

Getting Noticed By Management
A former friend of mine, a girl, is going out with a 21 year old. And nobody seems to think this is strange. She's 14.

Does this seem wrong to anyone else?
That's a big old definite yes. If some dude that was 21 was dating my cousin, who is actually 15, about to be 16, I'd SAMCRO their ass.
I figured, but I just am amazed that nobody thinks it's weird, and is just like "AWE CUTI3333SSS!!!!1".
There's a girl in my class who is 15 and is dating a sophomore in college. Nobody even cares, but I think it's a little weird, ok a lot weird
I'm pretty sure that girls parents would care. Unless this dude is either the next Barney Stinson or is a role model citizen or something. Or they could be ******ed.
IF you want to be a little proactive, without just completely narcing to parents etc., drop questions like "Are you his first serious girlfriend, or has he dated girls his own age?" "

Or just be a total ass, with questions like "So, is there good candy in his van?" "Is he saving up for the child molester mustache or what?" "Is he tricking you out yet, or is he still bullshitting you?"

Go a little highbrow with "Did he show you his Roman Polanski DVD box set?" (Big Hollywood director, living in France since the '70s after he drugged, ate out, fucked and assfucked a 14 year old girl.)
IF you want to be a little proactive, without just completely narcing to parents etc., drop questions like "Are you his first serious girlfriend, or has he dated girls his own age?" "

Or just be a total ass, with questions like "So, is there good candy in his van?" "Is he saving up for the child molester mustache or what?" "Is he tricking you out yet, or is he still bullshitting you?"

Go a little highbrow with "Did he show you his Roman Polanski DVD box set?" (Big Hollywood director, living in France since the '70s after he drugged, ate out, fucked and assfucked a 14 year old girl.)

Haha perfect
IF you want to be a little proactive, without just completely narcing to parents etc., drop questions like "Are you his first serious girlfriend, or has he dated girls his own age?" "

Or just be a total ass, with questions like "So, is there good candy in his van?" "Is he saving up for the child molester mustache or what?" "Is he tricking you out yet, or is he still bullshitting you?"

Go a little highbrow with "Did he show you his Roman Polanski DVD box set?" (Big Hollywood director, living in France since the '70s after he drugged, ate out, fucked and assfucked a 14 year old girl.)

I like option 2. With option 1 you'll come across as more sincere, but it could potentially be too late for your friend by the time she realizes. 3 actually just made me a little nauseous.
I've never known or been close to someone in this kind of situation.

I would do my damnedest to stop it though.

Call some parents or the police. Whatever works......

I just can't stand this kind of shit.
I think calling the cops might be a bit extreme.. For all we know he really likes this girl.. Maybe he doesn't "peer" pressure her into sexual relations. I do think it's pretty lame he can't find a girl more suitable his own age. Then again we're probably right in assuming the worst. 14-21 is a pretty serious age gap. If he were 34 and she were 28 that might be one thing.
The rule is 10% of your age, boys and girls. That's the acceptable gap range.

Yes, this means that there are relationships that are okay for the older party but not the younger party. Those are the borderline cases.

For 21, that means no younger than, er, 21.0-2.1, 18.9 years old. So 18 with a birthday real soon.

For 14, 14 + 1.4 = 15.4 Fifteen and a half.
The rule is 10% of your age, boys and girls. That's the acceptable gap range.

Yes, this means that there are relationships that are okay for the older party but not the younger party. Those are the borderline cases.

For 21, that means no younger than, er, 21.0-2.1, 18.9 years old. So 18 with a birthday real soon.

For 14, 14 + 1.4 = 15.4 Fifteen and a half.

Personally, my rule of thumb is if you're in high school, you date high schoolers, as long as they're in high school it doesn't matter what grade they're in. College is a little bit different, if you're a freshman in college you can dip into the senior in high school pool, maybe even a junior, but that's about as far as I'd let it go. I'm dating a girl that's 3 years younger than me, but if I had dated her when I was 19 or 20 I'm pretty confident I would've gotten someone completely different and immature.
The rule is 10% of your age, boys and girls. That's the acceptable gap range.

Yes, this means that there are relationships that are okay for the older party but not the younger party. Those are the borderline cases.

For 21, that means no younger than, er, 21.0-2.1, 18.9 years old. So 18 with a birthday real soon.

For 14, 14 + 1.4 = 15.4 Fifteen and a half.

That may work in high school, but not once you hit the legal drinking age.

I'm 25, and you're saying I should only date 22.5-27.5

My girlfriend just turned 21 a few months ago.
If your friend is dating a 21 year-old and she's only 14, then there's probably nothing you can do about it, save for talking to her parents. She'll either be robbing/killing soon or she'll see this as a huge mistake a few years down the road. Either way, if you want to get with her, I don't see it happening. Maybe when you're both adults, but not right now; it's obvious that she's looking for something completely different. Fortunately for you, there are probably plenty of other girls that are your age that are nowhere near as delusional and that are just as hot...go for them.
τδιγλε;1517297 said:
If your friend is dating a 21 year-old and she's only 14, then there's probably nothing you can do about it, save for talking to her parents. She'll either be robbing/killing soon or she'll see this as a huge mistake a few years down the road. Either way, if you want to get with her, I don't see it happening. Maybe when you're both adults, but not right now; it's obvious that she's looking for something completely different. Fortunately for you, there are probably plenty of other girls that are your age that are nowhere near as delusional and that are just as hot...go for them.


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