

Oh yeah- Dont diss on Flaaaaavor Flaaaaav hahaha
he's planning to retire by wrestlemania idiots...this is the man that put wrestling on the map...he was around wen most of us werent even born so shutup....he got over so well cuz he showed everything...intensity and heart for what he loved which was wrestling..he's from the 80's and back then the moves we see now were the most amazing moves so chill out...he's from a diff era of wrestling which he grew custom to so dnt diss the man...i cant blame him for keep wantin to wrestle cuz thats his passion...you have to have passion to wrestle...he doesnt want to give it up because he doesnt know what the hell is he going to do once he gives up what made him who he is today...you have to see it from that stand point and not crack down on the man....hogans a good guy...of course he's got flaws we all freakin do...chill out and let the man do his thing he's allowed to
i know what u mean being fustrated about him wrestling too long but ya i definatley think ppl dont appreciate what hes done for wrestling. anyways i think what he said about taker pile driving him was just a joke. he just jokingly overexagerated.
Anyone dissing Hogan simply is uninformed or too young to remember. I'm 26, I still enjoy seeing Hulk Hogan. Early "smarks" back in the day would bash Hogan for his lack of in-ring ability, but that really doesn't matter now. The guy wasn't the most talented, but his work in Japan showed he had some technical skill. His psychology is/was superior to almost any guy wrestling right now. When he was getting destroyed it seemed like an evil force was about to take over the WWF and the World by default.

Half of you talking negatively about Hogan wouldn't be wrestling fans without him.
I will also back up Hulk here, as far as I am concerned hulk put wrestling on the map, if it was not for hogan there wouldn't be entrance music, wrestlemania or the worldwide phenomenon wwe is, I think that due to that he has earned the right to pose and cup his hand to his ear once in a while. On top of that, 90% of the fans love to see it. So can we lay this to rest now.
Hulk is good...to a degree. What he initiated in the early days of Vince Jr.'s reign at Titan was the combination of solid performances, better marketing, and much better cross-promotion than had been seen or done in pro-wrestling. Watching Hogan's NJPW matches from the early eighties really upset me because he was at least decent in those days. My problem is that he had too many chances on the top of the business in the late nineties and beyond that he's taken almost every bit of a legacy he may have posessed and took a skinny dump on it by not hanging up the boots. He should've known best to step aside and let the younger WCW talent get over, as WWF was storming the gates to smear WCW into the ground because Hogan couldn't lace the boots of guys like Austin, Rock, Foley, Hart, or Michaels if someone drew him a schematic of how to. He also kept prolonging a complete retirement and made things even worse (if possible) by continuing to stink up Monday and Sunday nights in the last couple of years starting with his freshly re-juiced appearance at Wrestlemania X8. Someone in the WWE Hall of Fame needs to not be an active wrestler anymore. It's completely f***ing ridiculous.
Undertaker did tombstone him on to a chair remember
back when hogan beat iron sheik in '83 he was a fresh face to wwf because of the whole iran hostage thing. he carried the wwf and introduced wrestling to a whole new medium...the music world. first creating ring entrances, bring pop singers to the wrestling industry and then having wrestlers make their own songs. so yes back then hogan was big, but now he is riding on his reputation which is getting weaker because of him and his ego. he should take notes from other wrestlers who retire and stay gone.
i actually think some of his most recent matches have been pretty good:

hogan vs rock-excellent
hogan vs hhh- good
hogan vs angle-decent
hogan vs michaels- very good

i understand if u were to tell me that his match vs orton stunk, but dont forget he had a torn meniscus.
I'll readily admit that at one time I was the biggest fan of Hogan there was as a kid but it slowly fizzled out when he jumped to WCW.

When the nWo started forget about it..Hogan was the man once more. But then it started getting to the point where you could tell he didn't give a shit anymore about the business and it became all about Hogan. I mean I can accept letting people know you "put the business on the map" but god damn at least give others credit I mean Hogan didn't single handedly change the damned business. There were plenty of others then who helped change it such as Savage, Andre The Giant, Greg Valentine, Honky Tonk Man, Ric Flair, Sting, Mike Rotunda, The Four Horsemen in all of there early incarnations, etc. I mean the list goes on. But the one who truly made WWF/WWE the big business that it is was Vincent Kennedy McMahon. Without out him Hogan would have been far less of a star than he is now.

The fact is Hogan still can put on a decent match when he wants to but he just doesn't have all his facilities like he once did I mean he certainly needs to just retire and stay retired. His legacy is too good to be make a laughing stock of.

My main problem with Hogan Knows Best is that it seems way too scripted and cheesy in the sense that 3/4 of the show is him being a huge baby about whatever the family wants to do that day then the other 1/4 of the show when they do actually elude to wrestling its always in a way that Hogan acts like he wrote the book you know and he just doesn't feel like he should lower himself to do anything for it. At least thats the way it seems to me
Yeah Dya Not Think At Times During The Wcw Run That He Was Selfish And All About Hogan Because He Was Single Handedly Trying To Drag The Company Out Of The Shit? Either Way The Man Is An Absolute Fucking God, I Can't Believe How Much People Disrespect Him, Even If You Aren't A Fan The Man Commands Respect For What He Has Done.
Keep in mind that Hogan did lose cleanly in recent years to:
Triple H
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
The Rock

even though he's beaten Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton, it was basically a good business move to keep his stock up, in case he gets the other dream matches, like Austin or Cena. I'm sure both of those guys would be booked to beat Hogan.

Should Hogan retire before we can see Austin/Hogan?
pootytang said:
Keep in mind that Hogan did lose cleanly in recent years to:
Triple H
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
The Rock

even though he's beaten Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton, it was basically a good business move to keep his stock up, in case he gets the other dream matches, like Austin or Cena. I'm sure both of those guys would be booked to beat Hogan.

Should Hogan retire before we can see Austin/Hogan?
Hogan should've stayed retired before any of the matches you listed up top. Way before the Orton and Michaels encounters. He doesn't have the physical tools anymore due to steroid use and nagging injuries. It's irritating as hell watching him stumble back to the ring so he can point his finger and legdrop another more qualified individual to please some sector of the retarted masses that actually thinks he's still good.
ErkBono23 said:
he's planning to retire by wrestlemania idiots...this is the man that put wrestling on the map...he was around wen most of us werent even born so shutup....he got over so well cuz he showed everything...intensity and heart for what he loved which was wrestling..he's from the 80's and back then the moves we see now were the most amazing moves so chill out...he's from a diff era of wrestling which he grew custom to so dnt diss the man...i cant blame him for keep wantin to wrestle cuz thats his passion...you have to have passion to wrestle...he doesnt want to give it up because he doesnt know what the hell is he going to do once he gives up what made him who he is today...you have to see it from that stand point and not crack down on the man....hogans a good guy...of course he's got flaws we all freakin do...chill out and let the man do his thing he's allowed to
There are a couple of flaws id like to point out, yes Hogan made the bussiness what it is today. If anything he just made pro wrestling popular to tweleve year olds and marks.It's not an issue of passion its an issue of Hogan wanting to cling to his spot and become "immortal". If anyone deserves credit for making the bussiness into what it is today its Paul E Heyman. JUst look at everything hes done in profesonal wrestling. He popularized hardcore wrestling , he changed WWEs types of match as well as WCW's. He brought emotional storylines, lucha libre, cruiserweights and high impact wrestling to north america. Simple Paul Heyman made the bussiness more than Hulk Hogan. Hogan made the bussiness into shit.
pootytang said:
Keep in mind that Hogan did lose cleanly in recent years to:
Triple H
Kurt Angle
Brock Lesnar
The Rock

even though he's beaten Shawn Michaels and Randy Orton, it was basically a good business move to keep his stock up, in case he gets the other dream matches, like Austin or Cena. I'm sure both of those guys would be booked to beat Hogan.

Should Hogan retire before we can see Austin/Hogan?
There are two hogan matches I've ever enjoyed. Hogan vs Arn Anderson with Hulk losing on an ep of Nitro, i mean it wasn't any good wrestling but Hogan still lost. And then theres an ep of SmackDown when Brock Lesnar mercilesly beat the crap out of him. Other than a few shitty moves Hogan got in. Brock whooped his as. One of the few moves WWE booking has made smart in the last 4 years. Hogan had to be carried through the entire match by Lesnar but as long as he got his ass whooped it was all good.
I agree with some. Austin, Kane, Taker, Rock, DX, and Hogan formed this buissness. He has flaws but if your life was being filmed you might lie about shit or make it bigger than it really was......
Ok, "Kasey" with the Bruce Lee picture, your opinion is respected, but you put Foley in same category as Bret Hart and Steve Austin? WTF?? All the guys on here who say Hogan has no moveset....Foley can't even make punches look real!
2nd, to whoever said that Hogan would be nothing without Vince, I remind you that Vince Sr first saw talent in Hogan, and also the Hulkster was over HUGE in the AWA in the early 80's. At that time, a very credible arguement could be made that the AWA was just as big as the then WWF. (This was before the first Wrestlemania of course.) I would even venture as far as to say that if Vern Gagne would have had his head on straight about the business, and kept Hogan, along with others, the AWA could easily have stayed in business, and Hulkamania could have been born WITHOUT Vinnie Mac. Vince did however promote the hell out of Hulkamania, HELPING in what is today.
Third, to everyone on here. THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT! If Hogan comes out and gets a bigger pop than HHH, he damn well has a right to be out there. Yeah, his moveset now isn't very good, but if any of you guys would take the time and watch his matches in his prime, I would confidently say he displayed a plethera of technical moves. But... Vince knew that Hogan putting on a technical clinic isn't what the world wanted to see. The big boot and legdrop worked, then, and YES, to most people, it still works now. It's nastalgic, and fun. Would rather see him make someone tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf? Come on people! So what if he can't move like he used to, people flat out love the man! I would love to see what would happen in 20 years, when Kurt Angle and HHH come out and can barely get in the ring, let alone perform an arm-bar, and you "Wrestling Purists" have orgasms because your favorite stars are still in there doing what they do best.
Bottom Line - Respect the man, respect history, and respect the passion and energy that he brings to the ring every damn time he steps through the curtain!
Gorgeous George was using entrance music back in the 50's and thats nearly 30 years before Hogan came about,
greenbeast95 said:
Ok, "Kasey" with the Bruce Lee picture, your opinion is respected, but you put Foley in same category as Bret Hart and Steve Austin? WTF?? All the guys on here who say Hogan has no moveset....Foley can't even make punches look real!
Yeah, and Hogan doesn't go falling of gigantic f***ing cages to get over now does he? He just flexes his wrinkled tits at the audience and "hulks up!" Besides, the next time Hogan takes 20+ chairshots to the head or gets slammed onto tacks, then maybe I'll give ol' Terry his due. Not that I think Hulk was never good, but he should've stayed retired after dropping his belt at WM6. That was the twilight of his ability in the ring...and even then he was losing a step.
greenbeast95 said:
2nd, to whoever said that Hogan would be nothing without Vince, I remind you that Vince Sr first saw talent in Hogan, and also the Hulkster was over HUGE in the AWA in the early 80's. At that time, a very credible arguement could be made that the AWA was just as big as the then WWF. (This was before the first Wrestlemania of course.) I would even venture as far as to say that if Vern Gagne would have had his head on straight about the business, and kept Hogan, along with others, the AWA could easily have stayed in business, and Hulkamania could have been born WITHOUT Vinnie Mac. Vince did however promote the hell out of Hulkamania, HELPING in what is today.
AWA was a posterchild for mismanagement as Gagne didn't have a clue about the future of the business. Vern Gagne lost his house because of it. Hogan was over in the AWA yes, but not a fraction of what he was when Vince's marketing blitz combined with the pre-expsosure from Rocky III helped Hulkamania run wild (gag). If it weren't for McMahon's involvement, Hogan would've probably run the gambit as a wrestling journeyman or pulled a Stan Hansen and worked strictly in Japan.
greenbeast95 said:
Third, to everyone on here. THIS IS ENTERTAINMENT! If Hogan comes out and gets a bigger pop than HHH, he damn well has a right to be out there. Yeah, his moveset now isn't very good, but if any of you guys would take the time and watch his matches in his prime, I would confidently say he displayed a plethera of technical moves. But... Vince knew that Hogan putting on a technical clinic isn't what the world wanted to see. The big boot and legdrop worked, then, and YES, to most people, it still works now. It's nastalgic, and fun. Would rather see him make someone tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf? Come on people! So what if he can't move like he used to, people flat out love the man! I would love to see what would happen in 20 years, when Kurt Angle and HHH come out and can barely get in the ring, let alone perform an arm-bar, and you "Wrestling Purists" have orgasms because your favorite stars are still in there doing what they do best.
Bottom Line - Respect the man, respect history, and respect the passion and energy that he brings to the ring every damn time he steps through the curtain!
I respect plenty about someone's legacy. Especially when they have the sense not to tarnish it by sticking around too long. I pray I never have to watch HHH or Angle stumble around the ring acting like tough nursing home patients as it is about as corny as watching all of the Legends beat on that jobber (I think it was Conway) on the Raw Homecoming weeks back. I liked Hogan fine when I was a little kid and didn't know anything more than what was fed to me on Prime Time Wrestling. However, when they bring an old fogey back to work full matches with current stars it's disgusting and doesn't help to elevate the credibility of the business. You don't see the NY Jets having Namath start a few plays this season because of nostalgia, do you? It'd be only slightly more retarted than Hogan taking on Orton at Summerslam.

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