Hideo Itami's GTS.


Getting Noticed By Management
At NXT R Evolution, Itami teased the fans for the GTS, when he picked up his opponent, but was then interrupted when he tried to perform it. It got a huge reaction just picking him on his shoulders.

A couple of weeks ago, he tried to go at it again, with the same result, getting another huge reaction from the fans. I think there is a lot of money that can be made on whether or not Itami will finally hit the GTS.

I think this should be involed in his gimmick. Once every 5 matches for example, he should attempt to hit it, but not succeed. This way, it is still a rare sighting, getting a big reaction, but not hitting it will make the fans wonder when he will. It will create suspense and a huge reaction when he finall does.

He can build that during his NXT and when he finally comes "up" to the main roster, he can be showcased with this "gimmick". Then, he can get his WM big time match, where he finishes off his opponent with the GTS.

Is this a good idea?
Nah, there's only so many times you can tease people with something before they sense it's not gonna happen, and even if it finally does, they won't care. If he's gonna do the GTS, it's best to do it when he's in NXT because most of the people there seem to know he's the originator. I know not a lot of people watch NXT, and while that's not really a good thing, it's better he does it there than on the main roster where millions more are watching and think he's ripping off CM Punk.

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