Hey RANDY; comparing the now product versus back then

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Please excuse me if this has been posted already; please move it to the necessary thread/forum. Anyway, its clearly obvious the Cena and Orton are the WWE's top faces and they both are the champs of their respected shows. We ALL know that Orton is pretty much better than Cena in EVERYTHING except merchandise sales; the E had to seperate Orton from Cena so that he could branch out and develop even more and lead the locker room and what not. These two are the biggest "active" draws in the company; they are similar to two WWF icons IMO: Hogan and Savage.

Knowing the history of Hogan and Savage and their WWF days, do you see:

1. similarities/comparisons with Cena/Orton personalities, characters, and abilities that we saw in Hogan and Savage

2. think that if there were two WWF shows in the 80s/90s that Hogan and Savage would be in the Cena/Orton mold

3. drawing/star power

4. how much Savage could have benefited more being away from Hogan

5. how superstars like Hart, Hennig, Rude, Bossman, Undertaker, Flair, and Warrior would have turned out

6. Which current current star would best suit the Warrior gimmick

What are your thoughts?
"Satisfaction is the death of DESIRE".....CM Punk
Actually, I disagree. Savage was not the number 2 guy, it was most definitely Warrior. Bash him all you want in hindsight, but Warrior was definitely ranked above Savage
1. I think we've gone over those at least 10,000 times. However, the Savage comparison is a bit new. WHen it comes to Orton and Savage, and Cena and Savage for that matter, I don't see many similarities. Their characters and styles are completely different.

2. Them being on two seperate shows? It would have been like it is now. Both of them sailing through the rest of the competition due to vitamins and prayers.

3. All four men drew. FACT.. However, I don;t think Savage was the number two guy. Think of it like a movie. He's kinda like the supporting character who everyone loves. If Hogan was number one, I'd have to say either Andre or Warrior was number two.

4. If Savage and Hogan weren't always in the same boat, it would've been a back and frontlash. Everyone big needs that opposite, or enemy, or just person they were associated with. Good thing being that Savage could've been just as big as Hogan.

5.:confused: the same, although Ultimate Warrior might've been done differently

6. That's a hard one. Someone who needs reinventing, and is full of mystery and could have people going.(Some people think there were two Ultimate Warriors.)

Sorry. I did my best to answer the questions. They didn't make much sense.:blush:
I think Savage and Warrior were both "number 2" guys behind Hogan; what im saying is that from a face and talent standpoint, could Savage have had more or been more if there where seperate shows back then. Im referring to Orton as Savage and Cena as Hulk.
Actually, I disagree. Savage was not the number 2 guy, it was most definitely Warrior. Bash him all you want in hindsight, but Warrior was definitely ranked above Savage

No. It was Savage. Warrior was more of a 3 guy who Vince took a gamble on by giving him an "Irresistable Force" kind of gimmick with zero wrestle ability, and it just happened to work. If he ever was the number 2 guy, it was for a very short amount of time, as he was released 3 times in the 90s.

Knowing the history of Hogan and Savage and their WWF days, do you see:

1. similarities/comparisons with Cena/Orton personalities, characters, and abilities that we saw in Hogan and Savage

2. think that if there were two WWF shows in the 80s/90s that Hogan and Savage would be in the Cena/Orton mold

3. drawing/star power

4. how much Savage could have benefited more being away from Hogan

5. how superstars like Hart, Hennig, Rude, Bossman, Undertaker, Flair, and Warrior would have turned out

6. Which current current star would best suit the Warrior gimmick

What are your thoughts?

Great question, and this is going to be fun!

1.) If we're talking Cena to Hogan and Orton to Savage, then here's what I came up with: Savage was by FAR the more superior worker to Hogan. It's the same with Orton, but to not quite as large of an extent. Cena and Hogan were both the top guys, while Savage and Orton were (are) like their understudies. Although now, Orton seems like a top of the mountain guy in his own right now that he's the top face on Smackdown, and he too, like Cena is starring in movies. Savage never had that flexibility (which I'll address in a bit). Other thing important to note is how whenever Hogan mixed it up with Savage, Hogan would always be the one to take clean victories, and ultimately win the feud. It was the exact same with Cena, and were you to book them together now, lets face it; it would be awfully difficult for Orton to go over cleanly.

2.) I do think that were there to be two WWF shows in the 80s, the two would be split up if, and only IF the brand split were to happen after their feud. If they were yet to feud, I do not see a dual-show style being possible, as the star power on show two would be very limited. It's really hard to say given that wrestling is handled a lot differently now.

3.) Both guys had unique enough characters to get over based on drawing/star power on different shows. That, I'm sure of.

4.) Once again, assuming the dual-show concept occurs after the feud, I do think Savage could have benefited being away from Hogan. First off, we'd hear his name in the same sentence as Hogan, Stone Cold, Flair, Rocky quite a bit more often, as he would have had his own world title to chase and win. I believe he only had a couple WWF title reigns anyway... all due to Hogan having to have the title as much as possible. That would have been different. He also could have made reinvented himself a little bit more, being the total focus of a second wrestling product. Because lets face it; it's one thing to be a main eventer, and another thing to be a larger than life figure like Hogan was. Savage would have had every opportunity to become just that, as well as feud with a lot of ex-Hogan rivals (ie Earthquake, Undertaker, Sgt. Slaughter, etc.)

5.) It's interesting, because some guys would have benefited more than others. I think were there to have been a brand split, Hennig and DiBiase would have absolutely been WWF Champions. Possibly Rick Rude as well. They may have even had face turns, depending on what the rosters for both shows looked like. Warrior would have gone unchanged, since he'd be on show one having the 'superbattle' with Hogan anyway. And then he would have inevitably gone crazy and gotten released, just as he did in real life. However, guys like Taker, Hart, and HBK would have been hurt by this, as having one title to chase after is far more significant than two. And WWF title matches created those legends. So I think you would have seen more stars born, fewer HUGE stars born, Warrior meeting his fate, and fewer guys jumping to WCW as well.

6.) Current star with the Warrior gimmick... it would be very hard to do, as people no longer see wrestlers as cartoon characters. But if I were to choose one, I'd go with Sheamus.
@4-real - good answers dude and way to be subjective and not objective; you saw what I was going for and what the underline meaning of this thread was....when this brand split happened years ago, I always wondered what would have happened to the guys of that era had that been done....
I always get confused when people compare the generations. Both generations were completely different aside from the similar gimmicks between Cena and Hogan, and even that is kinda wrong to do because NO ONE booed Hogan. And then you have someone like Warrior who people consider the number 2 face behind instead of Savage. I believe Warrior was better and popular back then, but then again its all opinion. I like him for his insane ass promos but still. Considering how hated Warrior was I dont think its fair to say he was the number 2 face. I look at what the fans thought and what fans thought behind the scenes. He was voted most overrated and worst wrestler MANY TIMES. Worst matches, you dont see Orton being voted for that. So I would compare Savage to Orton clearly. If you wanna compare Warrior to someone it would be Batista. That third wheel who was popular in their own right, did the rope shake, held the world title, but had some of the worst in ring skills and promo skills depending on who you talk to. Ortons personality is not going to be like Cena's. For that reason he will never be the face the company. I see Orton becoming ONE of the top faces, and then later on becoming the backbone to provide great matches like Triple H and Taker, but Randy doesnt need to change his personality because Cena is Cena, and Orton is Orton. I just dont see the dynamic between Hogan and Warrior as I do between Hogan and Savage. They were the mega powers and main evented Mania a couple of times. Hogan and Warrior main evented once where Hogan lost, but I dont consider that a deal breaker in regards to how Warrior should be ranked. He had some of the worst matches, and worst storylines. Yea he only held the world title once, but that was for a reason. Savage always had great matches: Hogan, Steamboat, DiBiase, Rhodes. Warrior was a politician, and he is today literally, and he was hated for lack of skills. He was popular with the kids just like Batista was, but of course way more. End of story, Savage is to Orton, what Warrior is to Batista
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