HGR Presents: WWE United States Championship - 2013

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner

HGR Presents: WWE United States Championship - 2013

Hey everybody! Thanks to those of you who encouraged me to start up a Book This! thread for the first time, and I hope I can put out something that's entertaining for everybody! As I said in the Lounge general discussion, I don't have the time to put together such large, epic threads like Theo's fantastic new WWE 2013 thread. However, this is something I've wanted to do for a long time, and I've come up with a way to make it work.

Instead of booking full episodes of WWE programming, I'm going to be simplifying the process and booking the progress of a specific Championship. This could be a title from WWE, TNA, Ring of Honor...wherever! It could also be an ongoing thread, such as this one for 2013, or one that follows the WWE Championship in 2002. I'm very excited about being able to do something that both lends itself to my time limitations, but that could also be potentially enjoyable.

Start Date: January 4th, 2013
Current United States Champion: Antonio Cesaro

Backstory: Keeping with what has actually happened, Antonio Cesaro defeated Santino Marella to win the United States title during the SummerSlam pre-show in 2012. His most recent feud, going all throughout the month of December and leading up to the TLC pay-per-view, involved R-Truth, the Intercontinental Champion Kofi Kingston, and his opponent Wade Barrett. The four of them would have several matches on Raw, Smackdown and Main Event, in both singles and tag team variations. Cesaro retained the title in a singles match against R-Truth at TLC.

Well, here goes nothing!​
WWE Smackdown
Jan. 4, 2013
Richmond, VA


"Miracle" sounds throughout the arena, as United States Champion, Antonio Cesaro, slowly makes his way to the ring with the title securely around his waist and his hands clasped behind his back.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, making his way to the ring, weighing in at 231 pounds. He is the United States Champion... Antonio Cesaro!

Cesaro grabs a mic and stands in the middle of the ring, one hand behind his back, as the Universe is already booing.

Antonio Cesaro: This week, the world celebrated the birth of a brand new year. In my country, my people celebrate the new years by taking account of what we have, and being grateful for our superiority. You see, we are content just knowing that our intellect...our economy...our society in general, is better than you. Do you think Americans are grateful for what they have? No, you see the new years in America is celebrated with drinking, and eating, and drinking, and eating until you wake up the next morning with headaches, unable to remember your silly resolutions to lose weight, go back to school, or become better role models for your children.

The crowd, already booing Cesaro with mild disdain, picks up their hate at the mention of their beloved children.

Antonio Cesaro: What's worse is that to celebrate this new year, I...your United States champion...am forced to come to a place like Richmond, Virginia. A place that epitomizes the laziness and obesity of America.

Now the local crowd is really angry, as nobody insults Americans in Virginia...

Antonio Cesaro: You see, America used to be a great nation. A nation of dreams and prosperity, and symbol of hope for the world. In fact, Virginia was among the 13 original colonies to make up this...FORMERLY great nation. And in the Civil War, this city of Richmond was the head of the confederacy!

The crowd actually pops a bit as Cesaro mentions Richmond's ties to history. Most of them are still booing the champ, but a small "USA!" chant breaks out.

Antonio Cesaro: You can chant "USA!" all you want, but the truth hurts. And the truth is...that Richmond has become just like the rest of America. Arrogant. Lazy. Overweight. But most of fall, undeserving of a United States Champion as great as Antonio Cesaro.


"Radio" sounds and the crowd pops huge as Zack Ryder makes his way out. He makes his way to the ring, dressed to compete, but is handed a mic by one of the ring crew.

Zack Ryder: The truth? Are you serious, bro? You want to talk about the truth? The truth is, we're in the heart of America. This is Richmond, Virginia!

Richmond pops again for the Broski, and another "USA!" chant breaks out.

Zack Ryder: I may be from Long Island, but I bet there's still some broskis here tonight. And that means after I'm done teaching you some respect, bro, I get to party with all my broskis in Virginia!

The crowd has completely recovered from Cesaro's rant, and has begun a slow "Woo, Woo, Woo" chant as Zack fist-pumps the air.

Zack Ryder: Woo Woo Woo... You-

Ryder is cut off as Cesaro hits him with his microphone. The crowd finishes up with "you know it" anyways. The champ takes down Ryder with a clothesline, and removes his title and jacket as the referee calls for the bell to start this match.

Still dazed from the mic shot, Ryder gets caught in the second rope and Cesaro brings his knee down hard on the back of his neck. The referee gets to a count of four, and Cesaro is forced to break the hold. He drags Ryder to the middle of the ring and tries for an early pin, but only gets two. Ryder is thrown to the corner with an Irish whip, and Cesaro follows it up with a running elbow. Several stiff right hands take Ryder down to the mat, and Cesaro uses his knee to drive his opponent's face into the turnbuckle. The ref forces the break at four, but Cesaro charges Ryder with a knee to the corner anyways, adding insult to injury.

The ref yells at Cesaro, warning him to back off and stay out of the ropes. The champ ignores him, and rushes Ryder who has used the ropes to pull himself to his feet. Ryder gets his boots up just in time, right into the face of Cesaro! Again Cesaro charges, and again Ryder gets the boot up. He heads to the top turnbuckle, as Cesaro grabs his eye and nose in pain. Ryder comes off the top rope, likely looking for an ax handle, but gets caught with a sickening uppercut from the US Champion! Cesaro pulls him to the center of the ring and hooks the leg...

No! Ryder gets the shoulder up at two-and-a-half!

Cesaro gets to his feet and cracks his neck, first right, then left. He motions for the Neutralizer, and pulls Ryder up and into a powerbomb position. Up he goes, and down he comes as the Neutralizer finds its mark.

3. This one is over.

Justin Roberts: The winner of the match - the United States Champion, Antonio Cesaro!

"Miracle" plays again. Cesaro continues to look upset after the match, and grabs his coat and title belt, and quickly walks up the entrance ramp.

Josh Matthews: Cesaro with a big win to kick off the new year, and as he says, there doesn't seem to be an AMerican who can take that belt away from him!

JBL: Haha! What'd I tell you Josh, I love this kid. As a former US Champion in my day and a proud American, I can say that it is my honor to have this guy as our champion. He may not be the easiest guy to like, but I always say 'we fight on Friday nights', and this kid Cesaro fights all year long!

Cesaro stands on top of the entrance ramp with his coat on and unzipped, holding up the United States title high into the air. Without a mic, he yells at the crowd, "United...States...Champion!" He scowls one last time, before turning his back on Virginia and walking off with the title on his shoulder, shaking his head in disgust.
Jan. 7, 2013
Tampa Bay, FL

Michael Cole: WWE.com broke the news this weekend, and later on tonight we're going to see the United States Champion Antonio Cesaro defend the title in what he's calling the "Patriot Challenge".

King: Yeah, and I can't wait to see somebody finally shut this guy up, Cole. It's gonna be great!


* * * * *


Cesaro's entrance theme, "Miracle", plays and the United States Champion makes his way out with the title around his waist. He is grasping an American flag in both hands, waving it around as he parades around the the outside of the ring. He places it in a flag stand that was already prepared for him, right in front of the commentary table. The champ grabs a microphone and makes his way into the ring.

Antonio Cesaro: Tonight is the first Raw of a new year, and as your United States Champion, Antonio Cesaro, I have made a vow that in 2013 things... will stay exactly the same. If there is one thing that you can say about Americans, is that they are - what is the word...? - predictable. Your are fat...lazy...uneducated, indecent excuses for human beings, and in 2013 I will continue to be the greatest influence that this title, and all of you people, have ever seen.

The crowd is mixed with boos and the feint "USA" chant, as they're familiar with Cesaro's usual shtick.

Antonio Cesaro: In 2012, I became the United States Champion. I defeated everyone stepped in MY path. Every week I said there wasn't a single American who could beat me for this title, and every week I proved myself correct. But unlike all of you, I have not reached my full potential. You see, I am not an American, and as such I have the potential to better myself, and to seek higher challenges. And that is why tonight, I have brought you...the Patriot Challenge.

Tampa pops slightly for this - those that know what it is - but a strong "you suck" chant begins to break out.

Antonio Cesaro: The Patriot Challenge is simple. Because there are no worthy challengers who have come up against me, I will allow ANY former United States champion to step into this ring, and face me for my title. So if there is anybody in the back who fits this description...that wants to become the next embarrassment in the long list of my victims, now is your time.

The crowd begins to get anxious, as after 15 seconds nobody has come out to accept the challenge. Another "USA!" chant breaks out, this time much louder.

Antonio Cesaro: No one? Not a single former champion thinks they can face Antonio Cesaro? Typical. Typical Tampa Bay fans. Typical WWE Superstars. Typical...America--


Cesaro is cut off, and Tampa comes alive as "Ain't No Stoppin' Me" blares over the system. Shelton Benjamin emerges from behind the curtain and makes straight for the ring, rushing Cesaro head on.

Benjamin hits the ring and brings down the champion with a double leg takedown, followed by wild rights and lefts. The referee separates the two, and Cesaro bails from the ring long enough to finally take off his jacket and the US title. Benjamin holds up the top rope and begs him to get back in the ring; the ref backs him off so Cesaro can enter and get this match underway.

*Bell rings*

The two lock up in the middle of the ring, with Benjamin getting the better of the exchange. He drops the champion with a fireman's carry and gets a side headlock cinched in. Cesaro struggles to his feet and breaks the hold by throwing the challenger off the ropes. He tries for a arm drag, but Benjamin hangs on and reverses into a drag of his own, sending the champ rolling under the bottom rope and to the floor.

Cesaro gets to his feet and slams his hands on the announce table, obviously frustrated after getting out-maneuvered. Shelton smiles and gestures for his opponent to get back in the ring. He does, and the two lock up once again; Cesaro takes the advantage and drops Shelton to his knees in a chin lock. He wrenches the neck as the crowd starts an immediate slow clap for the returning Superstar. Benjamin slowly gets to his feet, but quickly drops his body down, stunning Cesaro off his shoulder. Benjamin runs the ropes and leaps into the air, catching Cesaro with a head-scissors that once again sends him crashing to the floor below.

The champion recovers, but is much more angry than the first time. He pounds on the announce table, and spots the American flag sitting in its stand on the ground. He removes the flag and threatens to break it over his knee, and Benjamin rushes to the outside to stop him. Cesaro swings wildly with the flag, but Shelton ducks under it and nails Antonio with a picture-perfect superkick! Benjamin takes the flag, waves it around and puts it back into the stand before running back into the ring. Cesaro slowly makes his way to his feet, but Benjamin rebounds and completely clears the top rope with a huge senton to the outside, taking them both down. The crowd chants "you still got it" as Benjamin smiles and poses in the ring, as we head to a commercial break.


As we come back, Cesaro has his opponent back in the ring, taken down to the mat with a headlock. The announcers cut to a clip of what happened during the break: Shelton had the champion down and went up to the top rope, but Cesaro sprang back and swept his right leg, sending Benjamin crashing down hard to the mat.

The crowd starts to rally behind Benjamin, and he makes his way to his feet. Several elbows connect to Cesaro's mid-section, with the last forcing him to break the hold. Benjamin springboards off the ropes, but Cesaro catches him! He puts him in position for the Neutralizer, lifts him into the air but Benjamin curls all the way up into a mounted position; tilt-a-whirl DDT connects with a huge exclamation point! Shelton covers!

No! Cesaro kicks out! Both men are down now, crawling to opposite corners of the ring. Benjamin pulls himself up first, and waits as Cesaro uses the turnbuckles to get to his feet. Benjamin springs across the ring and nails him with a step-up knee thrust; he tries for the bulldog, but Cesaro throws him off. Shelton gets to one knee, but eats a powerful kick from the champion, straight upside the head. Cesaro looks extremely angry, and picks up Benjamin to his feet. He backs him into the corner and connects with several mounted punches. The referee tries to back off Cesaro, but he keeps going. "7...8...9.." the crowd chants with him, but Shelton ducks under Cesaro before the last one can connect! Shelton leaps up to the second turnbuckle right behind Cesaro, and leaps off with a huge German suplex!

Cover, 1...2...Again, Cesaro kicks out. Benjamin backs off, stalking his pray, and signals to the crowd that he intends to end the match. Cesaro pulls himself up, but as Benjamin tries for another superkick, he rolls the outside at the last minute to save himself. Cesaro grabs the United States title and rolls back into the ring, being chased by Shelton Benjamin. The referee argues with Cesaro and takes the title away from him. As the ref's back is turned, Cesaro kicks his challenger in the groin with the low blow. The Neutralizer connects.


Lillian Garcia: Here's your winner, and STILL the United States Champion...Antonio Cesaro!

"Miracle" plays over the system as the crowd boos the hell out Cesaro, following the end of that match. The referee hands him the US title and he bails from the ring before Benjamin can recover. Shelton pulls himself up to the second rope, and glares as Cesaro, shaking his head. Benjamin points at the champion before bringing his fingers together, signifying "this close".

Antonio Cesaro smiles and holds up the title high into the air. He cracks his neck with one hand and poses at the top of the stage. The crowd chants "you suck" over and over again, as Raw cuts backstage to Matt Striker and Randy Orton...
Been meaning to check this out, so my apologies if this is a little late. First of all, you need to know that you may not get that much feedback because of how the section currently is. It doesn't have that much people in it but that's still fine because if they want to, they'd give you some feedback. Gotta be patient is all. As for the idea of this thread, I'm totally diggin' this. You can basically choose any title from any year and go from there, it's perfect. If I were to start one of these, I'd choose the US Title with Cesaro as well because he's such a good talent to write for.

Your promo writing skills are pretty good but that's no surprise since we all know that you can write. All these promos seem like they can be used in real life. That can sometimes be a good thing or a bad thing. It's good because you've caught his character and can write for him well. But it's a bad thing when it may get a little repetitive, so watch out for that. But so far, the two promos were different and I liked it very much.

The two matches were decently written as well. I would get rid of the quote and spoiler tags so that this format works better. I don't know, we all know it's Cesaro so you might get tired of putting the same code in. You do pretty well in your matches so I don't think you have a problem with that. I'd add in the time that the match ended and maybe a little more description would be great. But all in all, you're solid at it.

You've got good ideas, especially with this Patriot challenge thing, I like it a lot. Big fan of the superstar who made a comeback and it makes sense since there have been reports of him coming back, good job with that. So on the whole, you're doing fine dude, keep it up!
Hollywood Quality Feedback:

Hey man as promised here's some feedback on this.

First off I love your idea of working with Cesaro he seems like he'd be tons of fun to write for and I can picture every word in his voice, That's always a good thing in my book.

The two matches have been well written and a good length, Some people don't make their matches long enough or make them too long but you have a good middle between the two.

I loved the big return you did, It's both realistic and a good choice considering he is rumored to come back soon. I thought maybe Cesaro was gonna lose but then once I remembered the belt was on the line I figured he'd pick up the victory. Looking forward to seeing where you take things between these two now though.
Hollywood Quality Feedback:
First off I love your idea of working with Cesaro he seems like he'd be tons of fun to write for and I can picture every word in his voice, That's always a good thing in my book.
Yeah, I don't know if everyone does this, but I've watched enough wrestling I can kind of hear him saying it in my head. And if at any point it sounds like something I'm saying, rather than listening to a Cesaro promo, I stop and re-write that segment. I feel like a problem with some of the less experienced BT threads I've seen, is that while booking entire promotions, people tend to just have everyone's promos sound the same. It's gets kind of tedious.

I loved the big return you did, It's both realistic and a good choice considering he is rumored to come back soon. I thought maybe Cesaro was gonna lose but then once I remembered the belt was on the line I figured he'd pick up the victory. Looking forward to seeing where you take things between these two now though.
I liked writing them. THe first I just wanted to be a short match on Smackdown, where he came off looking like a beast. The usual Cesaro match. Second I wanted to be a little longer, with a commercial break in between to stretch it out. But I also wanted to tease Benjamin winning, while keeping the title on Cesaro. Knew it couldn't end clean, and this way they get to go into another match on Superstars next week.

But it's a bad thing when it may get a little repetitive, so watch out for that. But so far, the two promos were different and I liked it very much.[
I'm hoping to suplement that by getting him involved in an actual feud as soon as the Rumble. That way, there's other people cutting promos. Now...how to emulate a lisp... ;)

You've got good ideas, especially with this Patriot challenge thing, I like it a lot. Big fan of the superstar who made a comeback and it makes sense since there have been reports of him coming back, good job with that. So on the whole, you're doing fine dude, keep it up!
I'm going to have a ton of fun with the Superstar challenge. I think WWE could be making Cesaro a huge star right now, and I have so many ideas that are both awesome enough to go into a BT thread, but also completely plausible to be doing RIGHT NOW in real life. Or rather, "real life".

There's a lot of guy that have held that belt. There's even a few who's fathers have held that belt. That's all I'm going to say for now. Thanks for the feedback guys!
Bearded Review

Man how long has it been since I typed that? Anywho, Mr. Killam lets see what you have here for us.

The concept is something different that I can't recall seeing in the BT section before and the overall idea is something I could see myself doing if my current BT doesn't pan out and I want something not as exhausting as a regular show. Well done there as that drew me in from the get go.

Of course Antonio Cesaro is the champ, as he should be. Perfect starting point as we have a fresher character in Cesaro to work with. Your promos are well done, I easily visualize Cesaro here and that is a key point for keeping me tuned. When writing I want to feel that superstar, not just me reading words off a screen. Well done.

Matches have been good thus far, no real complaints. And they'll continue to get better as we get Cesaro higher up and get the use of some more superstars whenever Cesaro drops the title. Big fan of Benjamin, glad to see him get some time here and I look forward to what could be a feud. Also I may be looking into an Orton feud as that ended the show. Orton/Cesaro has been good on TV and I think you could do some special things there.

Overall it is a new concept and an interesting one at that and one I hope to see you succeed with here. Keep up the great work and I'll be sure to keep my eyes peeled for new posts. Well done sir!

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