Hogan Kills Ratings?


Getting Noticed By Management
So TNA had been pulling a 1.3 before he arrived a year or so ago and then it slowly went down to under a 1.0.

Fast forward to now.

Hogan's been off TV for weeks now. Roode, Hardy and Storm have been spotlighted. No Nash, Hogan, Booker, Foley, all new blood.

TNA for the past few weeks had done a 1.1's and eventually got up to 1.2 last week.

Hogan returns and they do a 1.15

Hogan does nothing for them whatsoever.
the BFG this past October in which Hogan turned face, the next Impact was one of the most watched/highest rated Impact in history.
this is not a Hogan issue IMO.
if one wants to put blame on something involving Hogan, then do so instead onto Garrett Bischoff. he sucks and shouldn't be on TV period.
I'm not going to stick up for Hogan's accomplishments in TNA. Overall I would say that his tenure has been a disappointment but was Hogan promoted at all for this Impact? Fluctuations of .05 are not significant enough to give credit or lay blame to anyone. Especially not a guy who is not a wrestler. TV ratings are as dependent as the competition as much as they are on the product. I didn't check my local listings for everything on last night but there may have been other programming that ate in to TNA's rating.

The real question that needs to be answered is, "Who is pulling the strings with Hogan?". Is he making decisions on his own or is he just doing what he is told to do as a loyal employee? If he is in charge then he should take the criticism, but I am not sure if that is tthe case.
Cute argument, but you failed to take into account the fact that Hogan's return segment featured three other men, two of which are still quite green and far from "over".

Had every segment involving Hogan tanked the ratings over a consistent period of time, you might actually have a point.
Hogan's ego may do damage to ratings, however, he doesn't kill ratings. People want to see him, he is NOT a respectable ratings draw anymore and it seems he's become the type that returns, draws an increased rating, then the following week ratings seem to return back to normal.
One person rarely affects week to week ratings, especially not negatively like you expect.

The overall product TNA has been putting out has been VERY good between Hogan's vacation, so that accounts for more than him being on screen.
TNA wasn't pulling in 1.3's on a regular basis. Also we can't look at the ratings with the 1.15 type of numbers. You have to look at how many people watched.

1.6 million could tune in one week and you can get a 1.1.8 and the next week the same amount of people can tune in and you can get a 1.14. Look at the average viewership and not the number.
I wouldn't say Hogan kills ratings hell it's not like Tna does huge ratings week in and week out and then all of a sudden Hogan shows up on television and their ratings drop drastically, no tna's highest rating ever was a 1.5 and that was the night that Hogan debuted on impact. The past couple of years Tna has been floating back in fourth from 1.0's to 1.2's so it's pretty idiotic to say that Hogan kills tna's ratings.
I don't think the OP realizes that a 1.15 rating is a 1.2 rating as it rounds up to a 1.2. So the rating for the London Impact was a 1.2. If you want to make a real argument, look at the viewership numbers not the rating. A rating is just a math number The viewership is what counts and last I checked TNA had 1.6 million people watching which is a solid amount of viewers for them watching. So Hogan is not a ratings killer. You're trying to hard to hate on Hogan and point the finger.
Funny you posted this considering not only is Hogan one of my all-time LEAST favorite wrestlers(only one i can't stand more than him[who was actually a wrestler and not comedy relief] is Bob Backlund!!! Annoying & Boring Cooke!!!

Anyways.... but Prior to his TNA arrival, around the time Angle jumped ship to TNA I became a big TNA fan. Always loved Kurt Angle, they had great young talent, I thought that the six sided ring was AWESOME! and in an era where WWE was becoming very PG TNA offered that more edgy and physical wrestling any 90's guy like me loves from the attitude era. I bought shirts, dvd's, hell I even sat almost front row at BFG cause I had never been to a live TNA event. In a nut shell, I had basically become almost a bigger TNA fan for awhile. And one thing killed it ALL for me!!! HULK HOGAN!!!

The second I saw he had joined up with TNA it went all down the toilet from there. I knew when I heard he had been given the "golden key" to the place it would kill TNA.....and I WAS RIGHT! No more 6-sided ring!!! They turn Angle from there Biggest star into a jobber and give him ridiclous story lines like the Jarrett-Angle thing. They mis-use the good young talent(remember when Hogan said Bobby Roode wasn't ready to be champ? I DO!) and throw crap down our throats like Crimson(Red hair, was pushed way too fast? ring a bell?) and worst of all they thought it would help them so they trusted him and brought back all these old talent that no one cared about(Flair, Foley, Bischoff, etc.). Since that time Sting also had his worst gimmick possibly to date and everything that the Hardy Boyz have gone through since being there is just sad. Hogan just sucked the life out of that whole place in my eyes.

It has seem to have gotten slightly better since he has been off air but he did his damage and I think sadley enough, TNA went from being edgey competition for WWE that could have sparked a 2nd Mon-Nite Wars too midget wrestling or any other terrible show endorsed by Hogan.
without Hulk Hogan, companies like TNA would fail to have a sports entertainment business to exist in.
Hogan's name alone brings people to check out the TNA Brand. It can hardly be Hogans fault for shoddy booking, inept storylines. Sure he has alot of creative input regarding who goes over in matches, but he does not lay the matches out, he does not create the storylines for the talent to follow. TNA will always fail whilever they rely on too many ex WWE talent to carry their show. The ratings have always been at their best when predominantly TNA only talent have been able to flourish. TNA was at its best when Styles, Samoa Joe, Daniels, MCMG, Beer Money and the like were the stars of the show. Having a guy like Angle come in was huge and used to elevate rising TNA stars in the right way to do business. But TNA saturated the main event roster with Angle, Foley, Brother Ray, Devon, Ken Anderson, Jeff and Matt Hardy, RVD, Matt Morgan to name a few. No body wants to see these guys ALL IN THE MAIN EVENT each week. Use them to get the Roodes and Storms and Aries and Crimsons and Gunners etc over.
I'm getting really sick of morons that still think it is the Spring of 2010. If you can't tell the difference between the product then and now I hope you can't procreate. If you can't tell the difference between Mondays and Thursdays I don't know how you learned to use a computer in the first place.

2011 was the HIGHEST average rating Impact has ever had. It had 3 of the 4 largest viewer ships the company has ever had. The 4 th was the Hogan debut in 2010. Both times the company has broken 2 million viewers Hogan had a big draw factor.

Your 1.0 comment is just moronic. In 2009 they scored below a 1.0 7 times, in 2010 it was 8 times (zomg huge negative change) but it 2011 it happened 0 times. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize the justification for their haterade has long since ceased to be relevant. Watch ROH or shut the fuck up about how all veterans suck and aren't worth it.
The show came off really well to me. The big crowd really helps make them look major. They should stay in the UK as long as possible.
I'm getting really sick of morons that still think it is the Spring of 2010. If you can't tell the difference between the product then and now I hope you can't procreate. If you can't tell the difference between Mondays and Thursdays I don't know how you learned to use a computer in the first place.

2011 was the HIGHEST average rating Impact has ever had. It had 3 of the 4 largest viewer ships the company has ever had. The 4 th was the Hogan debut in 2010. Both times the company has broken 2 million viewers Hogan had a big draw factor.

Your 1.0 comment is just moronic. In 2009 they scored below a 1.0 7 times, in 2010 it was 8 times (zomg huge negative change) but it 2011 it happened 0 times. People need to pull their heads out of their asses and realize the justification for their haterade has long since ceased to be relevant. Watch ROH or shut the fuck up about how all veterans suck and aren't worth it.

The problem with all of this is that TNA is not keeping the viewers that Hogan draws. That's because Hogan goes to work for himself. Fuck read his tweets. He doesn't give a shit about TNA.

The money spent on his geriatric ass could be better spent elsewhere.

I wouldn't say Hogan kills ratings but he doesn't help because those viewers don't stay with TNA.
If you hadn't presented your argument in a way that suggested that Hogan actually kills ratings, rather than just being absolutely neutral, I probably wouldn't have anything to say.

But I do. You're stupid.

No one person in the history of professional wrestling has been the sole cause of low ratings, and especially not Hulk Fucking Hogan. Sure, I don't think he shoots the ratings up just by being around, but you're a literal downsie if you think Hogan kills ratings.
Funny you posted this considering not only is Hogan one of my all-time LEAST favorite wrestlers(only one i can't stand more than him[who was actually a wrestler and not comedy relief] is Bob Backlund!!! Annoying & Boring Cooke!!!

Anyways.... but Prior to his TNA arrival, around the time Angle jumped ship to TNA I became a big TNA fan. Always loved Kurt Angle, they had great young talent, I thought that the six sided ring was AWESOME! and in an era where WWE was becoming very PG TNA offered that more edgy and physical wrestling any 90's guy like me loves from the attitude era. I bought shirts, dvd's, hell I even sat almost front row at BFG cause I had never been to a live TNA event. In a nut shell, I had basically become almost a bigger TNA fan for awhile. And one thing killed it ALL for me!!! HULK HOGAN!!!

The second I saw he had joined up with TNA it went all down the toilet from there. I knew when I heard he had been given the "golden key" to the place it would kill TNA.....and I WAS RIGHT! No more 6-sided ring!!! They turn Angle from there Biggest star into a jobber and give him ridiclous story lines like the Jarrett-Angle thing. They mis-use the good young talent(remember when Hogan said Bobby Roode wasn't ready to be champ? I DO!) and throw crap down our throats like Crimson(Red hair, was pushed way too fast? ring a bell?) and worst of all they thought it would help them so they trusted him and brought back all these old talent that no one cared about(Flair, Foley, Bischoff, etc.). Since that time Sting also had his worst gimmick possibly to date and everything that the Hardy Boyz have gone through since being there is just sad. Hogan just sucked the life out of that whole place in my eyes.

It has seem to have gotten slightly better since he has been off air but he did his damage and I think sadley enough, TNA went from being edgey competition for WWE that could have sparked a 2nd Mon-Nite Wars too midget wrestling or any other terrible show endorsed by Hogan.

I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree with you.
first the 6 sided ring. that HAD to go. that was garbage. that was a circus, not professional wrestling. professional wrestling should always be done in a 4 sided ring, especially when you have wrestlers changing companies from being used to wrestling in a normal 4 sided ring. you don't want to be different just for the sake of being different. that would be like a football league called the XFL trying to compete with the NFL.
did you happen to see the thread on WHY Hogan didn't want Roode to win the title at BFG? if Roode had won as a face, which heels would he have feuded with? Bully? Angle? and? things turned out for the better with Roode winning the title by turning heel himself.
I guarantee you there are a lot of general viewers out there that enjoy seeing old names like Flair, Steiner, ect. old recognizable names that help on a TV show. when you are putting on a TV show you NEED names. I don't think the names have been used as well as they should have been though.
Jeff Hardy has had his personal problems, but he is still one of the top performers that many fans enjoy to watch. that's the number 1 priority.

I don't think there is any connection to the product getting better since Hogan has been off TV. TNA pushed guys like Roode/Storm but they could have been pushed even if Hogan remained around after his face turn at BFG.

how much control does Hogan have anyway? the product has gotten better, but how much of that can be credit to new writer Bruce Pritchard?

I don't blame Hogan or anyone for the Immortal angle. they used an angle similar to nWo which was what made WCW better than WWE at the time.
The problem with all of this is that TNA is not keeping the viewers that Hogan draws. That's because Hogan goes to work for himself. Fuck read his tweets. He doesn't give a shit about TNA.

The money spent on his geriatric ass could be better spent elsewhere.

I wouldn't say Hogan kills ratings but he doesn't help because those viewers don't stay with TNA.

And the problem with all of this is that it's unequivocally irrelevant to the topic at hand. The question was not whether or not Hulk Hogan (or anyone in TNA) is capable of expanding their market. The question was whether or not Hulk Hogan, specifically, "kills" ratings, which SD thoroughly debunked (with a dash of pwnage).

Hogan does not kill ratings. Period. It's undeniable. We're talking fact here, not opinion. A single segment is not a large enough sample size to base something like this on. As I said earlier, if the OP was basing this off consistent reports where Hogan's segments tanked, he'd have a point.
Funny you posted this considering not only is Hogan one of my all-time LEAST favorite wrestlers(only one i can't stand more than him[who was actually a wrestler and not comedy relief] is Bob Backlund!!! Annoying & Boring Cooke!!!

Anyways.... but Prior to his TNA arrival, around the time Angle jumped ship to TNA I became a big TNA fan. Always loved Kurt Angle, they had great young talent, I thought that the six sided ring was AWESOME! and in an era where WWE was becoming very PG TNA offered that more edgy and physical wrestling any 90's guy like me loves from the attitude era. I bought shirts, dvd's, hell I even sat almost front row at BFG cause I had never been to a live TNA event. In a nut shell, I had basically become almost a bigger TNA fan for awhile. And one thing killed it ALL for me!!! HULK HOGAN!!!

The second I saw he had joined up with TNA it went all down the toilet from there. I knew when I heard he had been given the "golden key" to the place it would kill TNA.....and I WAS RIGHT! No more 6-sided ring!!! They turn Angle from there Biggest star into a jobber and give him ridiclous story lines like the Jarrett-Angle thing. They mis-use the good young talent(remember when Hogan said Bobby Roode wasn't ready to be champ? I DO!) and throw crap down our throats like Crimson(Red hair, was pushed way too fast? ring a bell?) and worst of all they thought it would help them so they trusted him and brought back all these old talent that no one cared about(Flair, Foley, Bischoff, etc.). Since that time Sting also had his worst gimmick possibly to date and everything that the Hardy Boyz have gone through since being there is just sad. Hogan just sucked the life out of that whole place in my eyes.

It has seem to have gotten slightly better since he has been off air but he did his damage and I think sadley enough, TNA went from being edgey competition for WWE that could have sparked a 2nd Mon-Nite Wars too midget wrestling or any other terrible show endorsed by Hogan.
Everything about your comments proves you know nothing!

If you really believe that TNA was in position to compete with the WWE head to head before Hogan's arrival, then you truly are just plain ignorant of everything, and are barely worth the time I spent replying to you!!!!
The overall product has improved over this period of time and it is just coincidental.
If Hogan was advertised for next weeks Impact I am almost certain that the ratings would improve slightly.
Hogan is no Ratings killer as long as he keeps it Brief.
I dont think it is just Hogan. I think its alot of things from creative to certain talent. I mean before this current tag team run it was like everyone forgot about Samoa Joe. Sting. I mean I love the guy but let it go. I would much rather sting pull off the old sting and retire, why the joker, not sayin its a bad gimmick, but it was stolen from someone else. They they have Poppa Pump and Flair. Enough already. Erick Bishof, well he knows how to spend more then what he brings in remember that one compnay that was doing awsome then all of a sudden Vince "bought it".

All I am sayin is Hogan didnt really hurt it himself. He was to Big for TNA. It like Pipper or Jake the Snake going to a Inday show or a High school show. Yea where all going to cheer but who the fuck really knows about it that werent there in the seats. You ever hear of the saying "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around does it make a sound". well thats what Hogans impact was.

For those that say it is Hogans fault and he cant draw. If he was to appear on Raw and confront someone or do a promo, people would watch.
Because no one wants to see a wrestler a lot of people grew up loving throw his legacy down the toilet by not leaving when he should. It's just that I'm just sick of Hulk Hogan now and he keeps on talking about how he wants to save TNA the only way he will ever do that is by not appearing on television
Well, in all fairness, it's not entirely Hogan's fault. The segment in and of itself centered around a storyline that a lot of people just simply don't give a crap about. The stuff with Bischoff & his brat isn't the most exactly the most titilating thing going on right now. Garret Bischoff is getting a big push without the talent to justify the push and some fans do feel that it's just being shoved down their throats. All in all, with Hogan back in the picture, it's probably going to wind up being drawn out even more and could culminate with some sort of tag team match.

At the same time, however, Hogan is no longer a relevant factor when it comes to TNA's ratings. For the most part, Hogan just simply isn't a draw and hasn't been a draw for TNA for almost the entire 2 years he's been associated with the company. TNA has been doing slightly better numbers for a little while due in large part to TNA putting out an overall much better product than they have in a very, very long time. Hogan's presence on the show last Thursday didn't lead to even a slight increase in IW's overall numbers. His segment was the second lowest rated on the show if I remember correctly.

I wouldn't say that Hogan is a ratings killer exactly. After all, fans didn't flee in massive droves like rats off a sinking ship during the segment. But, he's not drawing them either.
When IW came to Wembley Arena, I was thinking "nice, looks like the biggest attendance theyve ever had"

But then Hogan comes on screen backstage saying TNA is going to be great, TNA is going up & up, and Garrett is the future of this company.

And I thought to myself "BOLLOCKS", youve been saying that since you came in, and fuck all has happened.

If Vince rang Hogan and offered him one more big payday, HH would be off like a shot, and would say "BYE, BYE TNA"

Maybe over here in England, TNA is beating WWE in the ratings, but to do it in the US need a helluva lot of work & money and I dont think Daddy Carter is gonna invest so much in such a lost cause.

TNA is good, but not as good as Dixie & Hogan think, no matter how much $ they throw at it.
TNA wasn't pulling in 1.3's on a regular basis. Also we can't look at the ratings with the 1.15 type of numbers. You have to look at how many people watched.

1.6 million could tune in one week and you can get a 1.1.8 and the next week the same amount of people can tune in and you can get a 1.14. Look at the average viewership and not the number.

TNA was pulling 1.3s on a regular basis in 2009.

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