Heymans Horseman?


Hailing from his own planet its...
Good morning WZ Forum readers and writers alike,

I, (like most wrestling fans) have to admit that I truly love Paul Heymans promos. I feel that he may be one of the greatest managers of all time.

So what i am presenting to you is the opportunity to put together a stable of wrestlers led by Heyman, something like the 4 horseman. Now i would like to keep some guidelines in mind during this experiment...

#1:This group must contain Cesaro which obviously will only leave you with 3 open slots to fill, reason being, he is the only weekly televised "Paul Heyman Guy" and i would like to keep this as relevant as possible to todays wrestling.

#2:This group CAN NOT contain Brock Lesnar. Here's why, I feel that Lesner is not an everyday kind of wrestler that you see on Raw and Smackdown or any of the other shows alike. I'd like to think that everyone would want a stable that consists of wrestlers that show up to all the tapings. Just so its easier to keep storylines up and running on a day to day basis. I personally don't like the wrestlers that only show face the raw before their big ppv match. There are plenty of other wrestlers that are far more deserving, whom put their body on the line on a nightly basis at live events.

So, lets carry on and build the perfect, up to date, Heyman Horseman stable. Here's mine,

#1: Cesaro : For obvious reasons already stated above. Plus i feel he is the next big thing. He is safely in line for a WWE World Title run.

#2: Titus O'Neil : A lot of people may not agree with this choice and that's OK. I feel that with the right push and right creative direction, T.O. can make a big impact. He's not absolutely terrible on the mic but admittedly could use a little coaching still and Heyman would be a huge help in that department. Other then that, I feel out of the locker room right now, O'Neil would greatly benefit from this position if he embraced the roll and ran with it.

#3: Corey Graves : Yes indeed you are reading this correctly, Graves has the making of a great sinister heel. The kid can wrestle, his mic work is pretty decent and he really seems to enjoy the character he is currently playing. I would keep his exactly the way he is and push with Heyman as the more deviant mastermind behind the stable.

#4: Dean Ambrose : Yup psycho Ambrose! How can you not love this guy as a heel? He has that creepy awkward, very oddness to himself that i feel really sets his character aside from the rest of the locker room. I feel that breaking away from the shield wouldn't be so bad for him if he was sent into the right direction. I'll be honest, I almost tossed Luke Harper in the #4 spot over ambrose because i feel that a cleaned up, trimmed beard, rocking a suit Harper would take him to that next platform. But, I did indeed choose Ambrose because his mic work is excellent along with his in-ring work. I can see him having a super creepy yet very exciting World title run. I have said this before and ill say it again, if Ambrose' character totally sh*t the bed and he needed a repack, i'd paint his face joker style ala Heath Ledger and let him go crazy. Sticking him with Heyman could really help him get more super heat and he is already way over.

Heymans Horseman... Who would you choose????
I give you props for typing all that, but I feel this is a horrible idea.
First of all, Paul Heyman is a great talker and his expressions are excellent, but he is no magician.
Secondly, the only purpose I see behind Cesaro being paired with Heyman, is a match against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. After that, he will most likely be done, and rightfully so.
Thirdly, we must not forget that Heyman failed with Ryback and Curtis Axel. Ryback was seen the #2 face of the company at one point, and Axel was hailed as a master technician and 2nd generation superstar. If Heyman failed with them, he will end up failing with Titus and Graves as well.
Finally, The Shield are reaching new heights every week; they will most likely be getting their biggest rub in the coming months. Splitting them (or at least one of them) at this point would be a terrible move.
I do indeed agree with everything u just said Madden, but this is just fantasy, I was just looking for a few to play along and humor me really. I will say tho, neither ryback or Axel were that great to begin with, at least the guys I named have some sort of a little talent lol
I’ll play along

Nice twist with not being allowed to include Brock. It makes the task at hand a bit more difficult. I would disagree with your assumption that everyone would want all full time members. For me Brock would be that extraordinary gem that when he is present you know the faction is really cranking it up. On the other hand, Brock as a character isn’t really a stable sort of guy. Sure he runs with Heyman but is simple as a manager and mouthpiece. I can’t see the character believe he needs any in ring alliances.

Leader/Manager: Paul Heyman – Duh shit, it’s the topic at hand. I do list him as leader thou as I hate factions that are strictly based around what’s best for one individual.

Client One: Cesaro – Tremendous upside and an incredible all around pro wrestling talent.

Client Two: Cody Rhodes – It is about time for Cody to shine again and an alliance with Paul E. could be just the right trigger he needs.

Client Three: Bo Dallas – Recently recalled from NXT and hoping for a long prosperous future. I can hear it now, “My name is Paul Heyman and I am a Boliever in Do Dallas. Bo Dallas is a Boliever in Paul Heyman.”

Client Four: Mason Ryan – I feel the group needs that bulky muscle. I would have Mason frequently work side by side with Bo as a tag team or a bodyguard type.

At some point it would be sweet to see Cesaro and Rhodes with the US and IC titles while Dallas and Ryan hold tag gold. There could be dissension amongst over Heyman constantly talking up Brock as a should be WWE WHC.
I'm not gonna lie, I don't dislike the idea however it isn't the greatest and probably will not happen so based on sheer fantasy and somewhat according to current storylines I'll make my pics.

THE LEADER - Paul Heyman, I mean its just obvious he is the leader due to it being his group, right?

1 - Cesaro, he's already in the whole Paul Heyman Guy mix and is fine the way he is with Heyman and I see him excelling as soon he gets into a solid feud.

2 - Mark Henry, the veteran and the muscle get mixed here and I think Henry has all the talent and his heel character with the hall of pain is just awesome, now if he gets a even better mouth piece than what else can you ask for?

3 - Corey Graves, I was legit thinking him when I read the title of this forum and seeing this as one of your guys just made me think that others want him with Heyman too. Graves is just your perfect heel with that in ring style which is quite entertaining to watch and he resonates an aura which is quite the mix of several stars.

4 - The Miz, he's my wildcard in this whole mix but I have always that a Miz/Heyman combo could work wonders because I think the Miz is decent in the ring and to give him a fresh mouth piece could just elevate his career so much after the giant slump it's taken since main eventing WM.

4 - If not the Miz my pick is a heel KOFI KINGSTON. Give Kofi Kingston a losing streak for a few weeks and have him finally snap on the last one and beat a fan favorite up ( Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, etc.,) He takes a month off and Paul Heyman teases that he has a new Paul Heyman guy and he's coming very soon.

On Raw Cesaro is put into a handicap situation and we hear some new music and out comes a Kofi Kingston who is dressed up all nice with his hair up in a pony. He comes in the ring teasing to beat up Cesaro but turns around and evens the odds with Cesaro. Paul Heyman announces the new Paul Heyman guy, is here.
You know what? I like this idea for a thread. Not so much real life, but I like the thread.

My choices here;

#1: Cesaro - of course. The King of Swing. He has to be kept and I wouldn't change him anyway. However, I would tag him up with a heel...

#2: Sami Zayn. - My first NXT call up would be Zayn. Cesaro and Zayn have all the chemistry in the world and these two SHOULD work together when Zayn comes up.

#3: Big E. - Big E NEEDS a heel push. A proper heel push. He also NEEDS a manager due to his mic work not being too nice. Pair him with Heyman and there ya have it. A guaranteed future world champion.

#4: Daniel Bryan. - THE shock swerve of the group. Heyman's guys have 3. Bryan loses the title, and then goes on to win a #1 contenders match. Bryan loses. Bryan gets another shot. This one, labelled as his final ever chance at the WWE WHC. If he loses, he gets no more shots. Hell, make it Lesnar that he has to get the title back from. Heyman comes down to the ring during the match, Lesnar thinks he has it won, lifts Bryan up for an F5 and Cesaro takes out the back of his leg, leading to Bryan winning the title by falling on Lesnar into a pin and then Lesnar raising the hand of his newest Heyman guy...Daniel Bryan.
Paul E: The leader, mouthpiece, what have you.

1. Randy Orton: The "Ric Flair" of Heyman's group. Let's face it the guy's young, good-looking, can cut a hell of a promo when prompted, was nurtured by Flair himself, and he's still young enough to lead a dynasty. Orton will be the guy every other member of the group tries to keep the WWE title on.

2. Cesaro: The muscle of the group and would fit in the Arn Anderson role, but more of a title hunter than Arn was. The next "one" after Orton.

3. Jack Swagger: Technical master and could seriously benefit from having 4 other guys to lean on when cutting a promo. Plus it would be awesome to see Swagger and Cesaro re-unite under the banner of Heyman.

4. Bo Dallas: The young guy that the three vets take under their wing and shape into the next star. Could earn some pretty huge wins and make it believable with Cesaro, Swagger, and Heyman always interfering. Also would be able to learn from Orton and especially Heyman on what it takes to be a great promo guy in the future.
I have to admit that my initial batch of chosen few did include Bo Dallas, oddly enough a heel Kingston came to mind also, I did have Cody in the line-up too. Thanks to all who played along and please check out my next post which may ormay not be more less a rant...
Bring back The Dangerous Alliance.

Leader/Manager - Paul Heyman.
Bad News Barrett, together with Heyman, this pair could be gold.
Cesaro - every heel group has a member who gets the crowd backing, Cesaro fits that bill.
The Ascension - Heyman can be the mouthpiece, these guys can conquer the tag-division.
First off he cant be faulted for Ryback...he got him when he was already damaged goods after. I mean his losing streak was at Zak Ryder levels ...and then was forced to job right away again to Punk...Hyeman could have helped if Ryback went off air AND THEN CAME BACK AND ACTUALLY WON...but it nigh impossible to get over a loser
as to Axel bad booking doomed him....sure he "Beat HHH and Cena" but both were flooky wins and he was made to look weak in both even to a concussed Hunter

Now as to my Heyman Horseman I say Sandow, Titus and Brodus
Thirdly, we must not forget that Heyman failed with Ryback and Curtis Axel. Ryback was seen the #2 face of the company at one point, and Axel was hailed as a master technician and 2nd generation superstar. If Heyman failed with them, he will end up failing with Titus and Graves as well.
Finally, The Shield are reaching new heights every week; they will most likely be getting their biggest rub in the coming months. Splitting them (or at least one of them) at this point would be a terrible move.
I give you props for typing all that, but I feel this is a horrible idea.
First of all, Paul Heyman is a great talker and his expressions are excellent, but he is no magician.
Secondly, the only purpose I see behind Cesaro being paired with Heyman, is a match against Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. After that, he will most likely be done, and rightfully so.
Thirdly, we must not forget that Heyman failed with Ryback and Curtis Axel. Ryback was seen the #2 face of the company at one point, and Axel was hailed as a master technician and 2nd generation superstar. If Heyman failed with them, he will end up failing with Titus and Graves as well.
Finally, The Shield are reaching new heights every week; they will most likely be getting their biggest rub in the coming months. Splitting them (or at least one of them) at this point would be a terrible move.

This. Paul Hey man is great, but I don't think ANOTHER stable is what WWE (or TNA) needs.
Its a Worldwide International stable with mostly a European flavor. Heyman searched to world for the right combination. Some were in WWE already, some aren't. Clearly Switzerland isn't in the UK but I like the name I have so I think its close enough.

Name: "The United Kings"

Leader: Cesaro, Heel World title contender. Uses Heyman great managerial skill to continuously get title shots or keep the title.

Tag Team: Drew McIntyre and William Regal - Drew can work as good as anyone but learnng from Regal is only going to make him better. I know he's getting up there but I recently saw his work with Ambrose and Ohno/Hero over the last 2-2.5 years. I think he has one for good run in him in a tag team.

"Rookie": Prince Devitt - Now I will admit I do not know an awful lot about this guy but the popular consensus he's coming to WWE and he's almost a finished product. A few weeks at NXT to make sure he has adapted to the "WWE Main Event Style".

if i can break the rules a little and ad a 5th member.

Enforcer: Mason Ryan - He can intimidate just by standing there and Heyman could build him up as a beast. I know it didn't work with Ryback, I think the reason is Ryback had an established character. The adding of Heyman just didn't fit, square peg round hole.
Didn't Heyman have his "Horseman" like stable way back in WCW...
The Dangerous Alliance?? I think it was called.
Didn't Heyman have his "Horseman" like stable way back in WCW...
The Dangerous Alliance?? I think it was called.

that would have been a better premise for this post. Simply because when you think of factions and them being "horsemen like" its the same formula, World title contender, Young/Old tag team and a young guy to mentor...
See the original purpose of Evolution. HHH, Batista/Flair, and Orton.

The Dangerous Alliance on the other hand had I think as many 7 members, 8 when you count Medusa. Since WCW only had Missy and York/Marlena/Terri and they don't wrestle Medusa was essentially sort of like early Chyna was. An intimidating woman that could hurt you and you cannot hit back.

It made for great combinations with Rick Rude, a really young Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Larry Zbyszko, Bobby Eaton, and even PS Hayes for a bit. Come to think of it, Austin and Arn are HoFers,

I think Paul Heyman gets in no question,
Larry Z is back on good terms so I think he does soon now that Bruno is in. Bruno would induct him I'd bet.
Rick Rude no question will, they just don't like to induct 2 posthumous members in the same year and I understand why.
I'm calling the Free-birds finally get the call for Mania 32, rumored to be in Dallas TX where they were the best.
the only exception possibly being Eaton. He deserves it but I just don't see the Midnights and Jim Cornette getting the call.

So using that premise a 2014 DA with Heyman, how about;
1. Cesaro
2. Damian Sandow
Drew McIntyre
Camacho as Meng or Haku jr, something that uses his family lineage. Paul managed the SST for a bit.
Either Kofi or JTG with a heel makeover, every large heel faction needs a D.B.J. Designated Bumper and Jobber.
Tamina Snuka as a wrestler and co-manager on Camacho. the Samoan/Tongan connection.
and David Otunga, Paul frequently mentions his late father, who was a lawyer, is why he was able to keep ECW alive as long as he did. he could wrestle or just be like in house counsel for Paul.

Now ends my history lesson on the Dangerous Alliance, there will be a test later :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
LEADER - Hayman

MEMBER 1 - Cesaro

MEMBER 2 - Bad News Barrett. Easily one of the most over Heels on the roster at the moment and if you include Paul Hayman to the equation, Then Bad News Barrett could very well be the next big thing.

MEMBERS 3+4 - The Ascension. I still don't understand why these guys are still down in NXT, But when they do finally come up, I have no doubt that they will dominate the Tag Division and with Hayman in there corner they may very well be unstoppable.
I do love Paul E, but I like his current role be paired with those who need a "voice". If I were doing the Horsemen type, I'd probably use someone other than him in the JJ Dillon role.

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