Hogan Kills Ratings?

Honestly i think that Hogan should just do goodwill things for TNA, like radio interviews, press, that sort of thing. He should put his name out there in that way, but i dont think he should be involved with the product anymore. I honestly don't ever want to see Hogan wrestle ever again, and lets be honest, Garret Bischoff was his idea and he sucks out loud.
I'm getting really sick of morons that still think it is the Spring of 2010. If you can't tell the difference between the product then and now I hope you can't procreate. If you can't tell the difference between Mondays and Thursdays I don't know how you learned to use a computer in the first place.

2011 was the HIGHEST average rating Impact has ever had. It had 3 of the 4 largest viewer ships the company has ever had. The 4 th was the Hogan debut in 2010. Both times the company has broken 2 million viewers Hogan had a big draw factor.

Your 1.0 comment is just moronic. In 2009 they scored below a 1.0 7 times, in 2010 it was 8 times (zomg huge negative change) but it 2011 it happened 0 times. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize the justification for their haterade has long since ceased to be relevant. Watch ROH or shut the fuck up about how all veterans suck and aren't worth it.

Sorry but no. In 2009 TNA were pulling 1.2s on a regular basis and 8 1.3s and now all it manages it's 1.1s.

But I don't know if one person can kill ratings. More like his management has killed ratings. TNA got what 1.5 when he showed up in early 2010? Then they had to place the show somewhere else because it was getting 0.8 and 0.6 and it was a sinking ship. I think TNA never recovered from that stupid move. With smart management the 1.2s they were getting in 09 could have gotten to 1.4s in 2010 or 2011 but Hogan using TNA has a his plaything and killing pushes and changing ideas in midstream made TNA incoherent and fans gave up. The booking has been solid in 2012 but the fact remains that Hogan's management so far has not helped. The ratings would probably be higher right now if he hadn't come.

They did it 8 times in 2009. I wouldn't call that a regular basis. Hell I would even call that occasionally. However they also had a bunch of shows fail to crack a 1.0 which they don't have that problem anymore.

But if you look at the period there was the storyline with the MEM I would say 1.2 was a steady number for them and doing 1.3s 8 times in 2009 is fantastic! They probably won't get one 1.3 in the whole 2012.
TNA lacks brand recognition to get over the hump. Hogan helps that a bit I guess. However, you shouldn't just look at ratings. It's sort of an outdated tool to use as the end-all. Look at other media measurements to see if it's gone up. This is the age of watching shows on just about any device from anywhere at anytime.

I doubt Hogan KILLS ratings, at least no more than a contrived spotfest that nobody except "10 percenters" gives a shit about. For what it's worth, Hogan's sex tape has gotten some press. I doubt if austin aries had a sex tape that it'd get as much attention. Donno if that's good or bad though.

IMO TNA doesn't seem to actually know who their audience is. It's like they book for their friends and their buddies, but then also for the 10 percenters. Which are basically 2 groups you definately should NOT book for.

Also, ratings are an estimate. So the difference between a 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 might not actually even be statistically significant when you factor in sampling error.

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