Hey, remember that lawsuit Daffney filed against TNA?


Is a thin rope
Turns out, shit's about to go down.

It has been around nine months since we had any update on Daffney‘s Workers’ Compensation claim against TNA, but Ringbelles has secured some information on the situation, and it could potentially lead to one of the biggest shake-ups in wrestling history. It could cause ripple effects not just through TNA, but also to WWE.

It was always telling that Daffney (Shannon Spruill) filed a Workers’ Comp lawsuit instead of a personal injury one, which could have been another avenue for her to be compensated for concussions which she suffered on TNA shows and effectively ended her in-ring career. The reason for that is because she wants to test the claim that wrestlers are “independent contractors”, which means that they are responsible for their own medical insurance and do not enjoy the same sort of protection and benefits that a regular employee would – similar to the lawsuit that Raven, Mike Sanders and Chris Kanyon filed against WWE back in 2008 – but was dismissed, partly because their claims were barred by statute of limitations.

TNA is to mediate with Spruill tomorrow – if a settlement is not reached, the case will go to court, when it will then be up to a judge to see if wrestlers under a contract, booked to appear at places on certain dates, be told to execute a planned outcome and not have the freedom to accept booking elsewhere are truly “independent contractors” or if they should be classified as employees. Rather than just looking to satisfy her medical bills which have left her out of pocket, Spruill’s case could create a legal judgement which means all wrestlers in places like WWE and TNA could legally have to become staff.

Were that to happen, both companies would likely have to face huge tax bills as well as an increase in costs due to having to sort out benefits and insurance. On the flip side, the wrestlers on the roster would have medical cover for their injuries. That would be more of an issue in TNA than WWE, considering wrestlers working for Vince McMahon are generally well taken care of, while there have been cases in TNA such as with Ron “R-Truth” Killings, Konnan and Jesse Neal where medical bills were a cause of tension, and April Hunter pointed out having to sign a medical waiver was a big reason why she never signed to wrestle with them.

It is possible that TNA would not want a lot of its dirty laundry aired in public as part of a court case where there could be a chance that a judge could decide that wrestlers should be classified as employees. There may be a settlement at the mediation stage tomorrow, with a confidentiality agreement signed which would bar Spruill from discussing the case any further. However, should that not happen and mediation ends without a settlement, the issue will be taken to court for a hearing on the motion on the same day.

Tomorrow could be a massive day for pro wrestling and pro wrestlers. We’ll keep you posted.

If TNA doesn't settle and the judge sides with Daffney this has some pretty fucking big consequences for the big three (well big two and ROH) US companies.
Are you saying Bret Hart can't be feasibly classified in the "bitter old man" category as well?

I'm sure he can. If you had two strokes, got screwed out of your job by a guy you looked up to, had so many of your family members die, one due to falling from the roof of an arena you'd probably be pretty bitter too. Not saying he isn't bitter, wasn't even saying Ventura was bitter, I was saying it as humor, kinda what I'm known for.
Are you saying Bret Hart can't be feasibly classified in the "bitter old man" category as well?

1000% can, and should be.

This is a long time coming, really. The percentage the wrestlers recieve from revenue is pathetic, and the lack of medical coverage and accomodations is one of the things that makes wrestling look like a redneck weekend public access channel sport, instead of something comparable to the NFL, NBA, etc.

Vince wanted to grow his company past the old timey ways of the territory system, but keep the same deplorable benefits and payment system for the workers. Basically, he wanted to modernize, but only to were it would benefit him, not the people breaking their backs for them. Many have asked why someone would not persue wrestling while being so passionate about it, and I tell them its an impossible way of life, from a monetary standpoint. Only the top ten to twenty at any given point really make any kind of wealth from it.

Eventually, you arent going to be able to have it both ways, Vince.

Personally, I would prefer to see the garunteed money in the contracts come down a bit, but medical coverage and a higher percentage of ticket, tv, and merch revanue given to the workers. Also, shared revenue, not case by case, so as someone isnt put into the soup kitchen because the company feels like minimizing their character.
Are you saying Bret Hart can't be feasibly classified in the "bitter old man" category as well?

Nah, I'd qualify him more in the "bitter old cripple" category. Much more spittle when he yells at the kids of today.

This may be naive on my part, but I'd really like to think Triple H will change this when he comes to power. Reports are saying he's much more accessible to the talent. He was a wrestler, too, and knows he has the means; maybe he can change the way business is done for WWE

Triple H may be the hero the WWE needs, but not the one it deserves

This may be naive on my part, but I'd really like to think Triple H will change this when he comes to power. Reports are saying he's much more accessible to the talent. He was a wrestler, too, and knows he has the means; maybe he can change the way business is done for WWE

Triple H may be the hero the WWE needs, but not the one it deserves

Nah, he's the hero we deserve.
I don't wish any harm to come to Vince, but the business is going to be so much better when Triple H is calling the shots.
I'm hoping Vince hands over power at Wrestlemania 30 and takes a Hall of Fame induction or something. It'd be better to be around and guide Triple H in fields he may not be as familiar with than die and not be around to do so.
I don't wish any harm to come to Vince, but the business is going to be so much better when Triple H is calling the shots.

I don't understand why you or so many others think this. Nobody outside the business truly knows how he is as boss, all we get are some greatly exaggerated "news" reports and columns written by folks who aren't even with WWE on some dirtsheets that say he is better.

If business goes up when he is in charge, then the statement is correct. If it stays the same, than the statement above is pure conjecture based on very little actual proof.
the way I look at it...Daffney knew that by getting into Wrestling she would have to take bad bumps and could get concussion more than once working for different companies.

but I thought Daffney and TNA settled this months ago? obviously I was wrong.
the way I look at it...Daffney knew that by getting into Wrestling she would have to take bad bumps and could get concussion more than once working for different companies.

but I thought Daffney and TNA settled this months ago? obviously I was wrong.

She suffered burns to something like six percent of her body. There are times when certain injuries go further than a "bump," this is one of those times. Whether she agreed to it and knew about the reprecussions is the issue.

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