HHH-Orton Will It Finaly End


Pre-Show Stalwart
We all know that WWE is making the feud last up until the Hell In A Cell PPV in October making it then a 8 month feud for 2009 and then a 5 year plus feud all together. Once the match at HIAC is over will WWE decide that Triple H and Orton is over for good they cant take it any further than what they have since 2004 i mean they have both had other feuds in that time hell even when DX came back they worked Orton in to it when he teamed with Edge to do Rated RKO. Since Triple H kicked Randy out of Evolution a year hasnt gone past were Orton and Triple H havent crossed paths. 2007 they faced at No Mercy not one but twice. 2008 Wrestlemania 24 along with Cena Backlash 08 also with Cena and JBL and lastly Judgment Day. 2009 basicly had Orton knock off each member of the mcmahons which you kind of figured when he knocked off steph you knew Trips was gonna get pissed off and relight hes feud with Orton for Wrestlemania. Backlash was the 6 man tag with Shane and Batista were Triple H was put out Batista then feuds with Orton till June were Triple H comes back and picks up were he left off from April and leaves us to were we are today. So hopefuly WWE in October can end the 5 year feud which we are all over
I believe that they need to shy away from this as well. There have been positives and negatives to this feud and I am tired of seeing it. They are really good at the mic work between the two of them but their matches alway seem boring. Maybe that is why they have a lot of Legacy interference. Not too many clean wins but what can you do.

I hope they end this soon. Fresh faces in the title hunt would be nice. Adding in a MVP or Miz or someone else needs to happen or people will be turned off completely. I mean, how many weeks in a row had Orton opened a Raw with a slow walk, glare, mid rope look into the crowd with a belt held high and then a monotone bland promo. It isn't until someone else comes out (HHH or MVP lately) to spice it up.

Now the only thing that I really like is the long standing fued. We haven't had a long feud that has been THIS long for a while. 5 years supposedly? Okay, injuries have stopped a few of them but I like that there is at least one that has "sustained" years instead of months.

To date in the PG era, HBK/Y2J has been the best feud. If HHH/Orton would be like that, it would have been more entertaining but those two can not perform in the ring like HBK and Y2J.
Is anyone else getting sick of cena being added into the mix all the time as well. Let him fued with some new guys to get the new guys some face time. his fued with the miz was pathetic. they also need to stop him from being the modern day hogan where he takes a beating and just wins in the end anyways. its just not believable anymore. Cena needs to take a long honeymoon. HHH needs to turn heel again or take someone under his wing only to turn on him eventually. its really aggravating seeing them win the title from the same people all the time. how many times has HHH added to his championship reigns by beating orton.
While I've been a fan of long-standing feuds in the past, the Trips-Orton feud is just stale. Very, very stale. What else could they possibly do to pit these two against each other? Either Vince must really not have faith in guys like MVP, Miz, Kofi Kingston, Ted DiBiase Jr. and others to carry a WWE title program, or it's the same old story that Trips is really flexing his backstage muscle and keeping himself in the title picture.

If this was done to keep giving rub to Orton to escalate him to main-event status, mission accomplished. He's the top heel on the top show. Now let's let some of the younger guys have a go at Orton to get some rub from him.

The problem could be that the writers have written themselves into a corner with this angle where they have to keep it going. Look at the things they've had Orton do to Trips - hurting his family, et al. I could see that as a cause to keep Trips working on a revenge angle, but they're not doing anything to keep it fresh. A HITC match would be a great wrap to that angle, but how do you end it? Do you give the strap to Trips and end Orton's push? You know they're not going to do anything that would make Trips look weak or send him out of the angle on a bad note. Hence, the problem. How do you end it to where both guys come out of it with their reps intact?
depending on when batista is ready to return could they have him interfer in the HITC match and attach HHH. I am not sure if this would make HHH look weak. We have seen face batista against heel HHH. how about a face HHH against a heel Batista?
I think it is time for the Triple H vs. Randy Orton fued to end also. But who says we have to wait all the way until Hell in a Cell? The five years that this fued has lasted, let's take a look at all the winners during the short hiatuses that took place... when it ended in 2005, HHH won that so Orton could fued with Undertaker, in 2007, Rated RKO kinda won against DX, because of HHH's quad injury, the 2007 part of their fued was won by Orton, while the 2008 part was won by HHH because of Orton's broken collarbone. The first part of their 2009 fued was won by Orton when he kicked HHH in the head and won the WWE Championship, while it's very likely that HHH will win the whole fued in order to finally put it to rest.

The problem is that WWE makes it seem that no matter what Randy Orton does to Triple H or how dominant he seems, HHH will always get the advantage in the end. Why? It seems that WWE won't allow Orton to really get his revenge on HHH to brutally attacking him and kicking him out of Evolution. My question is that if HHH and Orton remain on the same brand, is it possible for them not to fued? WWE hasn't made it seem that way at all.

If you all are in fact correct that their fued will end at Hell in a Cell, what will happen at Night of Champions, Summerslam, Breaking Point, and finally, what will happen at Hell in a Cell? To date, every single one of Orton's World Title reigns wa ended by a member of Evolution (three by HHH and one by Batista). In order for Orton to retain his reputation, I think he needs to win this fued to finally put it away. Whether their fued ends over the WWE Championship or not... I don't care, as long as it ENDS!
^^^ There is an idea...a MEM version of Evolution...

Vince, HHH, Cena, Orton, Batista...all heels. The opposition could be MVP, Miz, Rhodes, Dibiase and Kofi??? This could be a good Survivor Series match too.

Never going to happen but this would be a good storyline. That's where it fails, a GOOD storyline.
Wait, what?

Making the BIGGEST draws in the company heel, thereby cutting their drawing power significantly, and then feuding them with a bunch of guys who barely classify as midcard workers, is now a "good" storyline? When the hell did you start watching wrestling, last week?

That would be a terrible idea, and a terrible storyline. Why the fuck would people cheer for MVP, Miz, Rhodes, DiBiase and Kofi over Hall of Famers like HHH, Cena, Orton, Vince, and possibly Batista? They wouldn't. The storyline would bomb the moment the Hall of Famers met the midcarders.

The WWE needs to end Orton vs. HHH. It's been WAAAY to long of a feud, especially for one that has sucked as hard as it has. But, ending the feud by turning your biggest draws heel and feuding them against midcarders is NOT the best way to do it.
I echo Sly. If anything, they'd have to do something like that by turning all of the midcard heel and doing a New Blood v. Millionaire's Club kind of thing. But we all know how that storyline worked out...it was pretty brutal. The midcarders would lack overnness, and then they'd have to supplement them with an established star...much like they had to do with the Invasion storyline.

That would just be an absolutely treacherous result.

Orton/Trips needs to end...and I'm really banking on Cena/Orton for Summerslam. It's not much better...but it's something different.
WWE seems to like to stick with a select few top guys in the main event picture. It's very rare that they allow even an upper-mid carder into a main event match let alone allow them to participate in the overarching main event storyline.

That being said, they really do leave themselves with very few options in terms of opponents for guys like Triple H and Orton. It no wonder they keep coming back to each other. The whole thing absolutely has been played out to the max.

In order to freshen things up, they need to start letting guys like Jericho and MVP truly participate in the main event picture; not just flirt with it from time to time. Otherwise, the old stand-bys are going to get run into the ground both creatively and physically.
It's time for Orton and Triple H to start putting over younger guys. WWE doesn't want to make the same mistake WCW did by keeping the same people only in the main event spot. Triple H with Swagger could work. I see them with a good program. Where DiBiase Jr and Orton fued would do good. Orton MVP could work too.

We need some varity. It's getting stale. Smackdown is giving us that, and I like that.
This feud needed to die before it was restarted after the Rumble this year. Its boring and its tiresome. How many times does Orton have to beat Triple H before it ends? Seriously its old. Maybe Triple H should step away from the Main Event for a while, and let Orton, Cena, anyone thats not Triple H have a chance.

The problem with the feud isnt Orton, because the USA Network loves Orton, thats part of the reason why he's had the title so long, and so much over the past 3 years. The problem is Triple H, he doesnt have what it takes to keep a feud interesting like we've seen from the likes of Jericho, HBK, Edge and the Undertaker in the past. I bet if it was Orton on Raw, without Triple H, Orton's current title run would be a lot better.

I don't think bringing Batista back would of made it any better, because he's just as bad, well he's actually a lot worse than Triple H, because Batista has absolutely no entertainment value. He's a boring champion, his matches are boring, he's boring. We all saw the Ultimate Warrior back in the 80's and thats all Batista is, another roided up piss poor wrestler.

Like I said, I've been ready for this feud to die before it started.
It's time for Orton and Triple H to start putting over younger guys. WWE doesn't want to make the same mistake WCW did by keeping the same people only in the main event spot. Triple H with Swagger could work. I see them with a good program. Where DiBiase Jr and Orton fued would do good. Orton MVP could work too.

First of all Orton is younger than MVP Orton is only 29 years old he isn't old by any means and as a matter of fact in terms of wrestling he hasn't even hit his prime yet.

Secondly yes this feud has sucked I'm bored to death of it we all know the inevitable ending with Triple H standing over a broken Orton with the title in his hand after a hell in the cell match.

We've seen it far to much the build to Wrestlemania was good but Orton carried that build with some lights out promos. After WM 25 people seemed to start getting annoyed and there was a large outcry on this site when Orton lost.

People have already said it this feud needs to die now.
Ok, well, everyone take this into consideration. Since Randy Orton won his first title in '04, either Randy Orton, HHH, Batista, or John Cena have been involved in EVERY SINGLE Raw Championship match on PPV except one. Forget HHH and Orton, as terrible as it is, let's also remove Batista and Cena from the equation too. The Raw title scene hasn't changed at all in 5 years. Worse than that, going back to '02 when HHH was handed the World Heavyweight Title, the # of PPV title defenses that didn't involve any of the four only increases from 1 to 2, :doh: And in case anyone's wondering, those 2 matches were RVD vs. Edge from Vengeance '06 and Benoit vs. Kane from Bad Blood '04. Also, in both cases, HHH headlined both PPV's without actually feuding for the gold! The title took a backseat to HHH and HBK in Hell in a Cell in '04 and what's even worse is that it took a backseat to DX vs. the Spirit Squad in '06.

Absolutely pathetic.

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