Hey Xfearbefore (Horror Movie Suggestions)

Moon Knight

Original Prince of Darkness
Since you are the only horror fan I know of in here, got any suggestions? I have netflix for a while and want some good horror movies to watch. Also any suggestions on some good J-Horror or and foreign horror? If anybody else has suggestions say so.
TDigs is good to talk to as well.

For foreign horror, I highly recommend you acquaint yourself with the current French movement of horror films, and look for the films Martyrs and Inside. The Spanish film [Rec] is very good as well. When it comes to J-Horror if you've never seen a film by Takashi Miike, that's the place to start. You can't go wrong with anything from the 70s or most of the 80s when it comes to Dario Argento too if you're interested in Italian horror, which is very unique to say the least.

Right now I'm watching a random horror film actually, something called Reeker that I heard some good words about online.

If you want something disturbing I'd say give Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer a rental. It's what the picture in my signature is from.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot. Right now most of the horror movies I have seen don't stray far beyond Halloween, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on elm street. Seen candyman but I am thirsting for something different and less cheesy. I am waiting on Juon to arrive though, I assume you have heard of it. Right now I my knowledge on horror is to limited and I want that to change.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot. Right now most of the horror movies I have seen don't stray far beyond Halloween, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on elm street. Seen candyman but I am thirsting for something different and less cheesy. I am waiting on Juon to arrive though, I assume you have heard of it. Right now I my knowledge on horror is to limited and I want that to change.

Well most of the movies I just recommended are definitely very different from your typical Halloween/Friday/Nightmare film, but I take it that's what you're looking for. Ju-on is very good, the original at least, not the absolutely TERRIBLE American remake, something about those creepy fucking Kabuki girls give me the willies.

Yeah if you ever want horror film suggestions I'd say myself, TDigs, JMT, and Jake (if he's ever on) are probably the best people to talk to.

Henry just creeps me out every time I watch it though. Especially since it's in large part based on the real serial killer Henry Lee Lucas.

Suspiria is a must-see if you've never seen that.
I am looking for something different, not so much those slasher films. Streaming on netflix limits me though.
Speaking of this movie Reeker I'm watching, I just laughed incredibly loudly at a line of dialogue this woman said. A character just saved her and her friend from this murderous spirit, and he's missing half of his left arm, and the woman says to him "Jesus Trent, are you okay?!"...

His arm. Is missing. What the fuck do you think bitch?
Give Stephen King a shot.

Movies like IT, Pet Semetary, Sleepwalkers, and others are really good, IMO.
...Your name isn't xfearbefore. And I'm sure DIAR has seen those movies, most people have. He's looking for something completely different.

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