His best match? pt 3

Find'er Woo'er Ryder

:( lost ma Mayhem Title
Today, I continue my "His Best Match" series by looking at one of the greats in the ring. Today is the future hall of famer, Shawn Michaels! Shawn has had many firsts in the WWE, including ladder match and hell in a cell match.

My favorite match of his is vs The Undertaker one. The first of two times these two have locked up at Wrestlemania. The match was epic and it was the best Wrestlemania match I have ever seen. These two really put on a great match.

Now you heard my favorite match for the HeartBreak Kid, Shawn Michaels, let's discuss yours!
He also competed in the first ever Iron Man match against Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 12. Many will argue that this was his best match. Now, it had a good build up but I have to agree with Ryder, Shawn Michaels vs Taker at Wrestlemania 25. Now, this wasn't the first time they faced off Ryder. It was the first time they faced at Wrestlemania. I think this match was the match of the decade and may be the best Wrestlemania match of all time. Shawn Michaels has been given the name Mr. Wrestlemania for a reason, a big reason because at the biggest show of the year, he always stops the show. Hints the name, "Show Stopper". Some say there second Mania match at last years Mania was better but I think it just had better build up and that is why many claim this. SHawn Michaels and Taker cliqued very well at Wrestlemania 25 and as I watched it unfold live, it had me on the edge of my seat the whole match.
He also had great matches with HHH, but for me his greatest match is against The Undertaker at WM25.The match was awesome and I truly believed that the streak is going to end cause who else than THE HEART BREAK KID,THE SHOW STOPPER,MR WRESTLEMANIA,THE ICON to do it
Well, the 1st of the 2 matches with Taker was clearly the better of the 2 matchwise, but while it had amazing buildup, drama, anticiaption and lived up to the hype, I can't see it as being his best overall match just as pure wrestling goes.

For me, I have to go back to Wrestlemania 21 and the match vs. Kurt Angle. For me, these are the 2 best ever in regards to combo of mic skills and ring skills, and I still go back sometimes and watch that match again. It was a clinic with Angle in his prime and HBK you always get a Mania classic.
Almost an impossible question to answer as HBKs probably had more 5 stars matches than nearly anyone.

Got to go with his first against Undertaker. I just remember being totally absorbed from start to finish and realizing at the end I'd just witnessed wrestling genius in my opinion. Along with that theres countless others against Angle, HHH, Bret Hart etc etc.
There are so many matches to choose from... Any guy that had a successful career for as long as Shawn should have a number of great matches to speak of. But, how do you choose just one from someone named Mr. Wrestlemania. You could very easily distinguish a Match Of The Year for Shawn, during every year from 93-98 and then 2002-2010.

He has had so many defining moments in the ring, there could be a limitless amount of right answers for this question... "What would you choose to be Shawn Michaels' BEST match?"

I'll do the usual and pick one I think most people wouldn't choose...

I'll pick a match that made me truly respect HBK. At Wrestlemania 14 Shawn had what was presumed to be his last match. He went into WM as WWF Champion and a passing of the torch was in full swing. Steve Austin was the opposition for Shawn. Steve was just taking over as the Company's Top Face.

Bret Hart was gone and Austin had already matched or surpassed the popularity of The Undertaker. So, HBK was to drop the belt to Austin.

Michaels came into the match with a horribly injured back. It was injured so bad in fact, that he would be out of action after this match, for 4 years.

Being Shawn's reputation, injury, and mind state in those days, he very easily could have come out there and handed Austin the title and look horrible doing it. It quite the opposite, he came out there and once again put on the match of his life, when he probably didn't have to.

They had Tyson out there as a way they could have booked it. Instead of just counting the 3 and hitting Shawn after the match. They could have had him get involved during the match and then counting the 3. It could have made Shawn bank less on how it came off.

But , no... Austin came out looking great, beating Shawn at his best. I knew HBK was injured then, but looking back now, I respect him more then ever, for going out there and doing Austin the justice he deserved.

Shawn gets flack for a lot of shit, and most of it is deserved. But there are always great things done without any recognition as well. I believe this was one of them for Shawn Michaels. He passed the torch to Austin on a high note, and everyone came out from this looking good, and Shawn was to thank for it.

(Not to mention the impact this match for Triple H after. He went on to lead DX and see his popularity soar when Shawn left after this match)
i think hbks best matches would go like this 5.shawn michaels vs chris benoit vs triple h wrestlemania 20 4.shawn michaels vs chris jericho wrestlemania 19 3.shawn michaels vs kurt angle wrestlemania 21 2. shawn michaels vs the undertaker wrestlemania 25 & 26 and finally my opinion for shawn michaels best match ever is.......... 1.shawn michaels vs Ric Flair wrestlemania 24 i liked it because if flair lost he was gone and if shawn lost he would probably be pissed and do something bad but the build up was great i know your thinking wtf why flair well its my opinion not yours if you think different please reply
There are so many to choose from. The WM10 ladder match. His matches with Diesel, the first HIAC, the iron man match, his match with Mankind, Davey Boy Smith, Owen Hart, the countless classics he had after he came back from the 4+ year absence.
I'll go with one that gets overlooked a lot; the Very First Hell in a Cell match with The Undertaker at Badd Blood '97. The build was classic with a heel Shawn Michaels using the numbers game with his new found buddies (on screen at least), Triple H, Chyna and his insurance policy Rick Rude to beat the Undertaker Bloody when ever they could, and flat out running away when they couldn't. Shawn played the role of cowardly heel to perfection, got an ass whipping that I don't think has been surpassed since, and still didn't look weak going into his title match with Bret at Survivor Series the next month.
Shawn Michaels has had so many great matches over the years it’s really hard to pick one. I guess my choice would be his comeback match against Triple H at SummerSlam 2002. That was just a beautiful match on all levels. It was HBK’s first match in over four years and everyone wondered if he could still go. Not only did he have four years of ring rust to shake off, but the cause of his four years off was a devastating back injury. Shawn started the match as if he never left. He looked great and I realized how much I missed him in the ring. Triple H eventually turned the tide and was working HBK’s injured back. Back breakers and abdominal stretches never looked so brutal. This was an unsanctioned match so the weapons eventually found their way in the ring. Triple H showed no mercy in whipping HBK with his own belt. Steel chairs and garbage cans came next. Michaels was able to give Helmsley a face full of chair and reclaim control of the match. The highlight for me came when Michaels hit his patented forearm. I popped like a little kid when he did his kick up. At that moment I knew the old HBK was back. To the crowd’s delight he pulled out some old tricks using ladders and tables. Triple H got the upper hand again but HBK got a surprise pin on him and the crowd erupted. Michaels’s celebration was brief as Triple H attacked him from behind with his sledge hammer forcing Michaels to be carried out on a stretcher.

This is on my top five list of all time favorite matches. I didn’t even mention the history these two had with each other. That adds another element to the match. This was a huge feud between two of the greatest stars in WWE history. It was nearly 30 minutes of non stop action. I never get tired of this match.
I'll have to agree with The Brain on this one. That match was excellent. Michaels looked so good, that I couldn't believe it. He hadn't wrestled in years, yet he was pulling out all the stops. I think a big factor to all that was also that he was working with Triple H, a guy he had a ton of chemistry with. The two of them did stuff in there that I don't think any two performers could have done. It was literally a battle of good and evil. The crowd loved Michaels, while they HATED Triple H. The best part about this match though, like The Brain said, was the non stop action. It was, from bell to bell, total mayhem. I didn't think that the match would be all that good, looking back at it, especially since Michaels was coming off injury. Boy was I wrong. The brutality and excitement in this match separates it from anything either have ever done, this is a great match.

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