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You know what cracks me up. People hate on HHH all the time (myself included). He's so old, why is he still at the top? All he does is push people down, let him let the young guys get a push. Well guess what IWC, RVD is just as bad as HHH. HHH is 41 years old and he's very much at the top. Well guess what, RVD is 40 and now that he's signed with TNA, he'll be pushing the younger talent down just as much as HHH. Even if RVD doesn't have the same backstage pull as HHH. RVD has still been brought in to TNA to main event and win championships. Also, another thing that people do not recognize, is that during his time with the WWE, RVD held 16 different championships. HHH held 10. So, actually RVD had more championships. RVD is coming back for one thing only, the money (look to his interviews, he said he would come back if the money was right), so RVD is coming back for the money and in the process will hold down the younger people on the roster. So, IWC go ahead and bitch about HHH and praise your fan favorite RVD, but realize that he is just as bad as HHH, if not worse.
There is no comparison. I am no HHH fan but RVD has never been in the ear of the creative powers of the biggest wrestling company in the world. RVD has never strived to keep anyone beneath him and RVD has never put himself over in the way that HHH has in the past.

I admit he is better now but still, he is in a championship match with the belt going into Wrestlemania.

RVD is coming in because of the schedule, just as much for the money. He made that just as clear in every single interview.

This post is entirely unnecessary and i suspect your position will garner no positive response, because it offers no relevant opinion except your own personal bias. You have allowed no room for discussion.
LOL at the Triple H apologist. Are you fucking kidding me. Rob Van Dam, the guy that has absolutely no pull backstage, came from the #3 company, and got over as WWE Champion, as opposed to Triple H, the guy married to the fucking bosses daughter. This is flat out stupid, if not embarassing for you to compare the two.

Rob Van Dam will go to TNA, and if he happens to beat the guys in the company, that's because the guys above him said, hey, RVD, we want you to be the man in the company. Triple H can just roll over in the morning and look into Stephzilla's eyes, and say, "Babe, I wanna be champ today".
You know what cracks me up. People hate on HHH all the time (myself included). He's so old, why is he still at the top? All he does is push people down, let him let the young guys get a push. Well guess what IWC, RVD is just as bad as HHH. HHH is 41 years old and he's very much at the top. Well guess what, RVD is 40 and now that he's signed with TNA, he'll be pushing the younger talent down just as much as HHH. Even if RVD doesn't have the same backstage pull as HHH. RVD has still been brought in to TNA to main event and win championships. Also, another thing that people do not recognize, is that during his time with the WWE, RVD held 16 different championships. HHH held 10. So, actually RVD had more championships. RVD is coming back for one thing only, the money (look to his interviews, he said he would come back if the money was right), so RVD is coming back for the money and in the process will hold down the younger people on the roster. So, IWC go ahead and bitch about HHH and praise your fan favorite RVD, but realize that he is just as bad as HHH, if not worse.

So are you implying that RVD was better than HHH during his time in the WWE because he won more championships? I guess it is always better to be one of the top guys winning titles then to be in the midcard almost all of your WWE career. RVD is in no way, shape, or form worse than HHH when it comes to backstage politics. Tell me who has RVD buried and who he has refused to put over. Was RVD a dominant heavyweight champion? I don't think so. RVD being bad or worse than HHH is a ludicrous statement and you should be embarrassed for making such a statement.
Great Post btw.

RVD himself. Goldberg. The Rock. Booker T. The SPIRIT SQUAD!! To name five that you could make cases for. Especially SS, Booker and RVD. I may be stretching it with Rock but the two dont like each other.

If you are in with HHH, then he will work with you. Sheamus, Batista and Orton all prove that. But HHH in the past has had countless acts against him and to argue that he doesn't work the book in his favour is ridiculous.
Name me one person, with facts that HHH actually held down.

You remember the first Elimination Chamber match when RVD gave HHH a frog splash from the top of the pod and crushed HHH's throat. What happened to RVD after that? In the midcard teaming with Kane while HHH was having a failure of a nine-month title reign. Yes, he did lose to Benoit at WM 20 but it was still all about HHH and HBK rather than Benoit's title reign and you know it. It's been known that most of the top superstars have had some pull backstage and HHH has made no secret about it. You suggesting that RVD has done the same stage is laughable because if he did, wouldn't you think he would have had more world title reigns?
Triple H can just roll over in the morning and look into Stephzilla's eyes, and say, "Babe, I wanna be champ today".

*Sigh* Now I've never been a guy to stand up for Triple H on this forum, because I never really bothered to get involved in the NUMEROUS threads about how Triple H only got this many championship reigns because he's screwing a Mcmahon.

But come on, really? we have to go over this again? yes Triple H is banging Stephanie, he has been with her in the period where he sure as hell got alot of title reigns yes, but we cannot automaticly assume the fact that just because Triple H is basicly a Mcmahon by marriage, that it means he can be champion whenever he wants to.

No I am not a Triple H apologist as you stated so nicely, but I am a Triple H fan, and I am one who believes that quite frankly Triple H sure as hell did something to deserve those title reigns, Yes he's no Chris Jericho, The Miz or CM Punk on the mic, and he is no Chris Jericho or Shawn Michaels when it comes to wrestling, but he is sure as hell a great worker, a true ring general (which I believe I've heard numerous WWE employees say about him) and he sure as hell puts on a show every night (whenever he's not out with an injury, but injuries hasn't stopped him from actually finishing the match, he finished the match where he tore his first quad afterall)

On to RVD. No I don't think RVD is brought in to hang onto the spotlight in a way that Triple H has been very much in the main event the past few years (deservingly if you ask me. Again, fan, not apologist) and we cannot prejudge what will happen in TNA before we actually get to see RVD in action, and sure he might have a nice start off where he gets some main event matches, he wins a few of them, but that doesn't mean he'll automaticly assume the TNA role of WWE's Triple H, he could aswell be brought in to serve as a talent builder, he could be brought in for anything really, because of his versatility to work with many different wrestling styles.

So even thou I don't watch alot of TNA, I will certainly sit down and get a proper look over the situation with RVD coming in, before I'm going to jump to conclussion about whether we have a new Triple H or a normal RVD.
The only thing comparable between RVD and HHH is their ages. RVD is a career midcarder, who probably feels that he never got the chance he deserved at the top, so he went to TNA. Sure, he's probably there for the money, but who does any job without financial incentive? Exactly.

I don't have a problem with either of them. TripleH might have a monopoly, but he's still young enough for it not to be ******ed, and I'm optomistic someone will stop him before it does get ridiculous. Back on topic though, to suggest that RVD signing for TNA is somehow motivated by keeping people down is a little ridiculous. He's doing what's best for him, and by employing him, TNA think it's what's best for them too.
This is a really dumb thread. First off, RVD doesn't sell like HHH period. Wrestling isn't about 5 star matches, it's about putting asses in seats. And HHH does it better than RVD. 2nd, HHH has been known to not put people over, but so has Austin, Hogan. Rock is one the few who really never complained about a job.

Also, it's equally fucking stupid when instead of using facts, we always have to resort to "HHH married the bosses daughter". Was he married to her when he jobbed to Benoit, Cena like 10,000 times, lost 2 rumbles. In case nobody has noticed, Cena is McMahon's golden child not HHH. And the fact that Vince let RVD beat his golden boy says a lot about RVD. RVD has beaten John Cena in a HUGE match, HHH hasn't.
This is one annoying thread.

First off I don't like Triple H, but the man made it to the top on his own, with or without Steph he'd still be here and on top. Maybe not to the extent he is with his numerous title reigns and being in the creative meetings etc, but he is still a star on his own, he does lose and he is good enough to justify all his success without Stephanie.

RVD also made it to the top by himself in WWE and arguably did it harder as from what we've heard half the company against him in WWE. Of course he didn't tick around so its hard to compare. Now he goes to TNA, and will "hold down younger people". Eh I doubt it, he isn't a politician backstage, he was brought in to make money for TNA which these younger stars won't... so your argument makes no sense.
Here is My feelings and Im going to get Booed for them. I spent the last 20 years being a HHH fan but as I got older I feel he isn't as talented as I use to think. Kind of like Hogan (dont get me wrong HHH is much more talented than Hogan, but I am a technical fan not just into big 3 move monsters). Each year I lose a bit more respect for HHH when I see him in a match. I hate seeing the Same Old Shit time and time again. This goes for so many wrestlers I could be here all day. Where I do have respect for him is his dedication to the sport. He will sit on a pedistal with me because of that alone.

But RVD .... now thats a guy with talent. For a middle weight I would put him on the top of the list. He takes more risks and puts his body through more bumps in 5 matches than HHH probibly has in his career. RVD was ECW. And when ECW was over he and a very small handful stuck with the company when every one else got let go. Vince loved shunning the WCW guys and ECW guys and RVD made it as a top guy. I don't think $$$ is the only determaning factor to his return. If that was the case then why would he not be in WWE anymore. They pay more. I think its the work scheduale. I think he still loves the business but, like Angle, wanted more ME time. And understandable....vince works his people to death.

So HHH vs. RVD = RVD
But look at it from another angle. RVD came back for the money and the schedule plain and simple. The guy said that he doesn'T want to wrestle guys like daniels and Samoa joe. He want to wrestle guys like Sting and Angle, so that'S what he going to get plus he doesn'T do house shows.

On the other hand you got HHH, love him or hate him, the guy love this business and even if he'S married to the boss daughter, he still willing to do whaever it takes to make the comapny successful. He will put over younger talents if that what it takes. He will do house shows even through he doesn'T need to. In the past year along, HHH help the careers of Legacy,The Miz and Sheamus.

Also, HHH will be remember as a true legend in this sport while RVD will probably be forgotten when is career is over. In the end, comparing RVD to HHH is stupid because as far as a draw is concerned, RVD isn't in the same league as HHH. HHH has given more to the business then RVD ever did and now RVD is just thinking of himself and not what better for the company he's working for and that'S a shame.

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