Hogan Bashing....


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, not sure if this has been done before so I apologize if so.

Everyday I see a post bashing this man for any and everything. The biggest one I would say is either "hogan killed WCW," or "WCW died because of hogans ego/creative control." I have always questioned this, especially all te people who talk about his creative control. Why is it that the IWC always acts as though Hogan was the first/only person in wrestling to use "creative control"? While it might not have actually been in a contract, even though according to dusty this was happening in WCW when he was the Booker before hogan ever got there, it most certainly happened before, I would say since wrestling started. People who think ric flair/dusty/Bruno/superstar/backlund/really EVERY wrestler ever pushed as "the guy" for a promotion past and present doesn't have a say in what happens withtheir career you are either ******ed or living in fantasy land. I never have understood why hogan is the only one constantly bashed for this, I'm sure some people will get on here and call me a hogan mark, and take the time to bash the man, but really I'm not a hogan mark, I'm a realist, I can sit back and say"yeah he used creative control, but so has every other top guy, it's a part of the business." I can accept this, as it seems can everyone else when it comes to everyone BUT hogan.

My question is, why do you think it's like this? My only thought is when you're THE GUY, the biggest name ever, you're going to get ALOT of Haters/bashers. Why do sooo many of the IWC spew negative crap at him for what SOOOO many others also do? Are all of these people simply Haters, or do they/you really think he is the only wrestler to use creative control? And please save the trollish remarks/ pointless bashing. Take that to a hogan bashing thread and don't fill mine with troll bullshit. People who don't agree and can be civil and bring up good points without trolling stupid ass remarks, feel free to also respond.
I like Hulk Hogan the on-screen character. I give him credit for being the biggest star the industry has ever produced, he was the image which spearheaded Wrestlemania hes had countless famous moments which are still replayed today, he is the guy that made WCW such a force in the nineties, it was his heel turn that made the nWo which created such a furoa around the company. I even respect the character now, I think he's doing a good on-screen role in TNA, I don't mind him when he is in a position of authority and I still respect the guy for being driven to perform even today, at his age and in his condition.

But Terry Bollea the man seems to be one of the biggest douchebags you could ever see, or have the misfortune to meet. I am yet to read an autobiography of a wrestler who didn't at one time have a personal gripe with Hulk Hogan over something Hogan said or did. Hogan not acknowleding Mick Foley, he didn't want Chris Jericho involved in WCW Main Events, he didn't want to lose to Flair and even refused to for that matter, as well as refusing to lose to someone else before that. They built this thing with Sting and Hogan forever, only for Hogan to win at Starrcade which defeated the purpose of the entire thing.

Not to mention what we don't have full proof on, but are heavy rumors about his drug dependancy, about his shady dealings at times and how he relentlessly did whatever it took to stay on the top of the professional wrestling industry behind-the-scenes. Hogan the character is a legend, people will always remember Hogan as the guy that revolutionized the business with Vince McMahon, but Terry Bollea the man is a grade "A" ten carrot ******** it seems.
Actually as someone who has a buddy who's little brother had a wish from make a wish and wanted to meet him. Mind you my buddy hated, and I mean HATED terry bolea from everything he had read about him. Well after meeting the man, seeing how he treated his younger brother, and getting to actually talk to him for quite some time and "get to know" him, he now repeats the man Terry bollea, and has nothing but goo things to say about him. As for the foley comment you made, I have all of foleys books, and he doesn't once talk bad about hogan, or say hogan treated him bad or whatever you said, actually I've only heard foley say good things about hogan, and says hogan has always talked highly of him From what others have said to foley.

That's another misconception the IWC always has, that "Terry Bollea the man is a piece of shit/******** yada yada yada" that isn't Terry Bollea the man, that's business, the IWC never seems to be able to tell the difference between business and personal. When it comes to work/business, Terry Bollea is a cutthroat take no prisoners get all I can get type guy, but what person isn't like that in the entertainment industry? Heck in ANY profession for that matter? We are all lie this with work, if u can get a promotion and get more money, you're going to. Hence the phrase "nothing personal, it's just business."

From everything I've seen/heard, away from work/business, in his everyday personal life, Terry Bollea is a good man, yea I'm sure he has his vices: drugs & such, but what person doesn't? what you're referring to isn't actually Terry the man personally, it's Terry the businessman.
Personally I think the reason people don't like Hogan is because of the way he's been acting over the last seven years or so. Him going to TNA is really what killed any reputation he had left with World Wrestling Entertainment and it's fans.
Personally I think the reason people don't like Hogan is because of the way he's been acting over the last seven years or so. Him going to TNA is really what killed any reputation he had left with World Wrestling Entertainment and it's fans.

From what I've seen it seems like the Hogan Bashing started mostly as a fad, from back when people started teasing him as though he was feeling up Brooke, and then again when his son was in jail. After that it just sort of snowballed. I never heard anyone with a bad thing to say about the man until then. After that, everyone and their mother acts as if he's the biggest douche in the world.

Think of it this way. How bad do you think it'd be for John Cena if he were to lose his temper at a house show or something and get in some small kids face and yell at them and make them cry? Just think about it for a minute. And John Cena isn't even popular with the IWC, already, yet every one even the worst of the haters will stand up for Cena saying he's a great person, role model, and humanitarian. Take that away from him and just imagine what'd happen to him.

In Hogan's case he was the hero everyone loved, until someone finally found some things to attack him for in his personal life. After that happened, it seems like he has very few fans anymore.
Personally I think the reason people don't like Hogan is because of the way he's been acting over the last seven years or so. Him going to TNA is really what killed any reputation he had left with World Wrestling Entertainment and it's fans.

I am sure when Hogan left the WWF to perform for the New Japan Pro Wrestling the fans went sour then. And when he left NJPW to work matches for AWA the NJPW loyalist were in total distraught after he betrayed another wrestling organaztion. And when he left the AWA to come back to the WWF to begin the rise of Hulkamania, then once again, leave the WWF to go back to NJPW then to WCW.

Wrestling was different back in Hogans generation. There was a ton of promotions that were offering the same product. And back then, promotions didn't contracted their wrestlers. So wrestlers could have been booked from all over the world and then work a match in a different promotion. When the WWF and WCW begin taking in and signing big named wrestlers to big money contracts. Then the fan loyalty began.

No one was really upset at Hogan for working in different businesses. The main reason why people hate Hogan because of his giant ego. Hogan had to constantly feed his ego by stepping up and over other wrestlers. He had to be the star, he had to be the guy. And if he were ever booked to job to anyone he didn't like, he would air his dirty laundry and often threaten to no-show if he wasn't booked to win the match.

Back in 2005 at Summerslam Hulk Hogan returned for one more match against Shawn Michaels. Now both are legends in the Wrestling business but Hogan was already retired, he was going to work one last match and thats it. Shawn Michaels as we all know contined to work for the WWE for 5 more years before retiring. So when the Hulkster demanded to go over Shawn Michaels at Summerslam the IWC hate began to grow there.
The overwhelming Hogan bashing occurs because most members of the IWC are gullible, stupid and outright ignorant *****. Sorry for the choice of language but there is no better way to describe them. Plus it’s fun to always be part of a crowd that hates on a marquee star. Not that my two cents is going to matter to the haters because most people already have their minds made up about Hogan but fuck it I am going to speak my piece on things and defend The Hulkster. Over the years, I won't lie there are some things I have been frustrated with in the way of Hulk Hogan. I loathed his crossing over into other entertainment ventures like movies. However, looking at that now as an adult it was a temporary and marginal success, at that time no wrestler could say they had three starring roles in theatrically released films, say what you want about the quality of films like No Holds Barred, Mr. Nanny and Suburban Commando but the movies fared well enough to be shown in theaters and Hogan had some success in that avenue. I can’t say the same for his direct to home video affairs, but hell Steve Austin has done the same thing and on one criticizes his movies to the same degree. To boot he only had one theatrical release with The Condemned and since then all his movies have been home video releases only.

But getting back on target, Hogan as a wrestling superstar is why I was a fan of his and always will be. Side projects like Hogan Knows Best, American Gladiators and Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling are other ventures I care not to discuss much about because quite frankly I was not endeared to that aspect of Hulk Hogan’s celebrity. However from a personal standpoint, he’d have been foolish to not at least try these non-wrestling performance ventures due to his age and current health. If any one of us were in his shoes we’d be goddamned liars to say we wouldn’t do the same.

As far as his profile in the business goes, yes I am sure there have been several occasions where Hogan's star power has gotten in the way of what could have been some better scenarios booking wise, again I can't say that with utmost confidence but it's probably true. (i.e. WrestleMania IX might have been best avoided, but there was still a payoff and Bret Hart redeemed himself the next year, no one got buried like most fans like to think) and I also think that Hogan losing to Macho Man via pinfall would have been a great match to see, that's one booking move that never sat well with me and this was even in the pre-internet days that I got that upset when I saw Macho Man come up short against The Hulkster. Then again I also had to deal with The Rock having to wait like five years in the story lines to get a legit one on one pinfall win against Steve Austin. Most reasons people criticize Hogan is by ill-informed means, they buy into every backstage rumor they hear (although they themselves are not privy to such occurrences) and they also use his personal controversies as a means to deride Hogan as well. And yes even I'll concede he has had plenty of them...period.

However many other public figures in the wrestling business have had their share of controversies that could even far exceed the disgust of Hulk Hogan's actions and for some reason I don't hear as much vitriol from the fans as I do with something Hogan had said or done. Take for instance Steve Austin's domestic violence charges, on more than one occasion and with more than one woman Austin has gone to court and has been formally CHARGED and even sentenced for at least one of those occurrences and that was against Debra his ex wife, subsequently Austin served probation for that instance and yet people will gloss over that detail if you were to compare the personal lives of both Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin. Also since people do want to use the backstage rumor mill as a means to criticize Hogan let's also discuss the rumors about Steve Austin's outbursts, on two occasions he supposedly walked out on WWF/E over creative differences, one of those included a booking idea for a supposed loss against Brock Lesnar on RAW and Austin was adamant about this being too much too soon for Lesnar, which in retrospect and hindsight was indeed true but Hulk Hogan had no problem losing to Brock Lesnar. If we remember correctly, Austin's star was nowhere near its same level by 2002, the guy had debilitating injuries one which left him on the shelf for almost a year. It's true that he was still a hot commodity in WWF/E, however I personally don't think a loss against Lesnar would have been beneath him at that time in WWE, it's just too bad Lesnar did not pan out in the long run.

I also wonder what people would say if it was Hulk Hogan that was in Ric Flair’s position circa 1991 when Flair took the Big Gold Belt to the WWF when he left WCW. Most people I can guarantee you would talk about how selfish and egotistical of a prick Hulk Hogan would be if he committed the same act. I mean look at one of Mark Madden’s recent articles detailing the financial woes of Ric Flair, had that been Hulk Hogan you’d have had an incessant bitch session filled blog on Mr. Madden’s part and sadly enough most IWC sheep would follow that article verbatim, even people who aren’t Madden fans but blind Hogan haters would just buy into the hype because of their existing hatred for Hogan. Again, I will admit Mark Madden has a better idea of who Hogan was like behind the scenes than any of us on here, but that doesn’t mean he’s no less capable of playing the double standard like the IWC sheep do here on a constant basis.

Sadly enough there’s that contingent of marks out there that would also consider Chris Benoit (You know the same Chris Benoit who spent a whole weekend killing his family and then himself) a better person than Hulk Hogan and trust me I have heard that nonsense before, I wish I was kidding. I read the Shawn Michaels rumors too about SummerSlam 2005, I personally don’t know how much truth there is to the whole controversy and backstage arguing over how that angle was going to be booked. Personally speaking WWE DVDs and books are no better a source for the truth than Wikipedia is. You have to take it with a grain of salt especially in today’s wrestling era where reality and fantasy no longer have a definitive line anymore. Therefore I don’t put much stock into what is being said in these things, I take them on entertainment value and not educational merit. Also isn’t this the same Shawn Michaels “who lost his smile” and who most of his title reigns have ended via vacancy in the storylines? Again not to say I don’t like Shawn Michaels but there are several occasions where there have been rumors that the Shawn Michaels character was kept intact at the expense of other performers, let’s not kid ourselves there. Again if we are going to hold Hogan’s rumors against him why does Shawn Michaels get a free pass? He shouldn’t if we are going to play this game.

But again this isn’t to discredit that there are some unpleasant things about Hulk Hogan or better yet Terry Bollea the man that plays the character of Hulk Hogan. But to be fair who in this world doesn’t have their shortcomings or flaws? Simple answer....nobody. I have indeed met Terry/Hulk myself and I can say it was a great experience, it’s possible that maybe I caught him on a good day, but on that good day I can say he treated every fan with respect and even went above and beyond his advertised time (this was at a TNA house show in Upstate New York), I personally can tell you that Hogan was so loyal to his fans that night that one couple whose camera battery had died almost didn’t get their picture taken with the Hulkster. I however saw them within eyesight and before they left I asked the Hulkster to call out to them and get back over to take the pic since my camera was in working order. Hogan did indeed do what I asked and those fans went home happy people. Again I know there was incentive for Hogan he’s being paid to do what he does so it’s not like there isn’t something in this for him. However, there was nothing obligating him to call those fans back over but he did so anyway, he even took multiple photo-ops with me and even accepted a custom made action figure an acquaintance of mine crafted. He was even hesitant to accept it because he didn’t want me to lose something I valued so greatly but he took it just the same and was legitimately flattered by the gesture. He even posted a twitvid about it. Which I will provide at the end of my post. To me that says a lot about how the guy feels about his fans.

I understand that a lot of bad stuff has come to light about the guy. The accusations from his wife about spousal abuse (again who knows but as far as I am concerned speculation and nothing more), the John Graziano tragedy (again as a Marine he should have known better, but that’s another story for another day) and I have to accept that not everyone is going to like the guy. Despite the fact he is the icon of professional wrestling and one of its most influential figures doesn’t equate to universal acceptance or love on the part of all wrestling fans. However if you are going to dislike Hulk Hogan why not have it be based more on the fact of not being in favor of his wrestling character? Isn’t that the way it really should be? Because think of it, if we were to sit down here and judge the quality of these professional wrestlers on their personal character we’d be hard pressed to find a favorable ratio of quality people to unsavory people, it’d be damned impossible.

There are wrestlers that have made worse choices in their lives, not to say those people are bad per se or that I didn’t like them but wrestlers but Hennig, Guerrero and Pillman all made horrible choices that cut their lives short. There have also been outright unsavory people like The Dynamite Kid and Iron Sheik. If the rumors are true about those two then again these should be two people catching unlimited reams of hatred from the self righteous part of the IWC. In his book, Tito Santana claimed that because of Sheik’s history with the law and substance use he was known to plant drugs on his traveling buddies because of how often he’d be searched at airpots for narcotics. It’s also been said that Dynamite Kid used to put an unloaded shotgun under his wife’s chin and dry fire it and to boot he supposedly said that “one day it will be loaded”. Since some IWC sheep love to believe rumors as outright truth shouldn’t that be enough to make most people cry foul about these two individuals? I mean in my honest opinion
these two don’t even catch a fraction of the universal hatred I seem to read Hogan getting. I mean again it all depends on where on the net you venture to but on WrestleZone.com it’s very apparent that there’s a lot of animus towards Hogan. Before anyone jumps the gun though that’s not to say every user on here hates Hogan, but a good amount do, let’s face it.

Believe it or not if you don’t like Hulk Hogan that’s all well and good I honestly can accept that and even debate with some users on here about the topic. Some people didn’t like his wrestling style, some people thought he was overrated and some just don’t like the character, period. That’s fine, but when one’s judgment of him is clouded by rumor and hatred then in my opinion such people have no leg to stand on in a discussion related to Hulk Hogan. Because it’s obvious that those that think that way can’t put aside their personal bias and acknowledge Hogan’s impact in wrestling to have a productive discussion. The blind hatred that I read from most users on this forum only motivates me to be as belligerent as they are. If you are going to be someone that comes on this forum to troll or say some very hateful things about ANY wrestler you have a flaming come to you. Again I am not the nicest poster on here and have never claimed to be but I can with all confidence and honesty proclaim that I have never gone to the lengths to bash wrestling characters that I don’t like to the point that many users here have.

Took me long enough to explain but that’s why I think so many people love to hate on Hulk Hogan.

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