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Hitler's Influence on The World


Has Returned.
We all know that Hitler will most likely be remembered by the fact that he was behind World War 2, and the killings of millions of jews and other people of different ethnicities.

However, which some might know, and some might not. Hitler had an influence on a lot of good things for Germany, hell even the world. It's being discussed right now in a Cage thread made by Doc.

Hitler influenced Germany in reforming what was once a great country, he brought back wealth to Germany, as well as united the nation as the true strong nation it once was back in the days before, hell during World War 1.

I would also like to believe, personally that Hitler influenced the formation of NATO and EU. Without the actions of Hitler, we wouldn't have realized the need to stand united, a thing that EU as well as NATO has helped to do very well.

So really what I want to ask is: Is Hitler worth remembering for what he did for Germany as a nation, and the world as a whole, in a good manner. And not in the way that he impacted the world with another world war, and horrible acts against human beings.

**NOTE** I would appreciate that this is not going to turn into a thread about Hitlers bad influences on the world, but to keep it about Hitlers good influences on the world
I liked Hitler cause he was a great but under appreciated artist.
He did a lot of beautiful landscapes.
All his heart couldn't have been evil if he could reproduce such beautiful art work
People look at me as if I freak'n crazy when I saw that but I really do believe it...
There has to be something in that heart of his to produce beautiful art work like he did

SOrry I forgot about the main point here.
I think no matter who you were or what you did you should always be remembered for the good you brought to the world and not just the ugly...
Everyone should be remembered for ALL they have done I think.
I don't care what people think I sound like. Yeah he killed millions of people, well there's people out there that have never killed anyone and who never brought anything good to the table...
and there's Hitler who did a lot of good, and a whole lot of bad
I dont think he should be remembered for being the inspiration for organizations like NATO, it was founded because of what he did. That sort of ends up being like thanking the kidnapper that inspired the Amber Alert.

As far as what he did for Germany, it cant really be denied that he rebuilt the country, but at the same time, not many today could look past his actions. To be honest, thats kind of unfortunate, because he did do some good, but when you weigh the good vs the bad, it just doesnt even up.
However misguided or just plain mad Adolf's belief system operated - he really did love his people, even if this was limited to his perfect arian race. The biggest proof of this and probably his most famous positive contribution to the world was the VW Beetle (although critics of the Herbie films might argue the positives of a possessed car:lmao:) - a mass produced economy car for the people.
The simple answer is no, Hitler should only be remembered for his plunging of the world into the most devastating conflict it has ever seen and not for any good he did for Germany.

Any positives he had for Germany as a nation were either merely implementing the financial policies of men like Gustav Stresemann and waiting out the fall out from the Wall Street Crash. Talk of him lowering unemployment is to believe the smoke and mirrors of Nazi propaganda for most of those men were put to work in labour camps and illegal military rearmament to be struck off the unemployment lists. And even if you see these as good things, by plunging his adopted country into war, he left it in a far worse state.

As for the formation of NATO and the EU, these cannot be seen as the result of any positives from Hitler's reign. Europe and the world was already moving towards such confederations as the League of Nations had been around since the end of the First World War.

Yes, Hitler forced nations to work together but with the exception of the involvement of the USSR, which of the major allies were not already allies? The British Empire, France and the USA had a long standing partnership while Nationalist China had been at war with Imperial Japan since 1937 and Japan was already formulating plans to deal with what they saw as too much western influence in the Far East.

The Second World War is the most important event to happen in modern times but any positives that came out of it were in reaction to the negatives of Hitler and his allies and they deserve no credit.
Many people are saying that we should look past the actions of what Chris Benoit did in his last day of life and look at all the good he did in wrestling

Well...Look past the evil Hitler has done and look at the good, it's not any different at all

A life is a life....Three lives or a million....taking one life is just as evil as taking a couple million when you get down to it cause we as human beings don't have the right to take another life...

So in a way Chris was just as evil as Hitler and many of us forgave him
Барбоса;2321282 said:
The Second World War is the most important event to happen in modern times but any positives that came out of it were in reaction to the negatives of Hitler and his allies and they deserve no credit.

The bad parts may very well overshadow the good parts that Hitler did. However you can't possibly tell me he deserves no credit for any of the things he did? He did after all practically rebuild the glory of a broken down country. He may Germany a worthwhile country again, a country to respect. And most importantly, he made it a country with a force to be reckoned with.

We can't deny that Germany has always been a big big country when it came to warfare, and they were all the way up till World War 1 where they were broken down and put boundaries upon their armies. Hitler broke the boundaries, boundaries that were never implemented once again, and once again Germany is a force to be reckoned with, a force worth allying yourself with. And Hitler is to thank.
Barbosa hit the nail right on te head, really. Everything Hitler did, really, comes off the fact that he united Germany, merely because The Weimar Republic was the failure it was. Under the Weimar Republic, Germany faced it's most destitute of situations, surely not helped by being forced to pay for the reparations to a war in which was ill founded, way back in 1914. Hell, if you really consider matters, Hitler was only able to rouse the need to unite in Germany, mostly only because of how unhappy the German public was with the old regime. Germany, even dating as far back as when Napoleon scrambled them to all Hell, was never really a united country. Any sense of unity that Germany forged was under Bismarck's watch, one in which was mired in attempts for Prussian Land. Simply put, Germany had learned to associate its nationalism with war, something in which Hitler was able to exploit for his own benefit. Otherwise, Hitler really didn't do nearly as much good as even some historians subscribe to.

I will say, however, that the Hitler-Jugend movement was brilliant, as it catered to the young, angry German public, and tried to instill that the 9-30 year old age group was his critical age for Germany to prosper. That said, Germany suffered more from the fact that no one was happy with the Weimar Republic, and anything else would have seemed like the second coming of Jesus. The Weimar Republic was a party in which the Nationalist and Socialists came together to unseat The Weimar Republic from power. Go ask X what a socialist is, FTS what a nationalist is, understand how absurd that sounds, and get back to me. Hitler's only good moves were preying off the feelings of angst in the world, and Germany's sense of nationalism, which was founded in gun powder and lead
Sorry, Ferbs for the direction that this is going to take but I feel obligated to somewhat derail your thread...

Many people are saying that we should look past the actions of what Chris Benoit did in his last day of life and look at all the good he did in wrestling

Well...Look past the evil Hitler has done and look at the good, it's not any different at all

A life is a life....Three lives or a million....taking one life is just as evil as taking a couple million when you get down to it cause we as human beings don't have the right to take another life...

So in a way Chris was just as evil as Hitler and many of us forgave him

This is utter garbage.

I know that this is a wrestling forum but how can you compare Chris Benoit, someone who gave joy to hundreds of thousands before a chemically induced mental disorder forced him over the edge, to Adolf Hitler, who was responsible directly and indirectly for the deaths of up 60 million people and perpetrated the greatest crime in human history?

Truly absurd.

This sounds dangerously close to the mantra of the "death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic."
Chris killed
Adolf killed

Same thing, it doesn't matter what the reason is, it still happened.
killing one life is not any less then killing as many as Adolf did cause a life is a life...
and they are both in the same place right now....

Chris did great things and there are great things Hitler as done

one that no one mentions is, Hitler gave us more years on this earth through taking away millions of a population.
Now if all those people would have kids and those kids would have kids by now we would have millions upon millions more people right now.

War, Plagues and geographic disasters are all apart of population control.
Now I'm sure that wasn't in his head, but still it did help.

There's just too many people here and the earth can't handle all that we are taking from it, Hitler just made a couple less million to worry about and who would never have an offspring who will never have an offspring.

People get way too easily offended while talking about Hitler.
Sometimes talk is just talk.
Many people are saying that we should look past the actions of what Chris Benoit did in his last day of life and look at all the good he did in wrestling

Well...Look past the evil Hitler has done and look at the good, it's not any different at all

A life is a life....Three lives or a million....taking one life is just as evil as taking a couple million when you get down to it cause we as human beings don't have the right to take another life...

So in a way Chris was just as evil as Hitler and many of us forgave him

I'm gonna have to agree with my Norn Iron mucker here - comparing someone who had 24 hours of madness with someone who had no conscience over genocide is, quite simply, morally wrong!
The bad overshadows the good when it comes to Hitler for obvious reasons, he was a tyrannical leader who controlled every aspect of his people's lives and caused the deaths of many people. That being said, it is possible that he did some good. Not much good, but a bit.

He inadvertently caused the creation of the EU and NATO, he rebuilt the German economy, he kept the country unified, and he expanded Germany's borders. He had a huge issue with him though, he was greedy and wanted to take over the world. He killed so many people senselessly, and didn't think about the consequences of any of his actions. He wrote, what is in his eyes an amazing masterpiece, Mein Kampf. He rebuilt the Nazi party and took over power all for himself. He also organized the "March on Berlin", he was later arrested for that... and that is when he wrote his book. He was a soldier in World War I and served his country, and that isn't bad either.

So yeah, Hitler didn't do all bad, but the bad far outweigh the good. There is a reason that he is remembered as one of the worst people in the world. His overall influence on the world was not good, it was bad. Everybody knows that.
So yeah, Hitler didn't do all bad, but the bad far outweigh the good. There is a reason that he is remembered as one of the worst people in the world. His overall influence on the world was not good, it was bad. Everybody knows that.

However, doesn't Hitler's bad actions continue to influence the world today? We know of the horrors that both nuclear weapons (introduced in World War 2) as well as the horrors of an actual world war with the powers that are available now.

The 1st world war was really nothing compared to World War 2, and we saw that, and our powers with weapons in any manner has vastly improved ever since, so we know that the vast improvement, can improve the vast destruction by a 3rd world war if made. That is a way that Hitler's bad actions influenced in a good way, is it not?

I would like to point out I'm not standing up as a Nazi and Hitler sympathizer, however I would say it is wrong to discredit anything at all of what Hitler truly accomplished, both through his good, as well as his bad actions.

Also, I know there's a wide way of talking about this subject, but I do recall that it focused on crediting him for the good things, and not whether the bad things overshadow the good.
The bad parts may very well overshadow the good parts that Hitler did. However you can't possibly tell me he deserves no credit for any of the things he did? He did after all practically rebuild the glory of a broken down country. He may Germany a worthwhile country again, a country to respect. And most importantly, he made it a country with a force to be reckoned with.

We can't deny that Germany has always been a big big country when it came to warfare, and they were all the way up till World War 1 where they were broken down and put boundaries upon their armies. Hitler broke the boundaries, boundaries that were never implemented once again, and once again Germany is a force to be reckoned with, a force worth allying yourself with. And Hitler is to thank.

As you say, Germany had always been an industrious country mainly due to is sheer size and population so once the world's stock exchange had righted itself after the Wall Street Crash, it was only a matter of time before Germany became prosperous again. Hitler had nothing to do with making it a worthwhile country again - it was simply part of the rollercoaster nature of global economics.

Hitler rode the coattails of those who had already put the German economy back on the right course in the pre-1929 glory days of the Weimar Republic, particularly the aforementioned Streseman. Once foreign businesses were happy to invest in the always profitable German industry, which had been strong even since the uniting of the country by Bismarck in 1870, the German economy recovered.

As Tenta said, Hitler preyed on the insecurities and almost institutionalised racism of the German people to turn Germany into the armed military camp of the Third Reich. He made the German people feel good about themselves by reminding them of their superiority complex while propaganda hid the fact that the country was as well off under Weimar as it was in 1933 under the Nazis.

The Germans Hitler put back to work were forcibly put in factories to make war machines or were being trained to use them by being enlisted in the army, navy or air force, all disallowed by the Treaty of Versailles. Any country could have accomplished this kind of "growth" as it is easier than trying to rebuild a more sustainable peace time state.

This was why Hitler almost needed to force a conflict over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia and was somewhat disappointed when Chamberlain caved in. He had an army that had nothing to do and little way to pay for itself other than military conquest. That is why the Nazis were so ruthless in their stripping of conquered territories and peoples of their resources. They were needed to fuel the Wehrmacht, not provide for the German people.
However, doesn't Hitler's bad actions continue to influence the world today? We know of the horrors that both nuclear weapons (introduced in World War 2) as well as the horrors of an actual world war with the powers that are available now.

The 1st world war was really nothing compared to World War 2, and we saw that, and our powers with weapons in any manner has vastly improved ever since, so we know that the vast improvement, can improve the vast destruction by a 3rd world war if made. That is a way that Hitler's bad actions influenced in a good way, is it not?

I would like to point out I'm not standing up as a Nazi and Hitler sympathizer, however I would say it is wrong to discredit anything at all of what Hitler truly accomplished, both through his good, as well as his bad actions.

Also, I know there's a wide way of talking about this subject, but I do recall that it focused on crediting him for the good things, and not whether the bad things overshadow the good.

Well the nuclear weapons were not made because of Hitler, they were made because of the insane Japanese who just would not give up. The Japanese thought it was better to fight until the death and to not give up then it would be to surrender. Nobody could compete with the Japanese on their islands, they new everything inside and out and their fighting style was different than anything that had ever been introduced.

Sure, Hitler led to the development of weapons, and yeah most of those weapons are what keep us safe nowadays, but that can be viewed as a good or bad thing. But since this thread is about the good I'll focus on the good. Hitler DID create some new technology, and he did make cheap cars... that are still driven today. That definitely made the world a better place, but the 2 good things I mentioned there are only a part of the few good things he did in all the madness he caused.
Барбоса;2321465 said:
As you say, Germany had always been an industrious country mainly due to is sheer size and population so once the world's stock exchange had righted itself after the Wall Street Crash, it was only a matter of time before Germany became prosperous again. Hitler had nothing to do with making it a worthwhile country again - it was simply part of the rollercoaster nature of global economics.

That might very well be true. But you can't discredit the fact that Hitler obviously brought some kind of balance to the country again. From my knowledge, the introduction of the Volkswagen did great for the economy as well as for the morality of Germany.

Hitler rode the coattails of those who had already put the German economy back on the right course in the pre-1929 glory days of the Weimar Republic, particularly the aforementioned Streseman. Once foreign businesses were happy to invest in the always profitable German industry, which had been strong even since the uniting of the country by Bismarck in 1870, the German economy recovered.

Yeah sure he rode the coattails and practically took advantage of what was right in front of him to size the day upon. However you can't discredit him for taking the opportunity, who knows where Germany could've been had it not been for Hitler taking the opportunity. From what I know, the only way he won the election back in 33, was to turn the country against the guys that were winning, like falsely accusing a Communist of burning down the Reichstag. A thing that leans to the bad side, but also a thing that caused him to take a seat at the top. Who knows what the Communists, or any other party would've done with the country.

As Tenta said, Hitler preyed on the insecurities and almost institutionalised racism of the German people to turn Germany into the armed military camp of the Third Reich. He made the German people feel good about themselves by reminding them of their superiority complex while propaganda hid the fact that the country was as well off under Weimar as it was in 1933 under the Nazis.

Well the racism upon the Jews were always a thing that had existed for years before Hitler took power. The Jews were living a damn fine life in a country that was practically suffering in one way or another. A large majority of the common German were suffering from being poor, yet the Jews were doing just fine. That's why the crystal night happened. And sure it happened in 1938, but the hatred was spewing before that I'm sure.

The Germans Hitler put back to work were forcibly put in factories to make war machines or were being trained to use them by being enlisted in the army, navy or air force, all disallowed by the Treaty of Versailles. Any country could have accomplished this kind of "growth" as it is easier than trying to rebuild a more sustainable peace time state.

Yeah a lot of people were forced into work. However don't you think that a large majority of them did it in some manner as a willing thing? Considering a large amount of the German population later on became soldiers, would you not have expected them to riot on Germany, and not to wage war upon the world, if they were unhappy?

This was why Hitler almost needed to force a conflict over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia and was somewhat disappointed when Chamberlain caved in. He had an army that had nothing to do and little way to pay for itself other than military conquest. That is why the Nazis were so ruthless in their stripping of conquered territories and peoples of their resources. They were needed to fuel the Wehrmacht, not provide for the German people.

Sure the army needed to be forged. However Germany had always been a country of major armies, one of the strongest nations to ever exist throughout history. They were powerful back when Rome were at it's peak, they were powerful when Denmark were cocky bastards of Scandinavia, and they were powerful in World War 1. Why would Hitler not want to restore the glory that identifies Germany? Their army.

Well the nuclear weapons were not made because of Hitler, they were made because of the insane Japanese who just would not give up. The Japanese thought it was better to fight until the death and to not give up then it would be to surrender. Nobody could compete with the Japanese on their islands, they new everything inside and out and their fighting style was different than anything that had ever been introduced.

I know the nuclear weapons weren't introduced in a manner to influence what Adolf did to the world. However it was introduced during a time where the world was at war. The United States needed a quick way to end the war before loosing more men to the Japanese who they had been struggling with, while struggling with the Germans as well. Hence the nuclear bomb, which was, if my memory serves right, created with the help of Einstein, a German.

Sure, Hitler led to the development of weapons, and yeah most of those weapons are what keep us safe nowadays, but that can be viewed as a good or bad thing. But since this thread is about the good I'll focus on the good. Hitler DID create some new technology, and he did make cheap cars... that are still driven today. That definitely made the world a better place, but the 2 good things I mentioned there are only a part of the few good things he did in all the madness he caused.

Yet from an overall perspective, and an everlasting perspective as well, the bad as well as the good things that Hitler managed to do to the world through the time on power, should that not count for something?
That might very well be true. But you can't discredit the fact that Hitler obviously brought some kind of balance to the country again. From my knowledge, the introduction of the Volkswagen did great for the economy as well as for the morality of Germany.

Yeah sure he rode the coattails and practically took advantage of what was right in front of him to size the day upon. However you can't discredit him for taking the opportunity, who knows where Germany could've been had it not been for Hitler taking the opportunity. From what I know, the only way he won the election back in 33, was to turn the country against the guys that were winning, like falsely accusing a Communist of burning down the Reichstag. A thing that leans to the bad side, but also a thing that caused him to take a seat at the top. Who knows what the Communists, or any other party would've done with the country.

Well the racism upon the Jews were always a thing that had existed for years before Hitler took power. The Jews were living a damn fine life in a country that was practically suffering in one way or another. A large majority of the common German were suffering from being poor, yet the Jews were doing just fine. That's why the crystal night happened. And sure it happened in 1938, but the hatred was spewing before that I'm sure.

Yeah a lot of people were forced into work. However don't you think that a large majority of them did it in some manner as a willing thing? Considering a large amount of the German population later on became soldiers, would you not have expected them to riot on Germany, and not to wage war upon the world, if they were unhappy?

Sure the army needed to be forged. However Germany had always been a country of major armies, one of the strongest nations to ever exist throughout history. They were powerful back when Rome were at it's peak, they were powerful when Denmark were cocky bastards of Scandinavia, and they were powerful in World War 1. Why would Hitler not want to restore the glory that identifies Germany? Their army.

I know the nuclear weapons weren't introduced in a manner to influence what Adolf did to the world. However it was introduced during a time where the world was at war. The United States needed a quick way to end the war before loosing more men to the Japanese who they had been struggling with, while struggling with the Germans as well. Hence the nuclear bomb, which was, if my memory serves right, created with the help of Einstein, a German.

Yet from an overall perspective, and an everlasting perspective as well, the bad as well as the good things that Hitler managed to do to the world through the time on power, should that not count for something?

Sure, the good he did should count for something, but so should the bad. You can't start a thread like this and not expect the bad to come out. Hitler was the most evil person of all time, his good deeds don't honestly come close to how much bad he did. The man is Satan himself, I honestly don't see how you can say he did quite as much good as you think.
I doubt Hitler was the most evil person of all time.
There are dictators who's punishments and torture far exceeds what Hitler has done...

most evil is an absolute and there are no absolutes
Sure, the good he did should count for something, but so should the bad. You can't start a thread like this and not expect the bad to come out. Hitler was the most evil person of all time, his good deeds don't honestly come close to how much bad he did. The man is Satan himself, I honestly don't see how you can say he did quite as much good as you think.

I'm not expecting there to not come bad things out. However are we not debating for the sake of debating? Someone's gotta take the other side mate.

Most evil person of all time might be stretching it Crock. Considering there's Nazis who have performed more horrible acts through the words of Hitler. He might not have had the saying in how people handled situations, hell he might not even have been the originator of the concentration camps. Much less the originator of what went on in there (Like you know with Josef Mangele).

And even if he were, I'm sure there's bound to be people in the world that have done much more horrific acts, or perpetrated more horrific acts. The Japanese people have been quite brutal through world history, as well as Stalin was quite a brutal bastard. Much less there's got to be tyrants that have done far worse for what was available during their time.
My ass it's stretching it to call him the most evil person of all time. He was and you damn well know it. Had he not been stopped he would have killed even more people and caused even more havoc. Fuck, he is the mastermind behind all those concentration camps, he's the one who caused the Holocaust, HE'S the one who gave orders to Mengele!! How can you say that the people he ordered around are as evil as he is!?
My ass it's stretching it to call him the most evil person of all time. He was and you damn well know it. Had he not been stopped he would have killed even more people and caused even more havoc. Fuck, he is the mastermind behind all those concentration camps, he's the one who caused the Holocaust, HE'S the one who gave orders to Mengele!! How can you say that the people he ordered around are as evil as he is!?

Because I truly don't believe that Hitler ever once told mengele to dissect twins for the sake of finding out how they worked for example. I do not believe that the man behind the order, truly displays the complete action taken by the tool. It's another thing about a man holding a gun for example, he decides to pull the trigger, how to kill, as well as to who.

Hitler might have given orders to millions of soldiers to attack the world, but does that not make the man with the weapon more horrific to do it without hesitation, to kill in any manner deemed necessary if it means survival?

Don't tell me that if you were sent to war, that you wouldn't stoop to a level of evil acts if it ment survival. Would that not make you an evil person all in all yourself? Would you not be the sick mind that just sliced a throat of someone when you could've shot them? Would you not be the mind that tortured and dissected people for the sake of learning about their weaknesses, as well as strengths? Even if your boss simply told you to imprison them to a certain degree.

There is absolutely nowhere that it openly states which one was the mastermind behind it all, and which one carried out what orders, to which aspect of the order, and extreme amounts.
My ass it's stretching it to call him the most evil person of all time. He was and you damn well know it. Had he not been stopped he would have killed even more people and caused even more havoc. Fuck, he is the mastermind behind all those concentration camps, he's the one who caused the Holocaust, HE'S the one who gave orders to Mengele!! How can you say that the people he ordered around are as evil as he is!?

So no other ruler or dictator in all of history in all of the world every came up with the concept of a concentration camp?

and once again there are no absolutes...
There's not one person who is the all knowing genius that everyone knows of, there is not one most strongest man in the world, there is not one most saint like angelic person of all time and there is not one person that stands as the most evil person of all time....

Most for one individual or group does not exist

I forgot to add:
Hitler may have made the camps more elaborate then anyone els did...but the concept of sending groups of people to a death/work till you drop camp is not too out there and I'm sure someone before him did it but not in the mass he's done it

You could say he seems extremely evil, or he is one of the more evil person we know but the most evil person ever? There isn't one
He is obviously the mastermind. The reason people followed his order was because they feared for their lives and their family's lives. He would kill them if they didn't obey. Hitler started it all, Hitler controlled it all, and that reason I say he is the most evil man in existence.

It's pretty simple. He did it all. Sure his loyal followers deserve a lot of the blame too, but you can't say they it's all equal. That's just asinine.
Taking credit for other people's work? Using arson to con the electorate? Attacking the Jews for being better with their money than the ordinary German? Forcing people into war-making industries and military service for the purpose of reclaiming the Germans traditional position as a military power through unprovoked attack?

These are not good things, Ferbs.
He is obviously the mastermind. The reason people followed his order was because they feared for their lives and their family's lives. He would kill them if they didn't obey. Hitler started it all, Hitler controlled it all, and that reason I say he is the most evil man in existence.

And you don't believe a good amount of them actually choose to follow Hitler because they saw sense in what he said? I admit I haven't watched many, if any of Hitler's speeches, and if I had, I wouldn't be able to understand half of it. But Hitler is credited as a damn fine talker, how is it that he couldn't possibly have turned them into believers of his cause? He wouldn't have been voted into power simply by use of manipulation on the whole country.

It's pretty simple. He did it all. Sure his loyal followers deserve a lot of the blame too, but you can't say they it's all equal. That's just asinine.

Of course not, but there's obviously people that are more evil. You cannot say that he is the mastermind behind it all, nor the mastermind behind every action.

Барбоса;2321666 said:
Taking credit for other people's work? Using arson to con the electorate? Attacking the Jews for being better with their money than the ordinary German? Forcing people into war-making industries and military service for the purpose of reclaiming the Germans traditional position as a military power through unprovoked attack?

These are not good things, Ferbs.

I know that very well. However you're simply pointing out the bad things. We've already realized that there are good things as well done by Hitler, as well as some of the bad things having influenced the future of the world in a good way. I know very well that the bad things will easily overshadow the good things. Going a bit off-topic, it's like TNA - Good material in there, but the majority is crap. But do we discredit every damn thing that TNA has doing on? No we don't, I sure don't. And that's why I don't see why we discredit Hitler primarily, and don't at least take one step to the side on occasions, and applaud some of the good things he did.

And no I'm not directly saying to applaud the guy, however I'm saying that at least we can give the guy a bit of honor for some of the things, and not associate him with all evil and bad.

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