

Gail Kim is one of the best female/lady/diva/knockout wrestler of this generation. She is a former WWE Womens Champion and the FIRST TNA Knockouts Champion. She is the only women in pro wrestling to hold these titles belts. My question is, will she also be the first to win those belts and the Divas belt and what will it do to her legacy? How will she be remembered?

Your thoughts.
She's going to have to re-establish herself before she can start adding to her legacy.

Does anyone know why she took such a long time off since quitting TNA? I've never seen such a long break between gigs and it seems that her momentum ground to a halt during the hiatus.

I was excited when it was first announced she was coming back to WWE but I must admit that after a while, I stopped waiting for her. Here's hoping Gail can get it all back.
Yeah, I agree with the above poster that she needs to reaffirm herself as a top star. My major problem with her return, is she returned to the wrong brand. She needs to be fueding with Beth, Mickie and Melina. Not the crapola that is on Smackdown.

Personally, I hope she gets drafted to RAW, or Mickie gets drafted to Smackdown, turns heel and wins the championship so she can fued with Kim. That'd be awesome.
If she does win the Diva's title, She will be the only diva in history to win all three, So she will be remembered in history. She may have Work hard to get the fan's to care for her again, With Gail being gone for so long(3 year's I think). I reckon she will do well upon her return, Aided with a push of course, As she was liked before she left for TNA.
If she can get over in WWE, and be successful like Melina, Glamazon, or McCool (and not seemingly fading in obscurity like Maria) then she will indeed hold a legacy. This is assuming they don't set her up to fail storyline-wise. Though since she's come out as a face performer that leaves some wiggle room in case she proves to be stale and they want to get a better reaction from the crowd and do the ol' heel switcharoo.
Well, Gail Kim did make a very good impression on her re-debut. She dominated a match that she wasn't even involved in. Gail wanted to show that she is a threat to the Diva's Championship, and she really convinced me. I hope that she can help build the diva's division on Smackdown, with feuds with Michelle McCool, Maryse, Maria, and anyone else who gets drafted to SD! After helping out the diva's division on SD!, she can go back to Raw and take the top spot that she was working on getting back in her first WWE stint. The only problem is, although she was improved greatly since her first WWE stint, I feel WWE will not utilize her to her full potential, and it might make people feel that she's a bit underrated.

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